Large Intestine deficiency and excess syndrome:introduction of pathological reasons,syndrome differentiation and common syndromes.

Syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ✵Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years. Through thousands of years of practice, it has been proved that Chinese medicine is effective and feasible in treating diseases, preventing diseases and maintaining health. The treatment of diseases with traditional Chinese medicine has saved countless lives. The treatment of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine is macro and comprehensive.

 The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine is derived from and guided by long-term clinical practice. Through the analysis of the phenomenon, the internal mechanism is explored. Therefore, this unique theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine has two basic characteristics, one is the overall-concept, the other is the dialectical treatment.

Large Intestine deficiency and excess syndrome.
 ✵Large Intestine deficiency and excess syndrome: the large intestine deficiency and excess syndrome including the large intestine deficiency syndrome, and the large intestine excess syndrome.

 ✵The Food Tai Yin and Yang Ming are in an exterior-interior relationship. In the conditions of large intestine, excess type is due to heat, heat and swelling fullness and blocking, canker(aphtha) grow on the mouth, the undigested food flow down into the large intestine, intestine fullness and stomach empty, food into the stomach, intestine empty and stomach fullness, as a result, excess and not fullness, alternating excess and deficiency; deficiency type is due to cold, cold and borborygmus(bowel sounds), discharge white and blue(or green) defecation.

 ✵In the conditions of the large intestine, cutting pain in the large intestine and borborygmus(bowel sounds), affected by cold in winter seriously and diarrhea, pain in the bellybutton, could not stand for long period, same symptoms as the stomach. In the condition swelling in the large intestine, borborygmus(bowel sounds) and pains, cold and result in diarrhea, food could not be transformed. In the conditions cold pathogen hosted in the large intestine, Wu-Tang(ancient symptom name, duck-fece diarrhea) and heat pathogen affected, discharge putrid stool(defecate pus liquid, sticky liquid, even rotten intestine part); In the condition undigested good in the large intestine, alternating cold and fever, similar as malaria; In conditions lung was affected anteriorly, transfer to the large intestine, cough and unstoppable, cough and lost control on defecation; In the conditions Jue Qi hosted in the large intestine, then dreams field and open country.

Large Intestine Deficiency Syndrome.
Large Intestine Deficiency Syndrome 
 ✦The large intestine deficiency syndrome is also known as large intestine deficiency cold syndrome, right-hand cunkou pulse Yang deficiency, is the hand Yang Ming meridian, symptoms pant in the chest(breathe heavily, gasp for breath), borborygmus(bowel sounds), deficiency thirst and dry lips, pain in eyes and susceptible to fright(easy to pavor), discharge white defecation(white diarrhea), this is the condition of large intestine deficiency cold syndrome. The common syndromes of large intestine deficiency cold are introduced as:

 ✧Large intestine deficiency cold, diarrhea white and blue(or green), borborygmus(bowel sounds) in intestines;

 ✧Large intestine deficiency cold, diarrhea white(discharge white diarrhea), pain in eyes and susceptible to fright(easy to pavor);

Large Intestine Excess Syndrome.
Large Intestine Excess Syndrome 
 ✦The large intestine excess syndrome is also known as large intestine excess heat syndrome, right-hand cunkou pulse Yang excess, is the hand Yang Ming meridian, symptoms fullness in the large intestine(normally abdomen swelling and fullness), easy to cough and pant(breathe heavily, gasp for breath), red on face(flushing) and heat on body(general fever), there is something in the pharynx and larynx region sense like a kernel(there is a kernel shape thing blocking in the throat), this is the conditions of large intestine syndrome. The common syndromes of large intestine excess heat are introduced as:

 ✧Large intestine excess heat, fullness in large intestine, swelling abdomen and blocking inside, cough and pant(breathe heavily, gasp for breath), red on face(flushing) and heat on body(general fever), there is something in the pharynx and larynx region sense like a kernel(there is a kernel shape thing blocking in the throat), canker(aphtha) grow on the mouth;

 ✧Large intestine excess heat, borborygmus(bowel sounds) and fullness in abdomen, pain around the bellybutton, food could not be transformed(defecate undigested food), pant(breathe heavily, gasp for breath), could not stand for long period;

Large intestine collapse syndrome.

 ✦The large intestine collapse syndrome is known with symptoms of unstoppable diarrhea and dysentery, could not be relieved, will die until diarrhea stopped. Could not be treated.

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