Introduction of Lotus Leaf:warer lotus or dried lotus leaves.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Lotus Leaf, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Lotus Leaf, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Lotus Leaf(dried lotus leaves).

green lotus leaves and a pink lotus flower bud English Name: Lotus Leaf.
 Latin Name: Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
 Common Names: Sacred Lotus, Oriental Lotus, Water Lotus, dried lotus leaves, etc.
 Property and flavor: Lotus leaf is neutral in nature, it tastes bitter and puckery.

 Brief introduction: Lotus leaf is the dried leaf of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn, it is cultivated in China, Central Asia and West Asia, North America, in China lotus has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. The dried lotus leaf is used as herbal medicine, it functions by clearing heat and relieving summer heat, sending up the lucid yang, eliminating stasis to activate blood circulation, and stanch bleeding, lotus leaf is also enjoyed as a herbal tea for weight loss.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Lotus Leaf as the dried leaf of the species (1). Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. It is a plant species of the Nelumbo genus, the Nymphaeaceae family (water lily family). The dried leaves are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.

 plants of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn with a pink lotus flower and big green lotus leaves Botanical description: Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn is a perennial aquatic herb. The rhizome is transverse, thick, with enlarged internodes, many longitudinal air holes, and beard-like adventitious roots grow on the surface. Leaves grow from node and are exposed to the water; Petiole inserted in the center of leaf back, stout, cylindrical and spiny; The leaves are round, 25~90 cm in diameter, whole-edge or slightly wavy, pink-green on the upper surface, leaf veins radiate from the center, and unifurcate to bifurcated branches on the back surface.

 several flowering plants of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn with pink lotus flower grow in water Flowers are solitary at the top of the pedicle, which is as long as a petiole or slightly longer, and there are also scattered spines; Flowers are 10~20 cm in diameter, fragrant, red, pink, or white; Petals are oval or obovate, 5~10 cm long and 3~5 cm wide; Stamens are numerous, anthers are strip-shaped, filaments are slender, and they are inserted in one of the receptacles; The carpels are mostly buried in the inflated receptacle, the ovary is oval, and the style is extremely short.

 green lotus pod grows on stems with leaves After the flowering it bears a lotus seedpod, which is an inverted cone shape with a diameter of 5~10 cm and 20~30 small holes, each of which contains one fruit; Nuts are oval or egg-shaped, 1.5~2.5 cm long, coriaceous, hard and dark brown when mature. Seeds are oval or egg-shaped, 1.2~1.7 cm long, the seed coat is red or white. Its flowering period is from June to August and fruiting from August to October.

 plants of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn,flowering lotus plant with a big white lotus flower Ecological environment: Lotus grows in marshes, ponds, lakes, or paddy fields, wild or cultivated. Lotus generally grow in subtropical and temperate regions such as China, Central and West Asia, North America. In China, lotus has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. There are still wild lotus flowers in some remote places in Asia, but most of them are planted artificially for landscape ornament and food. For example, lotus leaves are planted as economic crops in China.

 Growth characteristics: Lotus is a perennial rhizomatous aquatic plant of the Nymphaeaceae family, which likes warmth and water, but water can't drown lotus leaves. When the water temperature is not lower than 5 °C (Celsius, or 41 degrees Fahrenheit), the seed lotus roots begin to germinate at 8~10 °C (Celsius, or 46.4~50 degrees Fahrenheit), and the lotus roots grow at 14 °C (Celsius, or 57.2 degrees Fahrenheit). At 23~30 °C (Celsius, or 73.4~86 degrees Fahrenheit), the lotus roots grow faster, take out the vertical leaves and pedicles, and bloom. The growing period requires sufficient sunshine, and it needs to grow in shallow water with a water depth of 50~80 cm and a small flow rate. Lotus likes to grow in the fertile, slightly acidic rootstock with rich organic matter.

 dried pale green lotus leaf square pieces Characters of herbs: Lotus leaf is harvested at the end of the flowering from June to September, removing the petiole, drying to 70% to 80% dryness, folding into a semicircle, and drying in the sun. The leaves are mostly folded into a semicircle or a fan shape, and after being unfolded, they are like a round peltate (round shield-shaped), with a diameter of 20~50 cm, and are completely or slightly wavy. The upper surface is dark green or yellowish green, rough; The lower surface is grayish brown, smooth, with 21~22 thick veins, which shoot from the center to all sides, and there are protruding petiole residues in the center. The texture is crispy and easily broken. It has a slightly clear aroma and a slightly bitter taste. The lotus leaf should be stored in a sealed, moisture-proof place, or in a dry and ventilated place.

 dried green square pieces of lotus leaf herb are piled in a plate Pharmacological actions: ①.antimitotic effect; ②.lipid-lowering; ③.antipyretic action; ④.antibacterial effect; ⑤.spasmolytic effect;etc.

 The chemical components of dried lotus leaf mainly include nuciferine, citric acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, oxalic acid, succinic acid, and other alkaline components with antimitotic effects. As the main lipid-lowering active components in the lotus leaf, research shows that the lotus leaf has antipyretic, antibacterial, and spasmolytic effects. The processed dried lotus leaves are bitter, slightly salty, nature pungent, and cool, and have the functions of clearing summer heat, promoting diuresis, invigorating yang, dispelling blood stasis, and stopping bleeding. It has been widely used in the weight loss treatment of obese patients.

 lotus leaf tea herb pieces are piled in a small plate The slimming effect of lotus leaf: lotus leaf was used by Chinese as a good herb medicine for slimming since ancient times. Because lotus leaves have simple diuretic and laxative effects. Its chemical components mainly include nuciferine, citric acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, oxalic acid, succinic acid, and other alkaline components with anti-mitotic effects. Lotus leaf tea contains a variety of effective lipid-reducing alkaloids, which can effectively decompose the body fat and excrete it strongly. Lotus leaf alkali can strongly cover the intestinal wall of the human body, forming a layer of fat isolation film to prevent fat absorption and accumulation. It can improve greasy eating habits, and it has a strong oil-repelling effect so that you gradually become disgusted with the greasy food. The weight loss effects of lotus leaf mainly include:

 ①.Promote intestinal peristalsis and discharge toxins: Lotus leaf tea contains a lot of fiber, which can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine and help defecation to remove toxins. Lotus leaf tea is more convenient than ordinary high-fiber foods, which directly solves the trouble of constipation, so the swollen lower abdomen will gradually become flat.

 ②.Prompt diuresis, healthy and fat-reducing: Aromatic compounds in lotus leaf tea can effectively dissolve fat, and turn turbid and greasy to prevent fat from accumulating in the body; Vitamins B1, C, and caffeine can promote the secretion of gastric juice, and help digestion and fat reduction.

 Medicinal efficacy: TCM works recorded lotus leaf functions clearing heat and relieving summer heat, sending up the lucid yang, eliminating stasis to activate blood circulation and stanch bleeding. It is indicated for summer-heat and damp, polydipsia, cephalea and vertigo, insufficiency of the spleen and abdominal distension, diarrhea, epistaxis and hematochezia, prolonged lochiorrhea after childbirth, etc.

 Administration of Lotus Leaf (dried lotus leaves): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Lotus Leaf (dried lotus leaves)
TCM Books: Dosage: TCM works recorded the herb lotus leaf is used internally as water decoction, 3~10 grams, or fresh herb 15~30 grams, charred lotus leaf 3~6 grams, or prepare to pill, powder. Externally: proper amount, mashed and apply a coating, or wash with water decoction.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: There are several points that should be paid attention to when drinking lotus leaf tea: the properties of lotus leaf tea are cold, and women should not drink it during their menstrual period. Individuals with deficiency-cold spleen and stomach should not drink lotus leaf tea, and those who are thin and weak in Qi and blood should take it carefully. Drinking lotus leaf tea should be moderate, not excessive, and those who are thin and weak in Qi and blood should take it carefully. Lotus leaf tea can't be used as slimming tea alone, and don't drink it for a long time.




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  • 1.Introduction of Lotus Leaf:warer lotus or dried lotus leaves.

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