Shěn Míngzōng:introduction about his biography and legends,main books and academic thoughts.

TCM Knowledge:Prominent Ancient Herbalists ✵沈明宗 (Shěn Míngzōng):a herbalist who lived during the Shunzhi period and Kangxi period (mid and late 17th century). He studied Zhongjing's theory in fine detail, and praised Fang Youzhi and Yu Jiayan in the commentaries of Shang Han Lun (the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases), author of the book 《傷寒六經辨證治法》(Shang Han Liu Jing Bian Zheng Zhi Fa, or the Six Channels Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases).

沈明宗 (Shěn Míngzōng).

Brief Introduction
漢語名 (Chinese Name): 沈明宗 (Shěn Míngzōng)Alias: 目南 (Mù Nán), 秋湄 (Qiū Méi).
Popular name: 沈明宗 (Shěn Míngzōng)English Name: Shen Mingzong, or Mingzong Shen (Given/Family).
Hometown: Xie Li(Jia Xing)Dates: about 1643~1723 AD.
Main works: 《傷寒六經辨證治法》(Shang Han Liu Jing Bian Zheng Zhi Fa),《傷寒六經纂註》(Shang Han Liu Jing Cuan Zhu),《金匱要略編註》(Jin Kui Yao Lue Bian Zhu),《虛勞內傷》(Xu Lao Nei Shang),《溫熱病論》(Wen Re Bing Lun),《婦科附翼》(Fu Ke Fu Yi),《客窗偶談》(Ke Chuang Ou Tan).
Representative works: 《傷寒六經辨證治法》(Shang Han Liu Jing Bian Zheng Zhi Fa).

Biography and legends:

 沈明宗Shěn Míngzōng 沈明宗 (Shěn Míngzōng), his alias is 目南 (Mù Nán), self-title is 秋湄 (Qiū Méi), and he was born at Xie Li of the Qing dynasty (today's Jiaxing County). The years and dates of his birth and passing away are unknown in detail. He lived during the Shunzhi period and the Kangxi period (the middle and late 17th century). He studied as a candidate for the imperial examinations, then concentrated on Zen, learned the medical classics, and became the outstanding disciple of herbalist 石楷 (Shí Kǎi), a famous herbalist in the early period of the Qing dynasty. His first wife passed away at his young age, he did not marry again, then traveled to Yandu capital, and later to Hanjiang (today's Yangzhou, Jiangsu), met a marriage, then he stopped his study in Zen, specializing in medical skills, which turned quite famous, followed by those who are seeking treatment. He discussed the medical classics with his disciples for more than 20 years. He studied Zhongjing's theory in fine detail, and praised Fang Youzhi and Yu Jiayan in the annotations of Shang Han Lun (the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases). Likewise, he has been a herbalist in Yangzhou for more than 20 years, and he was about 50 years old when his book was finished until the year 1693 AD (so his birth year might be around 1643 AD).

Main books and academic thoughts:

 Shen Mingzong is the author of Shang Han Liu Jing Bian Zheng Zhi Fa (the Six Channels Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases), 8 volumes. The edition style followed the style of Yu Chang's works, highlighting the main diseases of the six channels, and having many original, innovative viewpoints. He also compiled works Shang Han Liu Jing Cuan Zhu (the Compilation Notes on the six channels of the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases), 24 volumes, Jin Kui Yao Lue Bian Zhu (Annotation of the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber), 24 volumes, Xu Lao Nei Shang (Consumptive Disease and Endogenous Injury), 2 volumes, Wen Re Bing Lun (the Discussion on Warms Disease and Febrile Diseases), 2 volumes, Fu Ke Fu Yi (the Supplement Wings of the Gynecology), 1 volume, Ke Chuang Ou Tan (Occasional Talk near Guest Window), 1 volume⁣, these books were published and known.

 Shen's theory could be classified as belongs to "the missing slip theory school of Shang Han Lun (the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases)". The Taiyang is the main one for the exterior and governs the Ying and Wei systems. When the wind and cold pathogens attack, first they attack the Taiyang channel, and changes in Ying and Wei happen accordingly. Precious scholars proposed the theory that wind affects and the Wei Qi (the defensive Qi) is hurt, cold affects and the Ying Qi (the nutritive Qi) is hurt, and wind and cold affect and Ying Wei are hurt. Ancient herbalists 王叔和 (Wáng Shūhé), 孫思邈 (Sūn Sīmiǎo), 王焘 (Wáng Tāo), and 成無己 (Chéng Wújǐ) had related discussions; later herbalists 方有執 (Fāng Yǒuzhí), 喻昌 (Yù Chāng), and 沈明宗 (Shěn Míngzōng) also hold this viewpoint; it was advocated and followed by later herbalists 張璐 (Zhāng Lù), 吳儀洛 (Wú Yíluò), 程應旄 (Chéng Yīngmáo), 周揚俊 (Zhōu Yángjùn), and 黃玉璐 (Huáng Yùlù).

 Shang Han Liu Jing Bian Zheng Zhi Fa (the Six Channels Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases), a book about the study of Shang Han Lun (the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases), total eight volumes. It was compiled by Shen Mingzong of the Qing dynasty, and the book was finished in the year 1693 AD. Shen studied Zhongjing's theory in depth for over 20 years and then compiled this book. Among other scholars and their annotation works on Shang Han Lun (the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases), herbalists Fang Youzhi and Yu Chang are more praised and recommended by Shen Mingzong, and they believed that the Six-Qi exogenous affections discussed in Shang Han Lun (the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases) are mainly "Wind affects and Wei is hurt, cold affects and Ying is hurt", in the preface he stated that "and dampness disease is included in cold affection and Ying is hurt, the warm and heat diseases in spring and summer are due to wind affection and Wei is hurt,". He also criticized Wang Shuhe's compilation of Shang Han Lun (the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases) for unclear order of arrangement and edition, so when editing the annotations, the main diseases of the six channels were highlighted, along with many personal viewpoints. The edition and order arrangement of the book imitates Yu Chang's book Shang Lun Pian, separates the articles of the six channels, such as combined syndromes, overlapping, not relief following meridian penetration, and recurrence caused by overexertion after recovery, and sets up new article names for them, for the reasons, he stated that "Only routine treatment of perspiration, vomiting, and purgation at the previous part; and listed the changes from mistreatment at the following part; cases double hurt by wind and cold, changes from mistreatment, are picked out paragraph by paragraph."

 Jin Kui Yao Lue Bian Zhu (Annotation of the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber), a book about Jin Kui Yao Lue (the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber), 24 volumes. It was compiled by Shen Mingzong of the Qing dynasty, the book was first published in 1692 AD. Originally its title was Zhang Zhong Jing Jin Kui Yao Lue (Zhang Zhongjing's Synopsis of the Golden Chamber), the original title was changed when it was republished in the year 1693 AD. Herbalist Shen advocated that the handed-down book Jin Kui Yao Lue (the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber) "the edition lost the edition order of arrangement", it is not in its original appearance, and he believes that "Whenever you write a book, an outline should be established first, then articles and entries are listed." Thus, he re-arranges the handed-down version of the book Jin Kui Yao Lue (the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber), the preface and cases are listed at the beginning, and the following prescriptions and discussions are sorted out for arrangement, and make a proper arrangement or presentation. While the additional interpretation from him does not have many new annotations.

 Xu Lao Nei Shang (Consumptive Disease and Endogenous Injury), 2 volumes, a book about internal medicine, by Shen Mingzong of the Qing dynasty, the book was published in the Kangxi 32nd year (1693 AD). The book discusses thirty-four types of endogenous injuries and miscellaneous diseases. All diseases are quoted from classics, he explained their etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment methods, or they are attached with prescriptions and decoction methods.

 Wen Re Bing Lun (the Discussion on Warms Disease and Febrile Diseases), 2 volumes, is a TCM works on warm diseases by Shen Mingzong of the Qing Dynasty. The book was compiled and finished till about Kangxi 32nd year (1693 AD). This book defines the concepts of warm diseases and febrile diseases first, then describes various types of warm diseases (epidemic febrile disease). In the end, the part titled Nei Shang Lun (the Endogenous Injury Theory) in 2 volumes was attached, which mainly elaborates on the pathogenesis and treatment of various endogenous injuries due to overfatigue or consumption.

  • 1.Shěn Míngzōng:introduction about his biography and legends,main books and academic thoughts.

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