Introduction of Gou Ji:Cibot Rhizome or Rhizoma Cibotii.
✵The article gives records of the herb Cibot Rhizome, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Cibotum barometz (L.) J.Smith., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Cibot Rhizome, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Rhizoma Cibotii(Cibot Rhizome).
Pin Yin Name: Gǒu Jǐ.
English Name: Cibot Rhizome.
Latin Name: Rhizoma Cibotii.
Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes bitter and sweet.
Brief introduction: The herb Rhizoma Cibotii is the dried rhizome of Cibotum barometz (L.) J.Smith., used to tonify the liver and kidney, strengthen the back and knees and dispel wind-damp, for the treatment of insecurity of the kidney and enuresis and leukorrhagia, aching back and knees, rheumatic pain in the back, and strained lumbar muscles. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Cibotii, Cibot Rhizome, Gǒu Jǐ.
Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Rhizoma Cibotii (Cibot Rhizome) as the dried rhizome of the species (1).Cibotum barometz (L.) J.Smith. It is a plant of the Cibotium genus, the Dicksoniaceae family (tree fern family) of the Cyatheales order. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Cibotum barometz (L.) J.Smith.
Botanical description: The plant, Cibotum barometz (L.) J.Smith is also known as Polypodium barometz L., commonly known as Jīn Máo Gǒu, Jīn Máo Gǒu Jǐ, or Máo Quǎn (means hairy dog). A big autochthonal fern, the plant grows up to 2–3 meters high. Rhizomes are amphitropous (decumbent), thick and stout, 4–8 cm in diameter, densely covered with golden node-like nodular long pilose, glossy, and their shape is like a golden-haired dog head.
Leaves are in tuft; petioles are 1-1.2 cm long, base is 2-3 cm in diameter, the ventral surface has shallow grooves, the lower part is brown purple; leaf blades are coriaceous or thick chartaceous (papery), broad-ovate, 1-1.4 meters long, 80-110 cm wide, tripinnatipartite, pinnae are in 10–15 pairs, alternate, petiolate, narrowly oblong, 50-60 cm long,20-25 cm wide; pinnules are in 18–24 pairs, alternate, has short stipitate, linear-lanceolate, 13-15 cm long, 2-3 cm wide; terminal lobes are in 23–25 pairs, alternate, narrow oblong or slightly sickle-shaped, 1-1.8 cm long, 3-5 mm wide, the margin is crenate, covered with sparse yellow long pilose in the seedling period, later gradually fall off; leaf veins are plumelike, lateral veins are bifurcated.
The sorus is located at the edges of the lower part of lobes, and grows at the tip of the veinlet, indusium is in two valves, shaped like a clam shell, oblong.
Ecological Environment: The plant grows at the foot of a mountain or foot of a hill, ditch sides, in dankish places in forests, in acid soil, and is native to tropical and subtropical areas, it is also distributed in east, south, and southwest areas of China.
Growth characteristics: The plant prefers a warm, moist, and shaded environment, and fears the cold. Avoid direct light irradiation. Air humidity should be maintained at 70%~80%. The suitable temperature for its growth is 16–22 °C (Celsius, or 60.8–71.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Its soil requirement is not strict, but it grows well in rich, well-drained acid soil.
Characters of herbs: The rhizomes are irregular long lumps, 10–30 cm long, and 2–10 cm in diameter. The surface is dark brown, densely covered with bright golden fuzz, with several red-brown petiole residues on the upper part, and many brown-black radicels (fine roots) on the lower part. The texture of the herb is firm and hard, making it difficult to break. The herb has no odor, it tastes slightly puckery. The herb of a better grade is hypertrophic, the texture is solid and firm, with no hollowness, and the surface is slightly covered by golden fuzz.
Raw slice: the herbs are irregular strips or round longitudinal slices, 5~20 cm long, 2~8 cm wide, and 1.5~5 mm thick; the surroundings are orderless, the surface is dark brown, and occasionally covered by not removed golden fuzz; the fracture surface is light brown, and there is a raised brownish-yellow xylem ring grain or striations at a part that is 2~5 mm near the outer cortex. The texture of the herb is hard and crisp, easily broken.
Prepared slice: the whole herb is black-brown, and the ring pattern of the xylem (wood part) is conspicuous.
The herb slice of a better grade is uniform in thickness, firm and farctate, glabrous, and not hollow.
Medicinal efficacy: Expelling wind-damp, tonifying liver and kidney, strengthen waist and knees, strengthen waist and feet, easing joint movement. It is indicated for rheumatic arthralgia pain, dampness cold general arthralgia, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, soreness and aching of the waist and back, the pain of knees and flaccidity of lower limbs, lower limbs weakness (feebleness of legs and feet, or lack of strength), feebleness and weakness of feet and knees, lumbago and back rigidity of kidney deficiency (low back pain and stiffness of spine due to kidney deficiency), anischuria (enuresis, bedwetting), frequent urination, spermatorrhea (seminal emission), leukorrhea, leukorrhagia, etc.
Administration of Rhizoma Cibotii (Gǒu Jǐ):
Administration Guide of Rhizoma Cibotii (Gǒu Jǐ)
TCM Books:
①.Internally:6~12 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 1.5~3 qian (about 4.5~9 grams); prepare an ointment, or prepare to pill. Externally:wash with water decoction; ③.Internally:water decoction, 10~15 grams; or infusing in wine. Externally:proper amount, fresh herb mashed and apply stick.
Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions:The herb Rhizoma Cibotii should not be used with Patrinia scaniosaefolia.
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1.Introduction of Gou Ji:Cibot Rhizome or Rhizoma Cibotii.