Vertigo and dizziness,black out:pathogenic reasons and types.
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Vertigo(black out).
✵The dizziness is the disordered state characterized by a sensation of unsteadiness with a feeling of movement within the head; The vertigo is a more serious state characterized by a sensation that either the environment or one's own body is revolving. In TCM, normally the dizziness and vertigo are discussed together in syndrome differentiation.
✵ The dizziness and vertigo, normally relieved once eyes closed in a mild case; or sense like on ship or wall and house collapse around, with fear and accompanied with symptoms nausea, vomiting, sweating in a severe case.
✵ The pathogenic reasons lead to dizziness and vertigo are complicated, in TCM, its pathogenic reasons are normally understood due to wind-heat counterflow to head, phlegm and turbidity stagnant and accumulated in the gastral cavity, or deficiency of Qi and insufficiency of blood, empty in marrow.
✵Common dizziness and vertigo introduced are mainly: Wind-fire vertigo(vertigo due to wind-heat), Liver Yang vertigo(dizziness due to hyperactivity of liver-YANG), Phlegm turbid vertigo(vertigo due to Phlegm turbid), Qi and blood deficiency vertigo, Nephrasthenia vertigo(vertigo due to kidney deficiency), etc.
Wind-fire vertigo(vertigo due to wind-heat).
✵The Wind-fire vertigo or Wind-heat vertigo(dizziness), also known as wind-fire dizziness, is dizziness or vertigo due to upward drive of pathogenic wind-heat. Its common symptoms are known including dizzy and vertigo sometimes, blackout and blurring vision, see stars, fidget and easily forget, flushing face, thirst or bitterness in the mouth, or also with symptoms yellow urine, defecate is dry and constipated.
✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of Wind-fire vertigo or Wind-heat vertigo(dizziness) are known from various origins, mainly from the attack of wind and heat or fire from exogenous or endogenous, etc.
Liver Yang vertigo(dizziness due to hyperactivity of liver-YANG).
✵The Liver Yang vertigo is also known as Liver Yang dizziness, is intermittent dizziness or vertigo due to up-rising of liver yang.
✵ The symptoms of the Liver Yang vertigo, are commonly known including dizziness and blurred vision(vertigo and dim eyesight), frequent fidget or angry and turned severe, flushing on face sometimes, or pale white face sometimes, dry mouth and do not want to drink water, fever in the core of palm and feet, irritability(petulant), dreaminess(dreamful, much dream), insomnia(lose sleep, wakefulness,agrypnia). Other symptoms might be observed including headache, insomnia, irritability and wiry pulse.
✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of Liver Yang vertigo are known from various origins, mainly because of the attack from the up-rising liver yang.
Phlegm turbid vertigo(vertigo due to Phlegm turbid).
✵The Phlegm turbid vertigo is also known as Phlegm turbid dizziness or vertigo due to Phlegm turbid.
✵ The symptoms of the Phlegm turbid vertigo, are commonly known including dizziness and vertigo, heavy head(nose heavy), head sense wrapped by cloth, dare not to open eyes, the sky and earth were spinning round once open eyes, sense like fall into abyss, accompanied with symptoms vomiting, flustered(palpitation),unstoppable sweating, white greasy and thick tongue coating, etc. Other symptoms might be observed including expectoration of sticky sputum, vomiting, palpitations, blurred vision, etc.
✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons for Phlegm turbid vertigo, are known from various origins, mainly because of attack of phlegm turbid accumulated and counterflow upward.
Qi and blood deficiency vertigo
✵The Qi and blood deficiency vertigo is also known as Qi and blood deficiency dizziness. It could also be classified into Blood-deficiency dizziness(vertigo) and Qi-deficiency dizziness(vertigo).
✵ The symptoms of the Qi and blood deficiency vertigo, are commonly known including dizziness or vertigo frequently, turned severe when tired or overwork, mental fatigue, tiredness, pale complexion(looks pale), pale white lips and tongue, panic shortness of breath.
✵ The Blood-deficiency dizziness(vertigo) is dizziness or vertigo ascribed to blood deficiency, its common symptoms are known: aggravation on exertion, pallor, insomnia, pale tongue, and thready pulse.
✵ The Qi-deficiency dizziness(vertigo) is dizziness or vertigo ascribed to Qi deficiency, its common symptoms are known: aggravation upon exertion, listlessness, poor appetite, pale tongue, and weak pulse.
Nephrasthenia vertigo(vertigo due to kidney deficiency).
✵The Nephrasthenia vertigo is also known as kidney-insufficiency dizziness(vertigo).
✵ The symptoms of the Nephrasthenia vertigo, are commonly known including: sense empty in head and dizziness vertigo, spirit languish(spirits are drooping), soreness and weakness of waist and knees, tinnitus(ringing in the ears), head-singing, spermatorrhea impotentia of man, or whites leucorrhoea and sexual apathy of lady. Cases of Kidney Yang-deficiency observed symptoms cold in limbs, fear cold whole body, frequent urination and much; cases of kidney Yin-deficiency symptoms fever in the core of palms and feet, vexation and hot flash(perturbed or upset, hectic fever).
✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of Nephrasthenia vertigo are known from various origins, mainly because of kidney insufficiency, kidney Yang-deficiency, kidney Yin-deficiency, etc.
Other Dizziness Vertigo.
✵The other types Dizziness Vertigo in TCM are introduced as:
✵ The Wind-cold dizziness(vertigo): the wind-cold dizziness or wind-cold vertigo is a kind of dizziness or vertigo due to exogenous pathogenic affection by wind and cold, its common symptoms are known including: usually accompanied by a headache, joint pain or general aching, and aversion to wind and cold.
✦ The Liver-fire dizziness(vertigo): the liver-fire dizziness or liver-fire vertigo is a kind of dizziness or vertigo due to liver fire induced by an emotional upset, its common symptoms are known including: accompanied by a headache, blood-shot eyes, irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, reddened tongue with yellowish coating, wiry and rapid pulse.