Introduction of Mi Meng Hua:Pale Butterfly-bush Flower or Flos Buddlejae.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Pale Butterfly-bush Flower, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Buddleja officinalis Maxim., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Pale Butterfly-bush Flower, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Flos Buddlejae(Pale Butterfly-bush Flower).

flowering plant of Buddleja officinalis Maxim,with pink flowers Pin Yin Name: Mì Ménɡ Huā.
 English Name: Pale Butterfly-bush Flower.
 Latin Name: Flos Buddlejae.
 Property and flavor: slightly cold, sweet.

 Brief introduction: The herb Flos Buddlejae is the dried flower-bud and inflorescence of Buddleja officinalis Maxim., used to clear liver heat and remove nebula for the treatment of acute conjunctivitis with lacrimation and photophobia, and blurred vision due to nebula. The herb is commonly known as Flos Buddlejae, Pale Butterfly-bush Flower or Mì Ménɡ Huā.

 Botanical source: The herb Flos Buddlejae (Pale Butterfly-bush Flower) is the dried flower-bud and inflorescence of Buddleja Officinalis Maxim., it is a plant of the Buddleia L. genus, the Loganiaceae family of the Contortae order.

 Herbal classic book defined the herb Flos Buddlejae (Pale Butterfly-bush Flower) as the dried flower-bud and inflorescence of (1). Buddleja officinalis Maxim. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Buddleja officinalis Maxim.

 flowering plant of Buddleja officinalis Maxim,with small white flowers Botanical description: Buddleja officinalis Maxim is also known as Pale Butterfly-bush Flower or Mì Ménɡ Huā. A deciduous shrub, the plant grows up to 1~3 meters tall. Branchlets are taupe brown (grayish brown), slightly prismatic, white stellate hairs and trichomes densely cover the branch, petiole, blade back, and inflorescence, hairs on the stem gradually fall off. Simple leaves are opposite, leaf blades are broadly lanceolate, 5~12 cm long, 1~4 cm wide, the apex is acuminate, and the base is cuneate, entire, or slightly serrated.

 flowers of Buddleja officinalis Maxim grow in a cluster The big panicle is composed of cymes, terminal or axillary, gray-white fluff densely covers involucre, hypanthium (calyx tube), and corolla; the calyx is campaniform (bell-shaped), apex is 4-lobed; corolla is fistuliform (tubulose), apex is 4-lobed, tube part is violet, opening part is orange-yellow, internal and external surfaces are covered with fluff; 4 stamens, insert in the middle of corolla tube; the ovary is superior, 2-loculed, piliferous, style is short, stigma is enlarged, ovate-oblong.

 Capsularfruit is ovate-oblong, 2~6 mm long, 2-lobed, exocarp is covered with stellate hairs, base has persistent perianth. Seeds are tiny, have wings at both ends. Its flowering period is from February to March, and the fruiting period is from May to August.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows on hillsides, hills, river banks, and bushes near villages, or forest edges. The plant is distributed in the southern, northwest and southwest areas of China.

 Growth characteristics: The plant often grows in sunny limestone sloping fields and bushes near the river.

 Pale herb segments of Butterfly-bush Flower Characters of herbs: The herb is mostly a small branch of inflorescence with dense flower buds, in the shape of an irregular block mass, 1.5~3 cm long. The surface is sallow (grayish yellow) or brownish yellow, densely covered with fuzz. A single flower bud is short rod-like, the upper end is slightly enlarged, 0.3~1 cm long, and 0.1~0.2 cm in diameter. The calyx is campanulate (bell-shaped), the apex is 4-toothed; the corolla is tubular, as long as or slightly longer than the calyx, the apex is 4-lobed; the inner surface of the corolla is purple-brown, fluff is very sparse. The herb is soft, has a slight fragrance, it tastes slight pungent and bitter. The herb of a better grade has dense buds, and grayish brown, has fine fuzz and the texture of the herb is soft.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.vitamin P-like effects; ②.reduce formaldehyde inflammation; ③.reduce the permeability and fragility of the blood vessels in the skin and small intestine; ④.spasmolysis effect; ⑤.relaxation effect on the bile duct smooth muscle.

 Medicinal efficacy: Dispels wind, cools blood, moistens liver, brightens eyes. It is indicated for eye red and swollen pain, more tears and photophobia, glaucoma(blue blindness, optic atrophy) and nebula, wind dizziness and eye ulcer.

 Administration of Flos Buddlejae (Mì Ménɡ Huā): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Flos Buddlejae (Mì Ménɡ Huā)
TCM Books: ①.Internally:3~9 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 1~3 qian (about 3~9 grams), or prepare to pill,powder.




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