Astringent Herbs.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) herbalism is also known as pharmaceutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Chinese pharmaceutics, is the branch of health science dealing with the preparation, dispensing, and proper utilization of Chinese herbs. It is majorly composed of Introduction of Chinese Medicinals, Classification of Chinese Herbs, Formulas, and Patent medicines.

Classifications of Herbs:Astringent Herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon15 Introduction: Astringent Herbs: also known as discharge-stopping herbs, an agent or substance that stops discharges such as sweat, diarrhea, urine, blood, leukorrhea and semen.

 Astringent Herbs have functions of discharging-arresting, constringency and inducing astringency, and are mainly used for discharging and exhaustion syndrome, etc, also known as discharge-stopping herbs, these herbs are mostly sour, puckery in flavor, warm or neutral in property. According to the difference of its functions, astringent herbs are classified into several kinds: ①.superficies-strengthening anhidrotic herbs, ②.lung-intestine astringent herbs, ③.spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia-arresting and polyuria-arresting herbs, etc.

 Superficies-strengthening anhidrotic herbs are herbs that arrest excessive sweating by strengthening the superficies. Superficies-strengthening anhidrotic herbs are used to treat syndromes of spontaneous perspiration due to Qi deficiency and lowered superficial resistance, striae of the skin and muscles being loose, body fluid leak, and night sweating due to Yin deficiency and could not bind Yang, body fluid leaking forced by Yang, this kind of herbs could enter the superficies and regulate the Wei system, and protect the Cou Li (space between skin and muscles), and have functions of strengthening exterior and reducing sweat. Representative herbs of this kind are Fructus Tritici Levis (Fú Xiǎo Mài), and other herbs including Radix Oryzae Glutinosae (Nuò Dào Gēn), etc.

 Lung-intestine astringent herbs are herbs that relieves cough and asthma, and arrests chronic diarrhea. Lung-intestine astringent herbs are sour and puckery in flavor, have functions of astringing the lung to relieve cough, astringing the intestine to relieve darrhea, are mainly used for the treatment of asthma syndrome of lung-kidney deficiency, lung deficiency and chronic cough, chronic diarrhea and chronic dysentery due to cold and deficiency of large intestine and could not astringe, deficiency and cold of spleen and kidney, etc. Representative herbs of this kind are Fructus Schisandrae (Wǔ Wèi Zǐ), Fructus Mume (Wū Méi), and other herbs including Galla Chinensis (Wǔ Bèi Zǐ), Fructus Chebulae (Hē Zǐ), Pericarpium Granati (Shí Liu Pí), Semen Myristicae (Ròu Dòu Kòu), Halloysitum Rubrum (Chì Shí Zhī), Limonitum (Yǔ Yú Liánɡ), etc.

 Spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia-arresting and polyuria-arresting herbs are herbs that relieving spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia, relieving polyuria, some herbs has functions of replenishing kidney, and are use for syndromes of spontaneous emission, involuntary emission, enuresis (urinary incontinence), polyuria (frequency of micturition), leukorrhagia, etc. Representative herbs of this kind are Fructus Corni (Shān Zhū Yú), and other herbs including Fructus Rosae Laevigatae (Jīn Yīnɡ Zǐ), Semen Nelumbinis (Lián Zǐ), Stamen Nelumbinis(Lián Xū), Semen Euryales (Qiàn Shí), Fructus Rubi (Fù Pén Zi), Os Sepiae (Hǎi Piāo Shāo), Concha Ostreae Usta (Duàn Mǔ Lì), etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [17] kinds of common TCM herbs, [17] kinds of related plant species, [6] kinds of related animals species, [2] kinds of related minerals, are recorded in this category.

Superficies-strengthening anhidrotic herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 15 Introduction: Superficies-strengthening anhidrotic herbs are known including:, etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [1] kinds of common TCM herbs, [1] kinds of related plant species, are recorded in this category. These superficies-strengthening anhidrotic herbs are briefly introduced separately:

Fructus Tritici Levis (Light Wheat).

 Fructus Tritici Levis Brief Introduction: The herb Fructus Tritici Levis is the dried light grains of Triticum aestivum L (family Graminae), used as an antihidrotic agent for spontaneous sweating or night sweats. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Tritici Levis, Light Wheat, Fú Xiǎo Mài.more
Lung-intestine astringent herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 15 Introduction: Lung-intestine astringent herbs are known including:,,,,,,,, etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [8] kinds of common TCM herbs, [10] kinds of related plant species, [2] kinds of related minerals, are recorded in this category. These lung-intestine astringent herbs are briefly introduced separately:

Fructus Schisandrae (Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit).

 Fructus Schisandrae Brief Introduction: The herb Fructus Schisandrae is the dried ripe fruit of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill (family Moagnoliaceae), used as an astringent for the treatment of dry cough, asthma, night sweats, seminal emission, and chronic diarrhea, also used as a tranquilizer for palpitation and insomnia. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Schisandrae, Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit, Wǔ Wèi Zǐ.more
Fructus Mume (Smoked Plum).

 Fructus Mume Brief Introduction: The herb Fructus Mume is the dried nearly ripe fruit of Armeniaca mume Sieb (family Rosaceae), used as an anti-diarrheic, antitussive, antidiptic and anthelmintic agent for treating chronic diarrhea, persistent cough, morbid thirst, and ascariasis. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Mume, Smoked Plum, Dark Plum, Wū Méi.more
Galla Chinensis (Chinese Gall).

 Galla Chinensis Brief Introduction: The herb Galla Chinensis is the gall produced mainly by aphides of Melaphis chinensis(Bell)Baker on the leaf of various Sumac, Rhus chinensis Mill., Rhus potaninii Maxim., or Rhus punjabensis Stewart.var.sinica (Diels) Wils (family Anacardiaceae), used as an astringent agent for the treatment of persistent cough, night sweats, chronic diarrhea, bloody stool, and enuresis, and used externally for treating burns, traumatic bleeding, hemorrhoids, and oral ulcers. The herb is commonly known as Galla Chinensis, Chinese Gall, Wǔ Bèi Zǐ.more
Fructus Chebulae (Terminalia Fruit).

 Fructus Chebulae Brief Introduction: The herb Fructus Chebulae is the dried ripe fruit of Terminalia chebula Retz., or Terminalia chebula Retz. var. tomentella (Kurz.) C.B.Clarke (family Combretaceae), used as an anti-diarrheic and antitussive agent for the treatment of chronic diarrhea or dysentery, persistent cough, and hoarse voice. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Chebulae, Terminalia Fruit, Hē Zǐ.more
Pericarpium Granati (Pomegranate Rind).

 Pericarpium Granati Brief Introduction: The herb Pericarpium Granati is the dried pericarp of Punica granatum L (family Punicaceae), used as an anti-diarrheic for the treatment of chronic diarrhea or dysentery, also used as an anthelmintic for intestinal taeniasis and ascariasis. The herb is commonly known as Pericarpium Granati, Pomegranate Rind, Shí Liu Pí.more
Semen Myristicae (Nutmeg).

 Semen Myristicae Brief Introduction: The herb Semen Myristicae is the dried kernel of Myristica fragrans Houtt (family Myristicaceae), used as an antidiarrhetic agent by warming the spleen and stomach for the treatment of chronic diarrhea. The herb is commonly known as Semen Myristicae, Nutmeg, Ròu Dòu Kòu.more
Halloysitum Rubrum (Red Halloysite).

 Halloysitum Rubrum Brief Introduction: The herb Halloysitum Rubrum is a mineral, hydrated aluminum silicate, in red color due to the presence of iron oxides, used as an anti-diarrhetic and hemostatic agent for the treatment of chronic diarrhea, menorrhagia, and leukorrhea. The herb is commonly known as Halloysitum Rubrum, Red Halloysite, Chì Shí Zhī.more
Limonitum (Limonite).

 Limonitum Brief Introduction: The herb Limonitum is brownish iron ore, mainly composed of basic iron oxide[FeO(OH)], used as an astringent for the treatment of chronic diarrhea or dysentery, menorrhagia, and leukorrhagia. The herb is commonly known as Limonite, Yǔ Yú Liánɡ.more
Spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia-arresting and polyuria-arresting herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 15 Introduction: Spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia-arresting and polyuria-arresting herbs are known including:,,,,,,,, etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [8] kinds of common TCM herbs, [6] kinds of related plant species, [6] kinds of related animals species, are recorded in this category. These spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia-arresting and polyuria-arresting herbs are briefly introduced separately:

Fructus Corni (Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit).

 Fructus Corni Brief Introduction: The Herb Fructus Corni is the dried ripe sarcocarp of Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc (family Cornaceae), used (1).to replenish liver and kidney Yin for the treatment of aching back, weakened knees, vertigo and impotence, and (2).to stop discharge for nocturnal emission, enuresis, abnormal uterine bleeding, and excessive perspiration. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Corni, Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit, Common Macrocarpium Fruit, Fruit of Common Macrocarpium, Shān Zhū Yú.more
Fructus Rosae Laevigatae (Cherokee Rose Fruit).

 Fructus Rosae Laevigatae Brief Introduction: The herb Fructus Rosae Laevigatae is the dried ripe fruit of Cherokee Rose, Rosa laevigata Michx (family Rosaceae), used as an astringent for the treatment of seminal emission, enuresis, frequent micturition, and chronic diarrhea. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Rosae Laevigatae, Cherokee Rose Fruit, Jīn Yīnɡ Zǐ.more
Semen Nelumbinis (Lotus Seed).

 Semen Nelumbinis Brief Introduction: The herb Semen Nelumbinis is the dried ripe seed of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn (family Nymphaeaceae), used as an astringent for the treatment of chronic diarrhea, spontaneous emission, and luekorrhagia. The herb is commonly known as Semen Nelumbinis, Lotus Seed, Lián Zǐ.more
Stamen Nelumbinis (Lotus Stamen).

 Stamen Nelumbinis Brief Introduction: The herb Stamen Nelumbinis is the dried stamen of Lotus, Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn (family Nymphaeaceae), used as an astringent to consolidate kidney Qi for the treatment of seminal emission and leukorrhagia. The herb is commonly known as Lián Xū.more
Semen Euryales (Gordon Euryale Seed).

 Semen Euryales Brief Introduction: The herb Semen Euryales is the dried kernel of the ripe seed of Euryale ferox Salisb (family Nymphaeaceae), used as an astringent for the treatment of chronic diarrhea, spontaneous emission, enuresis, and leukorrhagia. The herb is commonly known as Semen Euryales, Gordon Euryale Seed, Seed of Gordon Euryale, Qiàn Shí.more
Fructus Rubi (Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit).

 Fructus Rubi Brief Introduction: The herb Fructus Rubi is the steamed and dried fruit of Rubus chingii Hu (family Rosaceae), used as an astringent for the treatment of frequent micturition, enuresis, and seminal emission. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Rubi, Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit, Fù Pén Zi.more

Os Sepiae (Cuttlebone).

 Os Sepiae Brief Introduction: The herb Os Sepiae is the dried internal shell of Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune , or Sepia esculenta Hoyle(family Sepiadae), used as a hemostatic and antacid agent for the treatment of hematemesis, bloody stool, menorrhagia, acid regurgitation and leukorrhagia. The herb is commonly known as Os Sepiae, Cuttlebone, Endoconcha Sepiae, Hǎi Piāo Shāo.more
Concha Ostreae Usta (Calcined Oyster Shell).

 Concha Ostreae Usta Brief Introduction: The herb Concha Ostreae Usta is the calcined shell of oyster, Ostrea gigas Thunb., Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse or Ostrea rivularis Gould(family Ostreidae), used as an astringent and antacid for the treatment of excessive sweating, seminal emission, leukorrhagia and acid regurgitation. The herb is commonly known as Concha Ostreae Usta, Calcined Oyster Shell, Duàn Mǔ Lì.more

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