Introduction of He Tao Ren:Walnut Seed or Semen Jugalandis.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Walnut Seed, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source two plant species, ①.Juglans regia L., and another usable plant species: ②.Juglans nigra., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these two plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these two plant species, the features of the herb Walnut Seed, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Semen Jugalandis(Walnut Seed).

yellowish seed kernels of Semen Jugalandis are piled together Pin Yin Name: Hé Táo Rén, or Hú Táo Rén
 English Name: Walnut Seed, or Walnut Kernel.
 Latin Name: Semen Jugalandis.
 Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes sweet.

 Brief introduction: The herb Semen Jugalandis is the dried ripe seed of Juglans regia L., used to tonify the kidney and lung for treating aching back and knees, cough and dyspnea of deficiency-cold type, seminal emission, and impotence. The herb is commonly known as Semen Jugalandis, Walnut Seed, Hé Tɑo Rén.

 Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Walnut Kernel (Hu Tao Ren) as the kernel of the Juglandaceae family plant species (1).Juglans regia L. Other famous herbal classics defined the herb Walnut Kernel (Hu Tao Ren) as the kernel of the Juglandaceae family plant species (1). Juglans regia L. or (2). Juglans nigra. They are plant species of the Juglans genus, the Juglandaceae family (Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb family) of the Juglandales order. These 2 commonly used species are introduced:

(1).Juglans regia L.

 several small trees of Juglans regia L. grow in a field Botanical description: The tree, Juglans regia L is a plant of the Juglandaceae family (Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb family) and Juglans genus, it is also known as Juglans orientis Dode; Juglans sinensis (C.DC.) Dode, is commonly known as Hú Táo, or Hé Táo. A deciduous tree, the tree grows up to 20~25 meters high. The bark is ash gray (grayish-white), smooth when young, and shallowly vertical dehiscent when it is old. Branchlets are covered with short glandular hairs, and have conspicuous leaf traces and lenticels; winter buds have bud scales; the pith is white and lamellate (flaky). Imparipinnate leaves (odd-pinnate compound leaves), alternate, 40~50 cm long, 5~9 lobules, sometimes 13 lobules, the lobule at front end is often bigger, elliptic-ovate to oblong oval, 6~15 cm long, 3~6 cm wide, apex is blunt or sharp-pointed, base is deflective, orbicular (subrotund), entire, the uppr surface is dark green, glossy, the back surface is pea green (pale green), has 11~9 pairs of lateral veins, a cluster of pubescence inside axillaris.

 flowers and spikes of Juglans regia L. grow on small branches Flowers are unisexual, monoecious, and bloom at the same time with leaves, male catkin is axillary, pendulous, and 5~10 cm long, flowers are small and dense, the male flower has 1 bract, oblong, 2 bracteoles (bractlets), ovate-oblong, 1~4 tepals, all are covered with glandular hairs, 6~30 stamens; female inflorescences are spicate, upright, grow at the tip of young shoots, usually has 1-3 female flowers, 3 phyllary (involucral bracts), ovate-oblong, adnate with ovary, grows bigger with ovary after anthesis; perianth is 4-lobed, lobes are linear (filate), higher than phyllary; the ovary is inferior, composed of 2 carpels, style is short, stigma is 2-lobed, plumelike, ruby-red (bright red).

 The fruit is subsphaeroidal, drupelike, 4~6 cm in diameter, exocarp is green, developed from phyllary and perianths, spotted on the surface, the mesocarp is pulpose, irregularly dehiscent, endocarp is bony, the surface is uneven, 2 vertical ribs, the front end has a short pointed tip, endocarp wall has cracks and corrugations, the septum is thinner, no cavities inside. Its flowering period is from May to June, the fruiting period is from September to October.

 fruiting tree of Juglans regia L with green fruits hanging on branches,with many green leaves grow in sunny field Ecological Environment: The tree grows in mountainous and hilly areas. Geographical distribution: This species is mainly distributed in China and cultivated from south to northern provinces, this species was native to the region stretching from the Balkans eastward to the Himalayas and southwest China. There are 7 genera and 28 species of walnut plants in China. It is now possible to be sure that there are four species native to China, Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Juglans cathayensis Dode, Iron walnut, and Hebei walnut. The largest forests are in Kyrgyzstan, where trees occur in extensive, nearly pure walnut forests in areas at altitudes of 1,000~2,000 meters (3000 to 7000 ft) above sea level, notably at Arslanbob in Jalal-Abad Province. It is widely cultivated across Asia, America, and Europe.

 a colorful drawing of Juglans regia L.,walnut fruits, kernel, and green leaves Growth characteristics: The walnut trees prefer a cool and dry climate, likes warm and afraid of frost, are tolerant to drought and coldness, are afraid of dampness and heat, waterlogging, saline and alkaline. It grows normally in areas with an annual average temperature of 10-14 °C (Celsius, or 50~57.2 degrees Fahrenheit), absolute lowest temperature of -25 °C (Celsius, or -13 degrees Fahrenheit), and annual precipitation of 400-1,200 mm. When the absolute lowest temperature is lower than -30 °C (Celsius, or -22 degrees Fahrenheit), branches and flowers are easily hurt from frost-injury. When the highest temperature in summer is over 40 °C (Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit), fruits and branches are easily hurt by sunburn. The tree likes sunlight, and its life span reaches to 200~300 years, in general, its first fruiting period is from the 2nd or the 4th year, and its full bearing period is from 20 to 30 years. It is appropriate to choose a field with sufficient sunshine, deep soil layers, loose and fertile, neutral sandy loam, and loam with good drainage for cultivation. Clay-heavy soil and barren soil are not good for its growth. At present, agricultural cultivation is generally in low hills at altitudes of about 200 meters above sea level.

 dried brownish walnut kernsl are piled in a plate Characters of herbs: The complete kernel is near-spherical, consisting of two cotyledons, the diameter is 1~3 cm or 2~3 cm, with a triangular protuberant radicle visible at one end. Usually, 2 valves cleft or broken into irregular blocks with wrinkled grooves of different sizes. The spermoderm (seed coat) is thin, hazel (pale brown) to dark brown, and has deep color longitudinal veins. Cotyledons are yellowish-white, the inside part is yellowish-white or creamy white after being broken, oily, it has a slight fragrance, it tastes sweet, and the seed coat tastes slightly puckery and bitter. The herb of a better grade is big and full, the fracture surface is white or milky, and rich in oil.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.antihistamine spasmodic effect on bronchial smooth muscle; ②.antitussive effect; ③.anticancer effect in mice; ④.affect the synthesis, oxidation, and excretion of cholesterols in vivo.

 Medicinal efficacy: Tonifying kidney, replenish the vital essence, warming lung, relieve asthma, moisten intestines, relaxing the bowels. It is indicated for insufficiency of kidney-Yang, lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, low back pain and foot weakness, asynodia and spermatorrhea(impotence and seminal emission), frequent micturition, enuresis (bedwetting), dyspnea with rapid breathing due to chronic cough, asthma cough of deficiency cold, dry feces, dryness of the intestine and constipation, urolithiasis (urolithic stranguria), sore and ulcer, scrofula, etc.

 Administration of Semen Jugalandis(Hé Táo Rén): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Semen Jugalandis(Hé Táo Rén)
TCM Books: ①.Internally: 6~9 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 9~15 grams; chewing and take for single prescription, 10~30 grams; or prepare to pill, power. Externally:proper amount,prepare to finely ground herb powder, apply stick.

(2).Juglans nigra.

 fruiting tree of Juglans nigra with many green fruits hanging on branch Botanical description: The tree, Juglans nigra is a plant of the Juglandaceae family (Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb family) and Juglans genus, it is also known as American Black Walnut, a deciduous tree, the tree grows up to 30 meters high, crown is round or cylindrical. Trunk bark is dark brown or gray-black, with deep longitudinal cracks. Branches are grayish-brown or dark brown, with short hairs, and broad triangular buds. Odd-pinnate compound leaves, 15 to 23 lobules (leaflets), very short stalks, irregular serrations on the margin, and glandular hairs on the abaxial surface. The female inflorescences have 2~5 flower clusters. The fruit is spherical, light green, with small protrusions on the surface, and covered with hairs. The nuts are round, slightly flat, slightly pointed at the tips, and have irregular deep grooves on the shell surface. The shells are thick and hard to crack.

 fruiting branch of Juglans nigra with an unmature walnut hanging on the branch The adaptability of black walnut to the soil is also strong. It can grow in various soils with a pH (pH scale:acidity-basicity) of 4.6~8.2, but the growth in different soils varies greatly. The best is sandy loam soil or alluvial soil. The soil layer is required to be deep (3 to 4 meters), neutral or slightly acidic, ventilated, and drained.

 The American Black Walnut is one of the best-recognized hardwood forest species in the world and is considered to be a fruit tree species with high economic value in the USA (United States of America). Its wood structure is compact, has high mechanical strength, texture, color appearance, and easy processing, suitable for plywood, furniture, craft carving, architectural decoration, and other excellent materials.

 several brown big trunks of Juglans nigra are piled together Ecological Environment: The tree grows in mountainous and hilly areas. Geographical distribution: This species is mainly distributed in the eastern half of the USA, also is distributed in other areas of North America and South America, it was introduced and widely cultivated in many provinces of China, in many provinces the trial cultivation is superior to the origin.

  Growth characteristics: Juglans nigra grows in closed forests and needs full sun for optimal growth and nut production, it is a common weed tree found along roadsides, fields, and forest edges in the eastern USA. The adaptability of black walnut to the soil is also strong. It can grow in various soils with a pH (pH scale:acidity-basicity) of 4.6~8.2, but the growth in different soils varies greatly. The best is sandy loam soil or alluvial soil. The required soil layer depth is 3 to 4 meters, neutral or slightly acidic, ventilated, and drained. It prefers full sun and wet to dry loam or sandy high acidic to slightly alkaline soil. It grows well on rich bottom lands, in moist, fertile coves, and on lower slopes. Its survival, growth, and quality in less fertile sites are problematic.



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