Introduction of Yu Li Ren:Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed or Semen Pruni Humilis.
✵The article gives records of the herb Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its herbal classic book defined botanical source three plant species, ①.Prunus humilis Bge., ②.Prunus japonica Thunb., ③.Prunus pedunculata Maxim., and one other usable plant species, ④.Prunus triloba Lindl. with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these four plants, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these four plants, the features of the herb Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Semen Pruni(Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed).
Pin Yin Name: Yù Lǐ Rén.
English Name: Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed.
Latin Name: Semen Pruni, or Semen Pruni Humilis.
Property and flavor: neutral in nature, tastes pungent, bitter, sweet.
Brief introduction: The herb Semen Pruni is the dried ripe seed of Prunus humilis Bge., Prunus japonica Thunb., or Prunus pedunculata Maxim., used as an aperient for the treatment of constipation, and a diuretic for relieving edema. The herb is commonly known as Semen Pruni, Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed (and many other names, Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed, Longstalk Peach Seed, Seed of Bunge Cherry, Seed of Dwarf Flowering Cherry, Seed of Chinese Bushcherry, Seed of Down), Yù Lǐ Rén.
Botanical source: The herbal classic book defined the herb Semen Pruni (Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed) as the dried ripe seed of the species (1). Prunus humilis Bge., (2). Prunus japonica Thunb., or (3). Prunus pedunculata Maxim. Other famous herbal classics defined the herb Semen Pruni (Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed) as the dried ripe seed of the species (1). Prunus humilis Bge., (2). Prunus japonica Thunb., or (3). Prunus pedunculata Maxim., or (4). Prunus triloba Lindl. They are plant species of the Cerasus Mill genus, the Rosaceae family (rose family) of the Rosales order. These 4 commonly used species are introduced:
(1).Prunus humilis Bge.
Botanical description: The plant, Prunus humilis Bge is commonly known as Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok., or ōu Lǐ. A species of the Cerasus Mill genus, the Rosaceae family (rose family) of the Rosales order. A deciduous shrub, the plant grows up to 0.4~1.5 meters tall. Branchlets are taupe (grayish brown) or tan (chocolate brown), pubescent. Leaves are alternate; petioles are 2-4 mm long, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; stipules (peraphyllum) are linear (filate), 5-6 mm long, edges have glands; leaf blades are obovate-oblong-oval or obovate-lanceolate, 2.5~5 cm long, 1~2 cm wide, the part above the middle is widest, the front end is sharp-pointed or shortly acuminate, the base is cuneate, edges have simple serrature or is biserrate, the upper surface is dark green (deep green), and the under surface is pea green (pale green), glabrous or covered with sparse pubescence.
Flowers bloom along with leaf sprouting, solitary or 2–3 flowers grow in tuft (in cluster); pedicels are 5-10 mm long, sparsely pubescent; the length and width of hypanthium (calyx tube) are nearly equal, covered with sparse pilose outside, sepals are triangular-ovoid, front end is sharp-pointed or blunt; flower petals are white or pink, oblong or obovate; 30–35 stamens; styles are nearly equal length as stamens, glabrous.
Drupes (drupe fruits) are subsphaeroidal (torulose) at maturity, about 1.5~1.8 cm in diameter, red, bright red, or violet red at maturity. Its flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from June to October.
Seeds are ovate, 5~8 mm long, 3~5 mm in diameter. The surface is yellow-white or light brown, one end is pointed, and the other end is blunt. One side of the tip has a linear umbilicus, the center of the round end has a dark chalazal point, and the auto chalazal point upward has many longitudinal vascular veins. Spermoderm (seed coat) is thin, and cotyledons are creamy white (milky white), and oily. It tastes slightly bitter.
Ecological environment: The plant grows on a barren hillside or the edge of a sandy mound, bushes in mountain regions, or is cultivated in gardens. It is mainly distributed in the northern area and other regions of China.
Growth characteristics: Prunus humilis prefers sunlight and does not require strict climatic conditions, and it can pass winter naturally at a low temperature of -15 °C (Celsius, or 5 degrees Fahrenheit) in winter. In summer at a temperature of 40 °C (Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit), if the moisture is sufficient, it also can pass through climates of high temperature safely. The plant is resistant to drought, prefers wet, and avoids waterlogging. It has a strong adaptability to the soil, sandy loam, clay, and loess are all suitable for cultivation because the distribution of the absorption root system is shallow, so the clay loam with strong water retention and fertility is better for its growth.
Characters of herbs: Seeds of Prunus humilis Bge. are oval (egg-shaped) to ovate-oblong, and a few are spheric shape (globular), 6~7 mm long, and 3~4 mm in diameter. The spermoderm (seed coat) is yellow-brown. The chalaza is dark brown, and about 0.7 mm in diameter.
(2).Prunus japonica Thunb.
Botanical description: The plant, Prunus japonica Thunb is commonly known as Cerasus japonica (Thunb.) Lois, or Yù Lǐ. A species of the Cerasus Mill genus, the Rosaceae family (rose family) of the Rosales order. A deciduous shrub, the plant grows up to 1~1.5 meters tall. The bark is taupe (grayish brown), and has irregular vertical stripes; Young shoots (twigs) are yellow-brown, smooth, and branchlets are green or greenish-brown, glabrous. Winter buds are ovate, glabrous. Leaves are alternate; petioles are 2-3 mm long, pubescent, 2 stipules (peraphyllum), linear (filate), caducus (caducous); leaf blades are usually ovate-oblong or oval (egg-shaped), rarely ovate-lanceolate, 3~7 cm long, 1.5~2.5 cm wide, the front tip is acuminate, base is rounded, margin is incised sharp biserrate, the upper surface is bottle-green (dark green), glabrous, the under surface is pea green (pale green), glabrous on veins or has sparse pilose along veins, lateral veins are in 5~8 pairs.
Flowers bloom before leaves sprout or bloom along with leaves sprouting, 1~3 flowers grow in tuft (in a cluster); Pedicels are 5-10 mm long, glabrous or sparsely pilose, ribbed; hypanthium (calyx tube) is turbinate, length and width are nearly equal, about 2.5~3 mm, glabrous, sepals are elliptic, slightly longer than hypanthium (calyx tube), the front end is rounded and obtuse, margin is serrate; flower petals are white or pink, obovate-elliptic; about 32 stamens; styles and stamens are subequal, glabrous.
Drupes (drupe fruits) are subsphaeroidal (torulose), crimson (deep red), and about 1 cm in diameter; The surface of the stone (nut) is smooth. Its flowering period is May, and the fruiting period is from July to August. 2n=16.
Ecological environment: The plant grows on sunny hillsides and mountain slopes, roadsides, or in low shrubs, in areas at altitudes of 100~200 meters above sea level. It is distributed in the northern area, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and other areas of China. It is also distributed in northeast Asia.
Characters of herbs: Seeds are oval (egg-shaped) or spherical shape (globular), about 7 mm long, and about 5 mm in diameter. The spermoderm (seed coat) is pale yellowish-white to hazel (pale brown). The front end is pointed, and the base is blunt. There is a filate hilum (linear hilum) at the front tip, the chalaza is dark brown, about 1 mm in diameter, and many brown vascular bundles are scattered from the chalaza. The raphe is conspicuous. The seed coat is thin, after soaking the seeds in warm water, the seed coat falls off, and the inner surface is covered with white translucent residual endosperm. 2 cotyledons, cream white (milky white), rich in oil. The herb has a slight odor, it tastes slightly bitter.
(3).Prunus pedunculata Maxim.
Botanical description: The plant, Prunus pedunculata (Pall.) Maxim is also known as Amygdalus pedunculata Pall., or Cháng Gěng Biǎn Táo, or Cháng Bǐng Biǎn Táo. A species of the Amygdalus L. genus, the Rosaceae family (rose family) of the Rosales order. A short semishrub, the plant grows up to 1~2 meters tall; Branches are explanate, with many short branches; Branchlets are hazel (pale brown) to dull tannish-gray, pubescent when it is young; Winter buds are short and small, often 3 winter buds grow on short branches, the middle winter bud is leaf bud, ambilateral two winter buds are flower buds. Leaves on short branches are clustered densely, leaves on branches of the same year are alternate; Leaf blades are elliptic, orbicular (subrotund) or obovate, 1~4 cm long, 0.7~2 cm wide, front tip is sharp-pointed or blunt, the base is broadly cuneate, the upper surface is dark green, the under surface is pea green (pale green), both surfaces are sparsely pubescent, leaf edges are irregular coarsely serrate, lateral veins are in 4~6 pairs; petioles are 2~5 (10) mm long, pubescent.
Flowers are solitary, bloom slightly earlier before sprouting of leaves, 1~1.5 cm in diameter; Pedicels are 4~8 mm long, pubescent; hypanthium (calyx tube) is broadly campaniform (bell-shaped), 4~6 mm long, glabrous or slightly pilose; Sepals are triangular-ovate, the front end is slightly obtuse, sometimes margin is sparsely shallow serrated; flower petals are orbicular (subrotund), 7~10 mm in diameter, sometimes the front end is slightly emarginated, pink; many stamens; the ovary is densely pubescent, style is slightly longer or nearly equal length as stamens.
Fruits are subsphaeroidal (near-spherical) or ovoid, 10~15 mm in diameter, the front end has small pointed tips, turns dark purplish red at maturity, and densely pubescent; pedicels are 4~8 mm long; the fruit pulp is thin and dry, dehiscent at maturity, freestone; stone (nut) is broadly ovate, 8~12 mm in diameter, the apical end has small protruding tips, the base is rounded, both sides are slightly flat, hazel (pale brown), the surface is smooth or slightly wrinkled; seed kernel is wide oval, brown-yellow. Its flowering period is in May, and the fruiting period is from July to August.
Difference from Amygdalus triloba: The species is closely related to Amygdalus triloba (Lindl.) Ricker, but the shrub is relatively short and small, and only grows up to 1~2 meters high. The front tip of the leaf is often undivided, the edges are irregular coarsely serrate; the stone (nut) is broadly ovate, the front end has small protruding tips, and the surface is smooth or slightly wrinkled. Its flowering period is in May, and the fruiting period is from July to August.
Ecological environment: The plant is a xeric shrub, it is tolerant to coldness, and for ornamental uses. It grows in hilly ground, gravel sunny slopes, and desert steppe. The plant is distributed in Ningxia, China; It's also found in Siberia.
Characters of herbs: Seeds are conical, 8~9 mm long, and about 6 mm in diameter. The spermoderm (seed coat) is reddish-brown, and has wrinkles. The chalaza is dark brown, about 2 mm in diameter.
Pharmacological actions: ①.shorten the defecation time and increase the frequency of defecation in mice with dryness constipation; ②.purgative effect; ③.anti-inflammatory; ④.analgesic effects.
Medicinal efficacy: Relaxing bowel, moistening dryness, laxation, descending Qi, alleviate water retention. It is indicated for intestine-dryness due to consumption of fluid, dyspepsia and Qi stagnation (indigestion, food retention and Qi stagnation), stagnation of energy of the large intestine, abdominal distension and constipation, dryness and obstruction, edema, enlarged abdomen and edema, limb edema, beriberi, dysuria (difficulty in micturition), etc.
Administration of Semen Pruni (Yù Lǐ Rén):
Administration Guide of Semen Pruni (Yù Lǐ Rén)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 6~10 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 1~3 qian (about 3~9 grams), or prepare to pill, powder; ③.Internally:water decoction, 3~10 grams;or prepared to pill, powder.
Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions:the herb Semen Pruni should be used cautiously during pregnancy. Should avoid being used with beef and horsemeat.
(4).Prunus triloba Lindl.
Botanical description: The plant, Prunus triloba Lindl is commonly known as Amygdalus triloba (Lindl.) Ricker, or Yú Yè Méi. A species of the Amygdalus L. genus, the Rosaceae family (rose family) of the Rosales order. A deciduous shrub, rarely a small tree, it grows to 2–3 meters high. Young shoots are glabrous or slightly pubescent. Leaves are alternate; petioles are 5-10 mm long, pubescent; leaf blades are broadly elliptic to obovate, 2~6 cm long, 1.5~4 cm wide, front tip is short and acuminate, often 3-lobed, base is broadly cuneate, the upper surface is covered with sparse pilose or is glabrous, the under surface is covered with pubescence, edges are coarsely serrate or biserrate.
1~2 Flowers, axillary, bloom before sprouts of leaves, 2~3 cm in diameter; pedicels are 4~8 mm long; hypanthium (calyx tube) is broadly campanulate (bell-shaped), glabrous or mucoreous when young; 5 sepals, oval (egg-shaped) or ovate-lanceolate, sparse serrulated near to the front end; 5 flower petals, pink, orbicular or broad obovate, 6-10 mm long, front end is blunt, sometimes emarginate; 25–30 stamens, shorter than flower petals; ovary is densely pubescent, style is slightly longer than stamen.
Fruit is subsphaeroidal (near-spherical), 1~1.8 cm in diameter, front end has a small pointed tip, red, outside is pubescent; fruit pulp is thin, it is dehiscent (cracking) at maturity; stone (nut) is subsphaeroidal, with a thick hard shell, 1~1.6 cm in diameter, both sides are nearly not flattened, the tip is blunt, the surface has irregular reticulate patterns. Its flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from May to July.
Ecological environment: The plant prefers light, is slightly resistant to shade, and cold, and can pass winter at a low temperature of -35 °C (Celsius, or -31 degrees Fahrenheit). Its soil requirements are not strict, neutral to slightly alkaline, and fertile soil is better. The root system is developed, drought tolerance. It is not resistant to waterlogging. Strong disease resistance. The plant grows on slopes or beside ditches, in bushes, or at forest edges, in areas at low to medium altitudes. It is distributed in the northern, and northwest areas, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and other areas of China. It is cultivated in most parks throughout China, it is also distributed in Central Asia.
Characters of herbs: Seeds are conical, 7~8 mm long, and about 6 mm in diameter. The spermoderm (seed coat) is reddish brown and has wrinkles. The chalaza is dark brown, about 2 mm in diameter.
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1.Introduction of Yu Li Ren:Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed or Semen Pruni Humilis.