Wheeze,heavy breathing:pathogenic reasons and types.

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Wheeze(heavy breathing).
TCM Knowledge:Wheeze,heavy breathing 
 ✵The wheeze is difficult and labored breathing with a whistling sound. The wheezing disease is a morbid state characterized by difficult and labored breathing with a whistling sound. The wheeze is similar as but different from Dyspnea, the wheeze normally show symptoms panting, wheezing sound in the throat as water chick, it has a pathogenic root cause and attacks regularly. But Dyspnea symptoms rapid breathing, difficulty in breathing, and observed in various kinds of acute or chronic disease. The wheeze normally symptoms panting too.

 ✵ The Dyspnea, is known due to various pathogenic reasons, in the TCM system, known including excess syndrome or deficiency syndromes.

 ✵ Common Constipation introduced are mainly: cold wheezing(wheezing of cold type), heat wheezing(wheezing of heat type), etc.

Cold wheezing(wheezing of cold type).
Cold wheezing 
 ✦The Cold wheezing, is also known as wheezing of cold type, is a type of wheezing due to the cold pathogens.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Cold wheezing type, are commonly known including breathing rapidly, wheezing sound in throat, turn server when cold, dilute and clear phlegm, color whitish and depression in chest, blue-grey complexion(facial appearance grey and blue), no thirst in mouth, thirst and favor hot drink, pink-red tongue, white greasy tongue coating.

 ✧ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons for Cold wheezing type are known from various origins, mainly from the cold pathogens.

Heat wheezing(wheezing of heat type).
Heat wheezing 
 ✦The Heat wheezing is also known as wheezing of heat type.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Heat wheezing type, are commonly known including rapid breathing and rough breathing, wheezing in throat, rough breathing, turn server or attack when heat, phlegm yellow thick and sticky, difficult in spitting, depression, and heat in chest, red face, thirst and favor drinking, dark red tongue, yellow greasy tongue coating.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Heat wheezing type are known from various origins, mainly because of the heat pathogen, etc.

Syndromes after the wheezing
 ✦The cases of wheezing, most deficiency, in the lung, in the spleen, or in the kidney, so tonics and supplement remedy should be used after the relieve of the wheezing.

 ✧ The cases of lung deficiency, symptoms aversion to cold, spontaneous sweating, clear drivel, sneeze, short of breath.

 ✦ The cases of spleen deficiency, symptoms cough with much phlegm, no appetite, poor appetite(low food intake), epigastric distension and depression, fatigued limbs, fatigue and lazy to move.

 ✧ The cases of kidney deficiency, symptoms Qi counterflow and easy panting, short of breath, shortness of breath, lassitude in loin and legs(limp aching lumbus and legs), dizziness and tinnitus, spermatorrhea and premature ejaculation for man, leucorrhea dripping for women.

 ✦ The cases, should be treated with specific cases accordingly.

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