Postpartum heat syndromes:an introduction of postpartum febrile syndrome and related heat syndromes.

 TCM Knowledge:Gynecology Syndromes,Women Syndromes ✵Gynecology of TCM is a branch to study the physiological and pathological characteristics of women and to prevent and treat syndromes specific to women. Gynecology of TCM research scope including irregular menstruation, amenia, metrorrhagia, infertility, postpartum syndromes, breast syndromes, and miscellaneous syndromes, etc.

Postpartum febrile syndrome and related heat syndromes.
 ✵The women febrile syndrome after childbirth, and related heat syndromes after childbirth are introduced: postpartum heat from fire syndrome, postpartum heat from Yin deficiency, postpartum heat from Qi deficiency, postpartum periodical cold and periodical fever, etc.

Postpartum heat from fire syndrome.
Postpartum heat from fire syndrome 
 ✵The postpartum heat from fire syndrome is a syndrome of heat from an internal fire, due to various pathogenic reasons include too many tonics, or high temperature of the season, or forced drink wine or alcohol, or mistakenly take much ginseng and other herbs with hot nature, or approached to heat sources, etc.

 ✧Ancient herbalists who hold a syndrome differentiation viewpoint with similar explain of pathogenic reasons, and the relevant representative work are introduced and quoted:

 "For a woman suffers from heat of fire syndrome, in the condition, she is affected by an exogenous pathogen the heat is more on the exterior, but the heat of fire syndrome is more in the interior, this is due to too many tonics, or seasonal hot days and high temperature, or forced drunk a lot of wine, or mistakenly took Panax ginseng root, white atractylodes rhizome, ginger root, cinnamon bark, or ever used charcoal fire, or window and curtain are too close, many persons stay together, or Qi excess but many movements. All these cases belong to excessive types, could generate fire, fire turn excessive internally, often observe hot-flash and internal heat, polydipsia and prefers to cold, or cephalea(headache) and perspires much(sweating much), constipated and red urine, and blood heat flows randomly, but no exterior symptoms. Pulse is slow slippery and not tight, fever, is the fire syndrome, ... In the condition primordial Qi is not deficient..." [02].

Postpartum heat from Yin deficiency.
Postpartum heat from Yin deficiency 
 ✵The postpartum heat from Yin deficiency is a syndrome of heat from an internal fire, due to various pathogenic reasons include Yin deficiency, insufficiency of the spleen and kidney, Qi and blood deficiency.

 ✧Ancient herbalists who hold a syndrome differentiation viewpoint with similar explain of pathogenic reasons, and the relevant representative work are introduced and quoted:

 "A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to Yin deficiency after childbirth, surely constitutional insufficiency of the spleen and kidney, Qi and blood are all deficient after childbirth, as a result mostly suffers from it. Its symptoms are sudden heat or fever then disappear, affect irregularly, in the day time or at night, no regular orders in development, or mental drowsiness(spiritlessness), palpitation, and in a trance. Only observe the external symptoms, in the condition, there is no exterior syndrome and the pulse is string-like rapid, or floating and big, or weak fine and powerless, it comes gradually. In the condition sudden arrives without other syndromes, is the symptom of Yin deficiency syndrome." [02].Different types are introduced:
 ⑴.A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to Yin deficiency after childbirth, Yin deficiency and fire, light heat(mild fever);
 ⑵...., Yin deficiency and fire excess, great fever;
 ⑶...., Yin deficiency and fire excess, much perspiration(much sweating);
 ⑷...., fire does not return to origin;
 ⑸...., blood deficiency and Yang does not return to Yin, dysphoria with smothery sensation and thirst;
 ⑹...., Qi and blood deficiency, fever and irritable(fever, vexed), red complexion and thirst(looks red on face or cheeks, and thirst);

 "Postpartum Fever: a woman suffers from blood deficiency and Yin deficiency, generate internal heat, its symptoms are dysphoria in the heart and chest, short of breath, cephalea and chaotic stagnancy, turns severe in the late afternoon, similar to dysphoria(deficiency and vexation) after severe disease...the great fever after childbirth, not the heat of excessive type, but endogenous heat generated from Yin deficiency..." [03].Different types are introduced:
 ⑴.A woman suffers from fever after childbirth, clots and pains in seven days, and fever after the first childbirth;
 ⑵...., no clots and pains;
 ⑶...., great fever(high fever) and red complexion(looks red on face), very thirst, pulse is large and feeble;

 "Fever after childbirth: a woman loses excessive volume of blood(after childbirth), fever due to Yin deficiency, if in the case also sweating and panting, is the case Yang will collapse, ... In case a woman is hurt from strength during childbirth, fever due to strain and tiredness, ... In case of fever due to spleen is hurt from the diet, ... In case of fever due to blood stasis, surely also pain in the abdomen, ..." [04].

Postpartum heat from Qi deficiency.
Postpartum heat from Qi deficiency 
 ✵The postpartum heat from Qi deficiency is a syndrome of heat from primordial Qi deficiency, due to various pathogenic reasons include Qi deficiency, hurt of Yin blood, loss of blood, expulsion or refusing of Yang from cold, etc.

 ✧Ancient herbalists who hold a syndrome differentiation viewpoint with similar explain of pathogenic reasons, and the relevant representative work are introduced and quoted:

 "A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to primordial Qi deficiency after childbirth, are all syndromes of true cold internally and pseudo-heat externally." [02].Different types are introduced:
 ⑴.A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to primordial Qi deficiency after childbirth, it is a syndrome of true cold internally but pseudo-heat externally;
 ⑵.A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to Qi deficiency after childbirth, aversion to cold in limbs(feel cold in hands and arms, feet and legs);
 ⑶.A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to Qi deficiency after childbirth, hurt of Yin blood due to childbirth, heat in the exterior;
 ⑷.A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to Qi deficiency after childbirth, mistakenly took cold recipes and heat in the exterior, is the condition cold Qi refusing Yang;
 ⑸.A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to Qi deficiency after childbirth, fever in muscle and skin, red complexion(looks red on face and eyes), polydipsia thirst and drink the whole cup of water, it is the condition of dryness from blood exhaustion;
 ⑹.A woman suffers from heat syndrome or fever due to Qi deficiency after childbirth, loss of excessive volume of blood and fever, polydipsia thirst and shortness of breath, cephalea and vertigo(giddiness, dizzy), frustration(chaotic depression), internal heat, it also belongs to Yin deficiency;

 "...there are also cases fever and aversion to cold, headache and similar to Tai Yang syndrome, or alternative chills fever and headache, pain in the hypochondria region and similar to Shao Yang syndrome, all due to Qi and blood deficiency, disorder or imbalance of Yin and Yang, symptoms are similar to cold-induced syndrome..." [03].

Postpartum periodical cold and periodical fever.
Postpartum periodical cold and periodical fever. 
 ✵The postpartum periodical cold and periodical fever is a syndrome of periodical cold followed by periodical fever, alternatively, due to various pathogenic reasons and majorly are Qi and blood deficiency hurt, imbalance or disorder of Yin and Yang.

 ✧Ancient herbalists who hold a syndrome differentiation viewpoint with similar explain of pathogenic reasons, and the relevant representative work are introduced and quoted:

 "A woman suffers from periodical cold and fever, all due to Qi and blood deficiency hurt, a disorder of Yin and Yang. In the condition Yang domination then sudden fever, in the condition Yin domination then sudden cold." [02].Different types are introduced:
 ⑴.A woman suffers from periodical cold and periodical fever after childbirth, in the condition of Yin domination and much cold;
 ⑵...., in the condition of Yang domination and more fever;
 ⑶...., in the condition Yang Qi collapse into Yin and sudden fever sudden cold;
 ⑷...., Yin and Yang are both deficient and sudden fever sudden cold;
 ⑸...., residue blood not dissipating, flow into Yin and lead to sudden cold sudden fever;

  • 01.Postpartum heat syndromes:an introduction of postpartum febrile syndrome and related heat syndromes.
  • 02.Ye Shi Nǚ Ke Zhèng Zhì(the Syndromes and Therapeutics of Ye's Gynaecology).By 叶桂(Yè Guì)[1817].
  • 03.Fù Kē Bèi Kǎo(the References of Gynaecology).By 何应豫(Hé Yīngyù)[1820].
  • 04.Fù Kē Liáng Fāng(the Effective Prescription of Gynecology).By 何梦瑶(Hé Mèngyáo)[1751].

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