The health benefits of honey, how to take it?

Introduction of honey.
The health benefits of honey, how to take it?< The honey has many benefits, honey tastes sweet and plain in nature, ancient herbal works Shennong Ben Cao Jing recorded: "main for heart and stomach pathogens, all convulsion, replenish five viscera deficiency, benefit Qi and tonic, relieve pain and detoxification, relieve many diseases, harmonize hundreds of medicine, take it a long period will be strong and light body, not hungry and not aging."it can be seen that honey collect two functions of cure disease and strengthen the body. Modern pharmacological studies have proved that honey has many functions for external use such as detoxification, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, antisepsis, protecting wound surface, promoting cell regeneration and fluid absorption.

The health benefits of honey, how to take it?

 Honey 03 ✵1. Clear heat: ancient works Liang Liao Ben Cao(the Good therapeutic herbs) recorded: "if aware of heat, limbs disharmony, take a bowl of honey pulp, very good", because honey has the function nourish Yin, advisable for those with Yin deficiency. Recently, it is used for rhinitis, sinusitis, corneal ulcer, and facial margin inflammation.

 ✵2. To replenish the middle: Honey can nourish the spleen Qi, in ancient it was said could be used to bright eyes and ears, a complexion like flowers, strong will, light up the body, not hungry and not old, suitable for the weak body and after the illness. Therefore, ancient works Yao Pin Hua Yi recorded that: the honey bee picks the essence of flowers, taste sweet and main for tonic, nourish the five viscera.

 ✵3. Detoxification: it can cure all kinds of dermatitis and vaginal inflammation and detoxify aconite poison, alcohol poisoning, modern scientific research that it contains coffee acid, has an anti-cancer effect. Honey is reported to be a good oral disinfectant.

  Because honey can detoxify and replenish, the ancients often used it to make all kinds of paste or lotion. The United States has honey mixed with a variety of juices as clarifiers, the effect is ideal and can maintain all the nutritional value.[in fixing......]

 Introduction of honey ✵4. Moistening dryness: Can cure lung dryness cough. If combine with ginger the effect is even better. Herbalist Zhang Xichun thought that it is "cool and smooth, for clearing the lungs and moistening the lung, is a key medicine which can benefit phlegm and peaceful cough"; The old man lacks of body fluid and easy constipation could take honey with boiled water.

 ✵5. Relieve pain: Honey has the effect of relieving pain, commonly used with smoked plum to treat pain biliary ascariasis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and so on.

 ✵6. Honey external application can also cure burns, frostbite and all kinds of trauma: However, it should be noted that honey should be used with caution where phlegm and dampness are more abundant, abdominal distention is full or intestinal diarrhea.

How to take honey and taboos.

 Honey 04 ✵What is the better time to drink honey: 

 1. After a night of sleep, most of the water in the body has been excreted or absorbed, then should supply water, but the main purpose of the first cup of water after getting up is to supply water, if the water added with honey, the body must also add water for honey dilution and digestion, will also aggravate dehydration.

  Accordingly, after early morning gets up, drink a cup of boiled water, then drink a cup of honey water again, can complement moisture, can increase nutrition again, to old people, still can have the effect that promotes defecate.

 Drinking light saltwater in the morning is not healthy. Because in normal circumstances, the human body sodium generally will not lack, if you drink a cup of light salt water every morning, for a long time, the body sodium content is too high, may lead to high blood pressure, nephritis and other diseases.

 Only when sodium is lost through excessive sweating after heavy physical labor or strenuous exercise, you do need to drink some light saltwater in order to replenish water and electrolytes.

 2. Drinking a cup of cold water before going to bed is more conducive to health care than drinking honey water:

 Because honey is not pure sucrose, but after all, it is sugar, so it should not be drunk every night before going to bed. It is necessary to drink a cup of cold water in the evening.

 Because some people do not drink enough water during the day, drinking a glass of water at night could supply you with some water, and play a refreshing, clear pharynx, relieve cough effect, more important is to prepare sufficient water for the metabolism of the body all night. Only adequate water in the human body, the metabolic activities of tissue cells can be fully developed.

 In addition, drinking a little light tea after lunch is also worth advocating, so can remove the greasy lunch, and can be refreshing, have the energy to work better in the afternoon.

 ✵Tips needing attention:

 1. Can not use boiling water or high-temperature cooking honey, because unreasonable heating will cause serious damage to the nutrients in honey, honey enzyme inactivation, color, flavor volatilization, taste change, unpleasant sour taste.

 The special flavor and taste of honey will be destroyed by high temperature, and the bacteriostatic effect will be reduced, and the nutrients will be destroyed.

 Accordingly, had better use the warm boiled water below 40℃ or cold boiled water dilutive the honey, especially in hot summer, rinse honey with cold boiled water, can eliminate heat, it is a very good cool and refreshing health care beverage.

 2. The taking time of honey could be 1-1.5 hours before a meal or 2-3 hours after the meal is more appropriate. However, for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, the time of consumption should be determined according to the condition, so as to facilitate the play of its medical effect.

 If you eat honey one and a half hours before a meal, it can inhibit the secretion of gastric acid; if take food immediately after take honey, it can stimulate the secretion of gastric acid again; warm honey solution can dilute gastric juice and reduce acid changes.

 But the cold honey aqueous solution may stimulate too much gastric juice acid, and may stimulate the bowel movement, has the light diarrhea effects.

 Therefore, patients with too much gastric acid or hypertrophic gastritis, it is appropriate to take warm honey water 1 and a half hours before meals, not only can inhibit the secretion of gastric acid, but also can lower gastric acid concentration.

  Thus reduce the stimulation of gastric mucosa, is conducive to ulcer surface healing; And patients with gastric acid lack or atrophic gastritis should eat immediately after drinking cold honey water.

 Neurasthenic person drinks honey before going to bed every day, can promote sleeping, because honey could calm mind benefit wisdom and the effect that improves sleep.

 ✵Taboos on honey:

 1. Honey should not be taken with tofu: Bean curd taste sweet, salty, cold in nature, can clear heat and dissipate blood. Eating with honey can cause diarrhea.

 At the same time, honey contains a variety of enzymes, and tofu contains a variety of minerals, plant proteins, organic acids, and so on, take them both is not conducive to the human biochemical reaction.

 2. Not with leeks: Leek is rich in vitamin C, which is easily oxidized by copper and iron in honey. In addition, honey is laxative, the leek is rich in fiber, easy to cause diarrhea.

How to choose honey

 Honey 05 ✵1. Look at the colors: In general, darker honey has more minerals than lighter honey. If you're looking for micronutrients, look for darker honey, such as jujube honey.

 Good quality honey, fine texture, bright color; poor quality honey is often cloudy and has a poor gloss.

 Real and Fake difference in appearance: Real honey does not look very bright in color. It is white, yellowish or amber, with a light color preferred. Fake honey has a bright color, usually looks light or dark yellow.

 ✵2. Smell: Impure honey smells like fruit or artificial fragrances, perfumed honey has an unusual aroma, pure honey has a natural, light floral smell. The fake honey smells pungent or of fruit fructose.

 ✵3. Look the state of thick and concentration: In general, the thicker the honey, the better. This is because the consistency of honey is related to its water content, and the national standard stipulates that the water content is less than 20% as a grade 1 product.

 When choosing honey at the supermarket, the bottle can be turned upside down and the slower in flowing and the thicker it is. Due to its thick texture, honey has the characteristic of continuous drawing.

 Honey 06 ✵4. Look at the drawing: After buying honey, drop by drop, good honey is drawn very long, after cutting off the flow, the top end will bounce back quickly. If it's fake honey or bad honey, it won't bounce back quickly.

 True honey instigation visible flexible filament, not off in flowing, fake honey contains more deposits and precipitation, when instigation drops, there is a break.

 ✵5. Taste it: Pure honey tastes mellow and sweet, with a long aftertaste and easy crystallization. The taste of the non-pure honey is simple and sweet, without aromatic taste, but with the taste of "sugar and water." The crystals melt in your mouth, and the taste is astringent and slightly sticky. The fake honey has a bitter taste and crystal blocks are chewed sense like granulated sugar.

 Honey crystals are a concern for many consumers. Many people doubt that crystallized honey is of poor quality. Honey crystallization is a normal phenomenon and has nothing to do with the quality, but with the honey type and storage conditions.

 General honey starts to crystallize below 13 degrees Celsius, and cole honey, linden honey will crystallize in 13-14 degrees Celsius, acacia honey is not very easy to crystallize. In fact, crystallized honey does not affect eating.

 ✵6. Buy bottled honey: Consumers are advised to buy honey that has passed the test in a proper store. When buying, we should pay attention to whether the label has a factory name, factory address, sanitary license number, production date, shelf life, product quality code, and other relevant declaration.


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