Introduction of Pu Gong Ying:Dandelion or Herba Taraxaci.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Dandelion, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its herbal classic book defined botanical source two plant species, ①.Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz., ②.Taraxacum sinicum Kitag., and other defined usable Taraxacum species, ③.Taraxacum heterolepis Nakai et H.Koidz., ④.Taraxacum asiatica Dahlst., ⑤.Taraxacum erythropodium Kitag., ⑥.Taraxacum leucanthum Ledeb., ⑦.Taraxacum platypecidum Diels., ⑧.Taraxacum brassicaefolium Kitag., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these eight plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these eight plant species, the features of the herb Dandelion, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Herba Taraxaci(Dandelion).

brownish dried herb slices and segments of Dandelion Root are piled together Pin Yin Name: Pú Gōnɡ Yīnɡ.
 English Name: Dandelion.
 Latin Name: Herba Taraxaci.
 Property and flavor: cold, bitter, sweet.

 Brief introduction: The herb Herba Taraxaci is the dried entire plant of Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz., Taraxacum sinicum Kitag., or several other Taraxacum species, used for boils, sores and other pyogenic infections. The herb is commonly known as Herba Taraxaci, Dandelion, Pú Gōnɡ Yīnɡ.

 Botanical source: The herb Herba Taraxaci (Dandelion) is the dried entire plant of Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz., Taraxacum sinicum Kitag., or several other Taraxacum species, the herbal classic book defined the botanical source as ①.Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz., ②.Taraxacum borealisinense Kitam.(another name of Taraxeamum sinicum Kitag.), or ③.several other plant species of the same genus, they are plants of the Taraxacum genus, the Asteraceae family (Compositae, aster, daisy family) of the Asterales order. These 8 commonly used species are introduced:

(1).Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz.

 flowering plants of Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz. grow in field with many yellow flowers Botanical description: Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz is the common Dandelion or is known as Pu Gong Ying. A perennial herb, the plant grows up to 10~25 cm high. The whole plant contains white latex, covered with white sparse fluff. The root grows deep and long, simple or branched, conical, often curved, 3~7 cm long, and usually 3~5 mm in diameter, out bark is yellowish-brown, wrinkled. Leaves are radicicolous, arranged in rosette shape; with petiole, the base of the petiole swells at both sides and sheath-like; leaf blades are linear-lanceolate, oblanceolate or obovate, 6~15 cm long, 2~3.5 cm wide, the apex is pointed or obtuse, the base is narrowing, decurrent, margin is lobed or irregularly pinnate, lobes are dentate or triangular, entire or with sparse teeth, serrulate between lobes, green or with mauve (lilac) stripes, covered with white arachnoid hairs.

 Scape grows out from tangled foliage, longer than or slightly shorter than the leaf blade, the upper surface is densely covered with white arachnoid hairs; Capitulum (flower head) is single, apical, all are ligulate flowers, hermaphroditic; the involucre is in layers, out layers are shorter , ovate-lanceolate , inner layers are linear-lanceolate, the margin is membraneous, the margin has arachnoid hairs, inner bracts and out bracts both have small corniform protrusions; the receptacle is flat; corolla is yellow, the apex is truncated, often lobed; 5 stamens, anthers connate to a tubular shape and wrapping style outside, filaments are separated; 1 pistil, the ovary is inferior, style is thin and long, stigma is bifurcated, covered with short hairs.

 Achenes are oblanceolate, 4~5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, with vertical edges, and connect with transverse striation, the fruit has spinous protrusions, and the fruit tip has a rostrum (beak) with a length of 8~10 mm; the pappus is white, about 7 mm long. Its flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from June to July.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows in grassland on hillsides or mountain slopes, on roadsides, on sands of riverbanks, and in fields. The plant is distributed in the northern, eastern, central, and southwest areas of China.

 brownish dried thick herb segments of Dandelion Root Characters of herbs: The whole herb is a wizzled curly block mass. The root is conical, anfractuous (full of twists and turns), 3~7 cm long, the surface is brown and wrinkled, and there are tan (chocolate brown) or yellow-white trichomes on the root head, some of which have fallen off. Basal leaves, most are wrinkled and broken, intact leaves are oblanceolate, 6~15 cm long, and 2~3.5 cm wide, greenish-brown or dull gray (dark gray), the apex is pointed or blunt, the edges are antitropously lobed or pinnate, the lobes are dentate or triangular, the base is attenuated, decurrent and stalk-shaped, and the main veins on the undersurface are conspicuous, covered with arachnoid hairs. 1 to several scapes, each has an apical capitulum (flower head); the involucral bracts are multi-layered (lamellar), the out involucral bracts are in several layers, with or without small corniform protrusions at the apex, the inner layer is 1.5~2 times longer than the outer layer, the apex has small corniform protrusions, and the corolla is tawny (yellow brown) or yellowish white. Achenes are oblong oval and have white pappus. The herb has a mild odor, and it tastes slightly bitter. The herb of a better grade has many leaves, green and long roots.

 brownish thin root slices of Dandelion Root Pharmacological actions: ①.strong inhibitory effect on staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, and others; It also has a certain inhibitory effect on diphtheria bacillus, pyomonas aeruginosa, proteus, dysentery, typhoid, and catacoccus; ②.inhibit gastric acid secretion, have the function of resisting ulcers and protecting gastric mucosa; ③.antagonizes endotoxin.

 Medicinal efficacy: Clearing heat and detoxifying, detumescent (reduce swelling) and dissipate stasis, diuresis and eliminating stagnation, diuresis and treating stranguria. It is indicated for furuncle swollen poison, acute mastitis, lymphadenitis, scrofula, furunculosis and sore swollen, acute conjunctivitis, red eyes, red eyes and swelling, pharyngalgia (sore throat), cough, pulmonary abscess, periappendicular abscess, mumps, damp-heat jaundice, pyretic stranguria and pain, cold and fever, sore throat and swelling, acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, stomach fire, gastritis, hepatitis, enteritis, dysentery, cholecystitis, urinary tract infection, snake insect bites.

 Administration of Herba Taraxaci (Pú Gōnɡ Yīnɡ): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Herba Taraxaci (Pú Gōnɡ Yīnɡ)
TCM Books: ①.Internally: 9~15 grams. Externally:fresh herb, mashed and apply stick, or fumigation wash the affected area with water decoction; ②.Internally:water decoction, 0.3~1 qian (about 9~30 grams), big dosage could be 2 liang (about 60 grams);extract juice or prepare to powder. Externally:mashed and apply stick; ③.Internally:water decoction, 10~30 grams, big dosage could be 60 grams, or extract juice; or prepare to powder. Externally:proper amount, mashed and apply stick.

(2).Taraxacum sinicum Kitag.

 flowering plants of Taraxeamum sinicum Kitag grow in field with yellow flowers and hairy seeds Botanical description: This species is commonly known as Alkali lands Dandelion, Jian Di Pu Gong Ying (means alkaline land dandelion), or Hua Pu Gong Ying, also known as Taraxacum borealisinense Kitam.

 A perennial herb. The pileorhiza (root cap) has a brown residual leaf base. Leaf blades are obovate-lanceolate or narrow-lanceolate, rarely linear-lanceolate, 4~12 cm long, 6~20 mm wide, the edge is pinnatilobate or entire, corrugated, inner layer leaves are antitropous pinnately parted, apical lobes are larger, lobes are long triangular or hastate triangular, 3~7 lobes on each side, narrow-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, entire or serrulate, explanate or antitropous, both surfaces are glabrous, petiole and leaf veins on the undersurface is often purple.

 1 scape or several scapes, 5~20 cm high, longer than leaf, the apical end is covered with arachnoid hairs or glabrate; capitulum (flower head) is 20~25 mm in diameter; involucre is small, 8~12 mm long, pea green (pale green); involucral bracts are in 3 layers, the tip is mauve (lilac), no thickening, also no corniform protrusions, or sometimes is slight thickening; involucral bracts in out layers are ovate-lanceolate, with a narrow or wide white membraneous edge; involucral bracts in inner layer are lanceolate, 2 times longer than bracts in out layer; ligulate flowers are yellow, rarely white, marginal flowers have purple stripes on the back of ligule, ligule is about 8 mm long, 1~1.5 mm wide.

 Achenes are oblanceolate, hazel (pale brown), about 3~4 mm long, with spinous protrusions on the upper part, the lower part has sparse blunt tubercles, and the apex is narrowing to a conical to cylindrical rostrum (beak) base with a length of about 1 mm, the rostrum (beak) is 3~4.5 mm long; pappus is white, 5~6 mm long. Its flowering period and fruiting period are from June to August.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows in slightly damp saline-alkali fields or champaign fields, gravel sands, in areas at altitudes of 300~2,900 meters above sea level. The plant is distributed in the northern area of China and the north area of Asia.

 Characters of herbs: The leaves are obovate-lanceolate or narrow-lanceolate, about 4.8 cm long, and 1.2~1.5 cm wide. They are often regularly antitropous pinnately parted, lobes are in 3~7 pairs, the front end lobes are long hastate, the apex is pointed or blunt, the base is narrow and long, and glabrate. The involucral bracts are in 3 layers, the outer 2 layers rarely have any corniform protrusions on the tip, and the inner layer is twice longer than the outer layer. The herb of a better grade has many leaves, green and long roots.

(3).Taraxacum heterolepis Nakai et H.Koidz.

 a flowering plant of Taraxacum heterolepis Nakai et H.Koidz. with several small yellow flowers grow in a field Botanical description: This species is commonly known as Yi Bao Pu Gong Ying, and it is also known as Taraxacum heterolepis Nakai et Koidz. ex Kitag., or Taraxacum multisectum Kitag. This species was collected in CP ever since edition of CP1977, and was collected and recorded since the Chinese Traditional Medicine Records 2nd Edition of 1988.

 A perennial herb. Oblanceolate to linear, 10~25 cm long, 5~30 mm wide, irregular pinnately parted, apical lobes are triangular, the apex is sharp-pointed, lateral lobes are explanate or slightly antitropous, triangular to linear, the apex is long acuminate, the margin is sparsely serrated or entire, there are lobules or minutely serrations between lobes, both surfaces are glabrous.

 Scapes are 10~15 cm high, and is covered with sparse arachnoid woolly hairs; Capitulum (flower head) is about 35 mm in diameter; involucre is campanulate (bell-shaped), 13 mm long; involucral bracts in out layers are lanceolate, fall over and appressed, the apex is pointed, with a narrow membraneous edge, smooth or with extremely sparse marginal seta (tricholoma), apex is dim red, thickening or slightly with small corniform protrusions; involucral bracts in inner layer are linear, the base is slightly wide, 20 mm long, 2 mm wide, the apex is dirty red (dull red), more or less thickening; ligulate flowers are yellow, marginal flowers have faint color on the back of ligule.

 Achenes are obconical, brown, 4.5 mm long, 0.7 mm wide, with 2 deep grooves on both sides, with spinous protrusions on the upper part, the lower part is smooth, and the apex is attenuated to a conical to cylindrical rostrum (beak) base with length about 1 mm, the rostrum (beak) is 10 mm long; pappus is white to hazel (pale brown), 5~7 mm long. Its flowering period and fruiting period are from April to June.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows in the wild, on hillsides or mountain slopes, roadsides, or stream sides. The plant is mainly distributed in the northeast area of China.

 The Taraxacum heterolepis has a thick root, the leaf is hypertrophic, biomass is larger. In early spring, it is one of the earliest plants to return to green, beginning in early April in northeast China. The flowering period is very long, it is more concentrated in June-July and has been extended to September. The plant is fruiting from July to September. The Taraxacum heterolepis is stronger in ecological adaptability and can grow in a more humid environment and slightly saline soil. The plant usually grows in wet grassland, roadsides, or near the edge of the forest.

 Characters of herbs: The petiole base is slightly prunus (purplish red), covered with arachnoid hairs; the leaves are oblanceolate, 12~15 cm long, and 3~4 cm wide, the apex is pointed, the base is narrow and long, the edge is pinnately parted, lobes are broad or narrowly triangular, the apex is sharp-pointed, entire or with sparse serrations; both surfaces are covered with arachnoid hairs; old leaves are glabrescent. The involucral bracts are in 3 layers, and the outer layer has small corniform protrusions, the inner layer is 1.5~2 times longer than the outer layer, and with slightly corniform protrusions. The herb of a better grade has many leaves, green and long roots.

(4).Taraxacum asiatica Dahlst.

 flowering plant of Taraxacum asiaticum Dahlst. grow in field with yellow flowers Botanical description: This species is commonly known as Ya Zhou Pu Gong Ying or Asian Dandelion, and it is also known as Taraxacum leucanthum (Ledeb.) Ledeb., or Taraxacum asiaticum Dahlst., Ji Ye Pu Gong Yin (means hastate leaf dandelion), or Bai Hua Pu Gong Yin (means white flower dandelion).

 A perennial herb. The pileorhiza (root cap) has a darkish brown residual leaf base. Leaf blades are linear or narrow-lanceolate, 4~20 cm long, 3~9 mm wide, corrugated, pinnatilobate to pinnately parted, apical lobes are large, hastate or narrow hastate, lobules of both sides are narrowly pointed, lateral lobes are triangular-lanceolate to linear, there are serrate or lobules between lobes, glabrous or covered with sparse pilose.

 Several scapes, 10~30 cm high, same length as leaf or longer than leaf, the apex is smooth or is covered with arachnoid pilose; Capitulum (flower head) is about 30~35 mm in diameter; involucre is 10~12 mm long, the base is oval (egg-shaped); involucral bracts in out layers are broadly ovate, oval (egg-shaped) or ovate-lanceolate, with a conspicuous wide membraneous edge, apex has prunus (violet red) protrusions or shorter, small corniform protrusions; involucral bracts in inner layer are linear or lanceolate, 2~2.5 times longer than bracts of the outer layer, apex has purple slightly blunt protrusions or inconspicuous corniform protrusions; ligulate flowers are yellow, rarely white, marginal flowers have dark purple stripes on the back of ligule, stigma is primrose yellow (pale yellow) or dull green (dark green).

 Achenes are obovate-lanceolate, wheat straw yellow or brown, 3~4 mm long, with short acanthous nodules on the upper part, the lower part is glabrescent, the apex is gradually narrowing to cylindrical rostrum (beak) base with length about 1 mm, the rostrum (beak) is 5~9 mm long; pappus is stained white (dirty white), 5~7 mm long. Its flowering period and fruiting period are from April to September.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows in marshy grassland, bench land or river rapids, and woodland edge. The plant is mainly distributed in the northern areas and northwest areas, the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China, and north Asia.

 Characters of herbs: The leaves are strip-shaped or narrow-lanceolate, 2.5~9 cm long, and 0.3~0.9 cm wide, pinnatilobate to pinnately parted, lobes are slightly antitropous, triangular-lanceolate to strip-shaped, apical lobes are larger, hastate or narrow hastate, glabrous or sparsely pilose. The outer involucral bract has inconspicuous small corniform protrusions, and bracts of the inner layer are 2~2.5 times longer than bracts of the outer layer, without obvious small corniform protrusions. The herb of a better grade has many leaves, green and long roots.

(5).Taraxacum erythropodium Kitag.

 flowering plants of Taraxacum erpyhropodium kitag with a yellow flower Botanical description: This species is commonly known as Hong Geng Pu Gong Ying (means red stalk dandelion), Taraxacum erythropodium.

 A perennial herb, the whole plant contains white latex. The taproot system is long-cylindrical. The stem is inconspicuous, petioles are short, cardinal red (bright red); basal leaves, rosette and explanate, leaf blades are long obovate-lanceolate or broadly oblanceolate, mostly are irregularly big or small pinnately parted, surface has prunosus (violet red) stripes.

 Scapes are unbranched, the apical capitulum (flower head), belongs to ligulate flowers, is yellow, the flower stalk is fresh reddish violet, and the apex is covered with arachnoid hairs.

 Achenes are narrowly obovate-lanceolate, about 4 mm long, with acanthous protrusions on the upper part, the apex has a thin and long rostrum (beak), and the rostrum (beak) is 8~10 mm long; the pappus is white and persistent. Its flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from June to September.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows on hillsides and mountain slopes, by the roadsides of fields, beside ditches, on forest edges on mountain slopes, or in saline areas. The plant is mainly distributed in the northern, northwest, and other areas of China.

 Growth characteristics: Taraxacum erythropodium Kitag is tolerant to drought and saline soil, it thrives in an environment of humid air, and loose and fertile soil.

 Characters of herbs: Red Stalk Dandelion: The herb has short petioles, red purple brown; the leaf blades are long oblanceolate or broadly oblanceolate, 8~12 cm long, and 2.5~3 cm wide, the tip is blunt, the base is narrow, the edge is regularly pinnately parted, lobes are triangular, entire or sparsely serrate, there are red spots on the surface, both surfaces are covered with arachnoid hairs. The involucral bracts are in 3 layers, and the inner layer is 2.5 times longer than the outer layer, the apex or tip is prunus (violet red), with small corniform protrusions. The herb of a better grade has many leaves, and green and long roots.

(6).Taraxacum leucanthum Ledeb.

 flowering plants of Taraxacum leucanthum Ledeb. with three whitish flowers Botanical description: This species is commonly known as Bai Hua Pu Gong Ying or White Flower Dandelion, it is also known as Taraxacum leucanthum (Ledeb.) Ledeb., its other name is Taraxacum pseudo-albidum Kitag.

 A perennial dwarf herb. The pileorhiza (root cap) has an abundant darkish brown residual leaf base. Leaf blades are linear-lanceolate, subentire to lobed, few are rarely pinnatifid, minutely serrated, 3~5 cm or 2~8 cm long, 2~5 mm wide, and both surfaces are glabrous.

 1 scape or several scapes, 2~6 cm long, glabrous or apex is sparsely covered with arachnoid pilose; capitulum (flower head) is about 25~30 mm in diameter; involucre is 9~13 mm long, involucral bracts turn pale greenblack or green black, apex has small corniform protrusions or is thickening; involucral bracts in out layer are ovate-lanceolate, slightly wider than or approximately aequilate as involucral bracts in the inner layer, with a wide membraneous margin; ligulate flowers are usually white, rarely primrose yellow (pale yellow), marginal flowers have dark (dull colour) stripes on the back of ligule, stigma turns black when dried.

 Achenes are obovate-oblong, withered wheat straw yellow to hazel (pale brown) or taupe (dust color), 4 mm long, with spinule on 1/4 of the upper part, the apex is gradually narrowing to rostrum (beak) base with length about 0.5~1.2 mm, the rostrum (beak) is thick and strong, 3~6 mm long; pappus is faint red (rosiness) or rarely stained white (dirty white), 4~5 mm long. Its flowering period and fruiting period are from April to August.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows on the moist meadow on hillsides or mountain slopes, gullies and valleys, grassland of the flood plain, and swamp meadow, in areas at altitudes of 2,500~6,000 meters above sea level. The plant is mainly distributed in the northwest and western areas of China, and it is also distributed in West Asia and other countries. Mode specimens grow in Altai mountainous area.

(7).Taraxacum platypecidum Diels.

 a flowering plant of Taraxacum platypecidum Diels grow in a coner with a yellow flower Botanical description: This species is commonly known as Mountain Dandelion, or Bai Yuan Pu Gong Ying (means white leaf margin dandelion).

 A perennial herb. The pileorhiza (root cap) has a darkish brown residual petiole. Leaf blades are broadly oblanceolate or lanceolate-oblanceolate, 10~30 cm long, 2~4 cm wide, pinnate, 5~8 lobes on each side, lobes are triangular, entire to sparsely serrate, lateral lobes are larger, triangular, sparsely covered with arachnoid pilose or glabrate.

 1 scape or several scapes, up to 45 cm high, the upper part is densely covered with white arachnoid woolly hairs; capitulum (flower head) is big, about 40~45 mm in diameter; involucre is broad campanulate (bell-shaped), 15~17 mm long, involucral bracts are in 3~4 layers, apex has small corniform protrusions or without; involucral bracts in out layers are broadly ovate, there are dark green wide stripes in the center, with a wide white membraneous margin, the tip is pink, covered with sparse cilia; involucral bracts in the inner layer are oblong-linear or linear-lanceolate, about 2 times longer than bracts of the outer layer; ligulate flowers are yellow, marginal flowers have prunus (violet red) stripes on the back of ligule, style and stigma are dark green, more or less turns black when dried.

 Achenes are hazel (pale brown), about 4 mm long, 1~1.4 mm wide, with short acanthous nodules on the upper part, the apex is suddenly constricting to conical to cylindrical rostrum (beak) base with a length of about 1 mm, the rostrum (beak) is slender, 8~12 mm long; pappus is white, 7~10 mm long. Its flowering period and fruiting period are from March to June.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows in grassland on hillsides or mountain slopes, or roadsides, in areas at altitudes between 1,900 and 3,400 meters above sea level, it has not yet been introduced by artificial cultivation. The plant is mainly distributed in the northern, the northeast, the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the Hanjiang river area, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and other areas of China. It is also distributed in areas of north Asia.

(8).Taraxacum brassicaefolium Kitag.

 a growing plant of Taraxacum brassicaefolium Kitag. Botanical description: This species is commonly known as Mustard leaf Dandelion or Jie Ye Pu Gong Ying (means mustard leaf dandelion).

 A perennial herb. The leaf blade is broadly oblanceolate or broad-linear, similar to a mustard leaf, 10~35 cm long, 2.5~6 cm wide, pinnately parted or lyrated pinnatifid, base is gradually narrowing to a short petiole, with wings; lateral lobes are regular triangles or linear, often up-dip or rarely antitropous, entire or serrulate, there is sharp-pointed toothlet between lobes, apical lobes are regular triangles, extremely wide, entire.

 Several scapes, up to 30~50 cm high, thick and stout, sparsely covered with arachnoid pilose, later turn smooth, often puce (purple brown); capitulum (flower head) is up to 55 mm in diameter; involucre is broad campanulate (bell-shaped), 22 mm long, the base is circular (rounded) or truncate-circular, apex has short corniform protrusions; involucral bracts in out layers are narrowly ovate or linear-lanceolate; involucral bracts in inner layer are linear-lanceolate, the tip is purplish; the receptacle of the inflorescence has small oval membraneous receptacle bracts; ligulate flowers are yellow, marginal flowers have purple stripes on the back of ligule.

 Achenes are obovate-oblong, pale olive-brown (pale greenish-brown.), about 4 mm long, with acanthous protrusions on the upper part, short and blunt nodules on the middle part, lower part is gradually glabrescent, the apex is slightly suddenly constricting to cylindrical rostrum (beak) base with length about 0.5~7 mm, the rostrum (beak) is 10~15 mm long; pappus is white, 7~9 mm long. Its flowering period and fruiting period are from April to June.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows on the riversides, forest edge, and roadsides. The plant is mainly distributed in the northern and other areas of China.



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