Skin deficiency and excess syndrome:introduction of pathological reasons,syndrome differentiation and common syndromes.

Syndromes of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ✵Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years. Through thousands of years of practice, it has been proved that Chinese medicine is effective and feasible in treating diseases, preventing diseases and maintaining health. The treatment of diseases with traditional Chinese medicine has saved countless lives. The treatment of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine is macro and comprehensive.

 The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine is derived from and guided by long-term clinical practice. Through the analysis of the phenomenon, the internal mechanism is explored. Therefore, this unique theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine has two basic characteristics, one is the overall-concept, the other is the dialectical treatment.

Skin deficiency and excess syndrome.
 ✵Skin deficiency and excess syndrome: the skin deficiency and excess syndrome including the skin deficiency syndrome, and the skin excess syndrome.

 ✵The five-Zang viscera and six-Fu viscera, relating to bone and marrow internally and relating to muscle skin and hair externally. In the condition affection externally, acute pain in skin hair and muscle, in the condition affection internally, pain in bones and marrows.

Skin Deficiency Syndrome.
Skin Deficiency Syndrome 
 ✦The condition of skin deficiency cold syndrome normally with symptoms of cold in skin and muscle. Normally relating to the Fu-viscera.

 ✧Skin deficiency cold, mainly due to the large intestine, obstruction and rejection of cold pathogen;

Skin Excess Syndrome.
Skin Excess Syndrome 
 ✦The condition of skin excess heat syndrome normally with symptoms of heat in skin and muscle. Normally relating to the Zang-viscera.

 ✧Skin excess heat, mainly due to lung heat condition, symptoms heat in skin and muscle(heat in the muscle and skin, or general fever);

  • 1.Skin deficiency and excess syndrome:introduction of pathological reasons,syndrome differentiation and common syndromes.
  • 2.Su Wen:the Plain Questions of Huangdi's Internal Classic.By 黄帝(the Yellow Emperor).
  • 3.Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun:the General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases.By 巢元方(Cháo Yuánfāng).
  • 4.Wai Tai Mi Yao:Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library.By 王焘(Wáng Tāo).
  • 5.Lei Zheng Pu Ji Ben Shi Fang(the Effective Prescriptions for Universal Relief).By 许叔微(Xǔ Shūwēi)

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