✵Jue Yin Disease(Reverting Yin, Jueyin syndrome):One of the syndromes of the six meridians occuring at the late stage of a cold-induced disease characterized by interweaving of cold and heat or yin and yang, manifested by fever or a burning sensation in the epigastrium with cold limbs, hunger but no desire to eat.
✵Herbalist Zhang Zhongjing defined the Jue Yin Disease(Jueyin syndrome) in about 70 syndromes. These syndromes are all defined in details by his famous works:
Jue Yin Disease(Reverting Yin, Jueyin syndrome).
✦Jue Yin Disease, symptoms wasting-thirst(consumptive thirst,emaciation thirst,drinking and urine,symptom-complex of excessive eating), Qi counterflow and rush up to the heart, pain and heat in the heart, hungry but no appetite(hungry,not want to intake food), take food and vomit out ascarid(throw up roundworm once take some food), if used purgative method will lead to incessant diarrhea.
✦ Jue Yin wind-stroke, cases pulse slight floating, is the case will be relieved; cases pulse not floating, is the case not relieved yet.
✦ Jueyin syndrome, the time it will be relieved, from Chou(the second of the Twelve Earthly Branches) to Mao(the fourth of the Twelve Earthly Branches).
✦ Jue Yin syndrome, cases thirst and want to drink water, give a small volume of water, will be relieved.
✦ Cases counterversion in the four limbs, could not use the purgative method, it is the same for the cases of asthenia(deficiency).
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases cold limbs in the early stage, fever and diarrhea in the later stage, will surely stop. Once observed cold limbs will diarrhea again.
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases fever in the early stage, cold limbs at the 6th day, diarrhea at the 9th day on the contrary. For all cases of cold limbs and diarrhea, should not take food(have no appetite). Cases have some appetite(could take some food) on the contrary, might be the cases of eliminated center(Chu Zhong, ancient disease name, a sudden spurt of appetite prior to collapse). Give vegetable cake(vegetarian diet) to eat, cases not fever, the stomach Qi still exists, will be relieved surely. In the case sudden heat attacks, (stomach Qi)will recover and go again. Take pulse manifestation the 3rd day, cases heat still existed, will be relieved at the night of the second day. For the reasons, fever in the original case, cold limbs on the 6th day, repeat fever on the 9th day, on the contrary, three days combine with previous six days, are also nine days, corresponding with cold limbs, so it will expect be relieved at night of the second day. Take pulse manifestation 3 days later, cases pulse rapid, fever could not be cleared, this is the case of excess heat pathogen, surely will grow carbuncles.
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases six to seven days, slow pulse, on the contrary, was given Huang Qin Tang decoction to clear the heat. Pulse slow is the manifestation of cold, gave Huang Qin Tang and clear the heat repeatedly again, should be cold in the abdomen. Cases now, on the contrary, could take some food(have an appetite), this is the case of eliminated center(Chu Zhong, ancient disease name, a sudden spurt of appetite prior to collapse), surely will die.
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases cold limbs in early stage and fever in the later stage, diarrhea will surely be relieved itself, on the contrary sweating, pain in the throat, is the case of the impediment in the throat(throat impediment). Cases fever without sweating(perspiration), and diarrhea will surely be relieved itself. In the cases (diarrhea) not stopped, surely will passing stool with pus and blood(diarrhea with pus and blood). Cases diarrhea with pus and blood, no throat impediment observed.
✦ Cold-induced disease, one or two days to four or five days, cases cold limbs will surely fever, cases fever in the early stage will surely cold limbs in late stage. Cases cold limbs in-depth(greatly) will also fever in-depth(greatly), cold limbs slightly will also fever slightly. Cases cold limbs should use the purgative method, on the contrary, induced perspiration, surely hurt mouth and rotten mouth red mouth.
✦ Cold-induced disease, cold limbs for 5 days, fever for 5 days too, suggest till the 6th day, should be observed cold limbs again, cases not observed cold limbs, will be relieved itself. Cold limbs finally not over 5 days, for fever 5 days yet, know it will be relieved.
✦ For all cases of Jue, the Yin Qi and Yang Qi could not connect with each other smoothly, will lead to cold limbs. The cases of Jue, observed counterflow cold of hands and feet(counterflow cold of the extremities).
✦Cold-induced disease, cases pulse weak and Jue(cold limbs), till the seven to the eight days, cold on the skin(skin cold), vexed(restless), no any quiet or easy moment, this is the case of visceral shock(Zang Jue), not the case of syncope due to ascariasis(You Jue). For the cases of You Jue, the patient will throw up ascariasis. Now the case patient is quiet, and vexed regularly again, this is the case cold pathogen in the viscera, ascariasis go upward to the diaphragm, thus vexed. Cases relieved soon again, take some food and vomit and vexed again, for the reason ascariasis smells the food and come out, the patient should throw up ascariasis. Cases of You Jue(syncope due to ascariasis), use Wu Mei Wan. It also used for chronic diarrhea.
✦Cold-induced disease, cases heat slightly and slight Jue(cold limbs), cold on the tip of fingers, no appetite(do not take food), vexed(dysphoria, irritable, fidgets), uninhibited urination in several days, urine color white, this is the case heat cleared yet.
✦Cases, counterflow cold of limbs(counterflow cold of hands and feet), not bind in chest(pathogens not accumulation in chest), fullness in abdomen, pain if pressed, this is the case cold pathogen bind in the Guan Yuan of the urinary bladder meridian.
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases fever for four days, Jue(cold limbs) 3 days, on the contrary, fever 4 days again, Jue less and fever more, should be relieved. Cases till the fourth to the seventh day, heat not cleared, surely will pass stool with pus and blood(diarrhea with pus and blood).
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases Jue(cold limbs) four days, fever or heat for three days, on the contrary, Jue(cold limbs) five days again, is the case of disease progression. Cold more and heat less, Yang Qi reduced, thus is disease progression.
✦Cold-induced disease, cases six to seven days, pulse weak, counterflow cold in hands and feet. Cases vexed(dysphoria, irritable, fidgets), should practice moxibustion on Jue Yin meridian, those cases Jue(cold limbs) not relieved, will die.
✦Cold-induced disease, cases fever, diarrhea, cold limbs, vexed(dysphoria,irritable,fidgets) and could not sleep, will die.
✦Cold-induced disease, cases fever, diarrhea greatly, cold limbs not stoppable, will die.
✦Cold-induced disease, cases six to seven days, not diarrhea(or not urine), then fever and diarrhea, sweating unstoppable, die. For the reason Yin without Yang.
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases five to six days, not bind in the chest, abdominal soft, pulse deficient(feeble), cold limbs again, should not use the purgative method. This is the case of blood collapse(hemorrhagic diathesis, blood exhaustion), if use purgative method, will die.
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases fever and cold limbs, diarrhea on the seventh day, is the case difficult to treat.
✦Cold-induced disease, cases pulse rapid(abrupt pulse), counterflow cold of hands and feet(extremely cold limbs,deadly cold hand and foot), should not practice moxibustion.
✦Cold-induced disease, cases pulse slippery(slippery pulse) and cold limbs, heat at the interior, use...
✦ Cold-induced disease, cases counterflow cold of hands and feet(extremely cold limbs, deadly cold hand and feet), pulse fine and verging on expiry, use...For cases chronic cold pathogen at the interior, use...
✦Profuse sweating(excessive perspiration), cases excessive diarrhea and counterflow cold of hands and feet, use...
✦ Cases counterflow cold of hands and feet(extremely cold limbs, deadly cold hand and feet), pulse tightening, pathogens bind in the chest, fullness below the heart and vexed(fullness of the upper abdomen, vexed), hungry but no appetite(hungry but no food intake), pathogens bind in the chest, should use the emetic method, use...
✦Cold-induced disease, cases Jue(cold limbs) and palpitations below the heart, should regulate(treat) water first, should use..., then treat its Jue(cold limbs).If not, water pathogens enter into the stomach, surely will diarrhea.
✦Cold-induced disease, cases six to seven days, great diarrhea, Cun pulse deep and slow, counterflow cold of hands and feet(extremely cold limbs,deadly cold hand and foot), Lack of lower part pulse, inhibited throat, spit thick blood, unstoppable diarrhea, is the case difficult to treat, use...If not relieved, use...again.
✦ Cold-induced disease, four to five days, pain in the abdomen, cases Qi reverse flow downward to the lower abdomen, this is the case will self-relieved.
✦ Cold-induced disease, diarrhea because of cold, herbalist used the emetic and purgative method again, cold repellence(Han Ge), inverse vomiting and diarrhea again, use...In cases throw up or vomit once take food, use...
✦Diarrhea, cases light heat(low fever) and thirst, pulse weak, will self-relieved.
✦ Diarrhea, cases pulse rapid, light heat(low fever), sweating, is the case will be relieved; cases pulse tight, is the case not relieved.
✦ Diarrhea, cases counterflow cold of hands and feet(extremely cold limbs, deadly cold hand and feet), no pulse, practice moxibustion but could not warm up, if pulse not return, on the contrary slightly panting, will die. Pulse of SHAO YIN being weaker than FU YANG pulse, is the favorable case(a serious case which improves steadily).
✦Diarrhea, cases cun pulse(Cunkou pulse) floating and rapid on the contrary, Chizhong pulse(upper part of Cunkou pulse) uneven, surely will passing thick blood(diarrhea with pus and blood), use...
✦Diarrhea with undigested food(diarrhea with undigested food in the stool), could attack exterior syndromes. Cases sweating, surely distention and fullness.
✦ Diarrhea, cases pulse deep wiry, for the reason rectal heaviness; cases pulse large, is the case unstopped; cases slightly weak rapid, is the case will be relieved itself(diarrhea will stop), although fever, will not die.
✦Diarrhea, pulse slow and sunken, slight red facial complexion, slight fever, diarrhea with undigested food, surely will depression and veiling, will be relieved after perspiration, patient will surely slightly Jue(cold limbs slightly), for the reasons, floating yang on the face, deficiency in the lower(deficiency in the lower energizer).
✦Diarrhea, pulse rapid and thirst, leave to self-relieve. In case not relieved, surely passing pus and blood(diarrhea with pus and blood), for the reason heat pathogen.
✦Diarrhea, pulses verging on expiration, counterflow cold of hands and feet(extremely cold limbs,deadly cold hand and foot), sooner or later pulse return, warm in hands and feet, will live; cases pulse not return, will die.
✦Cold-induced disease, diarrhea, over 10 times daily, pulse replete(excess pulse) on the contrary, die.
✦ Diarrhea with undigested food(diarrhea with undigested food in the stool), cases cold in the interior and heat in the exterior, sweating and Jue(cold limbs), use...
✦Heat dysentery with rectal heaviness, use...
✦Diarrhea, cases extreme deficiency, use...
✦Diarrhea, distention and fullness in abdomen, body pain, warm the interior first, then treat the exterior. To warm the interior, better use..., to treat the exterior, better use...
✦Diarrhea, cases want to drink water, for the reason heat, use...
✦Diarrhea, cases wild talk, for the reason dry stool inside, better use...
✦ Diarrhea, cases vexed seriously, soft below the heart when pressed, is the cases of vacuity vexation(restlessness of deficiency type), better use...
✦Diarrhea, abdominal pain, if cases pain in the chest, use...
✦Diarrhea, cases Qi Li(diarrhea, stool discharged out with flatus), use...
✦Cases vomit(throw up), with carbuncle pus, should not treat vomit, will self-cure once pus cleared.
✦Cases vomit(throw up) and fullness in chest, use...
✦ Cold-induced disease, massive vomiting, great diarrhea, extremely deficiency, and extreme sweating, for the reason external Qi is obstacled, then gave water to drink, and induced perspiration, thus lead to vomiting. For the reasons, coldness in the stomach.
✦ Cold-induced disease, vomiting and fullness in the abdomen, observed before and after the vomiting, know where is diarrhea, use the purgative method and it will be relieved.
✦ Cases looks will panting in the chest but not panting, will vomiting but not vomiting, will throwing up but not throw up, helpless in the heart, use...
✦Cases dry retching, throw up, if Jue(cold in hands and feet), use...
✦Retching counterflow, cases asthenia, use...
✦Cases vomiting, no appetite(could not intake any grain food), use...
✦ Cases passing pus and blood with stool, spread to others and attack others, this is the case of Yi Li(epidemic dysentery). For the pathogens from summer, and happen in autumn, heat and dryness combating, lead to hurt of Qi and blood, flow into the intestines, rectal heaviness and serious in the later stage, pulse full and rapid, use...
✦ Cases vomiting saliva, cardiac pain(pain in the heart), in the case abdominal pain, attack regularly, pulse full and large, this is the case of parasites, uses...
✦ Jue Yin syndrome, pulse wiry and tight, pulse wiry the defense Qi is obstacled(not flow), pulse tight will have no appetite, pathogens fight with healthy Qi, lead to a cold hernia. Pain around the belly button, counterflow cold in hands and feet, are its symptoms. Cases pulse deep and tight, use...
✦Cold hernia, pain in abdomen, cases hypochondriac pain and abdominal pain, use...
✦ Cold hernia, pain in the abdomen, numbness hands and feet, cases counterflow cold(Jue), or cases pain in the whole body, with moxibustion, acupuncture, recipes all failed, use...
✦ Cases unilateral sagging of the testicles, upward or downward, this is the case of foxy mounting wind, should acupuncture at acupoint of Jue Yin, then give...
✦ Cases cunkou pulse floating and slow, floating is the case of asthenia, slow is the case of consumption. Cases asthenia insufficiency of defense Qi(Wei Qi), consumption lead to exhaustion of nutrient Qi(Rong Qi).
✦ Fuyang pulse floating and rapid, floating is the case of Qi, rapid is the case rapid digestion of food and hard stool. The abundance of QI leads to frequent urine, frequent urine lead to the hard stool. Combating of frequent urine and hard stool(constipation), is the case of wasting-thirst(consumptive thirst).
✦Wasting-thirst(consumptive thirst), cases want to drink water, on the contrary throw up(vomit) from the stomach, use...
✦Wasting-thirst(consumptive thirst), cases want to drink water, and could not stop drinking, use...
✦ Pain in micturition and stuffiness, urine looks like millet, pain in lower abdomen, pain protraction to belly button, is the case of stranguria, this is the case heat accumulation and bind in the lower energizer, use...
✵Consumptive thirst, Qi rushing upward to heart, pain and heat in the heart, hungry but do not want to take food, take food and vomit ascarid, is an outline of Jue Yin disease from Zhongjing.