Introduction of Chi Shi Zhi:Red Halloysite or Halloysitum Rubrum.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Red Halloysite, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its source one kind of mineral, ①.Halloysite., with a detailed introduction to the features of this mineral, ecological environment of this mineral, the features of the herb Red Halloysite, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Halloysitum Rubrum(Red Halloysite).

reddish herb blocks of Halloysitum Rubrum Pin Yin Name: Chì Shí Zhī.
 English Name: Halloysite, Red Halloysite.
 Latin Name: Halloysitum Rubrum.
 Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes sweet, sour, puckery.

 Brief introduction: The Herb Halloysitum Rubrum is a mineral, hydrated aluminum silicate, in red color due to the presence of iron oxides, used as an anti-diarrhetic and hemostatic agent for the treatment of chronic diarrhea, menorrhagia, and leukorrhea. The herb is commonly known as Halloysitum Rubrum, Red Halloysite, Chì Shí Zhī.

 Mineral source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Halloysitum Rubrum (Red Halloysite) as the halloysite, in red color due to the presence of iron oxides. It is a kind of hydrated aluminum silicate mineral. This commonly used mineral is introduced:


 a brownish red mineral block of Halloysite Mineral description: It is commonly known as Duō Shuǐ Gāo Lǐng Shí, or Duō Shuǐ Gāo Lǐng Tǔ. Monoclinic system. Rarely crystallized, mostly gelled. It is basically white and is usually dyed with light red, light brown, light yellow, light blue, light green, and other colors. The fresh section has a waxy luster, porous, and soil-like luster. There are flat, shell-like fractures. The hardness value is 1~2. The specific gravity is 2.0–2.2 and varies with the water content. Crispy, plastic. There is an earthy smell, and dense clumps can be broken into fragments when they are dried. Mainly in the rock weathering crust and clay layer.

 Ecological environment: The mineral is mainly distributed in rock weathering crusts and clay layers. It is mainly produced in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the north and west, and other areas of China.

 many light reddish blocks of Red Halloysite are piled together Characters of herbs: The herb is a lumpy aggregation, in an irregular lumpy shape, the surface is locally flat, and the whole surface is uneven. The surface is light red or pink, red to purple, or alternation of red and white with patterns. The herb is light, and the texture of the herb is soft, and fragile, with earthy luster or waxy luster; The herb is opaque, leaving marks with scratches of nails, and the fracture surface is flat with a waxy luster. The water absorption of the herb is strong, and it can stick to the tongue. The herb has a slight clay odor, it tastes mild, no sand sensations when chewed. The herb of a better grade is red, smooth, and delicate, the texture of the herb is soft, easy to break, and has strong water absorption.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.absorb the toxic substances in the digestive tract and the products of abnormal food fermentation; ②.local protective effect on inflamed gastrointestinal mucosa and hemostasis effect on gastrointestinal bleeding; ③.shorting the clotting time of mice and plasma calcium recovery time of rats; ④.inhibitory effect on ADP-induced platelet aggregation in rabbits and rats and ADP-induced platelet thrombosis in mice.

 Medicinal efficacy: Astringent intestines, hemostasis (stanch bleeding), astringing and hemostasis, astringing dampness, regenerating tissue to heal wounds. It is indicated for chronic diarrhea, protracted dysentery, hemafecia (hematochezia, passing blood in stool), archoptosis (anal prolapse), spermatorrhea (seminal emission), metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, morbid leukorrhea; Externally for unhealing ulcer, wet sore and pus spreading, eczema, wound bleeding, etc.

 Administration of Halloysitum Rubrum (Chì Shí Zhī): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Halloysitum Rubrum (Chì Shí Zhī)
TCM Books: ①.Internally: 9~12 grams, decoct earlier. Externally: proper amount, prepare to finely ground herb powder, apply stick at the affected part; ②.Internally:water decoction, 3~4 qian (about 9~12 grams);or prepare to pill, powder. Externally: prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle or stick at the affected part; ③.Internally:water decoction, 3~4 qian (about 9~12 grams);or prepare to pill, powder. Externally: prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle or stick at the affected part.
 Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions: the herb Hallyositum Rubrum should forbidden using during pregnancy. The herb should not be combined with Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Flos Genkwa, Pine oleoresin, Radix Scutellariae, Cortex Cinnamomi.




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