Introduction of Black Tea:dark tea or black tea brick.
✵The article gives records of the herb Black Tea, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Camellia sinensis(L.,)Kuntze., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Black Tea, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Black Tea(Dark tea).
English Name: Tea, Black.
Latin Name: Camellia sinensis(L.,)Kuntze.
Common Names: Tea, Black Tea, Dark tea, Black tea brick.
Property and flavor: refreshing, tastes slight sweet.
Brief introduction: Black tea is a beverage made from the dried bright green, toothed, oval leaves of the Camellia sinensis shrub. The traditional methods used for preparing them to account for complex chemical differences that give rise to the common as well as the unique medicinal properties. The fermentation is subjected to accounts for its characteristic strong flavor and aroma. The bulk share of the tea market is black tea, which is made of leaves that are dried and fermented. Black tea is named after the black appearance of the finished tea. Black tea is a post-fermented tea, mainly produced in China's Yangtze River Basin and other areas, it helps digestion and removal of oil, lipid-lowering and weight loss, anti-oxidation, and other effects.
Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb black tea as the processed leaves of the species (1).Camellia sinensis(L.,)Kuntze. It is a plant species of the Camellia genus, the Theaceae family (Ternstroemiaceae, tea family). The fermented leaves are used. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Camellia sinensis(L.,)Kuntze.
Botanical description: Camellia sinensis is a shrub or small tree, twigs are glabrous. Leaves are coriaceous, oblong or elliptic, 4~12 cm long, 2~5 cm wide, the apex is obtuse or sharp, the base is cuneate, shiny at the upper part, glabrous or initially pilose at the lower part, lateral veins 5~7 pairs, the margin is serrated, petioles are 3~8 mm long, glabrous.
Flowers are 1~3 axillary, white, the peduncle is 4~6 mm long, sometimes slightly longer; bracts 2, caducous; sepals 5, broadly ovate to round, 3~4 mm long, glabrous, persistent; petals 5~6, broadly ovate, 1~1.6 cm long, slightly conjoined at the base, glabrous on the back, sometimes pubescent; stamens are 8~13 mm long, 1~2 mm long at the base; ovary has densely white hairs; style is glabrous, the apex is 3-lobed, lobes are 2~4 mm long.
Capsularfruit is 3-spherical or 1~2 spherical, 1.1~1.5 cm high, each with 1~2 seeds. The flowering period is from October to February of the following year.
Ecological environment: Wild species are widely found in the mountainous areas of the provinces south of the Yangtze River in China. They are small trees with large leaves, often more than 10 cm long. For a long time, after extensive cultivation, the coat and leaf shape varies greatly.
History, Types, and Drinking Methods of Black Tea: Black tea is fermented tea, which is unique to China. It has a long history of production. It is mainly made into pressed tea and sold to border areas. Likewise, it is mainly produced in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, southwest, and other places. The main varieties are Anhua black tea, Hubei black tea, Sichuan Tibetan tea, Guangxi Liubao loose tea, Jingyang Fuzhuan black tea, etc.
The basic technological process of black tea is fixing, initial kneading, stacking, re-kneading, and baking. The raw materials of black tea are generally rough and old, and the accumulation and fermentation time is often long in the manufacturing process, the prepared leaves are oily black or dark brown, so it is called black tea or black crude tea. Black crude tea is the main raw material for pressing various pressed black tea.
Black tea varieties can be divided into three categories: pressed black tea, bulk black tea, and flower roll of different sizes. Pressed black tea is made into square blocks, commonly known as brick tea or black tea brick.
Black tea has a long history, and the main commodities transported on the "Silk Road" across Eurasia in history are silk, porcelain, and tea.
Before the Tang dynasty, tea was boiled for drinking, and its functional components were easily absorbed by the human body. From the Tang dynasty, tea was popular for brewing and drinking, and brewing way reached its peak during the Song dynasty. The boiling of black tea is actually very simple. When the water temperature is heated to boiling, put in an appropriate amount of black tea. At this time, there is no need to add a lid, let boil for 2 minutes, and turn off the heat. Cover the lid and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes. After filtering the residue, the tea is ready to drink.
Black tea contains caffeine and has a central nervous system stimulant effect, the average cup of black tea contains about 10~50 mg of caffeine. To lower the caffeine content, steep the tea bag in a small amount of hot water for ten seconds, pour out the water, and then add water to steep.
Black tea has antidiabetic activity, in rat's study, its extract significantly reduced blood sugar levels.
Relieve coronary heart disease: 3 cups or more cups of black tea per day show risk reduction for coronary heart disease (CHD), and improved antioxidant status at intakes of one to six cups per day.
Aid weight loss: Black tea has shown a positive effect on reducing body weight in animal models. Black tea polyphenols reduce body weight, exert a positive effect on inhibiting obesity.
Antioxidant activity: black tea polyphenols are mainly responsible for antioxidant actions, it inhibit free radical generation, scavenge free radicals. Black tea consumed throughout the world is believed to be not only a popular beverage, but also an antioxidative agent available in everyday life.
Reduce blood pressure: regular consumption of black tea can reduce blood pressure. Although the effect is small, such effects could be important for cardiovascular health at a population level.
Medicinal efficacy: Black tea is favored in Europe and America over green tea, although green tea remains extremely popular in Asia and other parts of the world. Most people drink black tea as a stimulant, similar to coffee. It also has diuretic properties. Contemporary herbalists have adopted many of the traditional Chinese uses, using it to help treat diarrhea, coughs and colds, asthma, and other respiratory conditions demanding a bronchial decongestant, relieve headache and risk of stroke. In folk medicine, black tea bags were used to relieve baggy eyes or as a compress for tired eyes or headaches. The tea bag has also been used as a wash for sunburn and to stop tooth bleeding, tea extract is used as food and beverage flavorings.
Administration of Black Tea (Dark tea):
Administration Guide of Black Tea (Dark tea)
Herbal classic books:
Dosage: An infusion is prepared using commercial tea bags or 1~2 teaspoons of dried herb per cup of water and is drunk up to three times per day. When taken as a stimulant, the infusion should be allowed to steep for two minutes or so. When taken for diarrhea, it should be allowed to steep for ten minutes.
Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Billions of people around the world drink black tea every day with no apparent ill effect. But taken in excessive doses or by people who are sensitive to caffeine will have negative effects such as anxiety, nervousness, tremors, irritability, trouble sleeping, fast or irregular heartbeat, and stomach upset. Children, individuals with heart diseases, and pregnant women should take caffeine-containing products in moderation or avoid them altogether. Tannin-rich herbs should not be used over long periods of time, as tannins have an increased risk of malignant changes and are nutritionally counterproductive because they interfere with protein use, particularly when consumed in excess. There are reports individuals who consume excessive amounts of certain kinds of tannin-containing teas including black tea develop esophageal cancer, drinking the tea with milk may significantly reduce the risk, as it appears to neutralize the tannins. A study found consumption of black tea in women inhibits the body's use of vitamin thiamin, but does not affect the availability of niacin.
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1.Introduction of Black Tea:dark tea or black tea brick.