What is the proper time to take albumen powder, its benefit and functions.

Introduction of albumen powder.
What is the proper time to take albumen powder, its benefit and functions. The so-called protein powder is generally used purified soy protein, or casein protein, or whey protein (lack of isoleucine), or the combination of several above proteins, the powder, its purpose is to supplement protein for those who lack protein. This article introduces in detail the taking method of protein powder, the function of protein powder, and the tips, purchasing guide of protein powder.

Albumen powder benefit and functions.

 Albumen Powder 03 The effect of protein powder: 

 1. Protein powder can promote muscle growth.

 2. Boost immunity.

 3. Repair cells and build tissues.

 4. Make up all the cells and tissues in the body.

 5. Protein powder can also effectively regulate the metabolism of human body and maintain the normal operation of cells in human body.

 6. Form an enzyme system to maintain normal digestion.

 7. Make the substance to transport blood and maintain osmotic pressure in the body.

 8. Catalysis of enzymes.

 9. Hormonal regulation.

 10. The transport of oxygen.

 11. Contraction of muscles.

 12. The body's immune function.

 13. Body support.

 14. Regulate immunity and resist fatigue.

 15. Neutralization of body fluids.

 Introduction of protein powder ✵Nutritional value of protein powder: 

 Participate in the constitution and metabolism of the body: protein is an important nutrient, and its existence is closely related to various activities of life, such as participate in the constitution and metabolism of the body, participate in the constitution and metabolism of genetic information and provide heat for the body.

 The degree of digestion, absorption and utilization are different: the types of protein are various, different food sources protein, the degree of digestion, absorption, and utilization by human body is also different, that is, different kinds of protein nutritional value and main factors determine the nutritional value of protein is the kinds and content of the essential amino acids in proteins. Amino acid score(AAS) is a common index to evaluate the kinds and contents of essential amino acids in proteins.

When is the proper time to eat protein powder, protein powder take method.

 Albumen Powder 04 ✵Healthy people don't need protein powders:  According to the reference intake of dietary nutrients for Chinese residents, the recommended daily protein intake for adults is 65 ~ 90 grams, or 10% ~ 12% of the total energy can meet the metabolic needs. Besides, protein intake varies with age, weight and labor intensity. For children and adolescents in growth, pregnant or lactating women, protein requirements are generally higher.

 Animal protein mainly comes from poultry, livestock and fish meat, eggs, milk. Its protein composition is mainly casein(78 ~ 85%), which can be well absorbed and used by adults. What's more, animal protein has a complete range of essential amino acids in a reasonable proportion, so it is easier to digest, absorb and use than general plant protein, and its nutritional value is relatively high. Generally speaking, protein in meat(such as fish and beef) and protein in milk have amino acid scores ranging from 0.9 to 1.0.

 Plant protein mainly comes from rice, wheat, and beans, but the protein of rice-wheat and beans have different nutritional value. Rice and wheat proteins lack lysine(an essential amino acid), so their amino acid scores are lower, at 0.3 to 0.5, and they are less well absorbed and used by the body. Of course, this deficiency can be improved by scientific methods, such as adding lysine-rich bean foods to rice and wheat, which can significantly improve the amino acid score of proteins.

 ✵Who needs protein supplements: 

 1. For healthy people, as long as they insist on a normal diet and rich and varied food, can completely meet the needs of the human body for protein, and there is no need to take protein powder. Moreover, the psychological enjoyment and sensory stimulation brought by food are irreplaceable by protein powder.

 2. For special groups in need, in addition to supplementing essential amino acids through food, protein powder can be appropriately selected as a protein supplement, but the amount of protein powder must be paid attention to. Protein is superfluous, not only make a person fat, still increase the metabolic burden of liver and kidney, as time passes, may affect the function.

 3. Newborns baby should not eat protein powder, their parents should choose milk power which protein content is about 10% ~ 20%.

 4. Patients with gout should carefully choose the protein powder with soy protein as the main component. Because the purine in soybean, can cause an increase of uric acid level in the body, contribute to or aggravate gout. But some soybean protein powder brands have been specially treated, which doesn't contain purines.

 ✵Taken method for general use: 

 1. Keep your total protein intake at about 1 gram per pound of body weight per day. If the diet is normal, 15 grams of whey protein powder can be added, equivalent to 1/4 of the daily requirement. Diabetes and other daily intakes of nutrition restrictions can be appropriately increased according to the dietary situation.

 2. Please dissolve completely in warm water or cold water. Do not use hot water. Can be dissolved in drinks, milk, soup, but also could be used to make milkshakes, ice cream, and other protein foods.

 ✵Body building crowd take method: 

 1. Within 30 to 40 minutes after exercise, drink 1 to 2 portions of whey protein(about 22 to 45 grams): Drink after sports, because of the muscle congestive dilate after training, just can achieve practice where big where effect. But girls don't be nervous, to train big muscles, need to do very heavy weight training, the appropriate weight can modify the beautiful shapes.

 2. Drink whey protein before bed with whole-wheat, egg products, etc.: Sleep is an ideal time for growth hormone secretion, muscle synthesis, and peak nutrient storage consumption. Protein supplements provide nutrients for growth as well as the breakdown of nutrients during sleep. With whole grains or eggs, you can increase the time it takes for the protein to be absorbed, providing a constant source of nutrients for a body that sleeps longer.

 ✵Weight loss people take method: 

 1. Drink one portion of whey protein 30 to 40 minutes after exercise: After a large amount of exercise, not only the fat is consumed, the muscle is also broken down in large quantities. Take protein supplements could help you achieve the purpose to reduce fat but not muscle. The loss of muscle is regrettable.

 2. Low fat, low carbon water after dinner, drink about 10 grams of whey protein, with high fiber food: Dieters' low-fat diets also tend to mean less meat and eggs, less protein. Cutting back on nighttime carbs is meant to reduce sugar-glycogen-fat synthesis. Drink one portion of whey protein 30 to 40 minutes after exercise: Whey protein is a low-impact source of calories and nutrients for dieters.

 ✵Taboo crowd: 

  Patients with kidney disease, liver disease, newborns, gout patients, should not take it.

 Take protein powder blindly easily cause disease:

 1. Gastrointestinal function is weakened, the body resistance is reduced: Especially for the infant and child, intestines and stomach need exercise period, rely on the shortcut to supplement nutrient is not desirable. Especially for the infant and child, intestines and stomach need exercise period, rely on the shortcut to supplement nutrient is not desirable.

 2. Increase the burden of the kidney, resulting in the decline of renal function, proteinuria: protein needs to be processed by the liver then could be transformed into the body's own substances, at the same time, protein metabolism in the body produces ammonia, urea, inosine and other nitrogenous substances, need to be excreted by the kidney. If ingestion is too much, increase liver and kidney burden, produce an adverse effect on the human body. Especially those patients with diabetes, nephritis, renal insufficiency and other diseases, the degree of kidney damage is more serious, the occurrence of proteinuria is a symptom.

 3. If intake excessive protein power, easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: patients with gout better avoid eating soy protein powder as the main component. Because the purine in soy can cause an increase of uric acid in the body, contributing to or aggravating gout.

 4. Easy to make people fat, lead to osteoporosis: the excessive protein in digestion and absorption, the liver will convert them into liver glycogen or muscle glycogen for storage; if liver glycogen or muscle glycogen is sufficient, it is converted to fat and will be stored; this will make people fat.

  Postmenopausal women eat too much protein will make kidney excretion more calcium, make the degree of bone sclerosis reduced, cause osteoporosis.

 As long as you are healthy, have a normal diet, eat a normal amount of food, do not be picky about food, you can get enough protein from food, no need to eat protein powder. Especially during the Festival, every family eat more fish and meat, and people's protein intake is surplus. Eat protein powder again right now, really increase viscera burden, harmful and profitless to the body. This is because if the body has too much protein, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, which will cause damage to the kidneys in the long run. And if the disease itself is a kidney disease, more likely to cause an acute attack of the disease.

Tips in taking albumen powder.

 Albumen Powder 05 ✵1. Check the content and dosage of protein powder: There are many manufacturers and brands of protein powder, and their content and dosage vary greatly, so it should be taken in strict accordance with the doctor's advice, too large dosage, too small are harmful to health.

 ✵2. Don't take it on an empty stomach: When taken on an empty stomach, protein powder is immediately metabolized as "energy", causing waste. It should be taken with milk, soy milk or eggs.

 ✵3. Eating warm rather than hot: Whey protein contains a variety of active substances, it is afraid of heat, once heated will be inactive and ineffective. It should be taken in warm, to maximize the effectiveness.

 ✵4. Do not take with acidic food: Protein powder will produce insoluble clots when meets juice and other acidic drinks, affecting the digestion and absorption of various amino acids and proteins.

 ✵5. Eat right: when taking protein powders, be aware of the ratio of sugar, fat and protein, and the combination of vitamins and minerals (including trace elements). The ideal state of nutrition is balance and moderation. When additional protein is added, consideration should be given to whether other nutrients are also deficient or unbalanced. When protein is replenished, new nutritional imbalance should be avoided.

A guide to buying protein powder.

 Albumen Powder 06 In terms of nutrition supply, we should not only consider the quantity of protein powder, but also pay attention to the quality of protein powder. Protein powders lacking essential amino acids have poor nutritional value. If the protein powder is used as the main food protein powder, the nitrogen balance in the body will not be maintained, that is, the protein powder will degrade more to provide essential amino acids for the renewal and repair of some tissue components in the body, resulting in the excretion of nitrogen than the protein powder nitrogen taken. Under normal nutrition, normal adults should be in the total balance of nitrogen, which means the excretion of nitrogen is equal to the nitrogen intake.

 The more complete the essential amino acids contained in the protein powder, the closer it is to the composition of human protein powder in kind and quantity, the higher its nutritional value or physiological value. Protein powder mainly comes from milk, eggs, meat, beans, hard fruits, etc., followed by protein powder content in grains.

 The requirement of protein powder is usually about 80g per day for adults, accounting for about 15% of the energy supplied. Heavy physical labor, pregnant women and nursing mothers need more correspondingly. As young children need protein powder for growth, they need more protein powder per kg of body weight than adults. The amount of protein powder per kg of body weight is 3.5 ~ 4.0g/kg/d for breast-fed children, and more than 6g/6kg/d for soy milk feeding.

 ✵1. Determine body-building goals: body-building goals play an important role in the selection of protein powder. For example, there are significant differences in nutrient ratios between bodybuilders and dieters. Weight lifters should look for products that are high in protein, while endurance athletes need carbohydrates and protein powders, while dieters need protein powders that are high in protein but low in carbohydrates and fat.

 ✵2. Quality and price: protein powder price quality is different, as the saying goes "you get what you pay for." Although the price is an important consideration, it should not be the only criterion for selecting products. High-quality protein is available at a reasonable price, but in most cases, manufacturers will offer cheap or high-quality products for different consumption levels.

 ✵3. Read the ingredient list: it's important to know the ingredients when buying protein powder. The label gives details of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as other ingredients. It should also be clear whether the product uses natural sugar or artificial sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup.

 ✵4. Taste is important: there are different flavors of protein powder in the market. In addition to fitness goals, price and ingredients, taste is also an important aspect of choosing the proper protein powder. Some manufacturers also offer samples for consumers to sample.


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