Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency:an introduction about its pathogenic reasons and etiology, syndrome differentiation and syndromes.

Syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ✵Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years. Through thousands of years of practice, it has been proved that Chinese medicine is effective and feasible in treating diseases, preventing diseases and maintaining health. The treatment of diseases with traditional Chinese medicine has saved countless lives. The treatment of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine is macro and comprehensive.

 The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine is derived from and guided by long-term clinical practice. Through the analysis of the phenomenon, the internal mechanism is explored. Therefore, this unique theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine has two basic characteristics, one is the overall-concept, the other is the dialectical treatment.

Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency
 ✵Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency: the Hectic fever due to Yin deficiency is a syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a kind of deficiency fever caused by depletion of blood essence and body fluid.                      

 ✵Etiology: body Yin deficiency, fatigue and much thinking, sexual activity, internal hurt Yin, fever for a long period and consumption injury of Yin fluid.                      

 ✵Typical symptoms: afternoon hot flash, or night fever, do not want to wear clothes, heat in palms of hand and foot, irritability, five upset heat and turn severe at afternoon, night sweat, dry mouth and dry pharynx, red tongue, or have cracks, tongue coating less or no. Complications: consumption, insomnia(could not sleep), heart palpitations and uneasy, chest tightness, blood deficiency, hemoptysis, epistaxis, irregular menstruation and other symptoms.                      

 The identification should be based on the history and manifestations. Observation result tongue is red, or has cracks, with little or no tongue coating, and the pulse fine rapid.

Common Syndromes of Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency.
Common Syndromes of Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency. 
 ✦Common syndromes of Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency are introduced as:

 ✧1.Osteopyrexia and fever: it is also known as bone steaming and hot flash, the manifestation of liver and kidney Yin deficiency,  is the syndrome of Yin fluid deficiency of liver and kidney viscera, mostly caused by prolonged illness injury to the kidney, or deficiency of body constitution and sexual strain(exhaustion due to sexual indulgence), or excessive use of herbs or food with nature of warm dryness and result depletion of Yin.                      

 Hot flashes refer to the heat on time, or thermal potential increase in time, like the tides. Higher at 3 to 5 PM. Low fever in the afternoon or night is the afternoon or night hot flashes. Bone steaming and hot flashes are heat radiating from the bones and the feeling of sending outside introversion, known as bone steaming hot flashes. Mostly due to Yin deficiency and excess fire, Yin deficiency and lack in body fluid, imbalance of Yin and Yang, Yang excess, afternoon the Yang of Wei gradually going inward, at night the Yang of Wei going inside, aggravated the internal excess heat and generate internal heat or low fever. Deep inside is the meaning of "bone", "steaming" is the meaning of fumigation, so-called bone steaming.                       

 Etiology: the bone steaming and hot flash is mainly due to liver-kidney Yin deficiency, the syndrome that liver-kidney viscera Yin fluid is insufficient, hurt kidney by chronic illness, deficiency of body constitution and sexual strain(exhaustion due to sexual indulgence), or excessive use of herbs or food with nature of warm dryness and result depletion of Yin.                      

 ✧2.Pathogenic heat hidden internally: It is often observed in syndrome of tuberculosis, anemia, other chronic consumptive syndromes, often affect those with body constitution of Yin deficiency with excessive heat, symptoms of heat or fever at night and mild in the morning, heat retreat without perspiration, normal appetite but thin, red tongue, and tongue coating less, pulse rapid.                      

 ✧3.Fire excess from Yin deficiency: it is often observed bone steaming and hot flash, night sweat, and seminal emission, cough and hemoptysis, upset and irritable(vexation, easy to anger), pain and heat in feet and knees, consumptive thirst and easy to hunger, red tongue and less tongue coating, chi pulse rapid and powerful.                      

 ✧4.Yin deficiency fever:symptoms vomiting blood and epistaxis, or after malaria or cold-induced disease with repeated sweating, much perspiration, Yin deficient and body fluid injury, polydipsia could not be relieved, hot flashes do not retreat, pulse feeble.                      

 ✧5.Deficiency stagnation of Ying blood: symptoms palpitation, insomnia(could not sleep), dizziness and dazzled, pale complexion(looks pale), irregular menstruation of woman, less volume or amenorrhea, pale tongue, pulse fine and string-like or fine uneven.

Other Syndromes of Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency.
Other Syndromes of Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency. 
 ✦Other syndromes of Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency are introduced:

 ✧ Consumption or strain, weakness and emaciation in severe state, reduced appetite and drink(take little food or drink), panting and cough(gasp for breath, cough), low fever or body heat, pulse feeble and rapid, or blood exhaustion and amenorrhea of woman; mainly due to much thinking and worry hurt the spleen and stomach.                      

 ✧Consumption or strain, pulse string-like and rapid fine weak, squamous and dry skin, thin and weak(emaciated), take food but muscle and tendons not strong, or spontaneous perspiration, or cough, or panting(gasp for breath, short of breath), or irregular alternating cold and fever, or many dreams, loss of essence and Qi;(plus and minus: case of severe in Qi phase, panting, perspiration, cold first heat later and perspiration, pulse feeble weak, etc.)                       

 ✧Consumption or strain, fever or heat on body, panting(breathe heavily, gasp for breath) or cough, pulse rapid and weak; is the condition of consumptive low fever mainly due to Yin deficiency, lung deficiency with symptoms deficient heat burning in the lung, itchy and cough, or hurt the lung and often cough; or kidney yin deficiency with symptoms difficulty in breath, cough and rising of Qi, or even panting rapidly; or spleen deficiency with symptoms pulse rapid; women may observe other symptoms exhaustion of blood and amenorrhea(menischesis or amenia);                      

 ✧Consumption or strain, fever, panting(breathe heavily, gasp for breath) or cough, or spontaneous sweating, palpitation in the heart, or diarrhea due to inhibited urination(difficulty in urination), or with symptoms of Yin deficiency, polydipsia(vexed, thirst), or amenorrhea(menischesis or amenia) of woman over months or years;                      

 ✧Chronic Yin deficiency for long period, affect the lung and lung deficiency with phlegm, cough and consumptive panting(breathe heavily, gasp for breath due to strain);                      

 ✧Yin deficiency of spleen and lung, reduced appetite or no appetite(take less food, or no desire to take food), hectic fever and cough, with other possible symptoms of Yin deficiency including fever or hot flash afternoon, cough and spit sputum and saliva whole night, pulse feeble and rapid string-like;                      

 ✧Yin deficiency of spleen and lung, reduced appetite or no appetite(take less food, or no desire to take food), hectic fever and cough, with other possible symptoms kidney failing to promote inspiration, panting(breathe heavily, gasp for breath);                      

 ✧Yin deficiency of kidney and lung, cough or panting(breathe heavily, gasp for breath), or ache and pain in low back and knees, or powerless in limbs(lack in strength in arms legs hands and feet);                      

 ✧Yin deficiency and Yang deficiency, lost support of Yin and Yang after serious illness, Yang exhaustion with symptoms panting(breathe heavily, gasp for breath), or spontaneous perspiration(spontaneous sweating), eyes look above, or palpitation and uneasy in heart, Yin exhaustion with symptoms seminal emission, or aconuresis(.incontinence of urine), or diarrhea, fever or heat at upper part and cold at lower part. 

  • 1.Hectic Fever due to Yin Deficiency:an introduction about its pathogenic reasons and etiology, syndrome differentiation and syndromes.
  • 2.Su Wen:the Plain Questions of Huangdi's Internal Classic.By 黄帝(the Yellow Emperor).
  • 3.Ling Shu:the Spiritual Pivot of Huangdi's Internal Classic.By 黄帝(the Yellow Emperor).
  • 3.Nan Jing:the Difficult Classic.By 秦越人(Qín Yuèrén).
  • 4.Jin Kui Yao Lue Fang Lun:the Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber.By 张仲景(Zhāng Zhòngjǐng),王叔和(Wáng Shūhé),林亿(Lín Yì),高宝衡(Gāo Bǎohéng).
  • 5.Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun:the General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases.By 巢元方(Cháo Yuánfāng).
  • 6.Qian Jin Yao Fang:Invaluable Prescriptions.By 孙思邈(Sūn Sīmiǎo).
  • 7.Pi Wei Lun,or Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach.By 李东垣(Lǐ Dōngyuán).
  • 8.Danxi Xinfa:the Mastery of Medicine.9.Gezhi Yu Lun, Further Discourses on the Properties of Things.By 朱丹溪(Zhū Dānxī).
  • 10.Jing Yue Quan Shu:the Complete Works of Jing Yue.By 张景岳(Zhāng Jǐngyuè).

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