10 simple and practical ways to nourish your kidneys.


 Introduction of simple and practical ways to nourish your kidneys Introduction: 10 ways to nourish the kidney. Pay more attention to your daily life and practice. You will surely take care of your kidney!

10 simple and practical ways to nourish your kidneys.

 ways to nourish your kidneys 03 ✵1.Protect your feet:  Keeping the feet warm is a way to nourish the kidneys, because the kidneys originate from the soles of the feet, and the feet are easily attacked by the cold pathogen. Therefore, should pay special attention to keep the feet warm, do not sleep with your feet direct to the air conditioner or fan; Do not walk barefoot in wet places for a long time. Besides, you can massage your Yong Quan acupoint, and so on, massage it every night before sleep, can play the effect of nourish kidney and solid essence.

 ✵2. Keep your bowels open: Defecate is not free, the bowels stored accumulation, turbidness Qi is in attacking, make the person perturbed vexed and anxiety, choking sensation in chest and shortness of breath, still can hurt the kidney, bring about waist pain and exhaustion, disgusting vomit and so on. Accordingly, maintain defecate free, is also a kind of method that nourishes the kidney. In the condition defecate is difficult, use both hands hand back sticks double kidney area, press and massage forcibly, can stimulate kidney Qi, accelerate defecate; When walking, press kidney area with both hands hand back, can alleviate lumbar pain symptom.

 simple and practical ways to nourish your kidneys. ✵3. Drink water to nourish the kidney:  Water is the source of life, insufficient water, may cause the retention of turbid toxin, increased the burden of the kidney. Therefore, drinking water regularly is a very important way to nourish the kidney.

 ✵4. Don't hold back pee:  When the urine that stores in bladder achieve a certain level, can stimulate the nerve, produce micturition reflex, must go to the washroom in time at this moment, and discharge the urine till clean. Otherwise, the accumulation of urine will become turbid water Qi, harm the kidneys. Accordingly, when having urine, timely go to pee, is also one of the methods that nourishes the kidney.

 ways to nourish your kidneys 04 ✵5. Swallow saliva and nourish the kidney:  Saliva in the mouth is divided into two parts: clear thin is saliva, from the spleen; The thick is sputum, from the kidney. You can experiment, once there is saliva in the mouth then spit it out, less than a day, you will feel the waist soft, physical fatigue. This, in turn, proves that on the contrary swallowing body fluid can nourish and protect the kidney.

 ✵6. Diet nourishes the kidney:  Many kinds of foods can nourish the kidney, except black sesame seed, black agaric, black rice, black bean and so on black food, the nut kind food such as walnut also has the effect that nourishes kidney.

 ✵7. Sleep nourishes the kidneys:  Sufficient sleep plays an important role in the maintenance of the biochemical and renal essence of Qi and blood. Clinical findings, many patients with renal failure have hung up too late, excessive fatigue, sleep deprivation experience. Therefore, not stay up too late, develop a good habit of rest and sleep, early to bed and get up early, is conducive to the maintenance of kidney essence.

 ways to nourish your kidneys 05 ✵8. Avoid physical exhausting and sex:  Physical work overweight will hurt Qi, mental work overweight will hurt blood, sex overwork will hurt essence. Therefore, must act according to one's ability, work, think or have sex properly, to help nourish the kidney, protect the kidney essence.

 ✵9. Use medications with caution:  No matter Traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, there are some side effects, some medicine will hurt the kidney. Therefore, be vigilant when taking medications, read the instructions carefully, and consult an expert or herbalist if you need to take medicine for a long time.

 ✵10. Exercise nourishes the kidney:  Life depends on exercise. It is a positive measure to nourish the kidney and correct deficiency through exercise. The following is a simple and easy exercise method that can not only nourish the kidney but also replenish the deficiency. The specific method is: rub two palm pairs until palm heart is calorific, put respectively in the waist, palm to the skin, up and down massages the waist, stop until feeling the heat, do 1 time each in morning and evening, about 200 times each turn, have the effect that replenishes kidney.


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