Introduction of He Cao Ya:Agrimonia Bud or Gemma Agrimoniae.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Agrimonia Bud, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Agrimonia Bud, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Gemma Agrimoniae(Agrimonia Bud).

pale green dried herb pieces of Gemma Agrimoniae Pin Yin Name: Hè Cǎo Yá.
 English Name: Agrimonia Bud.
 Latin Name: Gemma Agrimoniae.
 Property and flavor: neutral in nature, tastes bitter, puckery.

 Brief introduction: The Herb Gemma Agrimoniae is the dried bud, with a short piece of rhizome attached, of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb., used as an anthelmintic for the treatment of taeniasis. The herb is commonly known as Gemma Agrimoniae, Agrimonia Bud, Hè Cǎo Yá.

 Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Gemma Agrimoniae (Agrimonia Bud) as the underground winter sprout (winter bud) of the species Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. It is a plant species of the Agrimonia eupatoria L genus, the Rosaceae family (rose family) of the Rosales order. This commonly used species is introduced:

Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.

 shrubs of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb with green leaves grow in field Botanical description: The plant, Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb is commonly known as Lóng Yá Cǎo (means Dragon Sprout Grass). A perennial herb. Roots are often tuberous, surrounded by many lateral roots, rhizome is short, base often has one to several underground buds. The stem grows 30–120 cm tall, sparsely covered with pilose and pubescence, the lower part is sparsely covered with long hirsute.

 shrubs of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb with many green leaves grow in field Imparipinnate compound leaves, alternate; stipules (peraphyllum) are sickle-shaped, rarely oval (egg-shaped), the front end is sharp-pointed or acuminate, edges are sharply serrate or have lobes, rarely entire; lobules (leaflets) are of big type or small type, and grow interstitially on rachis, bigger lobules are in 3–4 pairs, rarely 2 pairs, decreased upward to 3 lobules, lobules are subsessile, obovate to obovate-lanceolate, 1.5-5 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, front end is sharp-pointed to blunt, rarely acuminate, base is cuneate, edges are sharp-pointed serrulate or crenated, the upper surface is green, covered with sparse pilose, the under surface is pea green (pale green), reptant pubescence grow sparsely along leaf veins, rarely fall off and glabrous, has distinctive glandular points.

 Racemes are solitary or 2-3 grow on stem tip, inflorescence axis is covered with pubescence, peduncle is 1-5 mm long, pubescent; flower bracts are usually deeply 3-parted, lobes are band-shaped, bracteoles (bractlets) are opposite, oval (egg-shaped), entire or edges are split; flowers are 6-9 mm in diameter, 5 sepals, oblong, yellow;5-15 stamens; 2 styles, filiform (filamentose), stigma is capitate.

 a shrub of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. with many green leaves grow near to a stone in woods Achenes are obovate-conical, with 10 ribs outside, sparsely pilose, with several layers of hooked spines at the front end, upright when young, connivent at maturity; their lengths with hooked spines are 7~8 mm, 3~4 mm in diameter at the widest part. Its flowering and fruiting periods are from May to December.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows and is often found on stream sides, roadsides, grasslands, thickets, forest edges, and dwarf thickets (underbrush), in areas at altitudes of 100~3,800 meters above sea level. It is distributed in the northern and southern areas of China, as well as in Central Europe, Southeast Asia.

 Growth characteristics: The plant has a strong adaptability to climates, is tolerant of coldness. It can be planted in general soils, but choosing fertile sandy loam for cultivation brings increased crop yield. The plant grows quicker in seasons of high temperatures, from July to August.

 pale green leaf pieces and pale brown segments of Agrimonia Bud are piled together Characters of herbs: The herb is conical, often curved in the middle and upper parts, with a total length of 2~6 cm , and 0.5~1 cm in diameter, there are several light brown membraneous bud scales wrapping the tip. The rhizome is short and contractive, cylindrical, 1~3 cm long, the surface is tan (chocolate brown), with tight annular nodes, brownish-black degenerated scale leaves grow on the nodes, and sometimes a few adventitious roots (adventive roots) remain in the lower part of the rhizome. The texture of the root bud is crisp and fragile, and the fracture surface is flat after it is broken, yellowish white. The herb has a slight odor, slightly beany flavor, it tastes slightly sweet and then bitter and puckery.

 The tender stem and leaf can be eaten, not only rich in nutrition but also have a strong anti-cancer effect. It is a good edible wild vegetable. The whole herb, root and winter bud could be used as medicine.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.dispelling effect of tapeworm; ②.detoxification; ③.detumescence(reduce swelling effect).

 Medicinal efficacy: Dispelling and killing parasites, detoxification, reduce swelling. It is indicated for cestodiasis (taeniasis), trichomonas vaginalis, sore and ulcer, scabies, furuncle and boils swelling, red and white dysentery (dysentery characterized by blood in the stool, dysentery characterized by white mucous stool), etc. 

 Administration of Gemma Agrimoniae (Hè Cǎo Yá): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Gemma Agrimoniae (Hè Cǎo Yá)
TCM Books: ①.N/A.;②.Internally:water decoction, 10~30 grams; prepare to finely ground herb powder, 15~30 grams, dosage for infant 0.7~0.8 kg for each 1 kg body weight. Externally:proper amount, wash with water decoction;or mash fresh herb and apply stick.




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