Cephalea,Headache:Disease of mouth and teeth:pathogenic reasons and types.

Common Internal Syndromes ✵To help clients and TCM fans know better with the common knowledge of ancient TCM and syndrome differentiation, there comes the online knowledge database in classified categories.

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TCM Knowledge:Cephalea,Headache 
 ✵The Cephalea or a headache is a pain in the head either due to external contraction or internal injury.

 ✵ The Cephalea or a headache, is a frequently observed syndrome in daily life. It could be observed separately, or together with other acute or chronic disease. The Cephalea or a headache introduced here is the condition that cephalea or a headache is the main syndrome, for other diseases with symptoms of a headache or cephalea, once the main syndrome treated, the headache will disappear itself.

 ✵The head is on the highest position with the human body, is an area where the essence and blood of five-Zang viscera accumulated, and where the lucid Yang Qi of six-fu viscera accumulated, among the 14 meridians and channels, except Taiyin and Ren meridians, others all flow to the head, although a headache or cephalea make head pain, but the pathogenic site might not be surely located in any Zang-viscera, any fu-viscera, or any meridians or channels. The pathogenic reasons lead to cephalea or a headache are complicated, but all of them are also could be classified into the 2 categories exogenous pathogens or endogenous pathogens. The cephalea or a headache due to exogenous pathogens are mostly with wind attack; the cephalea or a headache due to endogenous pathogens, are due to various reasons including deficiency and weakness of Qi and blood, insufficiency of kidney and empty in marrow, Qi counterflow and blood stasis, phlegm and retained fluid obstruct upward, etc.

 ✵Common Cephalea or headache introduced are mainly: Anemofrigid headache(headache due to wind-cold pathogens), Wind-heat headache(headache due to pathogenic wind-heat), Wind-damp headache(headache due to pathogenic wind-wetness), Liver Yang Headache, Phlegm turbid headache, Stagnant-blood headache, nephrasthenia headache(headache due to kidney deficiency),Qi-deficiency headache(headache with asthenia qi), Hematasthenic headache(headache due to deficiency of blood),Supra-orbital neuralgia(eyebrow bone pain,pain in the supra-orbital bone), etc.

Anemofrigid headache(headache due to wind-cold pathogens).
Anemofrigid headache:headache due to wind-cold pathogens 
 ✵The Anemofrigid headache or a headache due to wind-cold pathogens, also known as a wind-cold headache, is a headache due to the attack of external wind-cold. Its common symptoms are known including:headache attack sometime or stop sometimes, attack in wind or cold conditions or turn severe, the headache sense like hanging, pain spread to neck and back(pain in the head extending to the nape and back), in severe case headache sense will be broken, the patient like wrap head with hat or scarf, fear wind and chills(aversion to cold and wind), pale white tongue, thin and white tongue coatings, not thirst, urine clear length. Other symptoms might be observed including soreness and pain in the joints, watery nasal discharge, thin and whitish tongue coating and floating tense pulse.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of an Anemofrigid headache or a wind-cold headache are known from various origins, mainly from the attack of wind and cold, etc.

Wind-heat headache(headache due to pathogenic wind-heat).
Wind-heat headache:headache due to pathogenic wind-heat 
 ✵The Wind-heat headache is also known as a headache due to pathogenic wind-heat, is a headache due to the attack of external wind-heat.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Wind-heat headache, are commonly known including: pain in the head or a headache and head swelling as will be broken, fear heat and prefer to cold(aversion to heat, likes cold), flushing face and congested cheeks, defecate is dry and urine color yellow, thirst and want to drink water, red tongue, yellow and dry tongue coating. Other possible symptoms observed including fever, thirst, constipation, floating and rapid pulse.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of a Wind-heat headache are known from various origins, mainly because the exogenous reasons wind pathogen and heat pathogen attack.

Wind-damp headache(headache due to pathogenic wind-wetness).
Wind-damp headache:headache due to pathogenic wind-wetness 
 ✵The Wind-damp headache is also known as headache due to pathogenic wind-wetness.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Wind-damp headache, are commonly known including: a headache and head heavy(heaviness of the head, nose heavy), sense like wrapped, accompanied with symptoms observed heavy limbs, sleepy or drowsy, obstruction in the stomach duct and abdomen, sticky slimy sensation in the mouth, poor appetite, the tongue body fat big and pale white, white thick greasy coating on the tongue. Other possible symptoms observed might including pain in the head as if it were tightly bound, accompanied by a heaviness in the limbs, stuffiness in the chest, anorexia, white greasy tongue coating, and soft pulse.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons for a Wind-damp headache, are known from various origins, mainly because of attack of external wind-dampness pathogens.

Liver Yang Headache(headache due to hyperactivity of liver-YANG)
Liver Yang Headache:headache due to hyperactivity of liver-YANG 
 ✵The Liver Yang Headache is also known as a headache due to hyperactivity of liver-YANG.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Liver Yang Headache, are commonly known including: head swelling and distention and pain, sense like wrapped, dizziness and dazzled, pain on the left side are severe case, irritable impatient and easy angry, sleep restlessness, flushing, and bitterness in mouth, or accompanied with distending pain in hypochondrium. Other symptoms might observed including dizziness, irritability, irascibility, disturbed sleep, and wiry pulse.

 ✦ In the western system, this syndrome are often diagnosed as hypertension.

Phlegm turbid headache.
Phlegm turbid headache 
 ✵The Phlegm turbid headache is also known as phlegm-turbidity headache.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Phlegm turbid headache, are commonly known including: a headache and dazzled, fullness and oppression in the chest and stomach duct, vomit and sputum salivation, white greasy tongue coating turbidity, etc. Other possible symptoms might including pain and distension of the head associated with stuffiness in the chest, nausea, expectoration, white greasy tongue coating, and slippery pulse.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of Phlegm turbid headache are known from various origins, mainly because of the turbid phlegm.

Stagnant-blood headache.
Stagnant-blood headache 
 ✵The Stagnant-blood headache is also known as a headache or cephalea due to stagnant-blood.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Stagnant-blood headache, are commonly known including headache sense like stabbing or lancinating by knife, pain at one host and not change, chronic and not recovery in long years, many treatments normally failed, dark-purple tongue, etc. Other possible symptoms might including: a chronic headache, stabbing in character and fixed in location, often occurring after a traumatic injury.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of Stagnant-blood headache are known from various origins, mainly because of blood stagnant or blood stasis.

Nephrasthenia headache(headache due to kidney deficiency).
Nephrasthenia headache:headache due to kidney deficiency 
 ✵The Nephrasthenia headache is also known as headache due to kidney deficiency.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Nephrasthenia headache, are commonly known including: empty pain in the head, dazzled and tinnitus, mental fatigue drowsy, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, observed spermatorrhea impotence of man, or morbid leucorrhea and dripping of lady.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of Nephrasthenia headache are known from various origins, mainly because of kidney insufficiency or deficiency, etc.

Qi-deficiency headache(headache with asthenia qi).
Qi-deficiency headache:headache with asthenia qi 
 ✵The Qi-deficiency headache is also known as a headache with asthenia Qi, or a headache due to deficiency of vital energy.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Qi-deficiency headache or a headache with asthenia Qi, are commonly known including: chronic headache attack, or pain in the head sometimes and not pain sometimes, heavy head, pale face(ghostly pale face), tired and lacking in strength, case turn severe if more work, fear cold. Other possible symptoms might be observed including: usually aggravated during exertion, accompanied by anorexia and lassitude, etc.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of Qi-deficiency headache(headache with asthenia qi) are known from various origins, mainly because of Qi deficiency.

Hematasthenic headache(headache due to deficiency of blood).
Hematasthenic headache:headache due to deficiency of blood 
 ✵The Hematasthenic headache is a headache ascribed to blood deficiency, also known as a blood-deficiency headache.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Hematasthenic headache, are commonly known including: pain the head, dizziness, scalp creepy(numb on scalp), or also with symptoms numbness of limb, sallow complexion, flustered palpitation and easy to panic, pale white lips and tongues, etc. Other possible symptoms observed including dizziness, pallor, and palpitation.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of a Hematasthenic headache are known from various origins, mainly because of blood deficiency.

Supra-orbital neuralgia(eyebrow bone pain,pain in the supra-orbital bone).
Supra-orbital neuralgia:eyebrow bone pain,pain in the supra-orbital bone 
 ✵The Supra-orbital neuralgia is also known as eyebrow bone pain, or pain in the supra-orbital bone.

 ✵ The symptoms of the Supra-orbital neuralgia, are commonly known including: pain in the supre-orbital bone or pain in the eyebrow bone, and normally no other symptoms observed.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of Supra-orbital neuralgia are known from various origins, the main reasons are not identified in exactness.

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