Introduction of Fumitory:Common fumitory or Hedge fumitory.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Fumitory, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Fumaria officinalis L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Fumitory, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Fumitory(Hedge fumitory).

purple flower spike of Fumaria officinalis English Name: Fumitory.
 Latin Name: Fumaria officinalis L.
 Common Names: Common fumitory, Earth-smoke, Hedge fumitory, Wax dolls, Vapor, Beggary, Fumus, etc.
 Property and flavor: The herb has a bitter, salty taste.

 Brief introduction: Fumaria officinalis is a limp-branched annual plant, it bears delicate bluish-green leaves, clusters of tubular, small fruits, and crimson-tipped flowers. It is native to Europe and Asia and can be found growing wild along roadsides and waste places in parts of North America as well. The leaves, stems, and flowers are used medicinally.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Fumitory as the dried herb of the species (1).Fumaria officinalis L. It is a plant species of the Fumaria genus, the Fumariaceae family (fumitory family). The dried herb and the above-ground parts of the fresh flowering plant are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Fumaria officinalis L.

 flowering plant of Fumaria officinalis with three purple flower spikes grow in field,and green leaves Botanical description: Fumaria officinalis is a herbaceous annual plant, it grows 10~50 cm high and has a tender, upright, angular, branched, hollow and glabrous stem which, like the leaves, is bluish-green. The leaves are alternate and divided into tripinnate sections. They are petiolate, double pinnate, soft with petioled palmate, or pinnatifid pinna.

 The short-pedioled flowers are in upright, dense, terminal racemes opposite the leaves, and are 5~8 mm long. The outer petals are rounded at the front and are crimson to pink. But like the inner petals, they are dark-red to black at the tip and have a green keel. The fruit is achene, which appears in the flowering season, is nutlike, globular, slightly flattened at the side, green, and has a dent in the top.

 flowering plants of Fumaria officinalis with purple flowers grow in sunny field Ecological environment: The plant is native to the Mediterranean region to all of Europe and Siberia. The herb has been introduced into North and South America. The plant grows in arable land and as a weed in gardens, usually on lighter soils. It is also found growing on old walls.

 Growth characteristics: The plant prefers light, well-drained soil in a sunny position. This plant can be a common weed in some gardens, self-sowing freely, though it is fairly easy to control by hand weeding. The flowers are seldom visited by insects, but they are self-fertile and usually set every seed.

 Characters of herbs: Fumitory herb is dried, above ground parts of Fumaria officinalis, it is collected during the flowering season.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.reduce spasms; ②.alleviate colic; ③.relieve psoriasis; etc.

 Fumitory reduces spasms in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, its antispasmodic action is identified mainly attributed to the component alkaloid protopine, fumitory can alleviate acute biliary colic and even chronic dyskinesia or movement disorders. The herb is traditionally used for skin eruptions, its component fumaric acid is used for psoriasis today.

 Medicinal efficacy: Fumitory was used as a diuretic to increase urination for centuries, as a laxative for constipation, and as a balm for skin eruptions. The herb may benefit high blood pressure and heart conditions. Its primary use today is for cramp-like, spastic biliary pains and constipation. In Europe, the herb is approved for liver and gallbladder complaints, spastic discomfort in the area of the gallbladder and bile ducts, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. In folk medicine, the herb has been used for skin diseases, constipation, cystitis, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism, and arthritis, as a blood purifier, for hypoglycemia, and infections. In homeopathy, the herb is used for chronic, itching eczema resulting from liver disease.

 Administration of Fumitory (Hedge fumitory): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Fumitory (Hedge fumitory)
Herbal classic books: An average dosage is 6 grams daily. An infusion is made using 1 and a quarter to 2 teaspoons, about 2~3 grams of the herb, and is drunk up to twice per day. In Europe, it is recommended to drink the freshly prepared, still-warm infusion 30 minutes before meals. The herb sap is taken in 2~4 ml doses. Infusions for gallbladder complaints, drink 1 warm cup 30 minutes before meals. Pressed juice, 2 to 3 teaspoons, about 2.4~3.5 grams herb daily as a cold or hot infusion. The herb should be stored and protected from light and moisture.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: There are no reports of serious adverse reactions to the herb, the herb is safe to take over several weeks. But large doses may cause diarrhea and stomachache. The herb should be avoided in those with fits and epilepsy. Contraindicated with glaucoma patients. Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding.




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  • 1.Introduction of Fumitory:Common fumitory or Hedge fumitory.

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