Supplement a variety of trace elements in proper amount.

Introduction of trace elements.
Supplement a variety of trace elements in proper amount. Every person needs to be appropriately supplemented with various trace elements every day, which can help balance the nutrition and help regulate the digestion and absorption of the diet, to provide the necessary nutrients for the body, thus coordinating the various functions of the body.

 Ancient and modern gleanings: According to the ancient works Huangdi Neijing(The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon), "the grain, meat, fruits, and vegetables should be taken to the better of their qualities, do not overtake, to guarantee its positive complexion." This point of view not only requires comprehensive diet nutrition but also contains the viewpoint of balanced nutrition, which coincides with the theory of modern dietary nutrition.

Supplement a variety of trace elements in proper amount.

 trace elements and diet 03 ✵Trace element selenium has the effect of preventing radiation and carcinogenic chemicals. The study also found that almost all areas with a high incidence of esophageal cancer were deficient in molybdenum. If the human body lacks the copper element, easy to suffer from senile osteoporosis and anemia; Zinc deficiency can lead to decreased taste, decreased the smell and other symptoms. Foods rich in selenium include seafood, animal livers, and certain nuts. Foods rich in molybdenum include meat, beans, and grains; animal liver, shellfish, and beans are rich in copper. Foods are rich in zinc, such as oysters, lean meat, fish, walnuts, pine nuts and beans.

 ✵Do not take vitamins and trace elements for a long time. Too much vitamin A can cause steatosis and cirrhosis. Long-term overdose of the vitamin E can cause striated muscular atrophy, thromboangiitis, and reproductive dysfunction. Large doses of vitamin B1, B2, and tyrosine combined action can induce tumors. Too much vitamin C can cause urolithiasis. Excessive selenium can cause poisoning, manifested as flat hair, hair roots fracture and become bald, white spots and longitudinal lines appear on fingernails and toenails, and then break off, and even limb pain, sensory dullness, limb numbness. Excessive zinc can make the human body happen redox reaction(oxidation-reduction reaction), or even induce cancer, and excessive intake of zinc can also interfere with the absorption and utilization of copper.

 Introduction of trace elements ✵Micronutrients are not necessary if you have a balanced diet, but they are essential if you don't have time to take care of your diet. Choose natural vitamins as much as possible. Several trials have shown that taking synthetic vitamins over the years increases the risk of other diseases. However, multiple comprehensive trace elements tablets are better than single tablets to ensure that each element in the appropriate range. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, so take it after meals. Mental workers with poor eyesight and a tendency to use their eyes excessively should take cod liver oil. At ordinary times suddenly suffered from some diseases, such as mouth inflammation, one should eat more tomatoes while supplementing vitamin B2, tips need to pay attention to is that vitamin B2 and vitamin C should not be taken together, otherwise it will occur redox reaction(oxidation-reduction reaction), and lose its efficacy. Additionally, you should read the manual carefully, pay attention to certain cannot be taken with a contraindication. In addition, take ginseng supplement with natural vitamins, can greatly improve the utilization rate, more beneficial to the body. A selenium supplement can choose salt with strengthening the selenium, supplement iron can use iron pot to cook.

Health benefits.

 trace elements and diet 04 ✵1. Health enhancement: daily use of micronutrient supplements can provide those who have a monotonous daily diet with the missing or insufficient nutritional parts of their food to keep the system running normally. The selenium element protects and maintains cardiovascular and myocardial physiological function, stimulates the body's immune globulin and antibody production, protect the visual viscera physiological function, reduce the oxidative damage of the retina, rehabilitation of macular degeneration, improve diabetics eyesight, reduced incidence of cataracts, and can also be combined with the heavy metals in the body and discharge them out to the body, have the effect of detoxifying and anti-cancer.

 ✵2. Liver protection and aging prevention: folic acid, vitamin B group, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E can all protect the liver. For people who are addicted to alcohol and long-term smokers, the appropriate quantitative supplement can help protect the liver. Especially the vitamin B12 is known as the "longevity vitamin", is the most effective vitamin which can prevent aging phenomenon, it is very effective for anemia, limb numbness, senile dementia in the elderly, viscera disease such as the aging, and can also be used in the treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism, epilepsy, and various kinds of heart disease, gastrointestinal disease, diabetes, and skin diseases.

 ✵3. Metabolism boost: B vitamins also boost carbohydrate metabolism, maintaining a healthy nervous system, stabilizing appetite, stimulating growth and maintaining good muscle condition.

 ✵4. Beauty and skincare: besides preventing scurvy, vitamin C also has excellent whitening effects. And daily intake of enough natural vitamins E can resist the damage of free radicals to the human body, delaying aging.

 ✵Tips: Lack of nucleic acid can lead to the deterioration of chromosomes in cells, and then people will be aging, beans, seafood, chicken, beef, animal liver, etc. are rich in nucleic acid. But you should pay attention not to take too much animal liver in a meal or for a long term, because it contains a lot vitamin A, cholesterol, purine, take it in big volume will lead to poisoning and also hurt the kidney.


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