Yangming disease:the Splendid Yang syndromes,an introduction.

Yangming disease (Splendid Yang disease, Yangming Syndromes).
TCM Knowledge:Febrile Disease and Cold-induced Disease according to ShangHanLun. ✵Yangming disease (Splendid Yang disease, Yangming Syndromes):Syndrome marked by exuberant yang and dryness-heat in the stomach and intestines occuring in the course of cold-induced febrile disease.

 ✵Herbalist Zhang Zhongjing defined the Yangming disease (Splendid Yang disease, Yangming Syndromes) in about 97 entries. These syndromes are all defined in details by his famous works.

Yangming disease (Splendid Yang disease, Yangming Syndromes)
Shang Han Lun,Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases 
 [entry-01]. Asked: There are Taiyang Yangming, Zhengyang Yangming, Shaoyang Yangming, what are these types?
 Answer:Taiyang Yangming, is the Pí Yuē (splenoasthenic restriction); Zhengyang Yangming, is the stomach excess (excess of stomach and intestine); Shaoyang Yangming, after inducing perspiration and urination promption, dryness, restlessness and constipation in the stomach, difficult in defecation.

 The Yangming disease (splendid yang disease), is the syndrome of Wèi Jiā Shí (excess of stomach and intestine).

 [entry-02]. Asked: What is the pathogenic reason for Yangming disease (splendid Yang disease)? Answer: The cases of TaiYang disease, if ever induced perspiration, used the purgative method, prompt urination, these lead to the loss of body liquid, dryness in the stomach, thus it develops and transmits to Yangming. Constipated, interior-excess, difficult defecation, this is known as the Yangming disease.

 [entry-03]. Asked: What are the exterior symptoms of the Yangming disease? Answer: body heat (generalized fever), spontaneous sweating, not aversion to cold, contrary (to expectations), aversion to heat.

 [entry-04]. Asked: Catch the disease for one day, not fever but aversion to cold, what is the condition? Answer: Although catch the disease for one day, aversion to cold will relieve automatically, then will sweat spontaneously and aversion to heat.

 [entry-05]. Asked: For what reason, the aversion to cold will relieve automatically? Answer: Yangming is in the center, is the earth (soil element), is where all things return, could not transmit again, although aversion to cold in the beginning, will get relieved automatically in two days, this is the Yangming disease.

 [entry-06]. Originally Taiyang disease, induced perspiration (sweating) in the initial stage, perspired but was not complete, for the reason it transmits to Yangming.

 [entry-07]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), fever, no sweating (no perspiration), vomiting, and no appetite (throw up, cannot take food), contrary (to expectations), perspiration (sweating), is the syndrome that transmits to Yangming.

 [entry-08]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), three days, the pulse of Yangming is large.

 [entry-09]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the pulse is floating and moderate, spontaneous warming in the extremities (spontaneous warmth in hands and feet), for the reason it is related to the Taiyin. Taiyin, the body will turn yellow (yellowing of the body), for the case that urination is uninhibited, the body will not turn yellow. Till seven to eight days, excrement turns hard, is the Yangming disease.

 [entry-10]. The case that Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome) develops and transmits to Yangming disease, the patient will slightly sweating (slight perspiration).

 [entry-11]. Yáng Míng Zhòng Fēng (Yangming wind-affection syndrome), bitter taste and dry throat, abdominal distention (abdominal fullness) and slight panting, fever and aversion to cold, the pulse is floating and tense, if purgation is induced, then abdominal distention (abdominal fullness), and dysuria (difficult in urination).

 [entry-12]. Yangming disease, if one can take food, is known as Zhòng Fēng (Yangming wind-affection syndrome); if one cannot take food, is known as Zhòng Hán (Yangming cold-affection syndrome).

 [entry-13]. Yangming disease, if it is case of Zhòng Hán, cannot take food, urination is inhibited (difficult urination), sweating on hands and feet, this looks likely develops to Gù Xiá (ancient syndrome name, watery diarrhea with hard fecal masses discharged at first and then undigested food), surely the excrement is hard at early stage and then turns loose. The reasons for this, as coldness in the stomach, undigested grain mixed with water.

 [entry-14]. Yangming disease, wants to take food at initial stage, contrary (to expectations), urination is inhibited, defecation is normal, pain in condyle, looks like fever, deliria (turns mad), perspiring and then relieve, this is the syndrome that water cannot bear or stand grains Qi, combined with sweat, if the pulse is tense and then it will recover.

 [entry-15]. Yangming disease, when it wants to relieve, from Shēn (the ninth of the twelve Earthly Branches, 3-5 p.m.) to Xū (the eleventh of the twelve Earthly Branches, 7-9 p.m.).

 [entry-16]. Yangming disease, cannot take food, relieves its heat and surely will vomit (throw up). For the reasons, deficiency and cold in stomach. As the patient is originaly deficient, so, relieves its heat and surely vomits.

 [entry-17]. Yangming disease, the pulse is slow, take food but can not be full, if eat one's fill, then slightly dizziness, surely dysuria (difficult in urination), this wants to develop to Gǔ Dǎn (dyspeptic jaundice). Although purgation is induced, abdominal distension (abdominal fullness) is the same as in the past, the reason why, the pulse is slow.

 [entry-18]. Yangming disease, should have much sweating, contrary (to expectations), adiaphoresis (no sweating), the body has a sensation that is similar to worms crawling in the skin, this is for the reason of chronic deficiency.

 [entry-19]. Yangming disease, contrary (to expectations), adiaphoresis (no sweating), but urination is uninhibited (polyuria), vomit and cough in two to three days, cold limbs (cold hands and feet), surely suffering from cephalea (headache). If not cough and not vomit, limbs are not cold (hands and feet are not cold), no headache.

 [entry-20]. Yangming disease, only dizziness, not aversion to cold, thus can take food and cough, the patient surely has pharyngalgia (sore throat). If not cough, pharynx is painless (not pain).

 [entry-21]. Yangming disease, adiaphoresis (no sweating), difficult urination, upset in the heart (annoyed), the body surely turns yellowing.

 [entry-22]. Yangming disease, used fire method, slightly perspiring on forehead, and difficult urination, surely yellowing.

 [entry-23]. Yangming disease, the pulse is floating and tense, surely has a hot flash (hectic fever), breaking out at interval time. The pulse is only floating, surely sweat at night (night sweat).

 [entry-24]. Yangming disease, mouth is dry, only wants to gargle water but not wants to swallow, surely leading to hemorrhinia (nose bleeding).

 [entry-25]. Yangming disease, originally spontaneous perspiration, herbalist induced perspiration repeatedly, recovers from disease, still slightly vexed and not recovering; this is for the reason that excrement is hard. As loss of body fluid, dryness in the stomach, this thus leads to hardness of excrement. Should ask how many times of urination in a day, if originally three to four times of urination, now the urination is only twice in a day, thus knowing that excrement will be discharged soon. Now the urination times are fewer, as body fluid should return to the stomach; thus knows surely will defecate soon.

 [entry-26]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), vomit much, although one has the syndrome of Yangming, purgative method cannot be used.

 [entry-27]. Yangming disease, fullness under the heart (epigastric fullness), purgative method cannot be used. If the purgative method is applied, the case that diarrhea is unstoppable will die, the case that diarrhea is stopped will relieve.

 [entry-28]. Yangming disease, face complexion connects to red, purgative method cannot be applied. If the purgative method is applied, surely fever and yellowing, and difficult urination.

 [entry-29]. Yangming disease, not vomit and constipated, perturbed (vexed: melancholy and heat in the heart),...

 [additional case]. After perspiration is induced, aversion to cold, for the reason of deficiency. Not aversion to cold but only heat, is excess syndrome. Should make stomach Qi normal,...

 [entry-30]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), not relieved in thirteen days, pass channel, delirious speech (wild talks), for there is heat, should induce purgation with soup. If the urination is uninhibited, the excrement should be hard, contrary (to expectations) diarrhea, the pulse is harmonistic, knows that herbalist induced purgation with pills, not its treatment. If there is spontaneous diarrhea, the pulse should be faint and there is cold limbs (cold in hands and feet). Now, contrary (to expectations, it is harmonious, this is interior-excess,...

 [entry-31]. Taiyang disease, pass channel over ten days, warmth under the heart and wanting to vomit, and pain in the chest, contrary (to expectations), excrement is loose, abdomen is slightly full, depressed and slightly vexed, great vomiting and loose stool,... If not,... If only wants to vomit, pain in chest, stool is slightly loose, this is not a syndrome of Chaihu. As vomiting, thus know great vomiting and loose stool.

 [entry-32]. Taiyang disease, three days, perspiration is induced but not relieved, fever, belongs to the stomach,...

 [entry-33]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), after emetic method is applied, distension and fullness in abdomen (abdominal distension), ...

 [entry-34]. Yangming disease, the pulse is slow, although perspiration is induced but not aversion to cold, surely heaviness in the body, short of breath, abdominal distention and panting (fullness in abdomen, pant for breath), there is hot flash (hectic fever), this is the exterior will relieve, can relieve the interior. Sweating in hands and feet is because excrement is already hard,... If sweating much, slightly fever and aversion to cold, the exterior is not relieved, the heat does not develop to a hectic fever,... If the abdomen is greatly full and constipated,..., slightly normalize the stomach Qi, and should not induce great purgation.

 [entry-35]. Yangming disease, hot flash (hectic fever), excrement is slightly hard,...if not hard,... If constipated for six to seven days, there might have stercoroma (dry stool), the method to know it, give a small dose of Xiao Chengqi Tang, when the decoction enters into the abdomen, turns to flatus, there is stercoroma, then purgation can be induced. If it does not turn to flatus, only the initial stool is hard, and later it surely turns loose, purgative method cannot be used, or if purgation is induced surely leads to distension and fullness, cannot take food. Wants to drink water, give water and will vomit out. The case that has fever later, surely the excrement turns hard and fewer again, normalize it with Xiao Chengqi Tang. The case that not turn to flatus, be cautious and purgation cannnot be applied.

 [entry-36]. In the case of excess syndrome, the patient will have delirious speech (wild talks, talk to oneself); In the case of deficiency syndrome, the patient will have turning voice. Turning voice, is repeated speech.

 [entry-37]. In the case that staring blankly forward and has delirious speech (wild talks, talk to oneself), dyspneal fullness (panting and fullness in chest), diarrhea, will die.

 [entry-38]. In the case that much perspiration is induced, if perspiration is induced repeatedly, loss of Yang (Yang depletion), delirious speech (wild talks, talk to oneself), the pulse is short, will die, the pulse is in harmony (in normalization), will not die.

 [entry-39]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), if emetic method and purgative method are used yet, cannot relieve, constipated over five to six days, up to over ten days, hot flash (hectic fever) at Rì Bū (Shēn, at about 3-5 p.m.), not aversion to cold, talk to oneself and looks like to catch sight of an apparition. If it turns severe, at occurence the patient cannot recognize others, follows the cloth and touch the bed, fearful and uneasy, slightly panting and staring blankly forward. The pulse is wiry, will survive, the pulse is choppy, will die. In the mild case, only fever and delirious speech (wild talks, talk to oneself),...If take one dose and diarrhea, cannot take another dose.

 [entry-40]. Yangming disease, hyperhidrosis (excessive and profuse perspiration), as body fluid goes outside, dryness in the stomach, excrement is surely hard, it is hard and then has delirious speech (wild talks, talk to oneself),...If, after one dose, the delirious speech (wild talks) stops, should not take another dose repeatedly.

 [entry-41]. Yangming disease, delirious speech (wild talks) and hot flash (hectic fever), the pulse is slippery and tense, ...turns to flatus in abdomen, take another one liter, if not turns to flatus, should not give it again. Constipated tomorrow (the second day), contrary (to expectations), the pulse is faint and choppy, deficiency in the interior, is difficult to treat, cannot give Chengqi Tang repeatedly.

 [entry-42]. Yangming disease, delirious speech (wild talks) and hot flash (hectic fever), contrary (to expectations), cannot take food, surely there are five to six stercoroma (dry stools). If one can take food, only the excrement is hard, ...

 [additional latter case]. Yangming disease, hemafecia (pass blood in stool) and delirious speech (wild talks), this is invasion of blood chamber by heat, only sweating on head, apply acupuncture at Qimen, induce purgation follow its excess, sweating and then it will recover.

 [entry-43]. In the case that delirious speech (wild talks) after perspiration, as there is stercoroma (dry stools) in the stomach, this is the wind, purgation should be induced, pass channel and then purgation can be induced. If purgation is induced earlier, surely leads to delirious speech (wild talks), for the reason deficiency in the exterior and excess in the interior. When purgation is induced, it will relieve, ...

 [entry-44]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), four to five days, the pulse is sunken and dyspneal fullness (panting and fullness in chest), sunken is in the interior, contrary (to expectations), perspiration was induced, body fluid passes out, defecation turns difficult (further constipated), deficiency in the exterior and excess in the interior, for a long time (a long duration of time), it develops to delirious speech (wild talks).

 [additional case]. Two-yang overlapping, Taiyang syndrome is over, only hot flash (hectic fever), sweating in hands and feet, constipated and delirious speech (wild talks), when purgation is induced, it will relieve, ...

 [entry-45]. Yangming disease, purgation is induced, annoyed in the heart and upset (vexed), there are stercoroma (dry stools) in the stomach, purgation can be induced. The abdomen is slightly full, the initial excrement is hard, later it is surely loose, purgation cannot be induced. If there are stercoroma (dry stools), ...

 [entry-46]. The patient is constipated for five to six days, periumbilical pain (pain around the bellybutton), fidget (dysphoria, irritation), breaking out at interval time, there are stercoroma (dry stools), thus makes one constipated.

 [entry-47]. The patient has dysphoria with smothery sensation, and it will relieve after perspiration, and it is similar to malaria, fever at Rì Bū (Shēn, at about 3-5 p.m.), belongs to Yangming. The pulse is full, purgation is appropriate to be induced; the pulse is floating and empty, it is appropriate to induce perspiration....

 [entry-48]. After great purgation is induced, constipated for six or seven days, vexation is not relieved, abdominal distension and pains (abdominal fullness and pains), this is the syndrome that there are stercoroma (dry stools). The reason why, originally there are dyspepsia (indigestion), ...

 [entry-49]. The urination is inhibited (difficult urination), defecation is suddenly difficult and suddenly easy, slightly fever occasionally, panting and dizziness, cannot sleep (sleepless, insomnia), there are stercoroma (dry stools), ...

 [entry-50]. Taiyang disease, if emetic method is used, or if purgative method is applied, or if perspiration is induced, slightly vexed, frequent urination, so the excrement is hard, give Xiao Chengqi Tang to normalize it, and will relieve.

 [entry-51]. Catch the disease, two to three days, the pulse is weak, there are no syndromes of Taiyang Chaihu, dysphoria (fidget, irritation), hardness under the heart (epigastric rigidity), till four to five days, although one can take food, gives Xiao Chengqi Tang, small dose, slightly normalize it, and make the patient feel slightly easy. Till six days, gives Chengqi Tang one liter. If constipated for six to seven days, urination is few, although one cannot take food, only the initial excrement is hard, later it is surely loose, not definitely turns hard, if purgation is induced, and it surely develops loose; should wait till urination is normal, excrement is surely hard, then purgation can be induced, it is appropriate to use Dachengqi Tang.

 [entry-52]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), six to seven days, can not see clearly (blurred vision), the lights of eyes is disorder (eyesight is dim or chaotic), no syndrome of exterior or interior, constipated, slightly general fever (slightly heat of body), this is the syndrome of excess, purgation is induced urgently, ...

 [entry-53]. Yangming disease, fever and much sweating, purgation is induced urgently, ...

 [entry-54]. Perspiration is induced, but not relieve, abdominal distention and pain (fullness and pain in abdomen), purgation is induced urgently, ...

 [entry-55]. Abdominal distention (fullness in abdomen), not reduced, or reduction (of fullness) is not enough, purgation should be applied, ...

 [entry-56]. Yangming-shaoyang combined syndrome, surely diarrhea, the pulse is not losing, is favorable. The pulse is losing, is not favorable. Restriction with each other, is known as Fù (losing). The pulse is slippery and rapid, has dyspepsia (indigestion), purgation should be induced, ...

 [entry-57]. The case that diarrhea and delirious speech (wild talks), there are stercoroma (dry stools), ...

 [entry-58]. Three-yang combined syndrome, abdominal distention (abdominal fullness) and somatic heaviness (heavy body), cannot change one's position (cannot turn around), mouth is not positive, and dirty complexion, delirious speech (wild talks) and enuresis (urinary incontinence), if perspiration is induced then delirious speech (wild talks), if purgation is induced then sweating on forehead, cold limbs (cold hands and feet). If there is spontaneous sweating, ...

 [additional case]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the pulse is floating and slippery, there is heat in the exterior, cold in the interior, ...

 . Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the pulse is slippery and cold limbs (cold hands and feet), there is heat in the interior, ...

 [reappearing case]. Two-yang overlapping, the Taiyang syndrome is over, only has hot flash (hectic fever), ...

 [entry-59]. Yangming disease, the pulse is floating and tense, dry throat and bitter taste, abdominal distension (abdominal fullness) and panting (pant for breath), fever and sweating, not aversion to cold, contrary (to expectations), aversion to heat, somatic heaviness (heavy body). If perspiration is induced, then impatient (uneasy), upset and uneasy in the heart, contrary (to expectations), delirious speech (wild talks). If warm needles are applied, the heart is quite upset, dysphoria and insomnia (sleeplessness). If purgation is induced, then emptiness in the stomach, guest Qi motivates the diaphragm, irritancy in the heart, coating on the tongue, ...

 [additional case]. Yangming disease, purgation is induced, there is heat in the exterior, warm in hands and feet, not accumulation of pathogens in chest, irritancy in the heart, hungry and cannot eat, only sweating on head, ...

 [entry-60]. If thirst and wants to drink water, mouth parched and tongue scorched (dry mouth and tongue), ...

 [additional case]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), if emetic method or purgation is applied, not relieved in seven or eight days, accumlation of heat in the interior, heat both in the exterior and interior, often aversion to wind, quite thirst, dry on the tongue and vexed, wants to drink water several liters, ...

 [entry-61]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), no severe heat, dry mouth and thirst, perturbed (vexed), the back is slightly aversion to cold, ...

 [entry-62]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the pulse is floating, fever and no perspiration, the exterior is not relieved, ... Thirst and wants to drink water, no exterior syndrome, ...

 [entry-63]. If the pulse is floating and fever, thirst and wants to drink water, urination is inhibited (difficult urination), ...

 [entry-64]. Yangming disease, profuse sweating and thirst, ...as much sweating and dryness in stomach, as Zhuling Tang prompts urination repeatedly.

 [entry-65]. The pulse is floating and slow, heat in the exterior and cold in the interior, diarrhea with undigested grains (diarrhea with undigested food in the stool), ...

 [entry-66]. If it is deficiency and cold in the stomach, cannot take food, drink water and then vomit.

 [entry-67]. The pulse is floating and fever, dry mouth and rhinitis sicca (dryness of nasal cavity), can take food and then hemorrhinia (nose bleeding).

 [reappearing case]. Yangming disease, purgation is applied, there is heat in the exterior, ...only sweating on head, ...

 [additional latter case]. Yangming disease, hot flash (hectic fever), loose stool, urination is spontaneous, fullness in chest and hypochondrium (painful chest and hypochondrium) and not eliminated, ...

 [entry-68]. Yangming disease, hardness and fullness below the costal region, constipated and vomit, white tongue coating, ...sweating on the body and relieve.

 [entry-69]. Yáng Míng Zhòng Fēng (Yangming wind-affection syndrome), the pulse is wiry floating large, and short of breath, abdominal distention (fullness in abdomen), pain below the costal region and heart....swelling behind and back of ears, ... The pulse is floating, there is no other syndrome, ... If anuria (no urination), abdominal distension and vomit, incurable.

 [entry-70]. Yangming disease, spontaneous sweating, if perspiration is induced, urination is normal, this is internal exhaustion of body fluid, although it is hard but cannot apply purgation, should wait till defecation on own wills, ...

 [entry-71]. Yangming disease, the pulse is slow, much sweating, slightly aversion to cold, the exterior is not relieved, perspiration can be induced, ...

 [entry-72]. Yangming disease, the pulse is floating, adiaphoresis (no perspiration) and panting (pant for breath), perspiration is induced and will relieve, ...

 [entry-73]. Yangming disease, fever and sweating, this is Rè Yuè (pyretic seepage), cannot be yellowing. Only sweating on head, body does not sweat, returns to the neck, urination is inhibited (difficult urination), thirst and wants to drink water, this is stagnant heat in the interior, body surely turns yellowing, ...

 [additional case]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), seven to eight days, body yellowing similar to orange color, urination is inhibited (difficult urination), abdomen is slight full, ...

 [entry-74]. Yangming disease, the patient likes to forget, surely there is blood stasis (blood-retention). The reason why, originally has stagnant blood, thus lead to forgettery. The excrement is hard, contrary (to expectations), defecation is easy, its color surely is black, ...

 [additional case]. There is no syndrome of exterior or interior, fever for seven to eight days, although the pulse is floating and rapid, purgation can be induced. If purgation is applied yet, the pulse is rapid and not relieve, combine with heat and then polypepsia and polyorexia, constipated till six to seven days, there is stagnant blood, ...

 [entry-75]. If the pulse is rapid and not relieve, and diarrhea is unstoppable, surely pyretic dysentery and purulent hematochezia (pass purulent matter in defecation).

 [reappearing case]. Yangming disease, purgation is induced, irritancy in the heart and vexed, ...if there are stercoroma (dry stools), ...

 [entry-76]. The patient is constipated, five to six days, ...there are stercoroma (dry stools), thus lead to constipation.

 [entry-77]. The patient is dysphoria with smothery sensation, sweating and will relieve, also similar to malaria, ...

 [entry-78]. After great purgation is induced, constipated for six to seven days, ...for the reason there is dyspepsia (indigestion), ...

 [entry-79]. The patient has difficult urination (urination is inhibited), defecation is suddenly difficult and suddenly easy, ...there are stercoroma (dry stools), ...

 [entry-80]. After taking grains and wants to vomit, belongs to Yangming, ... Gets the decoction, and it turns severe, belongs to the upper energizer.

 [reappearing case]. Taiyang disease, the cunkou pulse is moderate, the guan pulse is floating, the chi pulse is weak, ...thirst, ...

 [entry-81]. The pulse is weak in Yang, and perspiration is few, is normalization, profuse sweating, is extremeness.

 [entry-82]. The Yang pulse is full, thus perspiration is induced, sweating much, is also extremeness. Extremeness, is Yang exhaustion in the interior, loss of body fluid (depletion of body fluid), thus the excrement is hard.

 [entry-83]. The pulse is floating and hollow, floating is Yang, hollow is Yin, combating of floating and hollow, stomach Qi generates heat, the Yang is exhausted.

 [entry-84]. Fuyang pulse is floating and choppy, floating then stomach Qi is strong, choppy then urination is frequent, combating of floating and choppy, then the excrement turns hard, Pí Yuē (splenoasthenic restriction), ...

 [reappearing case]. Taiyang disease, three days, perspiration is induced but not relieve, fever, belongs to the stomach, ...

 [entry-85]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), after emetic method is applied, distension in abdomen (abdominal fullness), ...

 [entry-86]. Taiyang disease, if emetic method is applied, or if purgation is induced, ...thus excrement is hard, ...

 [entry-87]. Catch disease, two to three days, the pulse is weak, no syndrome of Taiyang Chaihu,...surely excrement is hard, till then purgation can be induced, ...

 [entry-88]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), six to seven days, eyes can not see clearly (blurred vision), ...purgation is induced urgently, ...

 [entry-89]. Yangming disease, fever and sweating much, purgation is induced urgently, ...

 [entry-90]. Purgation is induced, not relieve, abdominal distension and pain (fullness and pain in abdomen), purgation is induced urgently, ...

 [entry-91]. Abdominal distension and not reduced, reduction is not enough to mention, purgation should be induced, ...

 [entry-92]. Yangming-shaoyang combined syndrome, surely diarrhea, ...there is dyspepsia (indigestion), purgation should be induced, ...

 [entry-93]. There is no syndrome of the exterior and interior, fever for seven to eight days, ...constipated for six to seven days, there is stasis of blood, ...

 [entry-94]. If the pulse is rapid and not relieve, and diarrhea is unstoppable, surely puyretic dysentery and pass pus blood in defecation.

 [entry-95]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), perspiration is induced yet, body and eyes turn yellowing, for the reason, as cold and dampness is in the interor and not relieve, as purgation cannot be induced, seek it from cold and dampness.

 [reappearing case]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), seven to eight days, body turns yellowing and similar to orange color, ...

 [entry-96]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), body is yellowing and fever, ...

 [entry-97]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), stagnant heat is in the interior, body surely turns yellowing, ...

Yangming disease (Splendid Yang disease, Yangming Syndromes):brief introduction.
Shang Han Lun,Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases 
 ✵Stomach excess, or excess of stomach and intestine (Wèi Jiā Shí, excess of Wèi Jiā), is an outline of Yangming disease from Zhongjing.

 Fever, spontaneous perspiring, not aversion to cold, contrary (to expectations), aversion to heat, in serious condition dryness on tongue, polydipsia (excessive thirst) and wants to drink water, it is Yangming meridian syndrome (Yángmíng Jīng Zhèng).

 If there is a hot flash (hectic fever, afternoon fever), constipated, delirious speech (wild talk), abdominal distention and pain in the abdomen, it belongs to Yangming fu-viscera syndrome (Yángmíng Fǔ Zhèng).

 Zhengyang Yangming, is the stomach excess (excess of stomach and intestine); Except Zhengyang Yangming, there are Taiyang Yangming and Shaoyang Yangming;

 Taiyang Yangming, is the Pí Yuē (splenoasthenic restriction); Shaoyang Yangming, after inducing perspiration and urination promption, dryness, restlessness and excess in the stomach, difficult in defecation.

 Obstinate syndromes:

 [entry-01]. Yangming disease, delirious speech (wild talk), hot flash (hectic fever), the pulse is slippery and swift,... Decoction enters the abdomen, develops to flatus, give another one liter; if it does not develop to flatus, should not give. Constipated the second day, the pulse is slightly choppy, deficiency in the interior, it is difficult to treat, should not...

 Incurable syndromes:

 [entry-01]. Staring blankly forward, delirious speech (wild talk), panting and fullness, will...; diarrhea, will also....

 [entry-02]. Diarrhea, cold in hands and feet, no pulse, apply moxibustion but could not get warm. If the pulse does not return, contrary (to expectations), slightly panting, will....

 [entry-03]. Yangming disease, hard and fullness below the heart, cannot use purgative method.If purgation is induced, thus diarrhea is unstoppable, will...; diarrhea is relieved, will get recovery.

 [entry-04]. In the case that much perspiration is induced, if perspiration is induced repeatedly, loss of Yang (Yang depletion), delirious speech (wild talks, talk to oneself), the pulse (Qi) is short, will..., the pulse is in harmony (in normalization), will not die.

 [entry-05]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), if emetic method and purgative method are used yet, cannot relieve, constipated over five to six days, up to over ten days, hot flash (hectic fever) at Rì Bū (Shēn, at about 3-5 p.m.), not aversion to cold, talk to oneself and looks like to catch sight of an apparition. If it turns severe, at occurence the patient cannot recognize others, follows the cloth and touch the bed, fearful and uneasy, slightly panting and staring blankly forward. The pulse is wiry, will survive, the pulse is choppy, will die. In the mild case, only fever and delirious speech (wild talks, talk to oneself),...If take one dose and diarrhea, cannot take another dose.

 [entry-06]. The pulse is floating and hollow, floating is Yang, hollow is Yin, combating of floating and hollow, stomach Qi generates heat, the Yang is exhausted.

  • 1.Yangming disease:the Splendid Yang syndromes,an introduction.
  • 2.Shang Han Za Bing Lun:the Treatise on Cold-induced and Miscellaneous Diseases.By Zhāng Zhòngjǐng.
  • 3.Shang Han Lun:the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases.By Wáng Shūhé.
  • 4.Zhong Jing Quan Shu:the Complete Book of Zhongjing.By Zhào Kāiměi.

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