Introduction of Boswellin:Resin of Boswellia serrata.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Boswellin, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Boswellia serrata Roxb, with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Boswellin, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Boswellin(Resin of Boswellia serrata).

yellowish Resin grains of Boswellia serrata are piled together English Name: Boswellin
 Latin Name: Boswellia serrata Roxb.
 Common Names: Frankincense tree, olibanum tree, etc.
 Property and flavor: warm in nature, tastes pungent and bitter.

 Brief introduction: Boswellin is the gummy resin from the bark of Boswellia serrata, the resin is extracted and purified for use, and the oleogum resin is obtained by incision or produced by spontaneous exudation from the stem and branches of Boswellia serrata Roxb. The specific name, serrata, comes from serra, a saw, referring to the toothed leaf margins.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Boswellin as the resin of the species (1).Boswellia serrata Roxb. It is a plant species of the Boswellia genus, the Burseraceae family (frankincense family). The resin is used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Boswellia serrata Roxb

 Botanical description: Boswellia serrata is a deciduous tree, it normally grows into a tree with a explanate crown and drooping branches, its bole is 3~5 meters long, it grows up to 9~15 meters high, its bark is very thin, greyish-green, ashy or reddish with a chlorophyll layer beneath the thin outer layer, which peels off in thin, chartaceous (papery) flakes. Leaves are alternate, 20~45 cm long, crowded towards the ends of the branches, leaflets are 17~30 cm long, opposite, basal pairs are often small, sessile, lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate, crenate, and variable in size.

 Flowers are white, 10~20 cm long, shorter than the leaves, crowded towards the ends of branches, but not terminal. The calyx is persistent, pubescent outside, 5 to 7-toothed, petals 5~7 erect, free, and 0.5 cm long. Fruits are 1.3 cm long, trigonous, with three valves and three cordate, 1-seeded pyrenes, winged, along with the edges.

 Its flowering period is from January to March or April, the fruiting period is from May to June. The leaves turn yellowish to light brown before they nearly fall in December.

 Boswellia serrata Roxb:growing small tree in arid field Ecological environment: Boswellia serrata grows in tropical regions of Africa and South Asia, mainly in tropical dry deciduous forests, on the slopes and ridges of hills, on flat terrain, it is resistant to drought and fire.

 Growth characteristics: Boswellia serrata is resistant to drought and fire, it grows on rocky ridges, and also grows well on neutral soils above gneiss, schist, limestone, and sandstone, the species can thrive in the poorest and shallowest soils where most of its associates remain stunted.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.anti-inflammatory activity; ②.hepatic protection effect; etc.

 Medicinal efficacy: Traditionally, the resin of Boswellia serrata is used by native tribes of South Asia as a remedy for anti-inflammatory and rheumatic disease, painful joint disease, and other inflammatory conditions in joints, they also use it to treat diarrhea, fungal infections such as ringworm, boils, etc. It is used in North America mainly for the treatment of rheumatic disorders, minor arthritis-associated aches, and pains, moisturizing dry skin, shrinking wrinkles, it is used in the treatment of osteoarthritis for its anti-inflammatory effect, etc. Its essential oil is also used in oriental perfumes.

 Administration of Boswellin (Resin of Boswellia serrata): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Boswellin (Resin of Boswellia serrata)
Herbal classic books: Boswellin is recommended in a dosage of 200 mg capsule three times a day.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Boswellin has been used for centuries in South Asia, in addition, none of the scientific evidence collected so far indicates that boswellin poses a significant risk of harm. Its main side effects are gastrointestinal problems (epigastric pain, heartburn, nausea, and diarrhea.), skin rash, and potential liver damage. However, most of these side effects only appear when Boswellia serrata is used in high concentrations; moderate use is rarely associated with negative side effects.




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