葛洪(Gé Hóng):introduction about his biography and legend,main books and academic thoughts.

TCM Knowledge:Prominent Ancient Herbalists ✵葛洪, a famous physician and world-renowned alchemist, popularly known as Ge Zhichuan or Bao Pu Zi, author of the book Bao Pu Zi, a treatise on alchemy and dietetics, and the Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang(or A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies), which includes many valuable descriptions and records of diseases.

葛洪(Gé Hóng).

Brief Introduction
漢語名(Chinese Name): 葛洪(Gé Hóng)Alias: 稚川(Zhì Chuān)
Popular name: 抱樸子(bào pǔ zǐ)English Name: Ge Hong, or Ko Hung, Hong Ge(Given/Sur Name)
Hometown: 晋丹陽郡句容(Jurong county, DanYang Jun of Jin)Dates: about 283~344 A.D.
Main works: 《抱樸子》(Bao Pu Zi, Pao P'u Tzu, or the Master of Preserving Simplicity),《肘後備急方》(Zhouhou Beiji Fang, or the Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency),《神仙傳》(Shenxian Zhuan,or biographies of fairies),《隱逸傳》(YinYi Zhuan, or biographies of hermits),etc.
Representative works: Zhouhou Beiji Fang(Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency)

Biography and legends:

 Ge Hong 葛洪, a famous physician and world-renowned alchemist(year 283~344 A.D.), he was native to Dan Yang Ju Rong, also a famous Taoist Priest in the Jin period, popularly known as Ge Zhichuan or Bao Pu Zi, author of the book Bao Pu Zi, a treatise on alchemy and dietetics, and the Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang(or A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies), which includes many valuable descriptions and records of diseases. 稚川(Zhì Chuān) is the alias of Gé Hóng, 抱樸子(bào pǔ zǐ) is a Taoist monastic name of Ge Hong.

  Ge Hong✧Ge Hong was an important scholar in the development of ancient Taoism, his family belongs to Taoist Master Aristocratic Families, Dan Yang Tao Shi, his grandfather was the famous Taoist master 葛玄(Ge Xuan, about year 164~244 A.D.) who lived during the Three Kingdom period, Ge Hong studied from Taoist 郑隐(Zheng Yin) since 16 years old, and read books Lun Yu(the Analects of Confucius), Shi Jing(the Book of Songs), Yi Jing(the I Ching, or the book of changes), and other classics. Except for his famous book Bao Pu Zi(70 volumes) and Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang(4 volumes), Ge Hong also wrote other ancient books, such as Shen Xian Zhuan(the Fairy biography) 10 volumes,YinYi Zhuan(the Hermits biography) 10 volumes, he also ever copied ancient book《西京雜記》(Xi Jing Za Ji, or the Miscellanea about West Capital) which was from 刘歆(Liú Xīn) who lived during the Western Han Dynasty, it is a historical novel notes collection.

  • 1.葛洪(Gé Hóng):introduction about his biography and legend,main books and academic thoughts.

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