胡愔Hú Yīn:introduction about her biography and legends,main books and academic thoughts.

TCM Knowledge:Ancient Lady Herbalists ✵胡愔(Hú Yīn):she adored Tao at her young age, liked to read Huang Ting and was interested in Taoist practice. She is a famous lady Taoist physician of the Tang Dynasty, a unique "Huang Ting" scholar in the late period of the Tang Dynasty.

胡愔(Hú Yīn).

Brief Introduction
漢語名(Chinese Name): 胡愔(Hú Yīn)Alias: 见素子(Jiàn Sù Zǐ)
Popular name: 见素女或见素女子(Jiàn Sù Nǚ)English Name: HU Yin, or Yin Hu(Given/Family)
Hometown: Dongyang.Dates: late of Tang dynasty, about the 9th century.
Main works: 《黃庭內景五藏六府圖》一卷(Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Tu,1 volume).,《黃庭內景五藏六腑圖說》一卷(Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Tu Shuo,1 volume).《黃庭內景五臟六腑補瀉圖》一卷(Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Bu Xie Tu,1 volume).《黃庭外景圖》一卷(Huang Ting Wai Jing Tu,1 volume),《補瀉內景方》三卷(Bu Xie Nei Jing Fang, 3 volumes.).
Representative works: 《黃庭內景經》一卷(Huang Ting Nei Jing Jing, 1 volume.).

Biography and legends:

 a portrait of Hú Yīn 胡愔(Hú Yīn), a famous lady herbalist and Taoist, she ever lived in the late period of the Tang Dynasty. She was born in Dongyang (or lived in seclusion in the Taibai Mountain, Dongyang) in the late Tang Dynasty. She adored Tao at her young age, liked to read Huang Ting and was interested in Taoist practice. Likewise, she is a famous lady Taoist physician of the Tang Dynasty, her alias is Jiàn Sù Zǐ or Jiàn Sù Nǚ, according to the year record of the preface of her book, and the latter title was written in the second year of Dazhong Wuchen (about year 848 AD), Hú Yīn lived during the late period of the Tang Dynasty, the exact year of her birth and passing away is unknown.

Main books and academic thoughts:

 Hú Yīn's works which survived until today are: Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Tu (1 volume), Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Tu Shuo (1 volume), Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Bu Xie Tu (1 volume), Huang Ting Wai Jing Tu (1 volume), Bu Xie Nei Jing Fang (3 volumes.).

 The two works of Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Tu (1 volume)., and Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Bu Xie Tu (1 volume) have the same themes, but the texts are inconsistent with each other. There are prefaces before the two works, which are similar in meaning and slightly different in text. The previous book gave discussions on the topics of the viscera including lungs, heart, liver, spleen, and gallbladder, and analyzed the order of each viscus as follows: (1). Illustrate the physiological and anatomical position, shape, weight, function, etc. of a certain viscus; (2). Cultivation method; (3). Disease identification methods, diagnosis of the syndromes of viscera; (4). Prescribe the right medicine, cure the disease with a proper prescription; (5). Expiration and inspiration, regulate the liver, spleen, kidney, and gallbladder viscera with Qi; (6). The method of avoiding food, foods that are forbidden in seasons, for example, for kidney disease "Don't eat pepper in October", etc.; (7). The method of daoyin, physical and breathing exercise, working the limbs, aiming to move the muscle and vessel, to remove the wind and pathogenic factors in viscera.

 a portrait of Hú Yīn The book Huang Ting Jing(the Huangting Classic) is a basic classic of Taoist health preservation, and it already had a wide range of influence during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. However, due to the cryptic writing styles of the Huang Ting Jing, it was only circulated among the upper-class scholars with a certain degree of cultural literacy during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Bai Lvzhong(his monastic name is Liangqiuzi) firstly annotated Huang Ting Jing, which had a certain influence on the popularization of Huang Ting Jing. However, Bai Lvzhong's notes are still based on the order of Huang Ting Jing. Although there are some interpretations of rhetoric, it is still difficult to understand. In the Tang Dynasty, the study of "Huang Ting" became more and more prosperous, and various theories arose. In the preface of the Huang Ting Nei Jing Wu Zang Liu Fu Bu Xie Tu, Hú Yīn stated: various compilations and heresy rose, which made the later generations rarely know its gate. The slightest difference is more than a thousand miles away. The so-called heresy probably refers to the interpretation of the meaning of "Huang Ting" from the perspective of mysticism.

 Hú Yīn is a unique "Huang Ting" scholar in the late period of the Tang Dynasty. The main feature of her research on the Huang Ting Jing(the Huangting Classic) is to eliminate the mysterious factors in it, starts purely from a medical point of view, clear and understandable, without complicated techniques. Her ways can be achieved through learning, and the skills can be achieved through practice.

  • 1.胡愔Hú Yīn:introduction about her biography and legends,main books and academic thoughts.

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