Tai Yang disease: the Greater Yang syndromes, an introduction.

Tai Yang disease: the Greater Yang disease.
TCM Knowledge:Febrile Disease and Cold-induced Disease according to ShangHanLun. ✵Tai Yang disease (greater Yang disease): Disease (or syndrome) characterized by the attack of pathogenic wind-cold to the body surface and struggle between the normal and pathogenic factors at the exterior portion of the body.

 ✵Herbalist Zhang Zhongjing defined the cold-induced disease in about 36 entries in the 1st part, about 76 entries in the 2nd part, about 39 entries in the 3rd part. These syndromes are all defined in details in his famous book, and were divided into 3 parts.

1st section.
Shang Han Lun,Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases 
 [entry-01]. The diseases of Tai Yang (greater Yang), floating pulse, stiffness and pain of the neck and head (a headache and painful stiff nape), aversion to cold (intolerance of cold).

 [entry-02]. Tai Yang disease, fever, sweating, aversion to wind (intolerance of wind), moderate pulse, this syndrome is known as Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome).

 [entry-03]. Tai Yang disease, either already feverish, or not yet feverish, definitely aversion to cold, body pain, retching counterflow, pulses are both tight (tense pulse) at Yin and Yang (cunkou and chizhong), this syndrome is known as Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome).

 [entry-04]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome) for one day, the Tai Yang (Greater Yang) is affected. If the pulse is calm, is the case of no progress of disease; If he wants to vomit, and if fidget and vexation, pulse is rapid and tense, there is progress of disease.

 [entry-05]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome) for two or three days, the syndromes of Yang Ming (Splendid Yang) and Shao Yang (Lesser Yang) are not observed, it is the case of no progress of disease.

 [entry-06]. Tai Yang disease, feverish and thirsty, not aversion to cold (not intolerance of cold), this syndrome is known as Wēn Bìng (warm disease); in the case sweating yet, body is scorching hot (searing heat), this syndrome is known as Fēng Wēn (wind-warm syndrome). The syndrome of Fēng Wēn (wind-warm syndrome), pulses are both floating (superficial) at Yin and Yang, spontaneous perspiration (spontaneous sweating), heavy body (somatic heaviness), more sleep, snoring surely, difficulty in speech. If treated with a purgative method, difficult urination, staring blankly forward and dribble after voiding; If treated with a fire treatment, facial complexion turns slightly yellow, similar as frightened epilepsy in severe condition, spasmus carpopedalis (spasm of hands and feet) frequently; If warm by a fire smoking method, inverse once will make the course of disease extending to days, induce perspiration further then one is about to die.

 [entry-07]. There are cases of fever and aversion to cold, arising from Yang (affection in Yang channel); cases of no fever and aversion to cold, arising from Yin (affection in Yin channel). The cases arising from Yang, recover in 7 days; the cases arising from Yin, recover in 6 days. For the cause that Yang number is 7, Yin number is 6.

 [entry-08]. Tai Yang disease, case of cephalea (headache) and self-cure after 7 days of onset, for the cause ceasing to transmit (disease of one channel without further transmission); In the case disease involving other channel (pass to another channel), acupuncture at foot Yang Ming, cease the pathological transmission, then will recover.

 [entry-09]. Tai Yang disease, tending to be cured, from Si to Wei (from the 6th branch Si to the 8th branch Wei of the twelve Earthly Branches).

 [entry-10]. Catch the syndrome of Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), exterior syndrome is relieved yet but not recover completely, will recover in 12 days.

 [entry-11]. The case that the body is severe heat (extreme fever), contrary (to expectations), wants to wear clothing, the heat is in the skin, and the cold is in the bone and marrow. The case that the body is extreme cold, contrary (to expectations), does not want to wear clothing, the cold is in the skin, and heat is in the bone and marrow.

 [entry-12]. Catch the syndrome of Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), Yang is floating and Yin is weak. Yang is floating (superficial pulse), fever spontaneously; Yin is weak (weak pulse), sweating spontaneously. Chilling and aversion to the cold, aversion to wind, fever, noisy nose (snoring) and dry retching, this syndrome is indicated with Guizhi Tang (Guizhi decoction, also known as Cassia-twig decoction).

 [entry-13]. Tai Yang disease, cephalea (headache), fever, sweating, aversion to wind, this syndrome is...

 [entry-14]. Tai Yang disease, rigid neck and back (stiffness in nape and back), contrary (to expectations), sweating, and aversion to wind, this syndrome...

 [entry-15]. Tai Yang disease, cases which are treated with the purgative method, the Qi counterflows upward, this syndrome could be indicated with..., as previous method; cases in which the Qi not counterflow upward, can not be treated with it.

  [additional latter case]. Tai Yang disease, 3 days yet, perspiration is induced yet, in the cases treated with emetic method, or with purgative method, or acupuncture with warmed needle, still not recovered yet, this is a deteriorated case (severe case), should not be treated with... Observe its pulse syndrome, to know which severe case with unfavorable prognosis is exactly, treat according to syndrome.

  [additional case]. Tai Yang disease, exterior syndrome is not relieved, pulse is floating and weak (superficial and weak pulse), should be relieved by inducing perspiration, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-16]. Tai Yang disease, cases which are treated with purgative method, slightly pant for breath, for the reason the exterior is not relieved, this syndrome...

 [entry-17]. Tai Yang disease, cases in which exterior syndrome is not relieved, should not use purgative method, as inducing purgation is contrary (inverse). To relieve exterior syndrome, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-18]. Tai Yang disease, inducing perspiration first, but it is not relieved, then using purgative method, case in which pulse is floating (superficial pulse), it is not recovered. Floating is in the exterior, while contrary (to expectations) purgation is used, thus the disease is not recovered. Now the pulse is floating, thus know it is in the exterior, should be relieved from the exterior, then it will recover. It is appropriate to...

 [entry-19]. Case in which often spontaneous sweating, it is the normal state of Ying Qi (the nutritive Qi), in the case of Ying Qi is in normal state, not harmony in the exterior, for the reason that Wei Qi (the defensive Qi) is not in harmony with Ying Qi. As Ying Qi flows inside vessels, and Wei Qi flows outside vessels, inducing perspiration repeatedly, Ying Qi and Wei Qi are in a coordination then it is recovered, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-20]. Case in which there is no other disease in Zang-viscera, sometimes fever and sometimes spontaneous sweating, and it is not recovered, this is the disorder of Wei Qi (the defensive Qi), inducing perspiration at the time of fever and spontaneous sweating, then it is recovered, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-21]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), constipated, six to seven days, cephalea (headache) with fever, use Cheng Qi Decoction. In case that the urination is clear, knows it is not in the interior, but is still in the exterior, should induce perspiration. In case there is cephalea (headache), surely bleed at the nose. It is appropriate to...

 [entry-22]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), relieved by inducing perspiration, after half of a day, fever again repeatedly, pulse is floating and rapid, could inducing perspiration again repeatedly, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-23]. Tai Yang disease, fever and sweating, this is because Ying Qi is strong, and Wei Qi is weak, thus sweating occurs. To relieve from pathogenic wind, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-24]. The Guizhi Tang is indicated for the purpose of expelling pathogenic factors from muscles and skin, in the cases that the pulse is floating and tense (superficial and tight), fever, no perspiration (absence of sweating), should not be indicated, should always know this syndrome, and should not indicate it wrongly.

 [entry-25]. In the cases of alcoholic drinkers, should not be indicated with Guizhi Tang, or will surely vomiting or throw up when taking it, for the cause that alcoholic drinkers do not like the sweet taste.

 [entry-26]. In the cases of panting, to be indicated with Guizhi Tang, it is better to add Houpo and Xingzi (Houpo and Xingren).

 [entry-27]. In the cases of take Guizhi Tang and then vomiting, later one will definitely vomit out pus and blood.

 [entry-28]. Tai Yang disease, perspiration is induced yet, sweating is unstoppable, aversion to wind, dysuria (difficulty in urination), slight spasm of four limbs, difficult to bend and stretch, this syndrome...

 [entry-29]. Tai Yang disease, purgation is induced yet, the case that pulse is hurried (rapid but intermittent pulse), thoracic fullness (fullness in the chest), this syndrome is indicated with... In case that slightly aversion to cold, this syndrome...

 [entry-30]. Tai Yang disease, caught it for 8 to 9 days, symptoms are similar to malaria, fever and aversion to cold, more fever and less cold, not vomiting (not throw up), urine is clear, and affect twice or triple times in one day. In the case pulse is faint and moderate, will recover; in the case pulse is faint and aversion to cold, deficiency of both Yin and Yang, should not induce perspiration repeatedly again, should not treat with purgative method again, nor emetic method again. In the case facial complexion looks hot, will not recover. For the cause it can not get a small perspiration (slight sweating), surely one feels itching (generalized itching of the body), it is appropriate to...

  [additional case]. Tai Yang disease, take Guizhi Tang at the onset, contrary (to expectations), dysphoria with smothery sensation, and it is not relieved, apply acupuncture at fengchi (GB20) and fengfu (GV16), then take Guizhitang a while later, it will be relieved.

 [entry-31]. In cases that after taking Guizhi Tang, profuse sweating (excessive perspiration), pulse is surging and large, take Guizhi Tang the same as previous method. If the symptoms are similar to malaria, attack another time during the day, surely will be relieved after perspiration, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-32]. In cases that after taking Guizhi Tang, profuse sweating (excessive perspiration), great polydipsia (great excessive thirst) and it is not relieved, pulse is surging and large, this syndrome...

 [entry-33]. Tai Yang disease, cases fever and aversion to cold, heat is more and cold is less, pulse is faint and weak, this is the syndrome that absence of Yang (Yang depletion), perspiration cannot be induced, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-34]. In cases that after taking Guizhi Tang, or purgation is induced, still observed stiffness and pain in the neck and head (aheadache and painful stiff nape), fever, no perspiration, fullness below the heart (fullness in the upper abdomen), hypodynia (mildly painful), difficulty in micturition (difficult urination), this syndrome...

 [entry-35]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), pulse is floating, spontaneous sweating, frequent urination, vexation (perturbed), slightly aversion to cold, spasm of feet (hypertonicity of feet), contrary (to expectations), Guizhi Tang is indicated to relieve the exterior, this is a mistake (not correct). In the case of cold limbs after catching it, dry in the throat, dysphoria (fidgets, upset, vexation), vomiting, prepare Gancao Ganjiang Tang and this prescription is indicated, to recover the Yang. In the case that cold limbs are relieved and feet turn warm, furthermore, prepare ... and this prescription is indicated, feet will stretch. In the case that stomach Qi is in disorder, delirious speech (delirium, wild talk), this syndrome is indicated with a small dose of ... In the case that inducing perspiration repeatedly, and acupuncture with warmed needle, this syndrome...

 [entry-36]. Asked: syndrome with symptoms similar to Yangdan, treat according to method (Yangdan) but the case turns severe. Cold limbs, dry in the throat, spasm of two shanks (lower legs) and delirious speech (delirium, wild talk). Master said till midnight hands and feet should turn warm, two feet should stretch. Later, the case is relieved the same as what Master told, how this can be known? Master answered: Cunkou pulse is floating and large, floating is wind, large is deficiency, wind then generates mild fever, deficiency then spasm of two shanks. The syndrome is similar to Guizhi (syndrome), because ... is added into it, to strengthen the potency of Guizhi and inducing perspiration, ...warm the channels, for reason of Yang depletion. In case of cold limbs, dry in throat, dysphoria (fidgets, upset, vexation), binding of Yangming in the interior, delirious speech (delirium, wild talk), upset, drink Gancao Ganjiang Tang repeatedly. At midnight Yang Qi returns, two feet should turn warm, shanks are still in slight spam, let take ... again, shanks will stretch in a while. As after taking ... stool is slight loose, then delirious speech (delirium, wild talk) is stopped (relieved), thus know the disease can be relieved.

2nd section.
Shang Han Lun,Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases 
 [entry-01]. Tai Yang disease, rigid neck and back (stiffness in nape and back), adiaphoresis (doesn't sweat) and aversion to wind, this syndrome is indicated with Gegen Tang (Gegen decoction, or Kudzu root Decoction).

 [entry-02]. In the case of Taiyang-Yangming combined syndrome, surely has diarrhea, this syndrome...

 [entry-03]. In the case of Taiyang-Yangming combined syndrome, one has no diarrhea, but vomits, this syndrome...

 [entry-04]. Tai Yang disease, Guizhi syndrome, herbalist induced purgation instead (contrary to expectations), therefrom diarrhea is unstoppable, in the case that pulse is hurried, the exterior is not relieved yet, in the case of panting and sweating, this syndrome...

 [entry-05]. Tai Yang disease, cephalea (headache) with fever, body pain and back pain (pain in the waist), joint pain (pain in the condyle), aversion to wind, adiaphoresis (doesn't sweat) and panting (pant for breath), this syndrome...

 [entry-06]. In the case of Taiyang-Yangming combined syndrome, panting (pant for breath) and fullness sensation in the chest, the purgative method can not be used, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-07]. In the case of Taiyang-Yangming combined syndrome, after 10 days, the pulse is floating and thready (a superficial and thin pulse), likes to sleeping (dependent on lying), and the exterior is already relieved. If there is a fullness sensation in the chest, hypochondriac pain, this syndrome is indicated with... If only the pulse is floating, this syndrome...

  [additional case]. Tai Yang disease, pulse is tense and floating (a tight and superficial pulse), adiaphoresis (does not sweat), fever, body pain, not relieved in eight to nine days, and exterior syndrome are still there, for such a case should induce perspiration. After taking the prescription, (the disease is) slightly eliminated (relieved), and the patient fidgets (upset, uneasy) and has a dim eyesight. In a severe case, hemorrhinia (bleeding at the nose) is surely observed, after nose bleeding, it will be relieved. About its reason, the Yang Qi is heavy. This syndrome...

 [entry-08]. Tai Yang disease, pulse is floating and tense (a superficial and tight pulse), fever, adiaphoresis on the body (does not sweat on the body), and in the case of spontaneous hemorrhinia (bleeding at the nose), it will be relieved.

 [entry-09]. In the case that the pulse is floating (a superficial pulse), disease is on the exterior, and inducing perspiration can be used, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-10]. In the case that the pulse is floating and rapid (a superficial and rapid pulse), inducing perspiration can be used, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-11]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), pulse is floating and tense, not indiced perspiration, which, as a result, leads to hemorrhinia (bleeding at the nose). This syndrome...

 [entry-12]. Catch the syndrome of Tai Yang Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), pulse is floating and tense, fever and aversion to cold, bodily ache and pain (ache and pain of the body), adiaphoresis (does not sweat) and fidgets (upset, uneasy), this syndrome is indicated with... If the pulse is faint and weak, perspiring (sweating), aversion to wind, one should not take (it), or if take it will lead to cold limbs, twitching of the tendon and muscle, these are symptoms of a severe case with an unfavorable prognosis. (This syndrome...).

 [entry-13]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), pulse is floating and moderate, there is no bodily ache (the body is not aching), but heaviness, and suddenly there is lightness, in the case that there are no symptoms of Shao Yin syndrome, inducing perspiration with...

 [entry-14]. In the case of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the exterior is not relieved, there is fluid staying below the heart, dry retch, dysemesia (retching), fever and cough, or thirst, or diarrhea, or hiccought (choking), or dysuria (difficulty in micturition), fullness in lower abdomen, or panting, this syndrome...

 [entry-15]. In the case of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), there is fluid staying below the heart, cough and slightly panting, fever but not thirst, already take soup (herb decoction), thirst, it is cold is dispelled and will be relieved, this syndrome...

 [reappearing case]. Tai Yang disease, the exterior is not relieved, pulse is floating and weak, should be relieved by inducing perspiration, it is appropriate to...

 . Tai Yang disease, slight panting after purgation, for the reason that the exterior is not relieved yet, this syndrome...

 . Tai Yang disease, the exterior is not relieved, can not induce purgation, or lead to severe case with unfavourable prognosis, to relieve the exterior, it is appropriate to...

 . Tai Yang disease, perspiration was induced earlier, but it was not relieved, then induce purgation again, the pulse is floating, will not recover,...should relieve the exterior, and it will recover, it is appropriate to...

 . Tai Yang disease, pluse is floating and tense, adiaphoresis (does not sweat) and fever, bodily ache and pain (ache and pain of body), is not relieved in eight to nine days, ...for the reason that heaviness of Yang Qi, this syndrome...

 . Tai Yang disease, pulse is floating and tense, fever and anidrosis of the body (does not sweat on the body), spontaneous hemorrhinia (spontaneous bleeding at the nose), will recover.

 [entry-16]. In the case of Taiyang-Yangming combined syndrome, at onse of Tai Yang disease, perspiration was induced, sweating but not completely, thus transmitting to Yangming. Then slight spontaneous sweating, not aversion to cold. In the case that symptoms of Tai Yang disease is not over, can not use the purgative method, if purgation is induced it lead to a severe case with unfavourable prognosis. Thuswise, can induce slight sweating. If the facial complexion is red, Yang Qi is floating to the exterior, fumigation should be used to relieve it. If perspiration is not completely, not need to say, the Yang Qi is stagnant and could not transport, should induce perspiration but not induced perspiration, dysphoria (fidget), do not know the location of pain, suddenly pain is in abdomen, suddenly pain is in limbs, feel but could not take, short breath (breath hard), only could sit, for the reason perspiration is not completely, induce perspiration again and then will recover. How to know perspiration is not complete? As the pulse is choppy, thus know it.

 [entry-17]. In the case that the pulse is floating and rapid, should induce perspiration and will recover. If purgation was induced, heaviness of the body, palpitation, can not induce perspiration, should wait for spontaneous sweating, and then it will recover. For the reasons, chizhong pulse is faint, this is the syndrome of interior deficiency, should wait till excess of both exterior and interior, body fluid turns normal itself, then spontaneous sweating and it will recover.

 [entry-18]. In the case that pulse is floating and tense, the method should be used when bodily ache and pain (ache and pain of the body) and it is appropriate to relieve it by inducing perspiration. If in the case that chizhong is slow, can not induce perspiration. How to know it is such? As the Ying Qi (the nutritive Qi) is deficient, insufficiency of blood.

 [reappearing case]. In the case that pulse is floating, the disease is in the exterior, perspiration can be induced, it is appropriate to be indicated with...

 . In the case that pulse is floating and rapid, perspiration can be induced, it is appropriate to...

 . In the case that often spontaneous sweating, this is the normality of Ying Qi (the nutritive Qi),...till coordination between nutrient Qi and defensive Qi then it will recover, it is appropriate to...

 . In the case that no other disease in Zang-viscera, ...induced perspiration before its time then it will recover, it is appropriate to...

 . In the case of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), pulse is floating and tense, perspiration is not induced, thus lead to hemorrhinia (bleed at the nose), this syndrome is indicated with...

 . In the case of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), constipated for six or seven days, ...if cephalea (headache), surely hemorrhinia (bleed at the nose), it is appropriate to...

 . In the case of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), relieved by inducing perspiration, over half of a day, ...perspiration can be induced again repeatedly, it is appropriate to...

 [entry-19]. In case of disease, if perspiration is induced, or vomiting is induced, or purgation is induced, or lose of body fluid, coordination of Yin and Yang, surely it will spontaneous recover.

 [entry-20]. After great purgation is induced, induce perspiration repeatedly, difficult urination, the reason is the loss of body fluid. Not treat it, until urination turns normal, surely it will spontaneously recover.

 [entry-21]. After purgation is induced, induce perspiration repeatedly, surely shivering from cold, pulse is faint and thready, the reason for such a condition, deficiency of both interior and exterior.

 [entry-22]. After purgation is induced, induce perspiration repeatedly, dysphoria (fidget) in daytime and sleeplessness (could not sleep), but calm at night, not vomiting and not thirst, no exterior syndrome, pulse is sunken and faint, no great bodily fever (not fever greatly on body),...

 [entry-23]. After perspiration is induced, bodily ache and pain (ache and pain of the body), the pulse is sunken and slow,...

 [entry-24]. After perspiration is induced, can not use Guizhi Tang again, sweating yet and panting (pant for breath), no severe heat,...

  [additional case]. After purgation is induced, can not use Guizhi Tang again. In the case that after perspiration and panting (pant for breath), no severe heat,...

 [entry-25]. Excessive perspiration is induced, one crosses hands on the region between the chest and heart, palpitation below the heart, and one wants to press down,...

 [entry-26]. After perspiration is induced, palpitate below the bellybutton, looks like to develop as kidney amassment,...

 [entry-27]. After perspiration is induced, abdominal distension and fullness,...

 [entry-28]. In the case of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), after vomiting or purgation is induced, reverse fullness below the heart (reverse fullness of the upper abdomen), upward flows of Qi to the chest, stand up and feels vertigo (dizziness), pulse is sunken and tense, induce perspiration then motivate channel, body vibrates and shakes,...

 [entry-29]. After perspiration is induced, it is not relieved, contrary (to expectations), aversion to cold, for the reason of deficiency,...

 [entry-30]. After perspiration is induced, if purgation is induced, it is still not relieved yet, dysphoria (fidget, irritation and uneasy),...

 [additional latter case]. After perspiration is induced, aversion to cold, the reason is deficiency. Not aversion to cold, but fever, is excess syndrome, should harmonize the stomach Qi,...

 [entry-31]. Tai Yang disease, perspiration is induced, there is great perspiring (profuse sweating), dryness in stomach, dysphoria (fidget, irritation and uneasy) and wakefulness (could not sleep), wants to drink water, and gives a small volume of water to drink, to harmonize the stomach Qi then it will recover. If the pulse is floating, there is difficult urination, slightly fever and wasting thirst,...

 [entry-32]. After perspiration is induced, the pulse is floating and rapid, and polydipsia (dipsosis or excessive thirst),...

 [additional case]. Catch the syndrome of Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), fever, is not relieved in six to seven days, vexed (upset), has exterior and interior syndrome, thirst and wants to drink water, when water is entering then vomit, is known as the syndrome of water counterflow,...

 [entry-33]. Originally, purgation is induced yet, epigastric fullness, applied..., fullness is not relieved, thirst and dry mouth, vexed, difficult urination,...

 [entry-34]. Tai Yang disease, the cunkou pulse is moderate, the guan pulse is floating, the chi pulse is weak, and there is fever and sweating. Again, aversion to cold, not vomit, but fullness below the heart (epigastric fullness), for the cause that purgation was induced. If purgation was not induced, not aversion to cold but thirst, this transmits to Yangming. The case that difficult in urination, stool is surely hard, not suffering if constipated for 10 days. Thirst and want to drink water, let drink small volume of water, only save with method. Thirst,...

 [entry-34]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), sweating and thirst, ..., not thirst, ...

 [reappearing case]. Catch the syndrome of Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), fever, not relieved in six to seven days,...is known as the syndrome of water counterflow,...

 [entry-35]. Not take the hand and feel pulses, patient cross hands before chest and dismayed, master asked the patient to cough, but not cough, this surely is deaf (hard of hearing) and can not hear. For the reason, perspiration is induced repeatedly, deficiency, therefore, such a condition.

 [entry-36]. After perspiration is induced, drink much water, surely panting (pant for breath), watering outside, and also panting (pant for breath).

 [entry-37]. After perspiration is induced, water decoction can not enter the mouth, counterflow. If induce perspiration again, surely will vomit and diarrhea, and unstoppable.

 [entry-38]. After perspiration is induced, dysphoria (abnormal depression and discontent), insomnia (can not sleep), if it turns severe, surely confused, hot and suffocating in the heart, likely to vomit,...

 [entry-39]. In the case that weak breath is observed,..., if vomit,...

 [entry-40]. After perspiration is induced, if purgation is induced, and dysphoria with a smothery sensation, obstruction in the chest,...

 [entry-41]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), five to six days, after great purgation, fever is not relieved, binding pain in the heart, not likely to relieve,...

 [additional case]. After diarrhea, even figets (vexed), press and feels softness below the heart (softness in the epigastrium), is dysphoria,...

 [entry-42]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), after purgation is induced, figets (vexed), abdominal distention (abdominal fullness), uneasy in sleeping and getting up,...

 [entry-43]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), herbalist induced great purgation with pills, fever is not eliminated, slight figets (slight vexed),...

 [entry-44]. Tai Yang disease, perspiration is induced, sweating but not relieved, still fever, palpitate below the heart (epigastric throb), vertigo (dizziness), body is trembling, shaking and likely to fall on the ground,...

 [entry-45]. In the case of a dry throat, perspiration can not be induced.

 [entry-46]. In the case of gonorrhea, perspiration can not be induced, or if perspiration is induced, surely it will lead to hemafecia (passing blood in stool).

 [entry-47]. In the case of sore, although bodily ache and pain (ache and pain of body), perspiration can not be induced, or if perspiration is induced, lead to Chi (or Zhì, an ancient disease name, a kind of disease with symptoms of stiffness and weakness of the muscles and veins, lacking strength.).

 [entry-48]. In the case of hemorrhinia, perspiration cannot be induced, sweating, surely sunken at the forehead, the pulse is tense, look straight and cannot roll eyeballs, insomnia (sleeplessness).

 [entry-49]. In the case of blood loss (hemorrhage), perspiration cannot be induced, or if perspiration is induced, chilling and shivering.

 [entry-50]. In the case that much sweat in normal days, if perspiration is induced heavily, it surely leads to trance (absentminded, rhembasmus) and chaos in the heart (vexation), pain in private parts after urination,...

 [entry-51]. In the case that patient has a cold (syndrome), perspiration was induced again, and coldness in the stomach, surely will vomit out ascarid.

 [entry-52]. In the case that should induce perspiration, but purgation is induced, this is routine treatment (severe case with unfavourable prognosis); If perspiration is induced first, treatment is not routine. In the case that should induce purgation first, contrary (to expectations), perspiration was induced, this is routine treatment (severe case with unfavourable prognosis); If purgation was induced first, treatment is not routine.

 [entry-53]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), herbalist induced purgation, follow-up diarrhea with undigested grains, and it is unstoppable, bodily ache and pain (ache and pain of the body), should save the interior urgently. Later, bodily ache and pain (ache and pain of the body), clear stool turns normal by itself, should save the exterior urgentlyt....

 [entry-54]. In the case that fever and cephalea (headache), contrary (to expectations), pulse is sunken, if not regular, bodily ache and pain (ache and pain of the body), should save the interior,...

 [entry-55]. Tai Yang disease, purgation was induced and not relieved, thus induce perspiration again, herefrom, both deficiency in the interior and exterior, thus the patient feels covered by coldness on the head and eyes, spontaneous recover after perspiration is induced. For the reason, sweating and the exterior will turn normal. If the interior does not turn normal, then purgation is induced.

 [entry-56]. Tai Yang disease, not relieved, pulse stop at both Yin and Yang, surely first chilling and trembling, perspiring, then it will be relieved. If only the Yang pulse is faint, firstly perspiration is induced, then it will be relieved. If only the Yin pulse is faint, purgation is induced, then it will be relieved. If plan to induce purgation,...

 [reappearing case]. Tai Yang disease, fever and sweating, this is because Ying Qi (the nutritive Qi) is weak and Wei Qi (the defense Qi) is strong, thus leading to sweating. To save pathogenic wind,...

 [additional latter case]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), five to six days, catch the syndrome of Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), alternative fever and chill, fullness in chest and hypochondrium,...slight fever of the body, or cough,...

 Blood is weak and Qi is exhaustion, Cou Li (space between skin and muscles) opens, thus pathogenic Qi enters,...thus leading to vomiting,...

 After takinf Chaihu Tang, thirst, belongs to Yangming, treat it with method. Catch the disease six to seven days, pulse is slow and floating and weak,...should not give Chaihu Tang, vomit if taken grains.

 Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), four to five days, fever, aversion to wind, stiffness in neck and nape, hypochondrium fullness, warm in the hands and feet but thirst, ...Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the Yang pulse is choppy, the Yin pulse is wiry, when there is urgent pain in the abdomen (acute abdominal pain),..., could not be relieved,...

 Catch the syndrome of Shang Han Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), there are symptoms of Chaihu, one symptom is observed, then it is the syndrome, should not have all of them. In cases of Chaihu Tang syndrome and purgation is induced, if the Chaihu syndrome is not stopped, give Chaihu Tang again, surely steaming-like and shivering, and will fever and perspire, then it is relieved.

 [entry-57]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), two to three days, palpitation and perturbed (heart-throb and vexed),...

 [additional latter case]. Tai Yang disease, pass channel over ten days, contrary (to expectations), purgation was induced twice or third times, four to five days after it, syndromes of Chaihu is still observed,... Vomit and unstoppable,...

 [entry-58]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), not relieved in thirteen days, fullness in chest and hypochondrium and vomit,...first...then....

 [entry-59]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), not relieved in thirteen days, pass over channel, delirious speech (wild talks), for there is heat, ...this is excess in the interior,...

 [entry-60]. Tai Yang disease, not relieved, heat binding in the urinary bladder, the patient looks mad, spontaneous bleeding, then will recover. The exterior is not relieved, should not use attack method, should relieve the exterior, the exterior is relieved, but urgently binding in the lower abdomen (fullness or pain in the lower abdomen), could...

 [additional latter case]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), eight to nine days, purgation is induced, fullness in chest, figets and frightened (vexed and frighted), ...could not change position, ...

 [entry-61]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), fullness in abdomen, delirious speech (wild talks),...this is liver subujgating spleen, known as Zòng (ancient syndrome name), acupuncture at qimen (LR14).

 [entry-62]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), fever, chilly and aversion to cold, ...this is liver subujgating lung, known as Héng (ancient syndrome name), acupuncture at qimen (LR14).

 [entry-63]. Tai Yang disease, two days, contrary (to expectations), figets (vexation), contrary (to expectations) hot treat the back and profuse sweating, ...for the reason that grain Qi flows downward.

 [entry-64]. Tai Yang disease, Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), wrongly use of cautery puncture to induce perspiration, ...urination is normal, it is treatable.

 [entry-65]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), pulse is floating, herbalist wrongly use of cautery puncture,...uneasy in sleeping and waking up,...

 [entry-66]. It looks like catching the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome),...treated by fire moxibustion, surely delirious speech (wild talks),...should induce perspiration and it will recover. Tai Yang disease, smoke by fire,...is known as a fire pathogen, the pulse is floating and there is severe heat, contrary (to expectations), moxibustion is applied, ...surely leads to dryness in the throat and vomiting blood.

 [entry-67]. Pluse is slightly rapid, be cautious and can not apply moxibustion,...burnt bones and muscles, blood can not recover. The pulse is floating, it is appropriate to relieve by inducing perspiration, apply fire moxibustion,...is known as Huo Ni (deterioration with cautery therapy). The case that will be relieved spontaneously, surely will observe figets (vexed),...thus know it will relieve after perspiration.

 [entry-68]. Heated needling and induce perspiration,...Huo Ni (deterioration with cautery therapy), purgation is induced, figets (vexed) because of heated needling,...

 [entry-69]. Catch the syndrome of Tai Yang Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), apply acupuncture with a warmed needle, and surely one will get frightened.

 [entry-70]. Tai Yang disease, should aversion to cold and fever, now spontaneous sweating, not aversion to cold and fever, guan pulse is thready and rapid,...for herbalist used emetic method, this is a minor mistake in treatment.

 [entry-71]. Tai Yang disease, vomiting was induced, but the case of Tai Yang disease should feel aversion to cold, contrary (to expectations), not aversion to cold now, not want to wear clothing, this is because induced vomiting and internal restlessness is observed.

 [entry-72]. In the case that the pulse is rapid, rapid is heat, for comnsumption of grains and take food, but contrary (to expectations), vomit, this is for perspiration was induced, and Yang Qi turns weak, Qi deficiency of diaphragm, the pulse is rapid. Rapid is pseudoheat, cannot digest grains, as deficiency and cold in the stomach, thus vomit.

 [additional latter case]. Tai Yang disease, pass channel over ten days, warm below the heart and wants to vomit, and pain in chest..., as vomiting, so knows extremely vomit and diarrhea.

 [entry-73]. Tai Yang disease, six to seven days, the exterior syndrome is still observed, the pulse is faint and sunken, contrary (to expectations), not binding in chest (accumulation of pathogens in chest), the case that turns deliria (turns mad), as heat is in the lower energizer, the lower abdomen should be full, urination turns normal, pass blood and will recover. For the reason, as Tai Yang suijing (exterior pathogen invading the interior along Tai Yang channel), stagnant heat is in the interior, are the reasons....

 [entry-74]. Tai Yang disease, body turns yellow, the pulse is sunken and knotted, the lower abdomen is hard, difficult urination, is no blood. Urination is normal, the patient is likely mad (mania), is really syndrome of blood,...

 [entry-75]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), fever, fullness in the lower abdomen, should observe difficult urination, now contrary (to expectations), urination is normal, as there is blood, should induce purgation, should not use residual decoction,...

 [entry-76]. Tai Yang disease, urination turns normal, as drinking much water, surely palpitate below the heart (epigastric throb); the case that the urination is little, surely suffers from contraction of the genitalia.

3rd section.
Shang Han Lun,Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases 
 [entry-01]. Asked: There are Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation: accumulation of pathogens in chest), and Zàng Jié (accumulation of yin cold in viscera), how about their symptoms? Answering: Press down, and it pains, the cunkou pulse is floating, the guan pulse is sunken, is known as Jié Xiōng. What is Zàng Jié? Answering: symptoms are similar to Jié Xiōng, drink and diet are as past, often diarrhea time and again, the cunkou pulse is floating, the guan pulse is thready, sunken and tense, is known as Zàng Jié. The white tongue coating is slippery, this syndrome is difficult for treatment.

 [entry-02]. Zàng Jié, there is no Yang syndrome, no alternation of cold and heat, contrary (to expectations), the patient is quiet, the tongue coating is slippery, and the purgative method cannot be used.

 [additional case]. There is Pǐ (stuffy lump) below the costal region, connect besides the bellybutton, dragging pain in the lower abdomen, enter into the phallus, this syndrome is known as Zàng Jié, will die.

 [entry-03]. The disease is from Yang, contrary (to expectations), purgation is used, heat enters, thus leading to Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation); The disease is from Yin, contrary (to expectations), purgation is used, thus lead to Pǐ (ancient syndrome, mass or stuffy lump in the abdomen). The reason that leads to Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation), is because purgation was used too early.

 [entry-04]. In the case of Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation), the neck is also stiff, symptoms are similar to Róu Chì (lung heat transmits to kidney, and leads to stiffness of bone and softness of tendons, lacking strength in movement of limbs and body), apply purgation, and it will turn normal,...

 [entry-05]. In the case of Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation), the pulse is floating and large, cannot induce purgation, if purgation is used, will die.

 [entry-06]. The syndrome of Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation) is all complete, fidget (dysphoria, vexation), will also die.

 [entry-07]. Tai Yang disease, the pulse is floating and throbbing rapid, floating is wind, rapid is heat, throbbing is pain, rapid is deficiency. Cephalea (headache) and fever, slightly night sweating, contrary (to expectations), aversion to cold, the exterior is not relieved yet. Contrary (to expectations), herbalist applied purgation, throbbing rapid turns slow, pain in the diaphragm, empty in the stomach, guest Qi (pathogenic Qi) moves the diaphragm, short breath and fidget (dysphoria, vexation), ào nóng in the heart (ào nóng: symptoms of a burning noisy sensation between the chest and diaphragm), Yang Qi sunken internally, thus turns hard under the heart (turns hard in the epigastrium), then the syndrome is Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation),... If it is not Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation), only sweating on head, but not perspiring on other part, returns to the neck, difficult urination, body surely will turn yellow.

 [entry-08]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), six to seven days, Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation), excessive heat, the pulse is sunken and tense, pain under the heart (pain in the epigastrium), press down, and it is hard similar to stone, ...

 [additional later case]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), over ten days, heat retention in the interior (heat accumulation internally), repeatedly alternative fever and chill (alternation of fever and cold),..., this is the syndrome water retention in chest and hypochondrium. If only slightly sweating on head,...

 [entry-09]. Tai Yang disease, repeatedly induce perspiration and then purgation is induced, constipated for five or six days, tongue is dry and thirst, there is small hot flash at Rì Bū (ancient time term, shēn time, about 3-5 p.m.), hard and fullness in the part from under the heart to the lower abdomen (from the epigastrium to the lower abdomen), pains and could not get close,...

 [entry-10]. Catch the syndrome of Xiǎo Jié Xiōng (minor thoracic accumulation, a mild case of accumulation of phlegm-heat in the chest), just under the heart (in the epigastrium), press down, and it pains, the pulse is floating and slippery,...

 [entry-11]. Tai Yang disease, two to three days, can not sleep, but only want to stand up, surely retention under the heart (retention in the epigastrium), the pulse is faint and weak, this is the syndrome there are hán fèn (phlegm and retained fluid) originally. Contrary (to expectations), purgation was induced, if diarrhea is relieved, it surely develops to Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation); if diarrhea is not relieved, diarrhea again in four days, this develops to Xié Rè Lì (puyretic dysentery).

 [entry-12]. Tai Yang disease, purgation is induced, the pulse is hurried, not develop to Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation), this is the case that will relieve. The pulse is floating, surely will develop to Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation). The pulse is tense, surely pharyngalgia isjobserved. The pulse is wiry, surely contraction in bilateral hypochondria. The pulse is thready and rapid, cephalea (headache) is not relieved. The pulse is sunken and tense, surely wants to vomit. The pulse is sunken and slippery, puyretic dysentery. The pulse is floating and slippery, surely observe hematochezia (passing blood in stool).

 [entry-13]. Disease is in Yang, should be relieved by perspiration, contrary (to expectations), spray with cold water, if pour with water, the heat is taken. Cannot be relieved, it turns worse than dysphoria with smothery sensation, sarcosome occur and look like millet grains, wants to drink water, contrary (to expectations), not thirst,...; if not relieved,...Hán Shí Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation caused by cold-excess), no fever,...

 [additional latter case]. Taiyang-shaoyang overlapping, stiffness and pain in head and nape, or dizziness,...should apply acupuncture at the first space of Dazhui acupoint, Fei Shu, Gan Shu, be cautious and cannot induce perspiration,...delirious speech (wild talks) and unstoppable, should apply acupuncture at Qimen.

 [entry-14]. Women catch Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), fever and aversion to cold, menses just come,...this is invasion of blood chamber by heat, should apply acupuncture at Qimen, and eliminate it by following its excess.

 [additional latter case]. Women catch Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), and alternation of fever and chilly in seven to eight days, attack sometimes,...thus making it similar to malaria, attack at interval time,...

 [entry-15]. Women catch Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), fever, menses just comes,...not invade stomach Qi and the upper two energizers (the upper energizer and the middle energizer), surely will recover spontaneously.

 [entry-16]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), six to seven days, fever, slightly aversion to cold,...the exterior syndrome is not relieved,...

 [entry-17]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), five to six days, perspiration is induced yet and apply purgation again, fullness in chest and hypochondrium,...this is not relieved yet,...

 [entry-18]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), five to six days, sweating on head, slightly aversion to cold,... If it is not relieved, after defecation it will relieve.

 [entry-19]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), five to six days, vomit and fever, the syndrome of Chaihu is observed,...although purgation is induced, is not routine,...if fullness under the heart (epigastric fullness) and it is hard and pains, this is Pǐ (ancient syndrome, mass or stuffy lump in the abdomen),...

 [entry-20]. Taiyang-shaoyang overlapping, contrary (to expectations), purgation is induced, it develops to Jié Xiōng (thoracic accumulation), it is hard under the heart (epigastric hardness), diarrhea and unstoppable, cannot take Shuǐ Jiāng (drink or liquid diet), and the patient is perturbed (upset, vexed).

 [entry-21]. The pulse is floating and tense, and purgation is induced again, (the pulse is) tense, but pathogen enter into the interior, it develops to Pǐ (ancient syndrome, mass or stuffy lump in the abdomen), press down, and it is soft itself, so it is the syndrome Qì Pǐ (qi-stagnating flatulence, flatulence due to stagnation of vital energy).

 [entry-22]. Catch the syndrome of Tai Yang Zhòng Fēng (Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome), diarrhea and vomit, the exterior is relieved, can use purgation method. The patient is sweating, disease appearing at regular intervals, cephalea (headache), fullness under the heart (epigastric fullness), hard and full, dragging hypochondriac pain, retching and short breath, sweating but not aversion to cold, this is the syndrome that the exterior is relieved, but the interior not turns normal yet,...

 [entry-23]. Tai Yang disease, herbalist induce perspiration, thus fever and aversion to cold, thus purgation is induced again, fullness under the heart (epigastric fullness), deficiency at both the exterior and the interior, and exhaustion of both Yin Qi and Yang Qi. There is no Yang and Yin turns alone, again treated warm needle, thus leading to vexation in the chest; facial complexion turns bluish yellow, skin is tremoring, is difficult to treat; now the color is helvolus (slight yellow), warm in hands and feet, easily recover.

 [entry-24]. Xīn Xià Pǐ (epigastric fullness), press down, and it is soft, the guan pulse is floating,...

 [additional case]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), great purgation is induced, induce perspiration again, epigastric fullness, aversion to cold, the exterior is not relieved yet, cannot attack the Pǐ (epigastric fullness), should relieve the exterior first, when the exterior is relieved then can attack the fullness...

 [entry-25]. Xīn Xià Pǐ (epigastric fullness), and aversion to cold and perspiring,...

 [entry-26]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), after perspiration, and it is relieved, disorder of the stomach, Xīn Xià Pǐ Yìng (epigastric fullness and hard), dry belch, smelly food, pathogenic water stagnating below the costal region, thundering in the abdomen (borborygmus), diarrhea,...

 [entry-27]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), herbalist induced purgation, the patient has diarrhea over ten times a day, grains can not be transformed, thundering in the abdomen (borborygmus), Xīn Xià Pǐ Yìng (epigastric fullness and hard) and full, retching, perturbed and uneasy (irritation). Herbalist observed Xīn Xià Pǐ (epigastric fullness), said that the disease is not relieved, apply purgation again, the epigastric fullness turns severe. This is not Jié Rè (stagnation of pathogenic heat), but only deficiency in the stomach, guest pathogen counterflows upward, thus leads to hardness,...

 [entry-28]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), take water decoction, diarrhea and unstoppable, Xīn Xià Pǐ Yìng (epigastric fullness and hardness). After taking..., induce purgation again with other prescription, diarrhea and it is unstoppable, herbalist gives..., diarrhea turns severe.... The case of diarrhea occurs again and it is unstoppable, should prompt urination.

 [entry-29]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), after emetic method and purgative method, perspiration is induced, dysphoria (abnormal depression and discontent), the pulse is extremely faint, till eight or nine days it develops to Xīn Xià Pǐ Yìng (epigastric fullness and hard), hypochondriac pain, Qi flows upward to the throat (laryngopharynx), dizziness, channels motivates, for a long period it develops to atrophy (atrophy-flaccidity syndrome).

 [entry-30]. Catch the syndrome of Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), perspiration is induced, vomit or diarrhea, after relieving, Xīn Xià Pǐ Yìng (epigastric fullness and hard), ructation can not be eliminated,...

 [reappearing case]. After purgation is induced, cannot use Guizhi Tang again. If after perspiration, panting (pant for breath), no great fever (severe heat),...

 [entry-31]. Tai Yang disease, the exterior syndrome is not relieved, while purgation is induced several times, thus leading to puyretic dysentery, diarrhea, and it is unstoppable, Xīn Xià Pǐ Yìng (epigastric fullness and hardness), the exterior and interior are not relieved,...

 [reappearing case]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), after great purgation, perspiration is induced again, Xīn Xià Pǐ (epigastric fullness),...to attack fullness...

 [additional later case]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), fever, and is not relieved after perspiration, Xīn Xià Pǐ Yìng (epigastric fullness and hardness); vomit and diarrhea,...

 [entry-32]. The disease is similar to Guizhi syndrome, no headache, neck is not stiff, the cunkou pulse is faint and floating, Xiōng Zhōng Pǐ Yìng (fullness and hardness in chest), Qi counterflows upward to the throat, and could not breathe, this is cold in the chest. Emetic method should be applied,...

 [reappearing case]. The patient has Xié Xià Pǐ (hypochondrium fullness),...enters into Yīn Jīng (Yù Jīng), this is known as Zàng Jié (accumulation of yin cold in viscera), will die.

 [additional later case]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), after emetic method and purgation method are used, not relieved in seven to eight days, heat is accumulated in the interior,...wants to drink several liters of water,...

 . Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), no great fever (no severe heat), mouth is dry and thirsty, perturbed (vexed), back is slightly aversion to cold,...

 . Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the pulse is floating, fever and no perspiration, the exterior is not relieved, cannot use... Thirst and wants to drink water, there is no exterior syndrome,...

 [entry-33]. Taiyang-shaoyang combined syndrome, spontaneous diarrhea, give... if vomit,...

 [entry-34]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), heat is in the chest, pathogenic Qi is in the stomach, pain in the abdomen, wants to vomit,...

 [entry-35]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), eight to nine days, wind and damp complication, body is pain and vexed, could not change one's position or turn around, not vomit, not thirst, the pulse is floating empty and choppy,...

 [entry-36]. If the excrement is hard, urination is normal,...

 [entry-37]. Wind and damp complication, restless bone pain, dragging pain and can not bend and stretch, pain turns tense when gets near, sweating and short of breath, difficult urination, aversion to wind and does not want to wear clothing, or body is slightly swelling,...

 [additional later case]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the pulse is floating and slippery, this is heat in the exterior, and cold in the interior,...

 [entry-38]. Shāng Hán (Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome), the pulse is knotted and intermittent, severe palpilation,...

 [entry-39]. Press it, and the pulse comes slowly, and comes again after one stop, is known as Jié (binding). And the pulse comes and is throbbing and stops, and small and rapid, there are returning but motivating, is known as Jié (binding), is Yin. The pulse comes and is throbbing and stops, could not return itself, and then throbbing again, is known as intermittent, is Yin. The patient, who has this pulse manifestation, is surely difficult to treat.

Tai Yang disease(Greater Yang Syndrome):brief introduction.
Shang Han Lun,Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases 
 ✵Pulse floating, stiffness and pain of the neck and head (a headache and painful stiff nape), aversion to cold (and wind, intolerance of cold, and wind), is an outline of Tai Yang disease from Zhongjing.

 There are ①.fever with spontaneous perspiration, pulse floating and moderate, Tai Yang wind-affection syndrome (Zhòng Fēng), or ②.not have a fever,or have a fever, no perspiration but panting, pulse floating and tight, Tai Yang cold-affection syndrome (Shāng Hán).

 ③. Stiffness and pain of the neck and head, fever, not aversion to cold but thirst, is warm disease (Wēn Bìng).

 ④. Tongue coating, pain of the whole body, skin color looks smoked yellow, is damp-warm syndrome (Shī Wēn).

 ⑤. Stiffness and pain of the neck and head (a headache and painful stiff nape), aversion to cold (intolerance of cold), sweating and fever with thirst, is febrile disease (Rè Bìng).

 Above five, is an outline of the onset of Tai Yang disease.

 Obstinate syndromes:

 [entry-01]. Zàng Jié (accumulation of yin cold in viscera), similar to Jié Xiōng (accumulation of pathogeens in chest), drink and diet is similar to past, diarrhea constantly, the cunkou pulse is floating, the guan pulse is small, thready, sunken and tense, tongue coating is white and slippery, it is difficult to treat.

 Incurable syndromes:

 [entry-01]. One normally has Pǐ (stuffiness or swelling) in the costal region, connect to the side region of bellybutton, dragging pain radiates to lower abdomen, entering the phallus, it is known as Zàng Jié (accumulation of yin cold in viscera), will...

 [entry-02]. Jié Xiōng syndrome (accumulation of pathogeens in chest) has all its symptoms, dysphoria and irritable, will also...

 [entry-03]. Jié Xiōng syndrome (accumulation of pathogeens in chest), the pulse is floating and large, cannot use purgative method, or will...

  • 1.Tai Yang disease: the Greater Yang syndromes, an introduction.
  • 2.Shang Han Za Bing Lun:the Treatise on Cold-induced and Miscellaneous Diseases.By Zhāng Zhòngjǐng.
  • 3.Shang Han Lun:the Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases.By Wáng Shūhé.
  • 4.Zhong Jing Quan Shu:the Complete Book of Zhongjing.By Zhào Kāiměi.

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