Self Help Health Tools:Healthy Weight Calculator for Man and Women

Self Help Health Tools ✵Useful online Self Help Tools and Health Tools available,enjoy them for health conditions calculation and conversions:Weight Unit Converter, Currency Conversion, Capacity and Volume Conversion, Length Conversion, Online Calculator, Ideal Weight Calculator, Healthy Weight Calculator for Man and Women, BMI(Body Mass Index) Calculator, Waist-hip Ratio Calculator, Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR) Calculator, Weight Loss Calculator, Daily Calories Burned Calculator, Walking Calorie Burn Calculator, etc.

Healthy Weight Calculator for Man and Women
Healthy Weight Calculator for Man and Women 
 Calculate Healthy Weight! Healthy weight is a range of weights recommended for generally healthy adults. How is your healthy weight calculated? Your healthy weight is based on your Body Mass Index (BMI). This calculator is intended to be used as a general guide for adults and does not apply if you are pregnant, very muscular or fit and in all circumstances.
Healthy Weight Calculator for Men
  No physical exertion is required for this Healthy Weight Calculator. You simply need to enter your Height information, into the form below.
Height : (feet) (inches)
Your Healthy Weight : pounds

  NOTE: If your actual body weight falls within 10% (above or below) the weight calculated, you are within a healthy weight range!
  Note: This calculator is not intended for those under the age of 18, under 5 ft. tall or over 7 ft. tall.
  Not sure your height in Feet? Convert your height from Centimeters to Feet and Inches!
Healthy Weight Calculator for Women
  No physical exertion is required for this Healthy Weight Calculator. You simply need to enter your Height information, into the form below.
Height : (feet) (inches)
Your Healthy Weight : pounds

  NOTE: Try comparing this number with your BMI to see where you fall. If you are above your recommended healthy weight and BMI, you should consider taking steps reduce your weight.
  Note: This calculator is not intended for those under the age of 18, under 5 ft. tall or over 7 ft. tall.
  Not sure your height in Feet? Convert your height from Centimeters to Feet and Inches!
 ♣ Assessing Your Weight:

  A high amount of body fat can lead to weight-related diseases and other health issues and being underweight can also put one at risk for health issues. BMI and waist circumference are two measures that can be used as screening tools to estimate weight status in relation to potential disease risk. However, BMI and waist circumference are not diagnostic tools for disease risks. A trained healthcare provider should perform other health assessments in order to evaluate disease risk and diagnose disease status.

  ♣ How to Measure and Interpret Weight Status:

  Adult Body Mass Index or BMI:Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness and having a low BMI can be an indicator of having too low body fatness. BMI can be used as a screening tool but is not diagnostic of the body fatness or health of an individual.

  To calculate your BMI, see the BMI Calculator. Or determine your BMI by finding your height and weight in this BMI Index Chart 1.

  If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range.

  If your BMI is 18.5 to 24.9, it falls within the normal or Healthy Weight range.

  If your BMI is 25.0 to 29.9, it falls within the overweight range.

  If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obese range.

  Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height is described as overweight or obese. Weight that is lower than what is considered as healthy for a given height is described as underweight.

  At an individual level, BMI can be used as a screening tool but is not diagnostic of the body fatness or health of an individual. A trained healthcare provider should perform appropriate health assessments in order to evaluate an individual's health status and risks.

  It's important to remember that your BMI is only one measure of your health. A person who is not at a "normal" weight according to BMI charts may be healthy if he or she has healthy eating habits and exercises regularly. People who are thin but don't exercise or eat nutritious foods aren't necessarily healthy just because they are thin.

  ♣ How can I tell if I'm overweight?

  More than 54 million Americans who are labeled overweight or obese according to their body mass index (BMI), a weight-to-height ratio, are actually healthy, says a new study in the International Journal of Obesity.

  Waist circumference:If your belly is home to excess fat, you may be at greater risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Wrap a tape measure around your middle just above your hip bones, at about your belly button. A healthy measurement for women is less than 35 inches.

  Resting heart rate:Put two fingers over your pulse—at the wrist or neck—and count the number of beats in one minute. Between 60 and 100 beats is normal. A lower resting heart rate generally implies better physical health; a less active lifestyle can lead to a higher rate because the heart has to work harder.

  Body fat percentage:Unlike BMI, this number reveals the amount of excess fat, separate from muscle mass. A healthy range for women is 20 to 32 percent. Get a bioelectrical impedance analysis at your health club; a machine sends electricity through your body to calculate the amount of fat versus lean tissue.

  Basal metabolic rate:BMR factors in your height, weight, gender, activity level and age to approximate the number of calories you burn while at rest; you can also use it to estimate how many calories to cut from your diet each day to achieve your weight-loss goal.

  ♣ Are you unhappy with your weight?

  If you're at a healthy weight but are still unhappy with your weight, you're not alone. Lots of people are.

  It can be hard to be satisfied with how you look when TV and magazines show unrealistic images of what it means to be thin. Here are some things to think about:

  There is no "ideal" body shape or body size. We let society tell us what "ideal" means. But the way a skinny model looks in a magazine or TV ad is not normal or "ideal."

  Do you feel good and have plenty of energy? Can you do the activities you want to do? That's what healthy living is all about, no matter what your weight is.

  Trying to lose weight when you don't have to can actually be bad for you. Most people who diet end up gaining back the pounds they lost-and more.

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