Introduction of Forskolin:Coleus forskohlii and other Coleus species.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Forskolin, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Coleus forskohlii., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Forskolin, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Forskolin(Coleus forskohlii).

pink flowers of Coleus forskohlii grow on flower spikes English Name: Forskolin.
 Latin Name: Coleus forskohlii and other Coleus species.
 Property and flavor: specific.

 Brief introduction: Forskolin is a component in the rootstock of a small, perennial mint-family member plant, Coleus forskohlii, it grows in tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia. Other Coleus species are reportedly used as well. The plants are commonly grown as garden annuals or potted plants for their colorful foliage.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Forskolin as the component of the species (1). Coleus forskohlii. It is a plant species of the Coleus genus, the Labiatae family (Lamiaceae, mint family). The root is used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Coleus forskohlii.

 flowering plant of Coleus forskohlii with purple flower spike and green leaves grow in field Botanical description: Coleus forskohlii is an upright herb. Stems are stout, about 40 cm tall, obtuse quadrangular, with four grooves, and branches, covered by explanate villous, and dense at the upper part. The leaves are oval, the apex is blunt or tapering, the base is wide cuneate (wedge-shaped), and it gradually narrows down to the petiole. The edges are crenate, nearly succulent, and both surfaces are densely villous. There are about 4 pairs of lateral veins, which are flat with the midrib on both sides. The petiole is about 1.5 cm long or shorter, with a flat abdomen and convex back, and densely villous. The cymes have 6 flowers, and most of them are arranged in racemes up to 11 cm long; Bracts are broadly ovoid, with a sharp tail at the apex, membranous, sparsely glandular dots, and puberulent, with marginal hairs, sessile, and shedding at flowering.

 Calyx is campanulate (bell-shaped), about 6 mm long, densely villous, with 5 calyx teeth, enlarged posterior teeth, cordate, the apex is short and tapered, other 4 teeth are subulate-lanceolate, lateral teeth are shorter. The corolla is purple-blue, 12~15 mm long, covered with sparse glands, bent downward, throat part is enlarged, the crown is bilabiate (two-lipped), the upper lip is 4-lobed, lobes are unequal, the lower lip is elongated, oblong, concave, and boat-shaped. 4 stamens, nearly extended or included, filaments below the middle part form a sheath. The style is beyond the stamens, the apex is equal to 2-lobed, and the lobes are linear. The front of the disc swells. Nutlets are round and compressed. It flowers in September.

 flowering plants of Coleus forskohlii with flower spikes and green leaves grow in field Ecological environment: Coleus forskohlii is native to South Asia, it grows in subtropical and temperate regions, including Nepal, Sri Lanka.

 Pharmacological actions:  ①.activate adenylate cyclase; ②.relieve asthma; ③.lower intraocular pressure; ④.lower blood pressure; etc.

 Medicinal efficacy: Forskolin has been used for respiratory disorders such as asthma, to treat heart disease, painful urination, insomnia, convulsions, chest pain, and skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. It is used for high blood pressure and glaucoma.

 Administration of Forskolin (Coleus forskohlii): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Forskolin (Coleus forskohlii)
Herbal classic books: Dosage: The extract standardized to contain 18% forskolin is commonly taken in a capsule with a dosage of 50 mg, a total of 9 mg of forskolin, two to three times per day.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Individuals who have low blood pressure or peptic ulcers or who are on prescription medications for such conditions as asthma should exercise extra care in taking this herb or its derivatives, if not avoid them altogether.




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