莊履嚴Zhuāng Lǚyán:introduction about his biography and legends,main books and academic thoughts.

TCM Knowledge:Prominent Ancient Herbalists ✵莊履嚴(Zhuāng Lǚyán):herbalist ever lived during late period of the Ming Dynasty,good at writing poetry, specializing in medical skills, with extraordinary experience in diagnosis and treatment, and patients he ever saved are uncountable, he is the author of the gynecological book Fu Ke Bai Bian(the Differentiations in A Hundred Syndromes of Gynaecology).

莊履嚴(Zhuāng Lǚyán).

Brief Introduction
漢語名(Chinese Name): 莊履嚴(Zhuāng Lǚyán)Alias: 杏旸(Xìng Yáng)
Popular name: 莊履嚴(Zhuāng Lǚyán)English Name: Qi Bo, Uncle Qi
Hometown: ChengjiangDates: Unknown,about late 16th to 17th century.
Main works: 《婦科百辨》(Fu Ke Bai Bian),《醫理發微》(Yi Li Fa Wei),《復蘇草》(Fu Su Cao).
Representative works: 《婦科百辨》(Fu Ke Bai Bian).

Biography and legends:

 莊履嚴Zhuāng Lǚyán 莊履嚴(Zhuāng Lǚyán), herbalist ever lived during the Ming Dynasty, alias 杏旸(Xìng Yáng), a native of Chengjiang (today's Jiangyin City, Jiangsu), good at writing poetry, specializing in medical skills, with extraordinary experience in diagnosis and treatment, and patients he ever saved are uncountable, his years of birth and passing away is unknown in details, his years are about since late of the 16th century to the 17th century. In the Chongzhen 17th year of Ming (the year 1644 AD), he finished the book Fu Ke Bai Bian (the Differentiations in A Hundred Syndromes of Gynaecology), according to related ancient literature, other works he ever wrote are Yi Li Fa Wei (the Refined Elaboration of Medical Theory), Fu Su Cao (Herbs for Resuscitation), these two books did not survive till today.

Main books and academic thoughts:

 The book Fu Ke Bai Bian(the Differentiations in A Hundred Syndromes of Gynaecology) is a gynecological work compiled by herbalist Zhuāng Lǚyán in the Ming Dynasty, and its handwritten transcript was copied by 莊憩樵(Zhuāng Qìqiáo), his twenty-seventh generation grandson, a TCM works of gynecology. It was written in the Chongzhen 17th year of Ming Dynasty(the year 1644 AD). The first three volumes discuss miscellaneous syndromes, menstruation regulation, fertility, and the latter three volumes discuss the prescriptions and treatments of syndromes before, during, and after childbirth. This book uses the form of questioning to introduce the corresponding syndrome differentiation and treatment principles and prescriptions for the main syndromes.

  • 1.莊履嚴Zhuāng Lǚyán:introduction about his biography and legends,main books and academic thoughts.

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