Introduction of Gu Sui Bu:Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome or Rhizoma Drynariae.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its officially defined botanical source one plant species, ①.Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith., and other six usable species, ②.Drynaria propinqua (Wall.) J.Smith., ③.Drynaria sinica Diels., ④.Pseudodrynaria coronans (Wall.) Ching., ⑤.Phymatodes lucida (Roxb.) Ching., ⑥.Davallia divaricata Bl., ⑦.Davallia mariesii Moore ex Bak., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these seven plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these seven plant species, the features of the herb Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Rhizoma Drynariae(Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome).

many brownish dried rhizome herb segments of Rhizoma Drynariae are piled together Pin Yin Name: Gǔ Suì Bǔ.
 English Name: Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome.
 Latin Name: Rhizoma Drynariae.
 Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes bitter.

 Brief introduction: The herb Rhizoma Drynariae is the dried rhizome of Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith., or Drynaria baronii (Christ) Diels (family Polypodiaceae), used (1).to tonify the kidney for the treatment of lumbago, impaired hearing and tinnitus, (2).to promote the healing of traumatic injuries and bone fracture, and (3).externally for alopecia areata and vitiligo. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Drynariae, Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome, Gǔ Suì Bǔ, or Shí Yán Jiāng (means Rock Ginger), Hóu Jiāng (means Monkey Ginger), Máo Jiāng (means piliferous Ginger).

 Botanical source: The official herbal classics defined the herb Rhizoma Drynariae (Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome) as dried rhizome of the species (1).Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith. Other famous herbal classics defined the herb Rhizoma Drynariae (Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome) as dried rhizome of the species (1).Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith., (2).Drynaria propinqua (Wall.) J.Smith., (3).Drynaria sinica Diels., (4).Pseudodrynaria coronans (Wall.) Ching., (5).Phymatodes lucida (Roxb.) Ching., (6).Davallia divaricata Bl., (7).Davallia mariesii Moore ex Bak. These 1 officially defined species and other 6 usable species are introduced:

(1).Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith.

 a colorful drawing of Drynaria fortunei Kunze J.Sm.,root,stem and green leaves Botanical description: The plant, Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith is also known as Polypodium fortunei Kunze., commonly known as Hú Jué, Xī Nán Hú Jué, Bǎn Yá Jiāng, a plant of the Drynaria genus, the Pteridiaceae family of the Polypodiales order. Herbaceous epiphyte, it grows up to 20–40 cm tall. Rhizomes are amphitropous, coarse, and succulent, densely covered with subulate-lanceolate scales, and have green hairs.

 Leaves are two types; daimyo-oak-leaf-shaped trophophyll (vegetative leaves) are coriaceous, reddish-brown or taupe brown (grayish brown), oval (egg-shaped), sessile, scarious, 5~6.5 cm long or up to 7 cm long, about 3.5 cm wide, or 4~5.5 cm wide, the base is cordate, the back surface is sparsely pubescent, the edge is coarse shallowly lobed; fertile frond is high and big, chartaceous (papery), green, glabrous, oblong oval, 14-18 cm wide, turns narrow toward the base and undulate (wave-like), decurrent and compose short petiole with wings, the part above middle is deeply pinnately divided; lobes are in 7–13 pairs, slightly obliquely ascending, 7-10 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, shortly pointed tip, the margin has inconspicuous sparse crenates; reticulated veins, are conspicuous on both surfaces.

 The sorus is circular (rounded), inserted to cross spots of veinlet inside. Arranged in 2 to 3 lines along both sides of the midvein; no indusium.

 several plants of Drynaria fortunei Kunze J.Sm. grow in woods Ecological Environment: The plant, Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith grows on rocks in forests or tree trunks, in areas at altitudes of 200–1,800 meters, and is mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Zhujiang River area, the southwest area, and other areas of China. It is also distributed in some areas of Southeast Asia.

 Growth characteristics: The plant, Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith. grows attached to a tree trunk, on rocks, a mountain wall, or a wall. They are fond of warm, dank, and humid environments, and their hypertrophic rhizomes are covered with nutritious leaves, so they can resist drought. It is suitable for growing in well-drained soil, and naturally grows in areas at altitudes of 100–1,800 meters above sea level.

 brownish dried herb root slices of Furtune Drynaria Rhizome are piled together Characters of herbs: The rhizomes are irregular stripes with flat back and ventral surfaces, lumps or flakes, mostly curved, both sides often having constrictions and branches, 3–20 cm long, 0.7–1.5 cm wide. The surface of the dried rhizome is densely covered with brown or reddish-brown small scales, and the appressed scales are membranous peltate (shield-shaped); the straight scales are lanceolate, the apex is pointed, the edge is fimbriate (penicillate or fringelike, cilia), and dense at the base of the petioles and the tender end of the rhizome. The part is brown where scales fall off, and small vertical veins and ridges are visible. There are petiole marks on the upper surface, and vertical ridges, and radicel marks (marks of fine roots) on the under surface. The texture of the herb is firm and hard, the fracture surface is reddish-brown, and it has white separate steles, arranged in long oblate shapes. The herb has an aromatic odor, it tastes slightly sweet and puckery.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.prevent blood lipids elevation and reduce hyperlipidemia; ②.promote healing of bone injury; ③.bacteriostasic activity; ④.inhibit the growth of staphylococcus aureus in vitro, etc.

 Medicinal efficacy: Relieve wounds and stop pain, replenish the kidney and strengthen the bone, activate blood circulation, stanch bleeding, externally dispel wind and removing beverage. It is indicated for fall injury, fracture injury of tendons and bones, kidney deficiency and lumbago, kidney deficiency chronic diarrhea and lumbago (low back pain, chronic diarrhea due to kidney deficiency), flaccidity of tendons and bones, flaccidity of feet and knees, rheumatic arthralgia pain, chronic diarrhea, uroclepsia (enuresis, bed-wetting), tinnitus (ringing in ears), deafness, dentalgia (toothache), tooth mobility (loosening of teeth), bone fracture, appendicitis; Externally for the treatment of pelada (alopecia areata), leukodermia (piebald skin vitiligo, leucoderma), clavus(heloma), etc. 

 Administration of Rhizoma Drynariae (Gǔ Suì Bǔ): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Rhizoma Drynariae (Gǔ Suì Bǔ)
TCM Books: ①.Internally: 3~9 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 3~5 qian (about 9~15 grams);infusing in wine, or prepare to pill, powder. Externally:mash the herb, apply stick; ③.Internally:water decoction, 10~20 grams;or prepared to pill, powder. Externally:proper amount, mash the herb and apply stick, or dry in the sun and prepare to finely ground herb powder, apply stick;or infusing in wine and smear apply.
 Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions:The herb Rhizoma Drynariae should not be used with mutton, sheep blood, stem and leaf of Bird Rape.

(2).Drynaria propinqua (Wall.) J.Smith.

 plants of Drynaria propinqua Wall.J.Smith. grow in woods Botanical description: The plant, Drynaria propinqua (Wall.) J.Smith is also known as Polypodium propinquum Wall., commonly known as Guāng Yè Hú Jué, Shí Lián Jiāng Hú Jué, a plant of the Drynaria genus, the Drynariaceae family of the Polypodiales order. The plant grows up to 60 cm high. The rhizomes are succulent, amphitropous, and covered with nontransparent tan (chocolate brown) lanceolate scales.

 Leaves are in 2 types, glabrous; trophophyll (vegetative leaves) are broadly ovate, 8–15 cm long, 5–10 cm wide, shallowly pinnately divided to deeply pinnately parted; petioles of fertile fronds are 8–20 cm long, base inserted on rhizomes with joints; leaf blades are 25–45 cm long, oblong or oblong-ovate, the front end is short and acuminate, the base is 20–30 cm wide, pinnately parted to rhachis; lobes are lanceolate, alternate, both surfaces are smooth, edge is slightly thickened, sparsely shallow incised; reticulated leaf veins are conspicuous. It has no indusium.

 several shrubs of Drynaria propinqua Wall.J.Smith. with green leaves grow in mountain field Ecological Environment: The plant grows on the tree trunk in forests or rocks, in areas at altitudes of 500–2,400 meters above sea level. It is distributed in southwest areas of China. It is also distributed in South Asia, including Thailand, Laos, Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.

 Characters of herbs: The herb is similar to the dry rhizome of Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith. The rhizomes are of oblate form (flat circular shape), 0.5–1.2 cm in diameter. Scales are reddish brown, coriaceous, triangular, imbricate, peltate, and inserted near the base, closely appressed on the surface of rhizomes. The texture of the herb is crisp, and the separate stele of the fracture surface is arranged in an elliptical shape. The herb has a fragrance, and it tastes salty and puckery.

(3).Drynaria sinica Diels.

 plants of Drynaria sinica Diels. with green leaves grow in sunnnny field Botanical description: The plant, Drynaria sinica Diels is also known as Drynaria baronii (Christ) Diels, or Polypodium baronii Christ, is commonly known as Qín Lǐng Hú Jué, Zhōng Huá Hú Jué, or Huá Hú Jué, a plant of the Drynaria genus, the Drynariaceae family of the Polypodiales order. The plant grows up to 20–50 cm high. Rhizomes are amphitropous, succulent, about 1~2 cm in diameter, and densely covered with reddish-brown lanceolate scales.

 several plants of Drynaria sinica Diels with greenish yellow leaves grow on slopes Leaves are in two types; sparsely pubescent along rachis and leaf veins, trophophyll (vegetative leaves) are sparse and few, oblong-lanceolate, pinnately parted; fertile frond has a petiole with narrow wings, base has nodes and joints; leaf blades are broadly lanceolate, 20–40 cm long, the middle part is 5–10 cm wide, deeply pinnately parted nearly to the rachis, both surfaces are covered with white pubescence along leaf veins and rachis; lobes are in 20–30 pairs, 5–15 mm wide, blunt pointed, edges are incised-serrate; leaf veins are conspicuous.

 The sorus is circular (rounded), inserted to cross spots of veinlet inside. Arranged in one line along both sides of a mid-vein; no indusium.

 plants of Drynaria sinica Diels with green leaves grow in mountain field Ecological Environment: The plant grows between rocks in the valley or rocks at the forest edge, in areas at altitudes of 900–2,800 meters above sea level, or on the undergrowth rocks of hillsides in areas at altitudes of 1,380–3,800 meters above sea level. It is mainly produced in the northwest, west, and southwest areas of China.

 a colorful drawing of Drynaria sinica Diels.,brown rhizome,greenish yellow leaves Characters of herbs: The rhizomes are irregular cylindrical stripes with a slightly flat ventral surface and back surface, 3–8 cm long, and 0.6–1 cm wide; scales are strip-lanceolate, the part where scales fall off is taupe (grayish brown), has thin and fine vertical veins. The fracture surface is brownish, ash gray (grayish-white), and punctate separate stele are arranged in an elliptical shape. The herb has an aromatic odor and tastes puckery.

(4).Pseudodrynaria coronans (Wall.) Ching.

 plants of Pseudodrynaria coronans Wall.Ching. with green leaves grow in sunny mountain field Botanical description: The plant, Pseudodrynaria coronans (Wall.) Ching is also known as Polypodium coronans Wall., commonly known as Yá Jiāng Jué, OR Chuān Shí Jiàn, a plant of the Pseudodrynaria (C. Chr.) C. Chr. genus, the Drynariaceae family of the Polypodiales order. The plant grows up to 80–140 cm high. Rhizomes are stout, densely covered with brown, long linear scales. Leaves are one type, grow in tufts, and compose a round hollow high cluster; Leaf blades are 80~140 cm long, the apex is acuminate, the part below the middle is attenuated, but gradually broadens and turns cordate near the base, the part above the middle is deeply pinnately parted, shallowly lobed and turns undulant downward, both surfaces are smooth and glabrous, entire; Leaf veins are reticulated, distinct on both surfaces, with single or bifurcated veinlets in the mesh of reticulation.

 plant of Pseudodrynaria coronans Wall.Ching. with green leaves grow in sunny mountain woods Sorus grows and is inserted on the cross part of veinlets, has 1 line between each pair of lateral veins, circular or usually elongated along the triternate veinlet, broken linear at maturity.

 Spores are elliptic, sporoderms have spinules or tuberculose lumpy veins, and no indusium.

 Ecological Environment: The plant grows attached to tree trunks or on rocks in forests, in areas at altitudes of 1,000–1,900 meters above sea level. It is distributed in the south and southwest areas of China and other areas.

 rhizome of Pseudodrynaria coronans Wall.Ching. with three green leaves on ground Characters of herbs: The rhizomes are cylindrical, their surface is densely covered with strip-lanceolate loose and soft scales, the part where the scales fall off is puce (purple-brown), and they have longitudinal groove ridges and fine patterns of different sizes. The fracture surface is brown, and the dot-shaped stele of the separate body is arranged in an orbicular shape. The herb has a very faint odor and tastes puckery. The herb of a better grade has thick and big stripes, brown.

(5).Phymatodes lucida (Roxb.) Ching.

 plants of Phymatodes lucida Roxb.Ching. with green long leaves grow in sunny field Botanical description: The plant, Phymatodes lucida (Roxb.) Ching is commonly known as Guānɡ Liànɡ Mì Wǎnɡ Jué, also known as Phymatodes cuspidata (D. Don) J. Smith., or Guānɡ Liànɡ Liú Jué, a plant of the Polypodiaceae family of the Polypodiales order. An epiphyte plant that adnascent on stone. The plant is about 40–100 cm high. Rhizomes are decumbent, about 2 cm in diameter, celadon (grayish-green), sparsely scaly; scales are oval (egg-shaped), peltate and inserted, brown, edges are orderless. Leaves grow far, and are round; petioles are about 30–50 cm long, culm color, stout, glabrous; the leaf blade is primary pinnately, about 30–50 cm long, 20–25 cm wide. Pinnae are in about 8–15 pairs, about 15–20 cm long, about 2~3.5 cm wide, the tip is acuminate, the base is stipitate (petiole is up to 1 cm long), and the edges are entire. Lateral veins are inconspicuous, and veinlets are reticulated. Leaves are more or less coriaceous (subcoriaceous), and both surfaces are smooth and glabrous. Sori (sorus) are arranged in one line on both sides of the mid-vein on the pinnae, located between the mid-vein and the edge; The surface of the spore has tiny granular veins.

 green leaves of Phymatodes lucida Roxb.Ching. grow in a sunny environment Ecological Environment: The plant grows on the limestone cliff at the forest edge, in areas at altitudes of 250–1,500 meters. It is distributed in the Zhujiang River area, the southwest area, Hainan, and other areas of China.

 Characters of herbs: The dried rhizome is cylindrical, about 13 cm long, and often has dichotomous branches. The surface is taupe (gray-brown), and has many fibrous root marks or light brown scales. The texture of the herb is firm and hard, the fracture surface is slightly flat, ash gray (grayish-white), vascular bundles are arranged in a ring; and there are many small brown spots. The herb has a weak odor, it tastes slightly puckery.

(6).Davallia divaricata Bl.

 plants of Davallia divaricata Bl. grow in a sunny woods Botanical description: The plant, Davallia divaricata Bl is also known as Davallia formosana Hayata, commonly known as Dà Yè Gǔ Suì Bǔ, a plant of the Davallia genus, the Davalliaceae family of the Polypodiales order. The plant grows to 50~150 cm high, or around 1 meter. The rhizome is stout (thick and strong), long and amphitropous, 1 cm in diameter, densely covered with fluffy scales; scales are broadly lanceolate, about 1 cm long, the apex is long and acuminate, edges have cilia, reddish brown, membraneous.

 Leaves grow far, distance is 3-5 cm; petioles are 30-60 cm long, about 4 mm in diameter, petioles and rhachis are both bright brown or darkish brown, the upper surface has deep vertical grooves; leaf blades are big, triangular or ovate-triangular, length and width are up to 60-90 cm, front end is acuminate, quadripinnate or pentapinnate; pinnae are in about 10 pairs, alternate, splayed, the lower petioles are 2-4 cm long, the pair on base is biggest, long triangular, 20-30 cm long, 12-18 cm wide, front tip is long acuminate, base is deflective; primary pinnules are in about 10 pairs, alternate, petioles on lower part are 3-5 mm long, splayed, the pinnule on the upper side of base is biggest, triangular, about 7 cm long, about 4 cm wide, acuminate tip, base is rounded cuneate; bi-pinnules are in 7–10 pairs, alternate, short stipitate, obliquely ascending, the pinnule on the upper side of base is slightly bigger, ovate-oblong, about 2 cm long, about 1 cm wide, pointed tip, base is decurrent; terminal pinnule is elliptic, blunt tip, the lower side of the base is decurrent, deeply pinnately parted; lobes are oblique triangle, obliquely ascending, 1-2 mm wide, often bifurcated to sharp teeth of unequal length; the middle pinnae are broadly lanceolate, the pinnae upward gradually turn smaller and lanceolate. Leaf veins are visible and dichotomous, the tip of each tooth has one veinlet and nearly reaches the leaf edge. Leaves are firm herbaceous (firmly grasslike) or chartaceous (papery), turn brown when dried, and are glabrous.

 Sori (sorus) are many, each lobe has 1 sorus, grows on the curved part of the middle veinlet or the bifurcated part, far from leaf edges and the curved, absent part of sharp teeth; indusium is tubular, about 1 mm long, about 2 times the width, the front end is truncated, brown and has a golden luster, thick membraneous.

 a plant of Davallia divaricata Bl. with green leaves grow in a conner Ecological Environment: The plant grows attached to the tree trunk or on rocks in a ravine forest at an altitude of 600–700 meters. It is distributed in the Zhujiang River area, the southwest area, and other areas of China.

 Characters of herbs: The dried rhizome is twisted cylindrical, or slightly flat, 4~13 cm long, and 7~9 mm in diameter, the surface is brown, with longitudinal furrows and wrinkles, and there are a few yellowish-brown scales. There are circular leaf base marks with protrusions on the upper side. The texture of the herb is firm and hard, making it easy to break. The fracture surface is slightly flat, reddish-brown, has many yellow punctate vascular bundles arranged in a ring shape, and two larger vascular bundles in the center are crescent-shaped. The herb has a weak odor and tastes slightly puckery.

(7).Davallia mariesii Moore ex Bak.

 several plants of Davallia mariesii Moore ex Bak. with green and white leaves grow in a shady conner Botanical description: The plant, Davallia mariesii Moore ex Bak is commonly known as Hǎi Zhōu Gǔ Suì Bǔ, a plant of the Davallia genus, the Davalliaceae family of the Polypodiales order. The plant is about 20 cm high or grows 15–40 cm high. Rhizomes are long and amphitropous, 4-5 mm in diameter, densely covered with taupe brown fluffy scales; scales are broadly lanceolate or lanceolate, about 8 mm long, the apex is long and acuminate, edges have cilia, the middle part is dark color, the edges are light color.

 Leaves grow far, distance is 1-5 cm; petioles are 6-20 cm long, 1-1.5 mm in diameter, deep culm colour or brownish, the upper surface has shallow vertical grooves, the base is covered with scales, smooth upward; leaf blades are pentagon, length and width are 8-25 cm, front end is acuminate, base is shallow cordate, quadripinnate; pinnae are in about 6–12 pairs, 1–2 pairs of pinnae on the lower part are opposite or subopposite, pinnae upward are alternate, short stipitate, splayed, the pair on the base is biggest, triangular, length and width are 5-10 cm or slightly longer; primary pinnules are in 6–10 pairs, alternate, short stipitate, obliquely ascending, the pinnule on the lower side of base is especially big, 2.5-7 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, ovate-oblong, blunt tip or pointed tip, base is asymmetrical, the upper side is truncated and is parallel with pinna rachis, the lower side is cuneate, pinnately divided to small pinna rachis with wings; bi-pinnules are in 5–8 pairs, sessile, slightly obliquely ascending, closely connected with each other, pinnule on the upper side of base is slightly bigger, 8-15 mm long, 4-8 mm wide, elliptical, blunt tip, the lower side of base is decurrent, several pairs of pinnules on lower part has main veins with broad wings, pinnules upward are pinnatilobate; lobes are elliptic, 1.5-2 mm wide, obliquely ascending, tip is blunt, single or bifurcated to crenate, of unequal length; pinnules upward gradually narrowing and turn elliptic, front end is short and acuminate, base is deflective, closely connected with each other, pinnules on the lower part are bipinnatifid, pinnules on the upper part are pinnately parted to pinna rachis with wings. Leaf veins are visible and dichotomous, each blunt tooth has one veinlet and nearly reaches the leaf edge. The leaves are firm herbaceous (firmly grasslike), and turn tan (chocolate brown) to breen (brownish green) when dried.

 Sori (sorus) grow on the tip of the veinlet, and each lobe has 1 sorus; indusium is tubular, about 1 mm long, about 1.5 times the width, the front end is truncated, does not arrive at the curved, absent part of blunt teeth, has a taper angle outside, brown, thick membranous.

 Ecological Environment: The plant grows on tree trunks or rocks in a mountain forest, attached to rocks in mountains, in areas at altitudes of 500–700 meters. It is distributed in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Taiwan Island, and other areas of China.



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