Introduction of Sheep's Sorrel:field sorrel or redtop sorrel.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Sheep's Sorrel, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Rumex acetosella., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Sheep's Sorrel, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Sheep's Sorrel(field sorrel).

flowering plant of Rumex acetosella,field sorrel with flower spikes grow in grass field English Name: Sheep's Sorrel。
 Latin Name: Rumex acetosella.
 Common Names: Common field sorrel, common sorrel, field sorrel, redtop sorrel, sourgrass.
 Property and flavor: cold in nature, tastes sour, bitter, cold.

 Brief introduction: The above ground parts of this low-growing perennial are used medicinally. Its flowering spikes are topped with modest green flowers that turn red with the ripening of the seeds; the leaves are arrow-shaped.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Sheep's Sorrel as the aboveground parts of the species (1).Rumex acetosella. It is a plant species of the Rumex genus, the Polygonaceae family (smartweed family). The aboveground parts are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Rumex acetosella.

 plants of Rumex acetosella with brown flower spikes grow in field Botanical description: Rumex acetosella is a plant species of the Rumex genus and Polygonaceae family. Its synonyms are Acetosella vulgaris, Acetosa acetosella, Rumex acetosella var. vulgaris. The plant is a perennial herb, it grows up to 35 cm, rhizomes grow horizontally; several stems grow from the rhizomes, often branched in the middle and upper parts; basal leaves are halberd, the middle lobes are linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, 2~4 cm long, 3~6 mm wide, pointed at the apex, the lobes on both sides of the base are stretched or curved upward, the petiole is 2~5 cm long; the petioles of the upper leaves of the stem are short or subsessile;

 Flowers are unisexual, dioecious; panicles are terminal; pedicels are 2~2.5 mm long, without joints; male flower inner tepals are elliptic, about 1.5 mm long, outer tepals are lanceolate; stamens 6; female flower inner tepals do not increase or slightly increase in fruit, ovate, 1.5~1.8 mm long, without tubercles, outer tepals are lanceolate, about 1 mm long, not reflexed when fruiting; achenes are ovate, with 3-sided, 1~1.5 mm long; the flowering period is from June to July, fruiting from July to August;

 brown flower spikes of Rumex acetosella Ecological environment: Rumex acetosella grows in hillside grassland, forest edge, valley roadside, in areas of elevation 400~3,200 meters. Sheep's sorrel grows in temperate regions, including many parts of North America, Caucasus, China, Kazakhstan, and Europe.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.bitter; ②.laxative and irritant effect; ③.anti-inflammatory; ④.vitamin supplement; ⑤.antioxidant actions, etc.

 Sheep's sorrel herb contains oxalates which explain its bitter taste, it contains anthraquinones such as emodin and chrysophanol, which has laxative and irritant effect.

 Sheep’s sorrel leaves tea is considered an anti-inflammatory herbal remedy for fever and generalized inflammation.

 Sheep’s sorrel has high vitamin C content, sorrel preparations are also recommended to prevent scurvy, which is caused by a vitamin deficiency.

 Sheep’s sorrel contains antioxidant flavonoids that help eliminate potentially harmful free radicals from the body. Free radicals can damage cellular membranes and DNA, increasing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. By stabilizing free radicals, antioxidants enable your body to eliminate free radicals.

 Medicinal efficacy: The herb is enjoyed as a salad vegetable, it has a mild laxative effect and was used as a detoxifying herb to promote urination and as a diuretic. The herb is used by Native Americans in a remedy called essiac for the treatment of cancer, with a combination of slippery elm and burdock root. TCM works recorded the herb functions to clear heat and cooling blood, prompt urination and relaxing the bowels, detoxification and kill parasites, indicated for enteritis, dysentery, icterus, constipation, urinary calculus, internal hemorrhage, vitamin C deficiency, fever, red eyes and swollen pain, pulmonary tuberculosis, scabies, sore and ulcer, eczema, neurodermatitis, etc.

 Administration of Sheep's Sorrel (field sorrel): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Sheep's Sorrel (field sorrel)
Herbal classic books and TCM works: Dosage: TCM works recommended internally used as water decoction, 10~25 grams.For external use, mashed the fresh herb, apply coating.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: There is no much information on the safety of this herb, as it contains anthraquinones, long-term use should be avoided because of the potential loss of important salt electrolytes, especially potassium. Overdoses may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and excessive urination. Individuals with intestinal obstruction should not use it. The oxalates in sheep's sorrel pose the risk of serious poisoning if large amounts are ingested. Sheep's sorrel can cause upper respiratory hypersensitivity reactions such as coughing and sneezing, these reactions occur in individuals who are similarly sensitive to grass, tree, or shrub pollens.




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  • 1.Introduction of Sheep's Sorrel:field sorrel or redtop sorrel.

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