Introduction of Shi Jun Zi:Rangoon-creeper Fruit or Fructus Quisqualis.
✵The article gives records of the herb Rangoon-creeper Fruit, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Quisqualis indica L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Rangoon-creeper Fruit, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Fructus Quisqualis(Rangoon-creeper Fruit).
Pin Yin Name: Shǐ Jūn Zǐ.
English Name: Rangoon-creeper Fruit.
Latin Name: Fructus Quisqualis.
Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes sweet, slightly poisonous.
Brief introduction: The Herb Fructus Quisqualis is the dried ripe fruit of Rangoon Creeper, Quisqualis indica L., used as an anthelmintic for the treatment of ascariasis, enterobiasis and infantile malnutrition associated with intestinal parasitosis. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Quisqualis, Rangooncreeper Fruit, Rangoon-creeper Fruit, Shǐ Jūn Zǐ.
Botanical source: Herbal classical book defined the herb Fructus Quisqualis (Rangoon-creeper Fruit) as the dried ripe fruit of the species (1). Quisqualis indica L. It is a plant of the Quisqualis Linn genus, the Combretaceae R. Br. family (white mangrove family) of the Myrtales order. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Quisqualis indica L.
Botanical description: The plant, Quisqualis indica L is commonly known as Shǐ Jūn Zǐ (means a seed ever discovered by a herbalist named Shǐ Jūn during years of North Song dynasty). Deciduous climbing shrubs, the plant grows up to 2 ~ 8 meters tall; Young shoots are brown-yellow pubescent. Leaves are opposite or subopposite; petioles have no nodes, 5 ~ 8 mm long, densely rusted when young, persistent after leaves fall off; leaf blades are membraneous, oval (egg-shaped) or elliptic, 5 ~ 11 cm long, 2.5 ~ 5.5 cm wide, front tip is shortly acuminate, base is blunt, the surface is glabrous, the back surface sometimes is sparsely covered with brown pilose, lateral veins are in seven or eight pairs.
Apical spikes (spica) compose corymbals; flowers are hermaphroditic; flower bracts are oval (egg-shaped) to linear-lanceolate, piliferous; Calyx tube is 5~9 cm long, covered with yellow pilose, front end has 5 widely explanate, recurved, small calyx teeth; 5 flower petals, 1.8~2.4 cm long, 4~10 mm wide, front tip is blunt, white at an initial stage, later turns faint red (pale red); 10 stamens, in 2 whorls, not stretch beyond corolla, anthers are about 1.5 mm long; the ovary is inferior.
Fruits are oval (egg-shaped), mucronate, 2.7-4 cm long, 1.2-2.3 cm in diameter, glabrous, has 5 conspicuous sharp edges and corners, exocarp turns crisp and thin at maturity, cyan black or spadiceous (chestnut colour). 1 seed, white, cylindrical fusiform (spindle-shaped), 2.5 cm long, about 1 cm in diameter. Its flowering period is from May to September, and the fruiting period is in late autumn.
Ecological environment: The plant, Quisqualis indica L grows in flat land, hillsides or mountain slopes, roadsides and sunny shrubs, it is also cultivated, the plant is distributed in the middle reaches and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Zhujiang River area, westsouth areas and east big island (cultivated) of China. There are no wild records in the north of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is also distributed in some areas of South Asia.
Growth characteristics: The plant, Quisqualis indica L likes the warm and moist environment, not tolerant to cold, afraid of frost, tolerant to shade, deep root, root distribution is wide and deep. It is appropriate to choose a sunny field with deep soil layers, medium fertility, yellow or black sandy loam for cultivation, fertile sandy loam with good drainage is the best. It should be planted in a sunny area and avoid the wind.
Characters of herbs: The fruit is elliptic or oval (egg-shaped), with five vertical edges, occasionally 4~9 edges, 2.5~4 cm long, about 2 cm in diameter, the surface is dark brown (black brown) to puce (purple brown), smooth, slightly glossy, the front end is narrow and pointed, the base is blunt, has conspicuous round stalk traces; the texture of the herb is firm and hard, the cross-section is pentacle, the shell of edges and corners is thick, there is a quasi-circular cavity in the center. Seeds are oblong oval or fusiform (spindle-shaped), about 2 cm long, and about 1 cm in diameter, the surface is tan (chocolate brown) or black brown, and has many vertical wrinkles. The spermoderm (seed coat) is thin and easy to peel off; 2 cotyledons, yellow and white, oily, the fracture surface has cracks. The herb has a slight fragrance, and it tastes slight sweet. The herb of a better grade has big grains, the purple brown luster on the surface, kernel is full, and yellowish white color.
Pharmacological actions: ①.repelling Ascaris effect; ②.pinworm repellent effect; ③.inhibition on dermatophytes: the herb has a certain inhibition effect on some dermatophytes (water infusion of the herb has a different degree of inhibition in vitro of Trichophyton violaceum, Trichophyton concentricum, Achorion schoenleinii, Microsporon audouini, Trichoderma ferrugineum, Trichoderma woolens, Epidermophyton inguinale, Nocardia stella, etc.); ④.increase the blood pressure of anesthetized rats.
Medicinal efficacy: Killing parasites, removing food retention or Qi stagnation, replenish the spleen. It is indicated for ascaridiasis (ascariasis), oxyuria (oxyuriosis, enterobiasis), Ascaris abdominal pain, enterozoic abdominalgia (abdominal pain due to parasitic infestation), infantile malnutritional stagnation, stagnation of milk, abdominal distension, diarrhea, etc.
Administration of Fructus Quisqualis (Shǐ Jūn Zǐ):
Administration Guide of Fructus Quisqualis (Shǐ Jūn Zǐ)
TCM Books:
①.Internally:9~12 grams, mashed before decocting;Kernel 6~9 grams, prepare to pill, powder, or use as simple recipe, take in 1 to 2 times. Infantile dosage: 1~1.5 grains each year age, fried till aromatic and chewing, not over 20 grains in one day; ②.Internally:water decoction, 3~5 qian (about 9~15 grams); or prepare to pill, powder; ③.Internally:water decoction, 6~15 grams, mashed before decocting;or prepare to pill, powder;shelled or hulled and fried till aromatic smell, chewing, infantile dosage 1~1.5 grains each year age, not over 20 grains in one day.
Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: The herb Fructus Quisqualis should be avoided taking with strong tea or hot tea. Take big dose will lead to vomiting, hicup, dizziness.
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1.Introduction of Shi Jun Zi:Rangoon-creeper Fruit or Fructus Quisqualis.