Ventosity,Abdominal distention and Abdominal fullness:pathogenic reasons and types.

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Ventosity(Abdominal distention and Abdominal fullness).
TCM Knowledge:Ventosity,Abdominal distention and Abdominal fullness 
 ✵The Ventosity is also known as abdominal distention and abdominal fullness, is a syndrome fullness and distention in the abdomen, but the shape of abdomen looks not big and no abnormal changes, are normally defined as abdominal fullness; the cases sense abdominal fullness and distention, and the abdomen looks shaped like a drum, is normally defined as abdominal distention.

 ✵ The Ventosity or abdominal distention and abdominal fullness, are known due to various pathogenic reasons, in the TCM system, known including Qi stagnation impassable(stagnation of the circulation of vital energy), stomach spleen cold deficiency(stomach spleen cold deficiency), Dampness encumbering the spleen, Damp-heat blocking in the body, Heat-fire accumulated internally, Phlegm and blood stasis, deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin, etc. In practice, they could be classified into deficiency or excess types.

 ✵ Common Ventosity(Abdominal distention and Abdominal fullness) introduced are mainly: Ventosity of Qi stagnation impassable type(stagnation of the circulation of vital energy), Ventosity of stomach spleen cold deficiency type(Abdominal distention due to stomach spleen cold deficiency), Ventosity of Dampness encumbering the spleen type, Ventosity of Damp-heat blocking in the body type, Ventosity of Heat-fire accumulated internally type, Ventosity of Phlegm and blood stasis type, Ventosity of liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type, etc.

Ventosity of Qi stagnation impassable type(stagnation of the circulation of vital energy).
Ventosity of Qi stagnation impassable type 
 ✦The Ventosity of Qi stagnation impassable type, is also known as abdominal distention and abdominal fullness of the stagnation of the circulation of vital energy type, is a type of abdominal pain due to the stagnation of the circulation of vital energy. Its common symptoms are known including abdomen distention and enlarged, fullness and obstacle or impassable, belly tension, low food intake(poor appetite), belching, belching more often after eat, the sound like a drum when knocking on the abdomen.

 ✧ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons for Ventosity of Qi stagnation impassable type are known from various origins, mainly from the stagnation of the Qi circulation, or stagnation of the circulation of vital energy.

Ventosity of stomach spleen cold deficiency type(Abdominal distention due to stomach spleen cold deficiency).
Ventosity of stomach spleen cold deficiency type 
 ✦The Ventosity of stomach spleen cold deficiency type is also known as abdominal distention and abdominal fullness of the stomach spleen cold deficiency type, is an abdominal fullness and distention due to the cold deficiency of the stomach and spleen.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Ventosity of stomach spleen cold deficiency type, are commonly known including fullness and distention of the abdomen, but the abdomen not yet enlarged, cases mild in the morning and severe at night, low food intake(poor appetite), aversion to cold and like warm, mental fatigue(mental weariness, lethargy), cold in hands and feet, also might observed edema of lower extremity.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Ventosity of stomach spleen cold deficiency type are known from various origins, mainly because of the accumulation of coldness pathogen in the spleen and stomach, and deficiency of the spleen and stomach, etc.

Ventosity of Dampness encumbering the spleen type
Ventosity of Dampness encumbering the spleen type 
 ✦The Ventosity of Dampness encumbering the spleen type is also known as abdominal fullness and abdominal distention of the dampness encumbering spleen type, is an abdominal fullness and abdominal distention due to the dampness encumbering the spleen.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Ventosity of Dampness encumbering the spleen type, are commonly known including the distention and enlargement of the abdomen, spread to the chest and hypochondrium, the abdomen region looks like a bag holding water full inside with press, the shape of the abdomen changes with the sitting positions, mental fatigue(mental weariness, lethargy), heavy body (heaviness of body), aversion to cold and lazy to move, thin sloppy stool.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Ventosity of Dampness encumbering the spleen type are known from various origins, mainly because of the dampness pathogen accumulated and encumbering the spleen viscera.

Ventosity of Damp-heat blocking in the body type.
Ventosity of Damp-heat blocking in the body type 
 ✦The Ventosity of Damp-heat blocking in the body type is also known as abdominal fullness and abdominal distention of the damp-heat blocking in the body, is a kind of abdominal fullness and abdominal distention due to the dampness and heat pathogen stagnant and blocking in the body.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Ventosity of Damp-heat blocking in the body type, are commonly known including abdomen enlarged and distention, fullness and oppression tightness, dysphoria with smothery sensation(vexation,upset,perturbed and heat in the heart,heat vexation in the heart), bitter taste in mouth and sliminess or sticky in the mouth, stool viscosity, yellow urine, hot urine scalding, thick yellow tongue fur and greasy fur on tongue.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Ventosity of Damp-heat blocking in the body type are known from various origins, mainly because of the dampness and heat pathogens accumulated in the body, mainly at the spleen-stomach.

Ventosity of Heat-fire accumulated internally type.
Ventosity of Heat-fire accumulated internally type 
 ✦The Ventosity of Heat-fire accumulated internally type is also known as abdominal fullness and abdominal distention of the heat-fire accumulated internal type, is an abdominal fullness and abdominal distention due to the accumulation of heat-fire internally.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Ventosity of Heat-fire accumulated internally type, are commonly known including the abdomen distention and enlarged, solid and full, pains when pressed, constipation, failure to defecate in several days, could not eat(no appetite or poor appetite), or Vomiting after eating, yellow or black tongue fur, thick and dry tongue fur.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Ventosity of Heat-fire accumulated internally type are known from various origins, mainly because of the pathogenic heat and fire accumulation internally, deficiency of the kidney and liver, etc.

Ventosity of Phlegm and blood stasis type.
Ventosity of Phlegm and blood stasis type 
 ✦The Ventosity of Phlegm and blood stasis type is also known as abdominal fullness and abdominal distention of the phlegm and blood stasis type, is abdominal fullness and abdominal distention due to the phlegm and blood stasis.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Ventosity of Phlegm and blood stasis type, are commonly known including abdomen full and solid, distention and enlarged as a drum, veins bulging on the abdomen region, pain and distention of the abdomen and belly, dark complexion, hemorrhoids observed on the regions of head, neck, chest and arms, or shape like silk, suggillation (purpura, purple spot) observed on the tongue.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Ventosity of Phlegm and blood stasis type are known from various origins, mainly because of the accumulation of phlegm, and blood stasis pathogens, poor blood circulation, Qi deficiency and poor circulation, etc.

Ventosity of liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type.
Ventosity of liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type. 
 ✦The Ventosity of liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type is also known as abdominal fullness and abdominal distention of the liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type, is an abdominal pain due to the deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Ventosity of liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type, are commonly known including distention and enlarged abdomen and belly, gray and dark complexion, purple lips, heat vexation in the heart(upset, heat in the heart), dryness in the mouth, red tongue and few tongue fur, etc.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Ventosity of liver-yin and kidney-yin deficiency type are known from various origins, mainly because of the deficiency, especially deficiency of liver-yin and deficiency of kidney-yin, etc.

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