Triple Energizer deficiency and excess syndrome:an introduction of the syndrome differentiation and syndromes.
✵Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years. Through thousands of years of practice, it has been proved that Chinese medicine is effective and feasible in treating diseases, preventing diseases and maintaining health. The treatment of diseases with traditional Chinese medicine has saved countless lives. The treatment of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine is macro and comprehensive.
The theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine is derived from and guided by long-term clinical practice. Through the analysis of the phenomenon, the internal mechanism is explored. Therefore, this unique theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine has two basic characteristics, one is the overall-concept, the other is the dialectical treatment.
Triple Energizer Deficiency and Excess Syndrome.
✵Triple Energizer deficiency and excess syndrome: the triple energizer deficiency and the excess syndrome is also known as the triple energizer deficiency syndrome and the triple energizer excess syndrome.
✵The triple energizer, also known as the triple gates. The upper energizer is also known as San Guan Fan She(three tubes reflection), the middle energizer is also known as Huo Luan, the lower energizer is also known as Zou Bu, they are syncretic and three-in-one system, the triple Energizer is an unsubstantial name without particular shape, the essence and Qi circulate in it, Ying comes from the middle energizer, Wei comes from the upper energizer, the Ying is the Qi path of the collaterals, the Wei is the Qi path of the meridians. The triple Energizer is the source of both nutritive and defensive Qi(Ying Qi and Wei Qi). The Upper Energizer is in charge of reception, the Middle Energizer is in charge of transformation, the Lower Energizer is in charge of excretion.
✵In the condition of the triple energizer syndrome, swelling in abdomen and Qi fullness, especially hard at the lower abdomen, inhibited urination(difficulty in urination or urination stopped), it will turn to retained-fluid or distension; Lower abdomen distension and swelling, difficulty in urination, pathogen stagnant in the triple energizer; swelling in the triple energizer, Qi fullness in the skin, like a shell and not hard not pain; Chronic cough and unstoppable, transfer to the triple energizer, cough and fullness in abdomen, no appetite(no desire to take food).
The Deficiency or Excess Syndromes of the Upper Energizer.
✦The Upper Energizer is like fogs, it means the Upper Energizer works like a sprayer(to spread nutrients and Qi throughout the body). In the condition of heat affection, then diet and drink going down to the stomach, the Qi is not stable, then sweating, or perspire on the face, or perspire on the back, all heat in the body, not going out and follow the path of the Wei Qi, why? This is because affected by wind, the Cou Li(striae and interstitial space, the grain of the skin and the texture of the subcutaneous flesh) opened, the Wei Qi flowing from it, so not follow its ordinary path. The Wei Qi is strong and flows quickly, going out once there is an opening, so not follow its old path, is the condition of Qi leakage, symptoms spasm and pain in the elbows, will vomit the food out and then discharge from defecation. For the Qi not continue, depression in the diaphragms, so the food is vomited out first and defecated later. In the affection of cold pathogen, essence and spirit could not hold, diarrhea and dysentery, could not speak or voice, in the excess case exhaust in the heart, in the deficiency case drive the Qi to the lung. The common deficiency or excess syndromes of the Upper Energizer are introduced as:
✧The diet and drink into the stomach in the Upper Energizer, stomach Qi not stable, sweating on the face or back(perspire on face or back), heat in the body, is the condition of Qi leakage, should free the collaterals and discharge the heat;
✧The heat in the Upper Energizer, fullness in abdomen and no appetite(no desire to take food), or vomit out the food first and then defecate later after taking food, spasm and pain in the elbows;
✧Cold and deficiency in the Upper Energizer, short of breath and could not continue(gasp for breath, panting), could not speak or voice;
✧Cold in the Upper Energizer, diarrhea or dysentery, uneasy in abdomen, downpour of food after taking diet;
✧Obstruction and blocking in the Upper Energizer, dysemesia(retch), retch but could not vomit out, less heat and more cold, often spit white foam and clear saliva, acid regurgitation(swallow sour liquid);
The Deficiency or Excess Syndromes of the Middle Energizer.
✦The Middle Energizer is like a bubble(the Middle Energizer works like a fermentation tub, to digest food), it is behind the Upper Energizer. In the excess condition generate heat, heat and blocking and closed, isolated between the upper and the lower; in the deficiency condition generate cold, cold and pain in abdomen diarrhea, dysentery and Huo Luan(acute gastroenteritis), main for the disease of stomach and spleen. In the condition of deficiency, should invigorate the stomach, in the condition of excess, should discharge from the spleen, regulate the middle, harmonize its origin. The common deficiency or excess syndromes of the Middle Energizer are introduced as:
✧Excess heat of the Middle Energizer, obstruction and blocking, not free and obstructed between the upper and the lower, isolated and obstruction and rejection(Guan Ge, or anuria and vomiting), not vomiting and not defecate, fullness in abdomen, dyspnea with rapid respiration, should open the obstruction and rejection, free the isolation;
✧the Middle Energizer heat, diarrhea after taking diet and drink;
✧the Middle Energizer cold, Dong Xie(diarrhea or defecate after taking diet) and diarrhea or dysentery, or defecate white or yellow and unstoppable after Huo Luan(acute gastroenteritis), deficient pain in abdomen;
The Deficiency or Excess Syndromes of the Lower Energizer.
✦The Lower Energizer is like ditch(the Lower Energizer works like a gutter, to drain off the waste and surplus water). In the condition of excess, inhibited urination or defecation(difficulty in urination or constipation), rising of Qi and not continue, vomit and could not stop, thus is known as Zou Bu(ancient syndrome name, vomiting caused by anuresis and constipation); In the condition of deficiency, unstoppable urination or defecation, exhaustion of body fluid and Qi. Thus, should discharge from the liver in excess heat condition, or invigorate the kidney in deficiency cold condition. The common deficiency or excess syndromes of the Lower Energizer are introduced as:
✧Heat of the Lower Energizer, urinary stoppage or defecation stoppage(inhibited micturition or defecation);
✧Heat of the Lower Energizer, or diarrhea with pus and blood, vexation and in a trance(worried and irritancy, faintly trance);
✧Heat of the Lower Energizer, rising of Qi and not continue, unstoppable vomit, is the condition of Zou Bu(ancient syndrome name, vomiting caused by anuresis and constipation), should stop vomit;
✧Heat of the Lower Energizer, toxic dysentery and stool like the fish brain, dysentery with red blood, unbearable colic pain in the lower abdomen, desire to defecate but difficult in defecation;
✧The body fluid of the urinary bladder and triple energizer flow down to the small intestine and large intestine, cold and fever, white or red dysentery, pain up to low back and backbone, inhibited urination(difficulty in micturition), women morbid leucorrhea;
✧Deficiency and cold of the Lower Energizer, unstoppable Dong Xie of urine or defecation(diarrhea or defecate or urination after taking diet, unstoppable);
✧Deficiency and cold of the Lower Energizer, body fluid could not be held, short of breath and will breathe one's last(will expire);
✧Deficiency and cold hurt of the Lower Energizer, stasis blood in the abdomen, lead to amnesia(easy to forget), do not want to hear other's voice, chocking in the chest and shortness of breath;
✧Deficiency and cold hurt of the Lower Energizer, observe blood first, this is nearby bleeding(nearby anal bleeding, distal bleeding), diarrhea or not diarrhea(or uninhibited or inhibited);
✧Deficiency and cold hurt of the Lower Energizer, observe stool first and blood later, this is bleeding from distant part(distant anal bleeding, proximal bleeding, the bleeding region is far from the anal, blood purple and dark, or black and dilute, or stool color black), diarrhea or not diarrhea(or uninhibited or inhibited), easy attack in consumption and cold(attack in strain and cold affection);
✧Deficiency of the Triple Energizers, or diarrhea at the lower and vomit at the upper, spit or vomit blood, all from the triple energizers, or due to heat deficiency, or due to alcohol, should eliminate the heat to collect blood;
1.Triple Energizer deficiency and excess syndrome:an introduction of the syndrome differentiation and syndromes.