Tips of Teas and Drinks:What is the proper time to drink brown sugar water?

Introduction of brown sugar water.
What is the proper time to drink brown sugar water? Brown sugar nature warm and moistening, sweet taste, into the liver and spleen. It has the functions of benefiting Qi, replenishes spleen, enriching the blood and eliminate blood stasis. So, a female affected by cold, blood stasis and menstruation is not smooth, dysmenorrhea, menstruation holds with abdomen cold painful, drink brown sugar water often can have a pain-alleviating effect.

Who is suitable to drink brown sugar water?

 Brown Sugar 03 ✵1. Those feel pain in each period: Most of these people are deficient and cold physical constitution, in the calculation of their menstrual period, should do a good job in advance health care. These jobs include drinking brown sugar water in advance, warming the fetus and preventing cramps, and not overworking, standing for a long time, not to go swimming or taking cold showers, etc., keeping warm can make the uterus more peaceful and smooth the discharge of menstrual blood, and not cause dysmenorrhea. She also should maintain the habit that drinks brown sugar water in the menstrual process, to continue warm fetus, assure the effects and prevents dysmenorrhea.

 ✵2. Those with occasional dysmenorrhea caused by some reasons: For this group of people, because some inappropriate behavior before the menstrual period caused dysmenorrhea does not need too much worry, if the dysmenorrhea is caused by occasional cold, can warm up with a hot water bag when feel pain, assisted by brown sugar water to relieve uterine cramps, do not need a long time to drink, do not need to drink every time.

 ✵3. Those who suffer from dysmenorrhea at the later period: Some people don't start cramping until the end of their period, so you don't need to drink brown sugar water in advance.

What is the proper time to drink brown sugar water?

 Brown Sugar 04 ✵1.The person of the older generation is not to say, girl in menstruation period drink brown sugar water has the function that enriches blood! Drinking hot brown sugar water can relax muscles and activate blood circulation, especially for the girls in the menstrual period, but also to alleviate pain, warm stomach, and spleen. But don't drink too much in summer, lest you get fire uprising easily.

 ✵2. As there is too much sugar in brown sugar, it is recommended not to drink it before going to bed at night. If you drink too much at night, your body will accumulate sugar and you will easily get diabetes.

 Introduction of Brown sugar ✵3. You can choose to drink a cup before lunch and keep drinking for a week. Individuals with serious pain symptoms can drink a cup before dinner, but do not drink before bed.

 ✵4. Do not drink when you get up in the morning, because, after the night metabolism, the body needs to eliminate toxins, what in need of is plain water, not brown sugar water.

  In fact, brown sugar water is not only suitable for girls, and everyone can drink it. A combination of brown sugar water with ginger and red dates(jujube fruit) is a good choice. This combination is much more likely to ward off the cold, which can be very helpful if you catch a cold or get caught in the rain.

Drink brown sugar water need pay attention to the following questions:

 Brown Sugar 05 1. Because brown sugar is a rough product, it might contain impurities and bacteria, and new mother drink brown sugar water, should let it boiled before drinking, sediment, and screen impurities before drinking.If time permits, also can cook a few more at a time, refrigerate after filtering, pour 1 small cup when drinking each time, wash with boiled water.

 ✵2. As brown sugar has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, it is better to drink it within 10 days after delivery, which is conducive to the discharge of lochia rubra and lochia pulps. If turn into white lochia, should not again drink brown sugar, or use less brown sugar, prolong the time that lochia of blood and character expels.

 Brown Sugar 07 ✵3. Brown sugar nature warm, use fewer in summer, can be used appropriately in cold days. Those who vomit acid water before childbirth should use less or need not, lest increase gastric acid and hurt stomach.

 Brown sugar contains glucose to release energy quickly, high absorption utilization rate can quickly replenish physical strength. Children with Qi deficiency, lack of appetite, malnutrition and other problems can drink brown sugar water on weekdays. Those with cold abdominal pain, easy to catch a cold in menstruation, can also use brown sugar ginger soup to dispel cold. To the old age body is weak, especially the person who gets over the serious illness at the beginning, brown sugar also has the excellent treatment empty tonic effect, the old person drink right amount some brown sugar also to be able to dissipate the blood stasis, prompt bowel movement, and free stools, slow the liver and bright eye.

6 ways to drink brown sugar:

 Brown Sugar 06 ✵1. Ginger and brown sugar tea:

 Practice: ginger 15 grams, brown sugar proper amount. Boiled water brewing instead of tea drink, can effectively alleviate cold blood stasis type of women's dysmenorrhea pain.

 ✵2. Brown sugar bean soup:

 Practice: red beans 30 grams, salviae miltiorrhiza 12 grams, brown sugar proper amount, water decoction and extract juice, add brown sugar, eat beans and drink soup, adhere to a period, can make skin moist.

 ✵3. Ginger brown sugar water:

 Practice: a piece of clean ginger cut into very fine silk, placed in a small pot with water, heat to boil, add brown sugar, and then change to simmer a few minutes until ginger juice dissolved into sugar water, it is finished.

 Brown Sugar 08 ✵4. Mung bean coix kernel brown sugar water:

 Practice: mung bean 50 grams, brown sugar a little, raw job's tears 25 grams. Wash and clean mung bean, add raw job's tears, water 3 to 5 bowls into a pot, will be good now brown sugar, tea, drink after each meal. It has the functions of clearing heat and dampness, relieving heat and reducing fever, and helping appetite.

 ✵5. Strong tea brown sugar drink:

 Practice: tea, brown sugar appropriate amount. Boil a bowl of strong tea, remove residues, put brown sugar and let melting, drink. Once a day, functional clearing heat.

 ✵6. Hawthorn brown sugar drink:

 Practice: raw hawthorn pulp 50 grams, brown sugar 40 grams. Decoct hawthorn water and filtrate, add brown sugar, drink when warm. Nonpregnant people take more than a few times, can also prompt the discharge of menstrual blood, functions activating the blood.


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