Introduction of the Qi-blood syndrome differentiation.
✵The Qi-blood syndrome differentiation, also known as Qi-Blood Pattern Identification, is the differentiation of syndromes or identification of patterns according to the state of Qi and blood.
Introduction of the syndromes of the Qi-blood.
Introduction: The syndrome of the Qi-blood syndrome is a collective term for diseases(or syndromes) of the Qi and blood.
✦Qi deficiency: (1).a general term denoting the decline of Qi activity manifested by shortness of breath, weak voice, lassitude, listlessness and sweating upon middle exertion, mostly caused by overfatigue or protracted illness,(2).the term particularly denoting deficiency of lung Qi,(2).abbreviation for Qi deficiency syndrome.
✵Qi deficiency syndrome: syndrome of insufficiency of genuine Qi with diminished function of the internal viscera, marked by shortness of breath, lassitude, listlessness, spontaneous sweating, pale tongue, and pulse of deficiency type.
✦Blood deficiency: a morbid condition characterized by insufficiency of blood to nourish viscera, tissues, and meridians, usually resulting from profuse bleeding or chronic hemorrhage, or impaired blood production due to diminished function of the internal viscera, especially the spleen.
✵Blood deficiency syndrome: syndrome marked by pale or sallow complexion, pale lips and nails, dizziness, dimmed vision, palpitation, numbness of extremities, and thready pulse.
✦Qi-blood dual deficiency: (1).a diminished supply of both Qi and blood to the body,(2).abbreviation for Qi-blood dual deficiency syndrome.
✦Qi-blood dual deficiency syndrome: a syndrome marked by listlessness, lack of strength, shortness of breath, pale or sallow complexion, dizziness, dimmed vision, pale lips and nails, palpitation, insomnia, pale tongue, and weak pulse.
✧Qi depression: (1).a morbid condition often caused by emotional depression involving liver Qi;(2).abbreviation for Qi depression syndrome.
✧Qi depression syndrome: a syndrome marked by a feeling of distension in the chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, irritability, irascibility, anorexia, and menstrual disorders in women.
✦Qi stagnation: (1).a pathological change characterized by the impeded circulation of Qi that leads to a local obstruction manifested as distension or pain in the affected part;(2).abbreviation for Qi stagnation syndrome.
✦Qi stagnation syndrome: a syndrome resulting from the stagnation of Qi, marked by thoracic, hypochondriac, epigastric and abdominal distention or pain, on and off, often ameliorated by sighing or belching.
✧Qi stagnation blood-stasis: (1).coexistence of Qi stagnation and blood stasis.or (2).Qi stagnation with blood stasis: a morbid condition in which long-standing stagnation of Qi leads to blood stasis, marked by aggreviation of local pain with tenderness, and even formation of mass.
✧Qi stagnation blood-stasis syndrome: a syndrome resulting from Qi stagnation and blood stasis, marked by a scurrying or stabbing pain in the thoracic, hypochondriac, epigastric or abdominal region with or without mass formation, purple tongue or purple-spotted tongue, wiry and choppy pulse, also known as Qi-blood-stagnation syndrome.
✦Qi deficiency and blood stasis: (1).a morbid condition characterized by the coexistence of Qi deficiency and blood stasis;(2).a morbid condition in which deficiency of Qi leads to blood stasis.
✧Syndrome of Qi deficiency and blood stasis: a syndrome marked by manifestations of blood stasis such as stabbing pain fixed in the location together with listlessness, lassitude, shortness of breath and sweating upon mild exertion showing Qi deficiency.
1.Introduction of the Qi-blood syndrome differentiation.