Introduction of Carrot:Garden carrot or Wild carrot.
✵The article gives records of the herb Carrot, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source plant species, ①.Daucus carota L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Carrot, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Carrot(Garden carrot).
English Name: Carrot.
Latin Name: Garden carrot:Daucus carota L.subsps.sativus(Hoffm) Arcang.,or wild carrot:Daucus carota L.subsps.carota.
Common Names: wild carrot, daucus, Queen Anne's lace, Philtron.
Property and flavor: neutral in nature, tastes sweet.
Brief introduction: Carrot is the root of the Daucus carota L, it is a common vegetable and is now cultivated all over the world, the root, seed, seed oil, and root oil are used.
Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Carrot as the root of the species (1).Daucus carota L.var. sativus Hoffm. It is a plant species of the Daucus genus, the Apiaceae family (Umbelliferae, parsley family). The dried fruit and essential oil from the ripe fruit are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Daucus carota L.var. sativus Hoffm.
Botanical description: Daucus carota is a biennial plant, it grows up to 15~100 cm tall. Stems are solitary, all with white hirsute. Basal leaves are membranous, oblong, two to three pinnatifid, terminal segments linear or lanceolate, 2~15 mm long, 0.5~4 mm wide, the apex is sharp, with small cusps, smooth or there are hispid; petioles are 3~12 cm long; cauline leaves are subsessile, with leaf sheaths, and the ultimate lobes are small or slender.
Compound umbels, the peduncle is 10~55 cm long, with hispid hairs; involucral bracts with many bracts, leaf-like, pinnately divided, rarely indehiscent, lobes are linear, 3~30 mm long; umbrella spokes many, 2~7.5 cm long, outer margins incurved when fruiting; involucral bracteoles 5~7, linear, undivided or 2-3-lobed, the margin is membranous, ciliated; flowers are usually white, sometimes with pale red; peduncle is unequal, 3~10 mm long. The fruit is oval, 3~4 mm long, and 2 mm wide, with white thorns on the edges. The flowering period is from May to July.
Carrot (Daucus carota L.var.sativa Hoffm.) is a variant of wild carrot (Daucus carota L. var. carota). The difference between this variant and the original variant is that the root is succulent, long conical, thick, red, or yellow.
Ecological environment: Carrot originated in southwest Asia, with Afghanistan as the earliest evolution center, and its cultivation history is more than 2,000 years. It was introduced into the European continent from Iran in the 10th century A.D., found in Britain in the 15th century, and developed into a European ecotype, specially cultivated in the Mediterranean coastal area. It was introduced to America in the 16th century. Likewise, it was introduced into China from Iran in the 13th century. Now, carrot is found in its cultivated form all over the world.
Growth characteristics: Carrots prefer a cool climate, the suitable growth temperature is between 15 and 25 °C(Celsius, or 59~77 degrees Fahrenheit), and they like strong light and relatively dry air conditions. The soil requires alternation of dry and wet, abundant water, and loose, transparent, and fertile. Big temperature difference, sufficient and comprehensive nutrients are conducive to the construction form of succulent roots, guarantee high content of carotene and lycopene. Carrots are drought-tolerant, especially in the seedling stage, they can grow normally in soil with 30~50% water content.
Pharmacological actions: ①.source of beta-carotene; ②.liver protect; ③.alpha-carotene source; ④.lower cholesterol; ⑤.laxative effect; ⑥.other effect; etc.
The main nutritional value of carrot is that it is a source of beta-carotene, beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, it has some cancer-preventing effects, it is also useful for healthy eyesight. Garden carrot was found to show some liver protection effect, it could help to protect the liver from carbon tetrachloride poisoning, carbon tetrachloride is a solvent commonly used in dry cleaning fluids, it caused health problems in people working in the dry cleaning industry; other animal studies found carrot has lower blood pressure effect, dilate vessels and relax smooth muscles in animal studies. Other studies state carrot is rich in alpha-carotene, which can inhibit tumor cell formation and DNA mutagenic changes, lower risks of heart disease, and extend life span; the component vitamin A and beta-carotene could help prevent night blindness, and protect eyes; carrot is rich in plant fibers and easy to expand in the large intestine, it could improve the intestinal peristalsis, free constipation and prevent cancer; other studies found beta-carotene could help reduce furrows.
Medicinal efficacy: The herb carrot is mainly recommended to promote healthy eyes, aid digestion, lower cholesterol, and prevent cancer. It is used in Europe to promote urination, prevent parasites, and break bladder stones. Carrot seeds are used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, stimulate menstruation, prevent conception, and relieve gas. Seed oil was ever used for parasites, diabetes, and kidney disease, as an aphrodisiac. Root oil was used as sun-screens, yellow food color, as a source of vitamin A and beta-carotene.
In TCM works, carrot is recorded with functions that benefit the spleen and harmonize the middle, nourish the liver and improve acuity of vision, preventing phlegm from forming and stopping coughing, clearing heat, and detoxification. It is indicated for spleen deficiency and poor appetite, physical weakness and fatigue, epigastric abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery, dim sighted, night blindness, cough and dyspnea, whooping cough, swelling and pain in the throat, measles, varicella, furuncle swelling, soup and burning injury, anal fistula, etc.
Administration of Carrot (Garden carrot):
Administration Guide of Carrot (Garden carrot)
Herbal classic books and TCM Books:
In North America, carrot is advised 1 to 2 cups of carrot juice or 1 to 2 raw carrots daily. In TCM works, carrot is recommended internally as water decoction, 30~120 grams, or taken raw, or extract juice, or cook and take; externally proper amount, cook and mashed before applying a coating, or cut into slices and apply to coat warmly. In Europe, the herb is taken in a ground form or consumed as a juice or vegetable, the carrot is finely grated and made into a juice or syrup.
Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Evidence indicates that both the vegetable and the oils are safe to consume in moderation. But carrot seeds should not be used much, it contains a psychoactive agent myristicin, which raises the risks of neurologic reactions if taken in large amounts. Contact with wet carrot leaves may lead to sensitive reactions including skin irritation and blisters, especially when you are then exposed to the sun.
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1.Introduction of Carrot:Garden carrot or Wild carrot.