Introduction of the Disease-cause syndrome differentiation.

Disease-cause syndrome differentiation  ✵The Disease-cause syndrome differentiation, also known as disease-cause pattern identification, is analysis and differentiation of pathological conditions attributable to different kinds of causal factors for making the diagnosis.

Introduction of the syndromes of the Disease-cause.

 Disease-cause and pathogens wind cold summer heat Introduction: The syndromes of the Disease-cause syndrome is a collective term for diseases(or syndromes) of the Disease-cause.

 Common types: The common types of the Disease-cause syndromes are introduced:

 External wind syndrome, syndrome of wind pathogen invading the exterior, syndrome of external invasion of wind pathogen, syndrome of wind attack to the exterior, syndrome of wind hitting meridians, syndrome of wind pathogen attacking collateral meridians.

 Wind-cold syndrome, exterior wind-cold syndrome, syndrome of wind-cold attacking the exterior, syndrome of wind-cold attacking the lung, syndrome of wind-cold invading the head, syndrome of wind-cold attacking collateral meridians, syndrome of obstruction by wind-cold-damp.

 Wind-heat syndrome, wind-heat exterior syndrome, syndrome of external invasion of wind-heat, syndrome of wind-heat invading the lung, syndrome of wind-heat blocking the lung, syndrome of wind-heat invading the head, syndrome of wind-heat invading the eye.

 Wind-damp syndrome, syndrome of wind-damp attack to the exterior, syndrome of external invasion of wind-damp, syndrome of wind-damp invading the head, syndrome of wind-dryness attack to the exterior.

 summer heat Excess-cold syndrome, syndrome of cold stagnating in the stomach and intestines, syndrome of cold stagnating in the heart vessels, syndrome of cold congealing in the uterus, syndrome of cold stagnating in the meridians.

 Summer-heat syndrome, syndrome of summer-damp attack to the exterior, syndrome of summer-heat damage to fluid and Qi, syndrome of summer-heat blocking Qi activity, syndrome of summer-heat blocking mental activity.

 Damp syndrome, exterior damp syndrome, damp-heat accumulating in the spleen syndrome, down-pouring damp-heat syndrome.

 External dryness syndrome, warm-dryness syndrome, cool-dryness syndrome, syndrome of dryness pathogen invading the lung, dry orifice syndrome.

 Excess-fire syndrome, fire-toxin syndrome, pus toxin syndrome, food stagnancy syndrome, syndrome of interior retention of milk, worm accumulation syndrome, pestilential toxin syndrome.

 ✵External wind syndrome:  a general term for syndromes caused by exogenous pathogenic wind alone or together with pathogenic factors such as damp, heat, or pestilent toxin.

 wind cold ✦Syndrome of wind pathogen invading the exterior:  a syndrome marked by aversion to wind, fever, sweating, and floating pulse, sometimes accompanied by skin itching and edema, or by cough, sore throat and general aching, also known as syndrome of external invasion of wind pathogen.

 ✧Syndrome of external invasion of wind pathogen:  same as syndrome of wind pathogen invading the exterior.

 ✦Syndrome of wind attack to the exterior:  a synonym for exterior deficiency syndrome.

 ✧Syndrome of wind hitting meridians:  a syndrome marked by numbness and itching of the skin, or sudden onset of the wry eye and skewed mouth, also known as the syndrome of wind pathogen attacking collateral meridians.

 ✦Syndrome of wind pathogen attacking collateral meridians:  same as the syndrome of wind hitting meridians.

 pathogens and Zang-fu viscera ✵Wind-cold syndrome: a general term for various syndromes caused by exogenous wind-cold.

 ✦Exterior wind-cold syndrome:  a syndrome marked by aversion to cold with mild fever, no sweating, general aching, or congested nose with watery discharge, dyspnea, thin white tongue coating, and floating and tense pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-cold attacking the exterior:  same as exterior wind-cold syndrome.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-cold attacking the lung:  a syndrome marked by aversion to cold, no sweating, cough, dyspnea, whitish expectoration, whitish tongue coating, and floating and tense pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-cold invading the head:  a syndrome marked by headache with pain in the nape and back, aggravated by wind and cold, thin white tongue coating, and floating and tense pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-cold attacking collateral meridians:  a synonym for syndrome of cold stagnating in meridians.

 ✦Syndrome of obstruction by wind-cold-damp:  a syndrome marked by joint pain, wandering or accompanied by heavy sensation.

 ✵Wind-heat syndrome:  a general term for various syndromes caused by exogenous wind-heat.

 ✦wind-heat exterior syndrome:  an exterior syndrome marked by fever with a slight aversion to wind and cold, headache, somewhat thirst, or sore throat, reddened tongue tip and edges, yellowish thin tongue coating, rapid floating pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of external invasion of wind-heat:  synonymous with wind-heat syndrome.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-heat invading the lung:  a syndrome marked by fever with mild aversion to wind and cold, general aching or sore throat, cough, dyspnea, the reddened tip of the tongue with thin yellowish coating, rapid floating pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-heat blocking the lung:  a syndrome marked by fever with aversion to wind, cough, dyspnea with the coarse breath, pain and suffocating feeling in the chest, no sweating, reddened tongue, and rapid floating pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-heat invading the head:  a syndrome marked by headache with a distention sensation, fever or aversion to wind, thirst, flushing of the face, reddened tongue tip and edges, thin and yellowish tongue coating, and rapid floating pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-heat invading the eye:  a syndrome marked by reddened and painful eye with excessive gum excretion and tears, fever, and aversion to wind.

 ✵Wind-damp syndrome:  an exterior syndrome marked by chills and fever, aching joints, heaviness in the head as if it were tightly bound, and white greasy tongue coating.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-damp attack to the exterior:  same as wind-damp syndrome.

 ✦Syndrome of external invasion of wind-damp:  same as wind-damp syndrome.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-damp invading the head:  a syndrome marked by headache as if the head was tightly bound, slight aversion to wind and cold, heavy feeling in the body and limbs, stuffy sensation in the chest, anorexia, white slippery tongue coating, and soggy pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of wind-dryness attack to the exterior:  a syndrome marked by mild fever, aversion to wind and cold, headache, no sweating, dry nose and throat, thirst, and floating pulse.

 ✵Excess-cold syndrome:  a general term for syndromes caused by excessive cold pathogen.

 ✦Syndrome of cold stagnating in the stomach and intestines:  a syndrome marked by severe epigastric and abdominal pain with cold sensation, alleviated by warmth, vomiting, watery diarrhea, aversion to cold with cool limbs, white tongue coating, and wiry tense pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of cold stagnating in the heart vessels:  a syndrome marked by pectoral pain aggravated by cold and alleviated by warmth, white tongue coating, and sunken and slow or tense pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of cold congealing in the uterus:  a syndrome marked by cold and pain in the lower abdomen, dysmenorrhea or delayed periods with dark menstrual discharge, white tongue coating, and sunken and tense pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of cold stagnating in the meridians: a syndrome marked by aversion to cold, pain and cold feeling in the limbs with contracture or numbness and purple or pale discoloration of the skin, white tongue coating, and wiry and tense pulse.

 pathogens and Zang-fu viscera Graph 02 ✵Summer-heat syndrome:  a general term for fire- or heat-natured syndromes that only occur in the season of summer and are caused by summer-heat.

 ✦Syndrome of summer-damp attack to the exterior:  a syndrome marked by fever, slight aversion to wind and cold, heavy sensation in the body, lassitude, thirst, reddened tongue with yellowish coating, and rapid soggy pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of summer-heat damage to fluid and Qi:  a syndrome marked by fever, sweating, severe thirst, vexation, flushed face, lassitude, shortness of breath, scanty dark urine, reddened tongue with dry yellow coating, and big floating but weak pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of summer-heat blocking Qi activity:  a syndrome marked by sudden fainting with fever, cold limbs, dyspnea, and trismus.

 ✦Syndrome of summer-heat blocking mental activity:  a syndrome marked by high fever, severe thirst, sudden fainting with loss of consciousness and trismus, sunken and hidden pulse.

 ✵Damp syndrome:  a general term for syndromes caused by pathogenic damp which may come from the external environment or may be derived from within the body owing to abnormal transportation and transformation of fluid.

 ✦Exterior damp syndrome:  synonymous with wind-damp syndrome.

 ✦Damp-heat accumulating in the spleen syndrome:  a syndrome marked by abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, heavy sensation in the limbs, or jaundice, reddened tongue with yellow greasy coating, and rapid soggy pulse.

 ✦Down-pouring damp-heat syndrome:  a syndrome marked by frequent and painful urination, or yellow fetid discharge from the vagina, or ulceration of the leg with purulent discharge.

 ✵External dryness syndrome:  a general term for syndromes caused by climatic dryness commonly marked by dry skin, dry nose, mouth, and throat.

 ✦Warm-dryness syndrome:  a syndrome marked by fever with a slight aversion to wind and cold, dry cough with scanty expectoration, fidgetiness, thirst, dry skin, nose and throat, thin yellowish tongue coating, and rapid floating pulse.

 ✦Cool-dryness syndrome:  a syndrome marked by more chills than fever, headache, no sweating, dry nose, mouth and throat, cough with scanty expectoration, thin and dry whitish tongue coating, and floating and tense pulse.

 ✦Syndrome of dryness pathogen invading the lung:  a syndrome marked by mild chills and fever, dry cough, no expectoration or scanty sputum with blood streaks, thirst, and dry tongue without moisture.

 ✦Dry orifice syndrome:  a syndrome marked by dry nose, mouth, and eyes with lack of nasal mucus, saliva and tears.

 ✵Excess-fire syndrome:  a general term for syndromes marked by fever, thirst with desire for cold drinks, flushed face, blood-shot eyes, constipation, scanty dark urine, reddened tongue with yellow coating, and rapid or surging pulse.

 ✦Fire-toxin syndrome:  a syndrome marked by local redness, swelling and burning pain, followed by abscess formation and accompanied by fever, thirst, reddened tongue with yellow coating, and rapid pulse.

 ✦Pus toxin syndrome:  a syndrome marked by purulent discharge for an ulcerative lesion with a stinking fetid smell, accompanied by fever, thirst, curdy and greasy tongue coating, and rapid slippery pulse.

 ✦Food stagnancy syndrome:  a syndrome in children marked by epigastric and abdominal distention, vomiting of sour matter, anorexia, offensive odor of stools, curdy and greasy tongue coating, also known as the syndrome of interior retention of milk.

 ✦Syndrome of interior retention of milk:  same as food stagnancy syndrome.

 ✦Worm accumulation syndrome:  a general term for syndromes caused by the intestinal accumulation of parasitic worms, often marked by abdominal distention or pain, emaciation, lack of strength, and sallow complexion.

 ✦Pestilential toxin syndrome:  a general term for various syndromes caused by epidemic pathogens.

  • 1.Introduction of the Disease-cause syndrome differentiation.

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