Introduction of Ivy:English ivy or ivy leaf.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Ivy, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Hedera helix L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Ivy, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Ivy(English ivy).

green leaves of Hedera helix English Name: Ivy.
 Latin Name: Hedera helix L.
 Common Names: English Ivy, Ivy leaf, True Ivy, Bindwood, Gum Ivy, Woodbind.
 Property and flavor: The herb has a slightly bitter taste.

 Brief introduction: Ivy is a climbing plant, which can grow as high as 30 meters, native to Asia and Europe, North Africa, and across North America. The leaves are used medicinally.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Ivy as the leaves and berries of the species (1). Hedera helix L. It is a plant species of the Hedera Linn genus, the Araliaceae family (ginseng, ivy family). The dried fruit and essential oil from the ripe fruit are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Hedera helix L.

 plants of Hedera helix with green leaves grow in field Botanical description: Hedera helix is an evergreen climbing vine. Branches have aerial roots, and young branches are scaly pilose. Leaves are alternate, 2-lobed, coriaceous, and long-stalked; Leaves on vegetative branches are triangular-ovate or nearly halberd-shaped, 5~10 cm long and 3~8 cm wide, the apex is tapered, the base is cuneate, whole or 3-lobed; The leaves on the flower branches are elliptic-ovate or elliptic-needle-covered, 5~12 cm long and 1~8 cm wide, with long pointed apex, the base is cuneate (wedge-shaped), and entire.

 The inflorescences are greenish-yellow umbels, which form dense, semi-globular clusters, umbel is solitary or 2~7 terminal; Small, yellow-white or green-white, with 5 flowers; Ovary in lower position, styles united into columns. Fruit is a globose, berry-like, yellow or red, globular, usually 5-valved berry, which becomes black and ripens in spring. It contains 3 to 5 reniform, triangular, acute seeds, which are reddish-violet when young, later dark brown, and finally black. Its flowering period is from May to August and fruiting from September to November.

 light green fresh leaves and dark green old leaves of Hedera helix grow in sunny field Ecological environment: Hedera helix is native to the temperate regions of Europe, and also north and Central Asia. It is cultivated in USA (the United States of America).

 Growth characteristics: Hedera helix attached to the trunk of a broad-leaved forest or on a damp rock wall in a valley. Ivy prefers warm, and a suitable temperature for growth is 20℃~25 °C (Celsius, or 68~77 degrees Fahrenheit). It is afraid of heat and not cold-tolerant.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.anti-spasmodic; ②.expectorant; ③.mildly sedative properties; ④.antiseptic properties; ⑤.antibacterial and antifungal;etc.

 light green leaves of Hedera helix grow on stem Ivy leaf preparations have anti-spasmodic, expectorant, mildly sedative properties, they help control symptoms associated with chronic inflammatory bronchial conditions such as whooping cough, studies identified the actions attributed to its saponins and glycosides, and its expectorant actions are attributed to emetine.

 Ivy leaf has antiseptic properties, its saponins fight bacteria, worms, protozoa, and fungi, its component polyacetylenes have antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as painkilling actions.

 Medicinal efficacy: Ivy was used as a religious and sacred symbol, it was recommended in ancient Europe for various disorders, upper respiratory tract congestion, spasm-related coughs, whooping cough, internal parasites, delayed or absent menstruation, arthritis, and rheumatism. It is added in external formulation for sores, burns, skin eruptions, and parasitic conditions such as scabies. The gum resin was once reportedly used to relieve toothache pain. In Europe, the herb is approved for cough and bronchitis. In folk medicine, it is used internally for liver, spleen, and gallbladder disorders and gout, rheumatism, and scrofulosis. It is used externally for burn wounds, calluses, cellulitis, inflammations, neuralgia, parasitic disorders, ulcers, rheumatic complaints, and phlebitis.

 Administration of Ivy (English ivy): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Ivy (English ivy)
Herbal classic books: An infusion is prepared by pouring boiling water over about 0.5 grams of ivy leaves, steeping for ten minutes, and straining the brew. This is drunk one to three times a day, sweetened with honey if desired. Prepare a tea by adding 1 heaped teaspoonful of herb to a quarter liter of hot water and steeping the mixture for 10 minutes. To make an infusion, add 1 heaping teaspoonful of herb to one-quarter cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Avoid the berries, and a large dose of the whole plant, as they may be toxic. Allergic contact dermatitis can occur after handling fresh leaves or leaf sap.




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