✵There are Totally [24] kinds of herbs, [23] kinds of related plant species, [2] kinds of related green alga species, [1] kinds of related animal species, are recorded and introduced, till the date April 5th, 2022.
Brief Introduction: Calendula is also known as Potmarigold Calendula, garden marigold is its popular name, it is native to Southern Europe, and today it grows in gardens and parks throughout the world. Europeans and Americans like to cut out the stems of marigolds for viewing in bottles. Marigold is the flower that informs the Virgin Mary of pregnancy, its flower language is relief and charity.
Brief Introduction: Calliopsis is previously known as Calliopsis bicolor. Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. is an important traditional medicine in North America, Europe, and Asia for quite a long historical period, which has received great attention due to its health-benefiting activities, including disinfection, treatment of sexual infection, diarrhea, acute and chronic dysentery, red-eye swelling as well as pain, heat, thirst, hypertension, palpitation, gastrointestinal discomfort, and loss of appetite.
Brief Introduction: The caraway fruit is a kind of spice, it can be used for culinary purposes and medicine. The fruit looks like cumin, but it tastes like fennel, it is a spice easy to confuse, fruits can be used as spices for cooking various foods such as sausages, barbecues, stuffing, pickles, etc. Their green leaves can sometimes be eaten as herbs, except for uses as a spice and flavoring in various food, the fruit oil is also used in digestive liqueurs, and as a fragrance in lotions, mouthwashes, and cosmetics.
Brief Introduction: Carrot is the root of the Daucus carota L, it is a common vegetable and is now cultivated all over the world, the root, seed, seed oil, and root oil are used.The dried fruit and essential oil from the ripe fruit are used medicinally.
Cascara Sagrada.
Brief Introduction: Cascara Sagrada is the aged bark of Rhamnus purshiana D.C., a shrub or small tree native to the western area of North America, it is used as a potent laxative, suitable for delicate and elderly persons, and is very useful in cases of chronic constipation.
Brief Introduction: The aromatic, fuzzy gray-green leaves and white flowering tops of this member of the mint family are famous for exciting cats. It is traditionally used in England and France as a kitchen and medicinal herb and was used occasionally as a stimulating drink until the introduction of black tea.
Cat's Claw.
Brief Introduction: Cat's claw is a twining, woody vine that grows throughout the tropics of the South America continent. The herb derives its name from its claw-shaped thorns. It is used as alternative medicine in the treatment of a variety of ailments.
Brief Introduction: Eastern red cedar is also known as Red Juniper, its leaves, the blue-green fruit, the wood, and wood oil have been used medicinally, it was used by Native Americans for centuries to treat various ailments.
Celery Seed.
Brief Introduction: Apium graveolens is a member of the Apiaceae family and a relative of dill and carrots, celery is one of the oldest vegetables ever used in recorded history, celery seed was used traditionally as a seasoning and medicine, for fluid retention, colds, arthritis, indigestion, liver disease.
Brief Introduction: A well-known herbal remedy with a long history of use, chamomile is still much used in modern herbalism and also as the source of essential oil. It is both harvested from the wild and also cultivated in moderate quantities.
Brief Introduction: Stellaria media is an annual plant, it grows in temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The herb is harvested from the wild for local use as a pot herb, a leaf vegetable for salads and greens, and medicine.
Brief Introduction: Cichorium intybus is a tall perennial member of the daisy family, many varieties of the chicory are cultivated, and grow freely as a weed in many parts of the world, it was introduced into North America in the late 19th century.
Brief Introduction: Chives are native to Asia and enjoy popularity as a winter kitchen herb. It is a perennial plant and belongs to the lily family, which also includes leeks, garlic, onion, and shallots, it is used for its oniony flavor as a seasoning.
Brief Introduction: Chlorella is a kind of seaweed, it grows in water, this tiny seaweed is consisting of single-celled algae, and various species of chlorella are used to make dietary supplements. It must be specially processed for medical use, do not try to collect it on your own.
Brief Introduction: Cleavers is a climbing herb, it grows widely in Asia, America, Europe, and Africa. Traditionally, the herb cleavers was used for centuries as a diuretic and other health problems. As a weed, it mainly harms wheat fields and cole fields.
Brief Introduction: Cocoa is native to tropical America. The cocoa cake obtained by fermentation, coarse crushing, and peeling of cocoa beans, which is the powder after defatting and crushing the cocoa cake, is cocoa powder. It is mostly used in the production of coffee, chocolate, and beverages, and is also an important ingredient in chocolate cake.
Cod-liver oil.
Brief Introduction: Cod-liver oil is a concentrated oil from cold-water codfish, it contains the fat-soluble vitamin A and vitamin D and is relatively low in saturated fatty acids, Cod-liver oil is used as a source for essential fatty acids (EFAs) such as omega-3s like eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA).
Brief Introduction: Collisonia is a plant of the mint family, its leaves have a lemony scent, the herb is commonly known as stone root, traditionally it was used to induce perspiration, and as a diuretic.
Brief Introduction: Comfrey is a stout perennial plant, it has rough, piliferous stems and lance-shaped leaves, and bears clusters of campanulate (bell-shaped) purplish to pale yellow flowers.Comfrey herb consists of the fresh or dried above-ground parts of Symphytum officinale, comfrey leaf consists of the fresh or dried leaf, and comfrey root consists of the fresh or dried root section.
Brief Introduction: Coriander is the small ribbed brown fruit of the Coriandrum sativum, its leaves are known as cilantro or Chinese parsley. The tender stems and fresh leaves of Coriandrum sativum have a special fragrance, which is often used as an ornament and flavor enhancer for dishes, and it is one of the best vegetables that people like to eat.
Couch grass.
Brief Introduction: Couch grass is the rhizome, roots, and stems of Agropyron repens, its nutritious underground stems were consumed by cattle, and were used by humans as a coffee or flour substitute in times of famine.
Brief Introduction: Cowslip is native to Europe but now grows in many parts of the world, it has sweet-smelling, golden-yellow flowers that grow in clusters.Cowslip flower is the dried, whole flowers with calyx of Primula veris as well as its preparations. Cowslip root is the dried rhizome with roots of Primula veris.
Cramp bark.
Brief Introduction: The bark of this North American shrub or tree is used medicinally. Its seasonal white flowers, lobed leaves, and bright red oval fruit may have been used at one time as well. It also grows in parts of Europe.
Brief Introduction: Cranberry is the well-known red acidic fruit or berry of a small evergreen shrub. Many species are cultivated throughout the United States, especially in Washington and Massachusetts. The medicinal part of cranberry is the juice from the berries.