Introduction of Horseradish:Great Raifort or Mountain Radish.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Horseradish, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source two plant species, ①.Armoracia rusticana Gaertn., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Horseradish, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Horseradish(Great Raifort).

plants of Armoracia rusticana with light green leaves grow in sunny field English Name: Horseradish.
 Latin Name: Armoracia rusticana Gaertn.,Mey., and Scherb. Also referred to as Armoracia lapathiofolia Gilib. and Cochlearia armoracia.
 Common Names: Great Raifort, Mountain Radish, Red Cole.
 Property and flavor: The rootstock has a strong and irritating odor, it has a sharp, burning taste.

 Brief introduction: Horseradish has been cultivated for about two thousand years and was introduced into North America by the early colonists. The fresh or dried roots are used medicinally.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Horseradish as the roots of the species (1). Armoracia rusticana Gaertn. It is a plant species of the Armoracia genus, the Brassicaceae family (Cruciferae, mustard family). The fresh or dried roots are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Armoracia rusticana Gaertn.

 plants of Armoracia rusticana with many green leaves grow in a cluster Botanical description: Armoracia rusticana is a perennial upright herb, the plant grows up to 40~120 cm high, sturdy and glabrous; Spinning root, white, branched at the lower part, the root is quite thick and ligneous (woody), in cultivated varieties, it is thick and succulent with numerous root heads, which are light yellowish-white and have horizontal underground runners. Stems are upright, with longitudinal grooves, thick and multi-branched, and hollow; Basal leaves are oblong or oblong-ovate, long-petioled, 15~35 cm long, crenate at the edge, short or acuminate at the apex, cordate or cuneate (wedge-shaped) at the base, slightly extended, and petiole is as long as 30 cm; Stem leaves are sessile or short-stalked, lower leaves are oblong or oblong-lanceolate, often pinnately lobed; The middle leaves are broadly lanceolate; The upper leaves are tapered, lanceolate or linear, with irregular teeth or entire margin;

 a colorful picture of Armoracia rusticana,brown root,green stem and leaves,white flowers The inflorescence is composed of numerous, richly flowered racemes; The fragrant flowers are on 5 to 7 mm long, upright pedicles. Sepals are upright, slightly explanate, linear, and broadly ovate, with a membranous white margin, 3 mm in diameter; Petals are white, broadly obovate, 5~6 mm long; The filaments are thin and flat, and the base is slightly wider; The inner stamens are 2.5 mm long, the outer stamens are 1.5 mm long. The stigma is broad, round, and gently double-lobed. The small pods are on 20 mm long, upright, explanate stems.

 Siliques are ovoid or elliptic, 3~5 mm long; Seeds are oblate and light brown; Its flowering period is from April to May, and fruiting from May to June.

 Ecological environment: The plant is native to the Volga-Don region and has spread to almost all of Europe and other parts of the world.

 yellow root of Horseradish Growth characteristics: Armoracia rusticana prefers cool, cold-resistant, and wet-resistant, it enjoys the cold climate, is drought-tolerant, and is not tolerant to rain and waterlogging. It is better to use sandy loam with a deep soil layer, strong water retention and fertility retention, and slightly acidic soil with a pH (pH scale:acidity-basicity) of 6, and avoid continuous cropping.

 two root segments of Horseradish Characters of herbs: Horseradish is the fresh or dried, peeled or unpeeled roots of Armoracia rusticana.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.stimulating pungency; ②.antimicrobial actions; ③.increase blood flow;etc.

 The herb horseradish has a stimulating pungency and a distinct sinus-clearing sensation, the components allylisothiocyanate and butylthiocyanate were identified.

 The herb horseradish has some antimicrobial actions, its antimicrobial actions are identified attributed to its components mustard oil and mustard oil glycosides, which explained the reason for its application for urinary tract infections and as a wound healer.

 Horseradish applied to the skin will increase blood flow to the area, it is useful for treating minor muscle aches and pains.

 Medicinal efficacy: Horseradish was traditionally used for relieving colic, dispelling intestinal parasites in children, and alleviating sciatica pain, and other ailments. Today it is still recommended by herbalists for stimulating the appetite, aiding digestion, treating urinary tract infections, increasing urination, clearing congestion as an expectorant, soothing coughs and other respiratory ailments, and respiratory tract infections. In Europe, the herb is approved for cough and bronchitis, and infections of the urinary tract. In folk medicine, horseradish is used for influenza, respiratory ailments, digestion, gout, rheumatism, and liver and gallbladder disorders. In homeopathy, horseradish is used for eye inflammations, upper respiratory tract inflammations, and upper abdominal colic.

 Administration of Horseradish (Great Raifort): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Horseradish (Great Raifort)
Herbal classic books: The average dose for internal use is 20 grams of the fresh root, for external use, ointments and gels with a maximum of 2% mustard oils may be used. The horseradish fresh roots should be buried in soil or sand for storage.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Horseradish is generally considered safe to use in moderate amounts, the FDA includes horseradish on its list of herbs as "Generally Recognized As Safe"(GRAS). The main risks are stomach and intestinal discomfort, a large dose brings severe irritation or causes diarrhea or unpleasant sweating. The essential oil should never be ingested or placed on your skin. Large amounts of horseradish ingestion can cause animals to develop stomach inflammation, excitement, and collapse. Horseradish should not be given to small children. Externally, horseradish may harmlessly redden the skin and mucous membranes.




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