Introduction of Huang Yuan Hua:Yellow Genkwa Leaf and Flower or Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis.
✵The article gives records of the herb Chamaedaphne Leaf and Flower,Yellow Genkwa Leaf and Flower., its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Wikstroemia chamaedaphne Meissn., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Chamaedaphne Leaf and Flower,Yellow Genkwa Leaf and Flower., its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis(Chamaedaphne Leaf and Flower,Yellow Genkwa Leaf and Flower).
Pin Yin Name: Huáng Yuán Huā.
English Name: Chamaedaphne Leaf and Flower, Yellow Genkwa Leaf and Flower.
Latin Name: Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis.
Property and flavor: warm, pungent, mild toxic.
Brief introduction: The herb Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis is the leaf and flower-bud of Wikstroemia chamaedaphne Meissn., it is used in a similar way to Flos Genkwa, and also for treating acute and chronic hepatitis, schizophrenia, and epilepsy. The herb is commonly known as Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis, Chamaedaphne Leaf and Flower, Yellow Genkwa Leaf and Flower, Huáng Yuán Huā.
Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis (Chamaedaphne Leaf and Flower, Yellow Genkwa Leaf and Flower) as the flower-bud of the species (1). Wikstroemia chamaedaphne Meissn. It is a plant of the Daphne Linn. Genus, the Thymelaeaceae family of the Myrtales order. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Wikstroemia chamaedaphne Meissn.
Botanical description: Wikstroemia chamaedaphne Meissn is commonly known as Hé Shuò Ráo Huā, Yuán Hāo. An upright deciduous small shrub, the plant grows up to 30~120 cm tall, averaging 50 cm tall, many-branched, branches are thin and long, twigs and young branches are tender green, old branches are brunneus (reddish-brown), smooth and glabrous. Leaves are opposite or subopposite, coriaceous; leaf blades are long elliptic-lanceolate to lanceolate, 2~5 cm long, rarely a few leaf blades are up to 6 cm long, 0.3~1 cm wide, the apex is pointed or subacute (slightly pointed), the base is attenuate and turn to short petiole, leaf blades are all smooth, the under surface of the leaf blade is pale green, entire.
Flowers are small, several flowers arrange to apical umbellate cyme, several flowers cluster to a panicle; perianth is fistuliform (tubelike), apex is 4-lobed, outside is covered with sparse pubescence; 8 stamens, divide into upper and lower 2 whorls, and insert inside the perianth tube; floral disc (flower disc) has 1 scale, oblong, the upper part of ovary is covered with pale yellow pubescence; stigma is circular (rounded).
Drupes (drupe fruits) are oval (egg-shaped). Its flowering period is in summer and autumn, the fruiting period is in autumn.
Ecological environment: The plant grows on hillsides and mountain slopes, on roadsides, ditch sides, and in grass. The plant is mainly distributed in the northern, and northwest areas, the middle reaches of the Yellow River, and other areas of China.
Characters of herbs: The flowers are rod-shaped or slender long cylindrical, mostly scattered in bunches, hermaphroditic, flower petals are absent, the calyx is cylindraceous and thin, rarely curved, 3~8 mm long, the surface is light grayish-green or sallow (grayish yellow), densely pubescent, the tip lobes are 1/6-1/4 of the total length, and the back surface is also pubescent. Anatomically, it can be seen that there are 4 tip lobes of the calyx, oval (egg-shaped), 8 stamens, arranged in 2 columns, inserted in a calyx tube, and has no filaments. The herb has a faint odor, it tastes sweet and spicy. The herb of a better grade is fresh, orderly, and free of impurities.
Medicinal efficacy: Induce diarrhea and hydragogue, wash away the phlegm. It is indicated for abdominal distension and fullness, phlegm and fluid retention, cough and dyspneal fullness, infectious hepatitis, schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc.
Administration of Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis (Huáng Yuán Huā):
Administration Guide of Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis (Huáng Yuán Huā)
TCM Books:
①.Internally:prepare to finely ground herb powder, 1.5~3 grams; water decoction, 3~6 grams; for the treatment of schizophrenia, dosage could be gradually up to 6 grams from smaller dosage, water decoction.
Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions:should forbidden using the herb Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaaedephnis during pregnancy, physical weakness.
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1.Introduction of Huang Yuan Hua:Yellow Genkwa Leaf and Flower or Folium et Flos Wikstroemiae Chamaedephnis.