Dyspnea:pathogenic reasons and types.

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TCM Knowledge:Dyspnea 
 ✵The Dyspnea is a disease difficult and labored breathing, the dyspnea syndrome is a morbid state characterized by difficult and labored breathing.

 ✵ The Dyspnea, is known due to various pathogenic reasons, in the TCM system, known including exogenous pathogens and internal injury, or as a complication of other acute or chronic disease. It was classified into two classes: Dyspnea of excess type, Dyspnea of deficiency type.

 ✵ Common Constipation introduced are mainly: Dyspnea of excess type(Sthenia dyspnea), Dyspnea of deficiency type(Deficient dyspnea), etc.

Dyspnea of excess type(Sthenia dyspnea):Wind-cold Dyspnea.
Dyspnea of excess type 
 ✦The Wind-cold Dyspnea, is also known as Dyspnea of the wind-cold type, is a type of dyspnea due to the wind and cold pathogens, it is a kind of Dyspnea of excess type.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Wind-cold Dyspnea type, are commonly known including rapid breathing and rough breathing, stifling oppression in the chest, relieved when breathed, often accompanied cough, clear and diluted phlegm in white and with foam, aversion to cold, headache, no sweating, mouth moistening and not thirst, thin white tongue coating.

 ✧ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons for Wind-cold Dyspnea type are known from various origins, mainly from the exogenous cold and wind pathogens.

Dyspnea of excess type(Sthenia dyspnea):Phlegm Dyspnea.
Dyspnea of excess type 
 ✦The Phlegm Dyspnea is also known as Dyspnea of the phlegm-turbidity type, or dyspnea due to the phlegm and turbidity.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Phlegm Dyspnea type, are commonly known including rapid breathing and rough breathing, with a cough, or with vomit, thick and sticky phlegm much, difficulty in spitting, oppression in the chest(choking sensation in chest) and breathlessness, dyspnea relieved once phlegm spit out, turbid and greasy tongue coating, other symptoms might be observed: tachypnea with phlegmatic sound, cough, and stuffiness of the chest.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Phlegm Dyspnea type are known from various origins, mainly because of the turbid and phlegm, excessive phlegm in the lung, etc.

Dyspnea of deficiency type(Deficient dyspnea):Lung-Deficiency Dyspnea.
Dyspnea of deficiency type 
 ✦The Lung-Deficiency Dyspnea type is also known as Dyspnea of the lung deficiency type, is a kind of dyspnea due to the deficiency of lung.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Lung-Deficiency Dyspnea type, are commonly known including rapid breathing and rough breathing, low voice and weak, mental fatigue(lassitude, tired), spontaneous sweating, turn worse in exercise, aversion to cold and wind, pale tongue, looks pale(pale complexion). In some cases, symptoms might also be observed: thin and diluted phlegm, aversion to cold and prefer warm, this is the case of lung deficiency with coldness; thick phlegm and difficult in spitting, dry mouth, and thirst, flushing frequently, this is the case of lung deficiency with heat.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Lung-Deficiency Dyspnea type are known from various origins, mainly because of the lung deficiency.

Dyspnea of deficiency type(Deficient dyspnea):Kidney-Deficiency Dyspnea.
Dyspnea of deficiency type 
 ✦The Kidney-Deficiency Dyspnea type is also known as Dyspnea of the kidney deficiency type, is a kind of Dyspnea due to kidney deficiency.

 ✧ The symptoms of the Kidney-Deficiency Dyspnea type, are commonly known including dyspnea in a long period, exhalation more than inhalation, breathing could not continue, turn worse in exercise or work, feel relieved when take a long breath, mental fatigue(lassitude), close eyes and looks like sleeping, cold in limbs(cold in hands and feet), looks pale and blue(pale and blue complexion), frequent spontaneous perspiration(spontaneous sweating), pale tender tongue, frequent urination and polyuria(diuresis), clear and white urine.

 ✦ In the TCM system, the pathogenic reasons of the Kidney-Deficiency Dyspnea type are known from various origins, mainly because of the kidney-Yang deficiency, or kidney-Yin deficiency.

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