Introduction of Shi Wei:Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf or Folium Pyrrosiae.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its herbal classic book defined botanical source three plant species, ①.Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak.) Ching., ②.Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farwell., ③.Pyrrosia petiolosa (Christ) Ching., and other two usable plant species, ④.Pyrrosia gralla (Gies.) Ching., ⑤.Pyrrosia davidii (Bak.) Ching., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these five plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these five plant species, the features of the herb Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Folium Pyrrosiae(Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf).

dried brownish pieces of Folium Pyrrosiae are piled together Pin Yin Name: Shí Wéi.
 English Name: Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf.
 Latin Name: Folium Pyrrosiae.
 Property and flavor: cool, bitter, sweet.

 Brief introduction: The herb Folium Pyrrosiae is the dried leaf of Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak.) Ching, Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farwell or Pyrrosia petiolosa (Christ) Ching, used (1).to induce diuresis, relieve dysuria for treating bladder damp-heat, and (2).to clear the lung for relieving cough and dyspnea. It is commonly known as Pyrrosia Leaf, Folium Pyrrosiae, Leaf of Shearer's Pyrrosia, Shí Wéi.

 Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Folium Pyrrosiae (Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf) as the dried leaf of the species (1). Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak.) Ching., or (2). Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farwell., or (3). Pyrrosia petiolosa (Christ) Ching. Other famous herbal classics defined the herb Folium Pyrrosiae(Shearer's Pyrrosia Leaf) as the dried leaf of the species (1). Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak.) Ching., or (2). Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farwell., or (3). Pyrrosia petiolosa (Christ) Ching., (4). Pyrrosia gralla (Gies.) Ching., (5). Pyrrosia davidii (Bak.) Ching. They are plants of the Pyrrosia Mirbel genus, the Polypodiaceae family (fern family) of the Polypodiales order. These 3 commonly used species and other 2 usable species are introduced:

(1).Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak.) Ching.

 leaves of Pyrrosia sheareri Bak.Ching. Botanical description: Pyrrosia sheareri (Bak.) Ching is also known as Polypodium sheareri Bak., is commonly known as Pyrrosia sheareri, Pyrrosia sheareri (Baker) Ching, or Lú Shān Shí Wéi, or Dà Shí Wéi. The plant grows up to 20~60 cm high. The rhizome is amphitropous, densely lanceolate scales, the margin is serrate.

 Leaves are tufty; Petiole is stout, 10~30 cm long, insert and grow on rhizome at the node; Leaf blades are hardly coriaceous, broadly lanceolate, 20~40 cm long, 3~5 cm wide, attenuate (narrowing) toward the top, sharp-pointed tip, base slightly turns wider, unequal round auriform or cordate, is not decurrent; both surfaces of lateral veins are slightly concave.

 The sori are small, and arrange in many lines between lateral veins; No indusium.

 plant of Pyrrosia sheareri Bak.Ching with many green leaves grow in field Ecological environment: The plant Pyrrosia sheareri grows on tree trunks in the forest or on stones in forests with an elevation of 500~2,200 meters. It grows on rocks under evergreen broad-leaved forests at an elevation of 1,100~2,400 meters. Pyrrosia sheareri is distributed in the area below an altitude of 800 meters above sea level. The plant is distributed in the southwest and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Zhujiang River area, Taiwan, and other areas of China.

 plants of Pyrrosia sheareri Bak.Ching with green leaves grow in field Growth characteristics: The plant Pyrrosia sheareri prefers a cool and dry climate and grows on rocks. It prefers the humid environment, is tolerant of low temperatures at -16 °C (Celsius, or 3.2 degrees Fahrenheit), not afraid of frost and snow, and air relative humidity is above 75%; The plant prefers scattered light and avoids direct sunlight. Although Pyrrosia sheareri is an epiphyte, it grows more luxuriant in the fertile saprophyte soil. Due to the change in humidity and soil acidification, coupled with seasonal drought, spores cannot be produced normally, or spores are not mature.

 dried herb segments and pieces of Shearers Pyrrosia Leaf Characters of herbs: Leaves are of one type, the texture is hardly coriaceous. Leaf blades are broadly lanceolate, 20~40 cm long, 3~5 cm wide, the apex is acuminate, the base is auricular deflected, entire; The upper surface is chartreuse (yellowish green) or yellowish-brown, there are black sunken spots (pits), the undersurface is densely covered with short and broad stellate hairs. The sori are star-dotted and arranged in lines between lateral veins. The petiole is stout, 10~30 cm long, and 3~5 mm in diameter.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.diuretic effect; ②.antitussive and expectorant effects; ③.bacteriostasis and anti-herpes simplex virus effects; ④.stimulating the central nervous system; ⑤.leukogenic effect, etc.

 Medicinal efficacy: Alleviate water retention and treat stranguria, clear the lung and eliminate heat, clearing away the lung-heat and reduce phlegm, cool blood to stanch bleeding. It is indicated for the treatment of pain from stranguria, gonorrhea, hematuria (blood in urine), lithangiuria (urinary calculus), edema, dysuria (difficulty in micturition), nephritis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, dysentery, lung heat and cough, phlegm heat cough and asthma, chronic tracheitis, hemoptysis, haematesis, epistaxis (nose bleeding or bleeding from five aperture or subcutaneous tissue), traumatic bleeding, incised (metal-inflicted) wound, ulcer, etc.

 Administration of Folium Pyrrosiae (Shí Wéi): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Folium Pyrrosiae (Shí Wéi)
TCM Books: ①.Internally: water decoction,1.5~3 qian (about 4.5~9 grams), or prepare to powder; ②.Internally: water decoction,9~15 grams, or prepare to finely ground herb powder. Externally: prepare to finely ground herb powder, apply stick.

(2).Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farwell.

 plants of Pyrrosia lingua Thunb.Farwell. grow in a cluster in field Botanical description: Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farwell is commonly known as Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farw., or Acrostichum lingua Thunb., Pyrrosia lingua, or Shí Wéi, or Fēi Dāo Jiàn (means fly cutter sword), Qī Xīng Jiàn (means seven-stars sword), Wú Gōng Qī (means centipede seven), Yī Zhī Jiàn (means one sword). The plant grows up to 10~30 cm high. The rhizome is thin and long, amphitropous, rhizome and petiole are densely covered with brown lanceolate scales, the apex is acuminate, peltate (scutiform) and inserted, the center part is dark brown (puce), the edge is pale brown, has cilia.

 many shrubs of Pyrrosia lingua Thunb.Farwell. grow in field Leaves are distant, nearly 2-types; Petioles are 3~10 cm long, dark brown, have shallow grooves, covered with stellate hair when it is young, insert and grow on rhizome at the node; Leaf blade is coriaceous, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 6~20 cm long, 2~5 cm wide, the apex is acuminate, the base is attenuated and is decurrent to the petiole, entire. The upper surface is green, and occasionally has stellate hairs and concave points (pits), the undersurface is densely covered with taupe brown (grayish-brown) stellate aristiform hairs; sterile frond and fertile leaves are homotypic or slightly shorter and broad; Midrib is slightly concave on the upper surface, protuberant on the under surface, lateral veins are somewhat visible, small veins (veinlets) are reticulate.

 shrub of Pyrrosia lingua Thunb.Farwell. grow in field The sori bestrew on the upper surface of the leaf or upper part, and densely covered with stellate aristiform hairs when young, expose when they are mature; No indusium.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows and is attached to tree trunks in the forest or on stones at streamside, in areas at altitudes of 100~1,800 meters above sea level. It prefers a cool and dry climate. The plant is distributed in the east, central and southern areas, and southwest areas of China.

 Characters of herbs: Leaves are involute (rolled inward) or explanate, two types, coriaceous. The leaf blades are all lanceolate or rectangular lanceolate, 6~20 cm long, and 2~5 cm wide. The upper surface is yellowish-brown; The main vein and lateral veins on the under surface are conspicuous, and the dense pale brown stellate hairs can be seen when it is observed with a magnifying glass. Besides stellate hairs, there are sori on the under surface of the fertile frond (fertile leaf). Petioles are 3~10 cm long. The herb has a slight odor and a mild taste.

(3).Pyrrosia petiolosa (Christ) Ching.

 plants of Pyrrosia petiolosa Christ Ching. grow in rocks Botanical description: Pyrrosia petiolosa (Christ) Ching is also known as Polypodium petiolosum Christ., is commonly known as Yǒu Bǐng Shí Wéi, Cháng Bǐng Shí Wéi. The plant grows up to 5~20 cm high. The rhizome is long and amphitropous, densely covered with brownish ovate-lanceolate scales, the margin is serrate.

 green plants of Pyrrosia petiolosa Christ Ching. grow beside rocks Leaves are distant, 2-types, thickly coriaceous, the upper surface is glabrous, there are small concave points (pits) arrange orderly, the under surface is densely covered with taupe brown (grayish brown) stellate hairs; The petiole of the fertile frond is much longer than the leaf blade, about 3~12 cm long, and the petiole of the vegetative leaf (sterile frond) is the same length as the leaf; Leaf blades are oblong or ovate-oblong, the apex is pointed or blunt, the base is slightly decurrent, fertile frond usually involute (roll inward) when it is dried, nearly fistuliform (tubulose); The leaf veins are inconspicuous.

  The sori bestrew on the under surface of the leaf when it is mature, sporangium is a round dihedron, No indusium, and immerge in stellate hairs.

 plants of Pyrrosia petiolosa Christ Ching. with reddish brown leaf back surface Ecological environment: The plant grows on dry rocks in mountain areas at altitudes of 200~2,000 meters above sea level. Most of them grow on dry exposed rocks in areas at altitudes of 250-2,200 meters above sea level. In China, it is distributed in the north, northwest, and southwest areas, and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China.

 Characters of herbs: Leaves involute (roll inward) to nearly fistuliform (tubulose), two types, coriaceous. The leaf blade is rectangular-circular or rectangular lanceolate, its base is decurrent to petiole, 3~6 cm long, and 0.5~2 cm wide; Brown sori bestrew on the under surface of fertile frond. The petiole is 3.5~11 cm long, longer than the leaf blade, and 1~2 mm in diameter.

(4).Pyrrosia gralla (Gies.) Ching.

 plants of Pyrrosia gralla Gies.Ching. with long leaves grow on slope Botanical description: Pyrrosia gralla (Gies.) Ching is commonly known as Xī Nán Shí Wéi. The plant grows up to 25 cm high. The rhizome is long and amphitropous, densely covered with brown scales, lanceolate, long and acuminate, entire.

 plants of Pyrrosia gralla Gies.Ching. grow in field Leaves are near; Petioles are 2~5 cm long, insert and grow on rhizome at the node; Leaf blade is soft coriaceous, 3~10 cm long, 6~15 mm wide in the middle part, narrowly lanceolate, attenuate (narrowing) to both ends, stellate hairs on the under surface are longer, sometimes leaf blades are larger, lateral veins are inconspicuous.

 The sori are closely arranged orderly in lines between lateral veins; No indusium.

 plants of Pyrrosia gralla Gies.Ching with many green leaves grow in sunny field. Ecological environment: The plant grows on rocks in the forest, the plant grows and is attached to tree trunks in areas at altitudes of 1,000~2,900 meters above sea level, or grows on rocks on the hillside. It is distributed in the southwest and mainly produced in southwest areas of China.

 Characters of herbs: Leaves are of one type, soft coriaceous. The leaf blades are lanceolate, 5~10 cm long; The under surface is covered with thick and loose stellate hairs, and the branches of the hair are long, long aciform (long acerose), puce (dark brown), and slightly lustrous. The sori are in many lines (many rows). Petioles are about 5 cm long.

(5).Pyrrosia davidii (Bak.) Ching.

 plants of Pyrrosia davidii Bak.Ching. with long leaves grow in field Botanical description: Pyrrosia davidii (Bak.) Ching is also known as Polypodium davidii Bak., is commonly known as Huá Běi Shí Wéi, Shí Liǔ Zǐ, Xiǎo Shí Wéi. The plant grows up to 25 cm high. The rhizome is long and amphitropous, densely covered with lanceolate scales, long and acuminate, and entire.

 Leaves are distant; Petioles are 2~5 cm long, insert and grow on rhizome at node; Leaf blade is soft coriaceous, linear to narrowly lanceolate, 3~8 cm long, 6~15 mm wide in the middle part, the upper surface of leaf is sparsely covered with stellate hairs when it is young, hairs fall off when it is old, has concave points (pits), the under surface is densely covered with short and thin orange tan (tenne) stellate hairs, sometimes involute upward (curled upward and inwardly) when it is dried; The lateral veins are inconspicuous.

 The sori are arranged orderly in several lines on the under surface of leaves; No indusium.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows on rocks in areas at altitudes of 300~1,800 meters above sea level. The plant is distributed in the north, and northwest areas, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China.

 Characters of herbs: The leaves are involute (rolled inward) into a tube or explanate, of one type, soft coriaceous. The leaf blades are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, attenuate (narrowing) to two ends, 3~8 cm long, and 0.6~1.5 cm wide; The under surface is densely covered with short and thin stellate hairs. The sori are in many lines (many rows). Petioles are about 2~5 cm long, and 1.5~3 mm in diameter.



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