Tips of Teas and Drinks:The health benefits and functions of lemonade.

Introduction of lemonade.
The health benefits and functions of lemonade. Introduction: Lemons are the fruit of lemon, a rutaceous plant. Because of its extremely sour taste, liver deficiency pregnant women most like to eat, so-called "benefit mom fruit" or benefit mother and child. Lemon is rich in citric acid, so it is known as "citric acid warehouse." Its fruit is juicy and crispy with a strong aroma. Because the taste is too sour, it can only be used as the better seasoning, used to make drinks, dishes, cosmetics and medicines. Lemonade is a water drink flavored with lemon, which originated in 17th century Paris, France. Some lemonade drinks are made with carbon dioxide. This article introduces the efficacy and function of lemon water in detail.

The health benefits and functions of lemonade.

 lemonade 03 ✵To lose weight: The substance that contains in lemon, through reasonable allocation, still very effectively reduces weight. It can make you enjoy the delicious lemon at the same time, let you become a beauty and figure all outstanding woman.

 ✵Eliminate constipation: Lemon, which is rich in vitamin C, is the catalyst to urge defecation. Drinking homemade lemonade on an empty stomach in the morning can solve the pain of constipation.

 ✵Detoxification: A big glass of lemonade on an empty stomach every morning is simple and practical, can detoxify, still has the effect that prevents a cold, but must insist to just be effective.

 ✵ Anti-aging: Citrate of citric peculiar, can decompose the pigment particle that accumulates below the skin, strengthen the vigor of the blood vessel and resistance.

 Introduction of Lemon and Lemonade ✵Whitening: Because lemon vitamin content is extremely rich, because this lemon water has a beautiful effect, can prevent and eliminates skin pigment and coolness, have a beautiful and whitening effect.

 ✵Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases: Drinking lemon water can also prevent cardiovascular diseases because lemon water can alleviate the role of calcium ions to promote blood clotting, so it can prevent and assist the treatment of hypertension and myocardial infarction;

 ✵Prevention and treatment of kidney stones: Lemon water contains a large amount of citrate, which inhibits the formation of calcium salts, preventing the formation of kidney stones and even reducing or decreasing the number of stones in some chronic kidney stones. The findings, presented at the annual meeting of the American urological association, also suggest that regular consumption of lemon juice increases urinary levels of citrate, a chemical that prevents minerals in the urine from forming crystals in the kidneys, known as kidney stones.

 ✵Boost immunity: Lemon is rich in vitamin C, with antibacterial, improve immunity, help collagen production and other effects, often drink lemon water, can supplement vitamin C. When catching a cold, drinks 500 to 1000 milliliter lemon water a day, can alleviate the runny nose, a cold is dispersed fast, when just catching a cold, can heal without medicaments. Besides anti-bacterial and immune enhancement, there are appetizers and digestion, thirst-quenching and relieving heat functions.

 ✵Expectorant: Even less well known is that lemons also remove phlegm more effectively than oranges. Add lemon juice with warm water and salt, drink it will boost cough out the accumulation of thick phlegm smoothly from the throat. When cold beginning, might as well add honey water to drink with lemon, can alleviate a guttural sore, reduce the discomfort such as throat dryness, etc.

 ✵Lemons resist scurvy: Why vegetables and lemons can cure this disease? The first thing that comes to mind is that these foods must contain something essential to life -- vitamins. At the beginning of the 20th century, scurvy was supposed to be a vitamin deficiency. In the 1930s, aluronic acid was finally isolated from the adrenal cortex, cabbage and lemon juice, its chemical structure was ascertained, and it was identified as an element of ascorbic acid or vitamin C.

 ✵Pure and fresh breath: Lemon water has a bactericidal effect, especially to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth, thus keeping breath fresh. A glass of lemonade is more refreshing than coffee for breakfast. Instead of cold lemonade, the black base recommends drinking it at room temperature.

 ✵Lemon water has a diuretic effect: Lemon water has a diuretic effect. Drinking lemon water will help your body get rid of toxins more quickly, which will purify your body and keep you healthy. Lemonade also helps change the pH of the urethra, preventing harmful bacteria from growing.

 ✵Reduce appetite: Lemon water contains soluble fiber pectin, which helps increase satiety, which in turn controls appetite and prevents overeating. Staying full longer also helps you control your weight by snacking less.

 ✵Promote wound healing: Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients in promoting wound healing and maintaining healthy bones, tissues and cartilage. Vitamin C also helps neutralize free radicals and suppress inflammation in the body.

 ✵How does lemon water lose weight, the effect that lemon water reduces weight:

 Lemon water can quench thirst and reduce cravings, so it's a great way to curb inappropriate eating. Add to a total of 15 minutes of exercise a day, and the results can be dramatic. This law reducing weight is the most popular now, with such an operation one can achieve the effect reducing weight in the home, be called so "housewife" of type drink water to be on a diet, very effective.

 The ways to lose weight are as follows:

 1. A liter of water adds half lemon juice and put in the refrigerator, the temperature is lower easy to have a cool and refreshing feeling.

 2. Drink at least 3 liters of lemonade every day. No special diet or snacks are required but always supplement with lemonade.

 3. Must match daily 15 minutes of exercise, do not have to continue, disperse time can also help sweat, the purpose is to eliminate harmful substances in the body.

Tips for drinking lemonade.

 Lemonade 04 ✵Water with peel more nutrition: experts say, lemon must be drunk with the peel, slice must be thin because the part of the peel contains flavonoids higher than lemon pulp, the lemon essential oil is also mainly in the peel, thin-cut lemon peel aroma components easy to soak out. Lemon peels, including other citrus peels, contain bitter flavonoid compounds, which are also beneficial ingredients, with a slight bitterness that goes along with the acidity, making it thirstier on hot days.

 ✵Hot water brewing more fragrant: some people say lemons can not use hot blisters, afraid of VC loss. Experts say the lemon water is too cold for the flavor to come out. Due to the strong acidity of lemons, VC has a good heat resistance under acidic conditions, which is not as easy to lose as expected. There is no problem if the water temperature of lemon slices is higher than 60℃.

 ✵Heavy drinking with sugar isn't healthy: light lemonade is a great drink because it's so low in sugar that it won't put on weight. However, when added sugar or honey, the lemonade is different. Both fructose in honey and sucrose in sugar are energy-boosting. Calculate by 5% sugar, one paper cup (200 grams) contain energy 40 kilocals with respect to adding sugar honey water, if drink two cups, be equivalent to eat 1/4 bowl rice, the person that needs to control weight so still wants set limit to, should not drink much because honey lemon water is sweet in taste.

 ✵When to drink lemon water: drink lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning(had better add honey) be helpful for eliminate toxins, make you have spirit all day and the skin is bright white, long-term hold to still have thin body function! Every morning with a clean spoon take out a piece of lemon directly and soak in water to drink. It is suggested that sisters old or young love the beauty, every morning after getting up, drink a cup of lemon honey water on an empty stomach, and later eat breakfast, both beauty and clean the intestines.

 ✵Who is suitable for lemon:

 1. It can be used by the general population.

 2. People with dry hot mouth, dyspepsia, vitamin C deficiency, pregnant women with restless fetal movement, patients with kidney stones, hypertension and myocardial infarction are suitable for consumption.

 3. Ulcer, gastric acid secretion too much, with dental caries and diabetes patients should use it carefully.

 ✵Storage method of lemons:

 Whole lemons can be kept at room temperature for about a month. If you are using half the lemon, you can wrap the remaining lemon in crisper paper and put it in the refrigerator. This is the easiest way.

 For longer storage, place sliced lemons in an airtight container with honey and refrigerate for up to a month. But even if preserved, lemons are no better than fresh ones. Better to put the rest of the lemon in the room or a corner, not only will not waste but also can make the air fresh.

 Sealed storage can be extended. Experts say the lemon fruit stores well. The problem with lemon is that it dries on the surface, but it still works after it dries, and it's still juicy on the inside. The lemon cut open is covered with honey to preserve water, and then wrapped in plastic wrap. It's ok to leave it in the crisper for two or three days.


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