Introduction of Shi Liu Pi:Pomegranate Rind or Pericarpium Granati.
✵The article gives records of the herb Pomegranate Rind, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Punica granatum L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Pomegranate Rind, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Pericarpium Granati(Pomegranate Rind).
Pin Yin Name: Shí Liu Pí.
English Name: Pomegranate Rind.
Latin Name: Pericarpium Granati.
Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes sour, puckery.
Brief introduction: The Herb Pericarpium Granati is the dried pericarp of Punica granatum L., used as an anti-diarrheic for the treatment of chronic diarrhea or dysentery, also used as an anthelmintic for intestinal taeniasis and ascariasis. The herb is commonly known as Pericarpium Granati, Pomegranate Rind, Shí Liu Pí.
Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Pomegranate Flower (Shí Liu Huā), Pomegranate Hull (Shí Liu Pí), as the flower, or dry fruit peel of the Lythraceae family plant species (1). Punica granatum L. It is a plant of the Punica Linn. Genus, the Punicaceae family of the Myrtales order. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Punica granatum L.
Botanical description: The plant, Punica granatum L is commonly known as Shí Liu, or Pomegranate Tree. A deciduous shrub or tree, the tree grows up to 2~5 meters high, rarely up to 10 meters high. The branch tip is often pointed to a sharp long spine, young shoots have ribs and corners, and glabrous, old branches are subcylindrical (nearly cylindrical). Leaves are usually opposite or tufty; petioles are short, about 5-7 mm long; leaf blades are oblong-lanceolate, chartaceous (papery), 2-9 cm long, 1-1.8 cm wide, the front end is pointed, mucronate, bluntly pointed or emarginate, the base is attenuated, entire, the upper surface is lustrous; lateral veins are slightly fine and dense.
Flowers are big, 1 to five or several flowers grow on the tip of branches, the tip of branchlets or axillary; pedicels are 2~3 mm long; flowers are about 3 cm in diameter; hypanthium (floral tube) is campanulate, 2-3 cm long, usually red or faint yellow (pale yellow), front end is 6-lobed or 5-7 lobed, lobes are slightly stretching outward, ovate-triangular, 0.8-1.3 cm long, there is an olivine (yellowish-green) gland near tip outside, edges are papillulate; 6 flower petals, red, yellow or white, alternate with sepals, flower petals are same number as sepals, obovate, 1.5-3 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, front end is blunt; many stamens, inserted in the middle of hypanthium (floral tube), anthers are globular (spherical shape), filaments are thin and short, glabrous, reach 1.3 cm long; 1 pistil, ovary is inferior or half-inferior, style is longer than stamen, stigma is capitate.
Berries are spheric shape (globular) or subsphaeroidal, 5-12 cm in diameter, usually fawn colour (flavotestaceous), pale yellowish-green, or reddish, sometimes is white, rarely dark purple, the pericarp is hypertrophic, the front end has persistent calyx lobes. Many seeds, blunt corniform, pulpose testa is red, faint red to cream white (milk white). Its flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from July to August.
Ecological environment: The tree grows on sunny hillside or mountain slopes or is cultivated in the garden. Geographical distribution: The species was native to the ancient Asia minor area, according to some ancient records, Zhang Qian introduced the Punica granatum into China during the Han dynasty, this species is mainly distributed from north to south, and it is mainly cultivated from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the middle reaches of the Yellow River, to other areas of China. This species is also widely cultivated throughout central Asia, the southwest area of Europe and parts of the Mediterranean Basin, the Caucasus region, the drier parts of southeast Asia, south Asia. It is also cultivated in parts of Arizona and California of the USA (the United States of America). It is cultivated in temperate zones and tropical zones in the earth village.
Growth characteristics: The tree Punica granatum prefers a warm and sunny environment, it is tolerant to drought, and coldness, and also endures aridity, intolerable to waterlogging and shade. Its soil requirement is not strict, but it is appropriate to choose sandy soil with good drainage for cultivation.
Characters of herbs: The pericarp is semicircle (semicircular) or irregular lumpy, with different sizes, and thickness is 1.5~3 mm. The out surface is yellow-brown, darkish red (dull red) or red-brown, slightly glossy, coarse and rough, with small brown spots, and some have protruding tubular persistent calyx or thick and short carpopodium (fruit stalk). The inner surface is yellow or reddish-brown, and pit-like concave after the seeds fall off, showing a reticulated raised part. The texture of the herb is hard and crisp, and the fracture surface is yellow and slightly granular. The herb has a slight odor, it tastes bitter and puckery. The herb of a better grade has thick and brown-red pericarp.
Varietas: In China, there are several varietas of the Punica granatum L, and known as: (1). Punica granatum L. var.albescens DC., (2). Punica granatum L. var.flavescens Sweet., (3). Punica granatum L. var.legrellei Vanh., (4). Punica granatum L. var.multiplex Sweet., (5). Punica granatum L. var.nana Pers., (6). Punica granatum L. var.nigra Hort., (7). Punica granatum L. var.pleniflora Hayne., etc.
Pharmacological actions: ①.antibacterial action:water decoction has inhibition effect on Bacillus diphtheriae, staphylococcus aureus, Shigella dysenteriae and Shigella flexneri, Bacillus proteus, it also has obvious inhibitory effect on Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and tubercle bacillus); ②.antiviral effect:diluted water decoction still has the inhibitory effect on influenza virus, such as influenza PR3 A strain; ③.antifungal action:water infusion has inhibitory effect on 10 kinds of Tinea dermatophytes, trichophyta violaceum, Epidermophyton rubrum, Microsporon audouini, Nocardia asterophora, etc; ④.anthelmintic action:the component has a strong killing effect of tapeworm, etc.
Medicinal efficacy: Astringent intestines, checking diarrhea, hemostasis (stanch bleeding), anthelmintic action. It is indicated for chronic diarrhea, protracted dysentery, hemafecia (hematochezia, passing blood in stool), hematemesis (spitting blood), hemorrhinia (nose bleeding), wound bleeding, archoptosis (anal prolapse), spermatorrhea (seminal emission), metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, morbid leukorrhea, irregular menstruation, tympanitis (otitis media), dentalgia (toothache), enterozoic abdominalgia (abdominal pain due to parasitic infestation), scabies, etc.
Administration of Pericarpium Granati (Shí Liu Pí):
Administration Guide of Pericarpium Granati (Shí Liu Pí)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 3~9 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 0.8~1.5 qian (about 2.4~4.5 grams), or prepare to powder. Externally:fumigation wash with water decoction, or prepare to finely ground herb powder and smear apply; ③.Internally:water decoction, 3~10 grams;or prepared to pill, powder. Externally:proper amount, fumigation wash with water decoction, or prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle apply or smear apply.
Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions: the herb Pericarpium Granati should not be used in conditions stagnation from dysentery.
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1.Introduction of Shi Liu Pi:Pomegranate Rind or Pericarpium Granati.