Introduction of Liu Huang:Sulfur, Sulphur, brimstone, sulfur grundum.
✵The article gives records of the herb Sulphur, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its source mineral, ①.Natural sulfur., with a detailed introduction to the physical properties of this mineral, the natural environment, distribution of this mineral, the features of the herb Sulphur, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Pin Yin Name: Liú Huánɡ.
English Name: Sulphur,brimstone,sulfur grundum.
Latin Name: Sulfur.
Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes sour, toxic.
Brief introduction: The herb Sulfur is obtained from natural sources after purification, used (1).externally as an antiparasitic for treating scabies, and (2).internally to reinforce Yang for the treatment of impotence and chronic asthma. The herb is commonly known as Sulfur, Liú Huánɡ.
Mineral source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Sulfur as from the natural sulfur mineral with purification. The natural sulfur is a natural mineral, it is introduced:
Natural sulfur.
Mineral description: It is commonly known as sulfur mineral, or Zì Rán Liú. Natural sulfur is the heavy sulfur in the rhombic system. Molecular formula S8. Natural sulfur is often mixed with mud, organic matter, etc. They are usually soil-like aggregates. Pure sulfur is yellow, but it has different shades of yellow when it contains impurities. Crystal is translucent, Mohs hardness value is 1~2, specific gravity is 2.05~2.08, brittle, diamond luster (crystal surface) and grease luster (section).
Sulfur has a large amount of arsenic, making it easy to cause renal insufficiency and failure, multiple neuritides, liver function damage. Oral administration is prohibited.
Natural sulfur name comes from the Latin sulphurium sulvere = "sulfur, component S. Volcanic sulfur, often containing a small amount of selenium, tellurium, arsenic, etc., sulfur is formed by sedimentation, often mixed with mud, organic matter, etc. They are usually soil-like aggregates. Pure sulfur is yellow, but it has different shades of yellow when it contains impurities. Crystal is translucent, hardness is 1~2, specific gravity is 2.05~2.08, brittle, diamond luster (crystal surface) and grease luster (section). Sulfur is mainly used to make sulfuric acid and sulfur yellow.
The crystal structure of natural sulfur is trimetric system. The crystals are cone-cylinder, sheet-pile, clintheriform or needle prismatical, aggregates are dense or loosely lumpy, or in sinter and cryptocrystalline lumpy, husk, membraneous, etc. Yellow, honey yellow or brown yellow; for impurities, it has gray, black, green, or red tunes. Striations are white to faint yellow. The crystal plane has adamantine luster (adamantine lustre), the fracture surface has pine resin or ebaceous luster. Diaphanous (subdiaphanous) to translucent. Its cleavages are in many groups, not complete. Compact blocks have conchoidal or uneven fracture surfaces. Its hardness value is 1-2. Relative density is 2.05~2.09. The mineral is crisp, easily broken; it easily has cracks when it is heated. It has a smell of sulphur. Suphur burns when it is heated to 270 °C (Celsius, or 518 degrees Fahrenheit), flames are blue and send off a pungent, bad smell. It is easily soluble in carbon bisulfide, turpentine oil, kerosene (coal oil), but insoluble in water, hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid. When it meets strong nitric acid and aqua regia it is oxidized to sulphuric acid.
About half of the world's sulfur is produced as the natural element known as natural sulfur, which occurs in the uppermost and outer parts of the earth's crust (earth shell). It is formed in different ways. The most important are natural deposits formed by biochemical and volcanic processes. Sedimentary sulfur deposits formed by biochemical processes are formed by the reduction of sulphates by bacteria in closed lagoons and are often interstratified with limestone or gypsum layers. Besides, in the lower oxidation zone of the sulfide deposit, the main metal sulfide, main pyrite, is oxidized and decomposed. First, pyrite is oxidized to form Fe2(SO4)3, which in turn acts on pyrite to form natural sulfur: FeS2+Fe2(SO4)3→3FeSO4+2S. In some deposits, such as those on the tops of salt mounds, gypsum is broken down by sulfur bacteria to form natural sulfur. Sulfur may also be produced directly by the condensation (sublimation) of gases or by the incomplete oxidation of hydrogen sulfide gases, such as by the transformation of gases emitted by sulfur blowholes near the edge of active or dormant volcanic vents; it can also be formed by the vulcanization of sulfide by bacteria.
Natural Environment: Sulfur is most commonly found in tertiary sedimentary rocks, coexisting with limestone, anhydrite, and gypsum, and usually also in clay layers, coexisting with bituminous ore bodies. The world-famous sulfur crystals are found in Girgenti, Sicily, and are associated with lapis lazuli, gypsum, calcite, and aragonite. The main source of natural sulfur in China is the datun volcanic area in northern Taiwan. Sulfur is also produced in Mexico, Hawaii, Argentina and oyaguy, Chile, as well as in Texas and Louisiana in the United States of America).
Characters of herbs: Sulfur is an irregular block or coarse granule. It is light yellow, yellow or slightly greenish-yellow. The stripes are white or faint yellow (pale yellow). The surface is uneven or rough, often has many small pores, and has a greasy lustre (oily lustre). The mineral is light, the texture is loose and crisp, and it is easily smashed. Some fracture surfaces are faviform (alveolate or honeycomb-shaped), and there are thin columns or needle-like crystals that are visible in the longitudinal surface, which are nearly parallel and have an adamantine luster. It has a peculiar odor and a mild taste. The herb of a better grade has orderly blocks, a yellow color, luster, a loose and crisp texture, and no impurities. Sulfur is easy to melt, and flames are blue, and it gives off an irritating sulfur dioxide odor. It is insoluble in water, and it dissolves in carbon disulfide, coal sleeve, and turpentine.
Pharmacological actions: ①.Sulphur itself is not active, and becomes sulfide or hydrogen sulfide after internal administration, which stimulates the gastrointestinal mucosa and makes it excited and peristalsis, leading to diarrhea. This process requires the presence of an alkaline environment and the presence of Escherichia coli, especially lipolytic enzyme. Intestinal content, fatty material is more, easy to produce a lot of hydrogen sulfide and catharsis; ②.The high concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air can lead to death by direct anesthesia of central nerve cells; ③.Sulfide is used locally to dissolve keratin and depilate (barium sulfide); ④.The herb has the function of dissolving keratin, killing scabies, bactericidal action, killing fungus, also has the function of laxative, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, expectorant, and so on.
Medicinal efficacy: Internally it functions supplementing fire and strengthening yang, warm the spleen and relax the bowels. It is indicated for asynodia (impotence, erectile dysfunction), foot cold, spermatorrhea (nocturnal emission), frequent urination, morbid leukorrhea, cold pain in heart and abdomen, dyspnea due to cold, dyspnea due to deficiency and asthma of cold type, constipation, constipation of deficiency cold type, constipation due to endogenous cold, diarrhea of cold deficiency, chronic diarrhea, and protracted dysentery. Externally it functions in detoxification, killing parasites, stop itching, treatment of sores, etc. It is indicated for scabies, favus of the scalp, eczema, leper sores, dorsal furuncle, malignant sore, psora, stubborn dermatitis, morbus vesicularis (blister tetter, pemphigus), eczema of the lower limb, erosion of vulva, etc.
Administration of Sulfur (Liú Huánɡ):
Administration Guide of Sulfur (Liú Huánɡ)
TCM Books:
①.Externally:proper amount, prepare to finely ground herb powder, mixed with oil and smear apply or apply stick at affected area. Internally: 1.5~3 grams, prepared, and prepare to powder to take; ②.Internally:prepare to finely ground herb powder, 0.5~1 qian (about 1.5~3 grams), or prepare to pill, powder. Externally:prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle apply, mixed and apply stick, or extract to juice and smear apply; ③.Internally:prepare to pill, powder, 1.5~3 grams. Externally:proper amount, prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle apply;or mixed with oil and apply stick;or burn it to smoke.
Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions: The herb Sulfur should should not be used during pregnancy. The herb should not be combined with Herba Asari, welted thistle, mirabilite (Glauber's salt), iron, vinegar.
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1.Introduction of Liu Huang:Sulfur, Sulphur, brimstone, sulfur grundum.